Harry Potter and the Exchange...

De ridikkuluswriters

679 132 26

Book 1 - ✔ *** A new year at Hogwarts with surprises, Harry and their friends are in year #3 and the school i... Mais

Authors' Notes
Chapter #1 Welcome to Hogwarts!
Chapter #2 New Friends?
Chapter #3 Reconecting
Chapter #4 M.M
Chapter #5 Secrets
Chapter #6 Page 394
Chapter #7 Control it
Chapter #8 To Tell or not to Tell?
Chapter #9 Those two
Chapter #10 Old Moon Mansion
Chapter #11 Ruined Roses
Chapter #12 Myles's Room
Chapter #13 Safe box
Chapter#15 Winter Ball
Chapter #16 Winter Ball (continued)
Chapter #17 Flowers and Wiggentrees
Chapter #18 Noom Sleym
Chapter #19 Secret Santa
Chapter #20 Chess and fainting
Chapter #21 Marauders Map
Chapter #22 Secret Godfather
Chapter #23 Happiest Memory
Chapter #24 Sirius is in Hogwarts
Chapter #25 Missing Rat
Chapter #26 Fights and Dog bites
Chapter #27 Peter Pettigrew
Chapter #28 The Moon is pretty isn't it?
Chapter #29 We can't be seen
Chapter #30 See you soon

Chapter #14 Something there?

13 4 3
De ridikkuluswriters

"Inside the snake, you shall go and find what you know, that matters to me the most."

Audrie's perspective

The safebox opened and there was a note.

"That's it?!"

I can't believe it, we searched for hours for the damn code, we found it, we opened the safebox and what do we find? A NOTE!

"Can somebody read it? I just can't"

"I'll read it, calm down Audrie"

"Thanks, Char"

"Ok... It's a riddle"

"And what does it say?"

Asked Hermione, Ron and Harry were as mad as me for only finding a note. Luckily we have people like Char and Mione that don't care what we find.

"Ok, it says: Inside the snake, you shall go and find what you know, that matters to me the most. What does that mean?."

"Inside the snake, you shall go and find what you know, that matters to me the most..... A snake?"

Ok, Myles's has officially lost it.

"What snake do you think your brother is talking about?"

"I don't know, but, when I tell you snakes, what do you think of?"

"The Slytherin's!"

Yelled Ron, from behind us.

"Ron you are a genius! That's it, the Slytherin common room!"

"But we can't go in remember?"

Hermione was looking at us in a 'Don't you know' type of look.

"We will find a way, like when Harry and Ron went there"

"How did you know about that?"

"Hermione told us, Harry"

"But how will we get in, for enough time to find what we are looking for"?

"We will need help....."

Everybody was thinking, until I remembered the perfect person for the job. And I think Charlotte did too.

"Char, are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"I think I am, but only one way to find out"


We shouted at the same time, he just works.

"And how will you get Him to help us?"

"Good thing you asked Harry, is quite simple. Our dear Charlotte will do the trick"

"Wait... What?"

Asked Charlotte, I could see Harry's face when I said that, it's priceless.

"Well Charlotte, you are the most sociable person of all of us and you have already made peace with him remember?"

"Yeah, but.... He's using me for Draco's 'mission' and it would seem weird"

"You already have a bond, besides. It's not like I'm asking you to invite him to the winter ball"

Charlotte's perspective

Having to use people when you know they are using you can't be hard right?

"I don't know, it seems kinda mean to use him, why don't we ask Draco for help?"

"Malfoy? Are you serious? He would never help us, besides I don't want his help"

"Neither do I, Zabini is the best choice out of the two"

Ron nodded to what Harry said, they couldn't believe that I even considered Harry, and neither can I.

"Well, let's go down for dinner. It's getting kind of late and we haven't eaten yet"

"Yes please, I'm starving"

"You are always starving Ronald, but I am getting a little bit hungry"

"Well, let's go"

While we were going down to the dining room, Audrie stopped me and said.

"Your date is Harry right?"

"What?..... How did you know?"

"Not only did the two of you had dates and were acting strange when I asked. But you said the owl came in a few hours ago, you didn't have enough time to ask anybody else"

"You know, sometimes it's a little bit annoying how clever you are"

"I know, but I just wanted to make sure"

"But you are going alone right?"

"Yep, I don't want a clingy date"

"Suit yourself"

When we got down, we ate the dinner that I made and went straight off to bed.

Audrie's perspective

I couldn't sleep, I wanted to find my brother so badly, I know I have to wait, then there's the winter ball that I have nothing to wear to, the stuff between Harry and Charlotte and how on earth I am going to make Charlotte and Blaise spend as much time together, for him to say yes to helps us.

Ugh! Why is life so complicated? I better get some sleep, that's going to be a bit hard. But I'll try.

Charlotte's perspective

It was a beautiful morning, I always get up early so I decided to go down to the garden for a while.

I made myself some tea and headed out, the garden looks gorgeous, the roses are better than before. I walked down to the shack and I sat down, to wait until somebody else wakes up. 

I heard a knock on the door of the shack I prepare my wand and try to remember every single way to dislocate an arm, from classes of self-defense, but it was just Harry with a smile packed, he mockingly said

"Ready to kill?"

"Shut up" 

I waited for him to come inside to close the door, when I turned around he was on the floor sitting on a pillow and then he said

"I thought you might want to sit in there"

"Well thank you but...are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm fine...kind of, you mind?"

He pointed to the couch and I reassure him It was okay

"Thank you, Ron got the nice bed, and I..."

"Let me guess you got the hard one"

"Yeah, so um"

"This is awkward...considering"

"Yeah oh and..."

"Yeah...not the best weekend"

The clock I put to wait until the 7:30 sounded Harry stopped it and said 

"Time to....."

"Cook, want to help?"

"If I burn something, it's your fault"

"Hey! that's kind of fair, wait me there"

I grabbed the music player because... I don't need to explain myself to you guys.

Harry's perspective

Well, I am not going to lie I was waiting for Charlotte to wake up since I didn't get to talk to her much after everything because it was weird. When she woke up I followed her to the garden and then into the shack and later knock on the door. We talked I guess

"Yeah, so um"

"This is awkward...considering"

"Yeah oh and..."

"Yeah...not the best weekend"

Talking...process? I wouldn't called it that much of a process, but oh well. Then an alarm went on.

"Time to....."

"Cook, want to help?"

"If I burn something, it's your fault"

"Hey! that's kind of fair, wait for me in the kitchen"

I got up and headed to the kitchen, when I get there I see Audrie and Hermione talking with books in their hands, I could've guessed.

"Hey guys"


"Good morning, why are you up so early?"

Audrie said, her head inside the book.

"I don't know actually"

"When is Charlotte coming inside?"

"How did you?"

"I have my ways"

And like on cue, Charlotte entered the kitchen with her mug and music player.

"Oh hey, good morning"

"Hello Char"


"Where's Ron?"

"His still sleeping"

"Cause he got the best bed!"

"So... What were you two doing outside?"

Audrie asked, I feel like I blushed but I hope not, cause I don't really want them to notice.

"Harry and I were just talking, we were going to cook actually"

"Oh... No, you are not, I don't want my house to burn down... No offense"

"None taken, and that was Ron"

"Well I know how to cook, so I will cook"

"I was thinking, why don't we go into town today, to hangout? And we can go shopping for stuff to wear for the ball"

"That sounds fun"

Hermione said excited, Charlotte nodded in agreement and I find that plan very appealing.

"Awesome, we eat breakfast, wait for Ron to wake up, get dressed and head out"


So I saw Char started to act weird again like when she said

"So do you like Ha- I mean you guys like eggs, yeah I gonna do eggs"

I think I got it, but not much she started acting like this we started talking again, or she was just acting dumb since Audrie and Hermione had taken the smart girls part, Ron the starving kid, and Me the troubled but nice kid, and I guess what's left for her is the pretty nice and knows everybody's business but I don't see sense for her to act dumb now, it's just the five of us. I need to know what is wrong.

Hermione's perspective

These two are acting weird, but I'm not going to say anything. Maybe it is nothing, maybe it is a morning thing?

After Charlotte finished breakfast, Ron entered the kitchen.

"Good morning"


"Sleep well, Ron?"

"Like a baby Harry"

"Of course you did"

"Ron, eat, change clothes and meet us in the living room when you are done"

"Ok..... Why?"

"We are going out"


We all went to our rooms to change while Ron was eating. I changed into blue jeans and a brown hoodie, as I finished I go downstairs and wait for everyone else.

Audrie's perspective

Everybody went upstairs to get dressed, I don't know what to wear, I know it's winter and an informal hangout with friends, but I'm a girl I can't help but feel I have nothing to wear.

"Hey..... Are you ok?"

I hear Charlotte's voice from behind me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just have nothing to wear"

"None sense, you have a closet full of clothes, just don't overthink it. I will go change"


She is right, I just don't need to overthink it. So I put on a blue turtleneck with black jeans and I combed my hair into two braids. As I looked good I went downstairs and I saw Hermione

"You look nice"

"Thank you, you do too Audrie"


Charlotte's perspective

Audrie thinks too much it's just clothes, and all of it is nice. When I open my closet I see the perfect outfit, I decide to wear a yellow jacket with a white shirt and dark jeans and I comb my hair into a ponytail, with two little hair parts dangling.

I finish so I head down stairs, but I see Harry on the way. He was wearing a denim jacket with a black shirt and denim jeans.

"Well you look nice"

"So do you"

Then Ron came out of the room as he already finished eating. He was wearing a red coat with dark pants.

"You two can chat later, let's go"

Harry's perspective

She looks beautiful and we are actually talking... Well until someone showed up.

"You two can chat later, let's go"

Why does someone always need to interrupt?! Maybe we can talk in town, if nobody interrups that is.

Audrie's perspective

Not long after Charlotte, Harry and Ron came down.

"Good you are all here, now we can go! First stop..... Clothe store!"

"What? Why?"

"Because we need dresses for the ball Ron and I think you too"


When we got to the clothing store Hermione, Charlotte and I tried on a few dresses until we all found one that we loved and we also found shoes. Then we went to another clothing store to find something for Ron and Harry.

It was difficult to find something that suits them, but we did. As it was almost lunch time we went to a cafe. Hermione and I saw how Charlotte and Harry were talking, so we grabbed Ron and I said.

"Hey guys, Hermione, Ron and I are going to head out for a sec, we will be right back"

Charlotte's perspective

Audrie, Ron and Hermione left to who knows were, leaving me and Harry alone.

"Why do we act all weird if we were just dancing nothing happened"

"You sure it was nothing, because you seemed into it"

"Maybe it was something, but why do you like me, WHY you want to hangout with me? I mean do you not see all those other girls. You don't even know me that well you just-"

"Just what Charlotte? I maybe not know you that well but I been your friend long enough to know that you are a secret person, but you know everybody's secrets. Oh and I also know that you only put your hair up when class is starting and you want to concentrate and maybe Charlotte just maybe you are not as dumb as you act, so that Audrie gets to be the smart girl and you the popular dumb girl but let me tell something YOU ARE NOT"

"I may sometimes dumb myself down, but YOU don't know what people said about her in our other school, so to make her something else I needed to dumb myself down and it worked okay it worked.... and now, I just need another friend that I can be honest too..."

"You have me, Ron, and Mione"

"None of you know what Audrie knows"

"You can tell us"

"No, you'll think I am a freak"

"No, I won't"

"I- I...."

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 31, 2021 - 2144 words - Next chapter you'll see the dresses!

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