They Made Me Their Queen || V...

By Squishycheekanon

356K 10.2K 964

What started out as a nice peaceful holiday turns into a complete mess when Althea goes for an early tour of... More



14.7K 476 34
By Squishycheekanon

"Bellissima?" Aro's teasing voice travelled through the throne room, his senses twitching wanting desperately to win this game. "I know you're in here." The predator grinned widely, taunting his prey.

I held my breath trying to stay as quiet as possible. Good thing I made him promise not to use his super hearing. But of course Aro being Aro, he cheated.

"I've got you!" He roared playfully, making me let out a squeal as his hands grasped my waist hoisting me up to his height.

"This is unfair." He laughed at my pout.

"You also thought it was unfair when you were the seeker." The black haired King raised an eyebrow with a cheeky grin.

"Whatever. Marcus is more fun to play with anyways." I pushed him away and began to walk out with a knowing smile on my face.

"Now hold on," he whooshed in front of me.

"Yes?" I bit back my smirk.

"I am more fun than either of my brothers." He grunted pulling me to him by my hips. Our bodies pressed together.

"I disagree." I shrugged, finding it impossible to not laugh.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were playing with me." He squinted his eyes at me.

"Well do you?" I questioned.

"Do I what?" He stood up straighter, a somewhat frustrated look on his face. Must be annoying to know very little about someone when you're used to knowing everything.

"Know better." He paused for a moment at my words before poking my sides with his fingers. "No. No!" I giggled as he began tickling me.

"This is the consequence for playing games with Aro Volturi." He chuckled.

"I'm s-sorry! Aro!" I laughed loudly, not bothering to notice the guards who had stopped to watch our little 'moment'. I suppose seeing their leader like this was an unusual thing for them.

Lately Aro had been spending all his time with me, wether I was awake or sleeping. He was there. It was actually nice to be able to spend that time with him, of course I was with the others but mostly they were busy with paper work or trials. I wasn't over joyed when Aro told me why he was with me 24/7.

"My decisions are being watched. So I cannot do anything of actual means."  He had said.

"So you're only spending time with me because you have to?" I frowned.

"No," Aro was quick to rush to me and rush out the words, his leather clad hands cupping my face, "I would spend every moment of every day with you if I could. This has given me the opportunity to do so." He explained.

I couldn't stay mad at him if I'm honest. He truly was a sweet man.

"Okay! Okay! I concede. I was playing games." I panted with a smile.

"Cheeky girl." He patted my head gently. "Come, lets take a stroll around the garden." He suggested, looping my arm with his.

The gardens were still as beautiful as the other day. I'm guessing they have gardeners for that. All of the flowers had such beautiful scents, they glistened with water droplets from their morning watering. The huge oak tree, I had failed to spot last time I was here, was beginning to wilt along with the cherry blossom tree at the other end of the garden.

"Winter will soon be upon us." Aro commented as he noticed I was eyeing the leaves falling slowly from their branches.

"Is it cold here in the winter?" I asked.

"Temperatures drop to around thirteen degrees." He said sounding like a wether reporter.

"Oh that will be fine." That's not even that cold.

"I don't want you outside in such cold weather." He shook his head with a frown, being the over exaggerater he is.

"Aro." I warned, having already discussed with all three of my mates, that they do not demand things from me especially ridiculous things like not going out in thirteen degree weather.

"I would prefer it if you didn't. But if you must, please wear warm clothing." He looked at me with pleading eyes, the underlining need to say no pulsed through my body but the look in those rubies had me agreeing with a smile.

"I promise."

"Good." He nodded just so, like he agreed immensely. I couldn't help but shake my head with an amused look on my face, it quickly disappeared being replaced by a yawn.

Aro noticed with a displeased look, "It seems I have been neglecting your needs, come bellissima."

My raven haired mate led me, more like rushed me, to his room only to lay me down gently like I was a porcelain doll. He greedily reached for the huge book sat on his bedside table before opening it and reading.

"An ancient civilization is defined to be in the Bronze Age either by producing bronze by smelting its own copper and alloying with tin, arsenic, or other metals, or by trading for bronze from production areas elsewhere. Bronze is harder and more durable than other metals available at the time, allowing Bronze Age civilizations to gain a technological advantage."

Aro rambled on reading through the Greek History book. His voice rumbled through his chest, vibrating against my head. My cheek snuggled against his dark, soft shirt. This moment was so lovely, it sounds a little weird to say but it was the only word I could use to describe such a moment, I felt so at peace, so safe with such a dangerous man that I let my eyes flutter close.

"Am I putting you to sleep mio amore?" Aro asked quietly, a hopefulness in his voice.

"Yes. Keep reading." I mumbled sleepily making him chuckle.

"Very well." He replied holding me tighter as he continued reading. His voice lulled me into a deep sleep, no dreams, no nightmares. Just sleep.

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