Fragmented Dreams

By tateufel

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Plagued by never-ending nightmares and cursed with a mysterious ability to sense others' emotions, 19-year-ol... More

Chapter 1: Just a Dream
Chapter 2: Small Mountain Town
Chapter 3: School Days
Chapter 4: The New Boy
Chapter 5: Bully for You
Chapter 6: Zachary the Jerk
Chapter 7: After School Activities
Chapter 8: Welcome to the Farm
Chapter 9: Stranger Danger
Chapter 10: The Morning After
Chapter 11: Shopping Trip
Chapter 12: Farmers Market
Chapter 13: Coffee with Friends
Chapter 13.5: Movie Night
Chapter 15: Open House
Chapter 16: Parent-Teacher Conference
Chapter 17: Please Explain
Chapter 18: Runaway
Chapter 19: World of Terra
Chapter 20: I Dream of You
Chapter 21: Chat with Casimir
Chapter 22: Welcome to the Team
Chapter 23: New Kids in School
Chapter 24: Much Ado About Dating
Chapter 25: On the Case
Chapter 26: Diana Loses her Temper
Chapter 27: Guardian Grandpa
Chapter 28: Dreams of Young Love
Chapter 29: Girls Night In
Chapter 30: Nightclub
Chapter 31: Mysterious Savior
Chapter 32: Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow
Chapter 33: Grounded
Chapter 34: Apologies
Chapter 35: Happy Birthday
Chapter 36: The Missing Mr. Burke
Chapter 37: Frame Job
Chapter 38: Plan of Action
Chapter 39: Follow the Clues
Chapter 40: Battle at the Crescent Club
Chapter 41: I Will Be Reborn

Chapter 14: Zach Attack

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By tateufel

(Warning: This Chapter includes scenes of bullying and sexual harassment.)

After a fun and busy weekend at the farmer's market going back to school felt like a drag. Classes seemed to creep along at a snail's pace and it didn't help that my insomnia had been even worse this week, making me feel like a zombie during the day. The only thing I was looking forward to was the art show during the open house this Friday.

The open house was a big event for our school as it was both a chance for the school to invite future students to see the campus, and an opportunity for the parents of our current students to see what their children were learning. The administration was very passionate about putting on a good show for all the prospective parents and children wanting to attend our prestigious private academy. Students were getting in trouble all week for uniform infractions, not cleaning up behind themselves, and for any sort of behavior, the school deemed unacceptable. At least we had only a half-day of classes to look forward to on Friday. Although most of us were using the extra time to prepare for the event. A lot of people were just running back to the dorms to change into nicer clothes before returning to the open house. A few select elite students would get to wear their uniforms to show off in front of the adults, handing out flyers and answering questions. I knew nobody in my class wanted to be picked for that job.

We were sitting in English class, pretending to have a group discussion about our reading assignments but were goofing off instead. Mr. Burke seemed distracted as he worked at his desk, grading papers while muttering to himself. Since Sunita, Zola, Casimir, and I all sat near each other, we were in the same group.

"Can you believe Mrs. Tanner actually got the ruler out and measured a girl's skirt in the hall?" Zola said, leaning lazily on Casimir's side of the desk.

"I believe it," I scoffed, pretending to write. Mr. Burke kept looking over at us like he knew we weren't working but had yet to get up and check-in.

"I got in trouble for my hair earlier in the week," Casimir added, pulling at the bleached part of his bangs. "My first infraction."

"You gonna give into the man and change it?" Zola asked, smirking.

"I'd rather not," he replied honestly.

"Damn the man," I joked.

Sunita sat there silently, her face looking ill. She was worried about her parents, who were coming to see her perform a piano piece for the open house. She tended to get nervous around her father and all week she had been practicing her in the hopes of impressing him. Although I knew if she could calm her nerves enough she would do great, as I had heard her play it perfectly several months beforehand. She looked up at me and I smiled asking how she was doing.

"Good," Sunita replied. Her emotions betrayed the fake cheeriness in her answer, I could tell she was a swirl of anxiety and fear.

"You finish your paintings, Diana?" Zola asked, eyeing the canvas I had propped up against the legs of the desk.

I nodded vigorously. "Oh yeah, this one has been done for months, I just had to bring it from home."

The piece was entitled 'Oak Tree' and it depicted a large and ancient oak tree, its branches so big and heavy that they dragged onto the ground. It was an older piece but I was proud of the details I had put into the shading of the leaves. The oak tree was yet another piece of my cryptic dreams, although a less recurring one. I yawned loudly and resisted the urge to put my head down on the desk and nap.

Zola watched me yawn, an amused expression on her face. "Hey there sleeping beauty, you gonna make it to lunch?"

I was leaning my head into my hands, both elbows on my desk as I rubbed my eyes to wake myself up. I gave her a thumbs-up in response and she laughed. I felt a strong chill go through me as a wave of anger ran across my body. Our laughing seemed to have irritated Mr. Burke, whose emotions I could feel clearly, even across the classroom. When I glanced over at him I could indeed see him glaring in our direction. I quickly returned to my work, trying to look a little busy at least, so as not to get in trouble.

Not too much later the lunchtime bell rang and we all gave a little cheer, happy to be done with our schoolwork for at least one hour. I sprang from my seat, grabbing my art portfolio in a rush.

"Still going to the art studio to drop off your painting?" Zola asked, eyeing my portfolio.

"Yeah, I need to talk to Mrs. Gomez about the open house, but then I'll join you all for lunch," I said.

"Need any help?" Casimir asked, smiling brightly. "I can go with you."

"Um, no. I'm fine," I said bluntly. I was taken aback for a moment, uneasy with his need to help. I was pretty sure grandpa was still having him follow me in case I fainted again, but I was slightly annoyed by this because it had been weeks since the last incident.

"Oh, okay," he said, only slightly disappointed by my refusal. "Are you sure? I can carry your painting or..."

"Please don't worry," I insisted, my annoyance growing. I could feel a blush growing on my cheeks. I was never sure how to deal with people being overly helpful. If I could only read his emotions I knew I would probably feel better, but I just didn't trust his motivations. Zola's loud cooing cut into my thoughts.

"Aww! How cute!" she sang, leaning closely into Casimir. "Casper doesn't want to be separated from her! True love perhaps?"

"Z-ZOLA!" I sputtered quickly, glancing at Casimir's face, which was blushing heavily. "Stop teasing him!" I leaned in close to her, holding up my hand so as to whisper, although I was pretty sure Casimir could hear everything. "You need to stop before Casimir thinks you are being serious!"

"What if I am being serious, huh?" Zola whispered back. She was grinning now, a sly smile sliding across her face. I had hit my limit of embarrassment, my cheeks now a rosy red. I bolted, clinging to my portfolio bag as I made a mad dash for the exit.

"I'm going!" I spat out, cursing myself for getting so overwhelmed. I heard Zola call behind me, claiming to just be joking. I told them I would see them later but didn't look back as I ran out the door. I hoped I wouldn't be followed as I ducked and weaved around slower-moving students in an attempt to get some space. Once outside I let out a deep sigh, taking in as much fresh air as possible to calm my nerves.

Why did Zola have to say that? I thought bitterly. The image of Casimir's smiling face replayed in my mind and I felt my heart skip a beat. He's just being polite, it's nothing. Zola's just been watching too many romance stories.

I was fantasizing about napping on the train ride home when I heard a familiar voice coming from under the walkway around the corner. It was a popular location for secret make-out sessions until the administrators locked the doors to the side entrance, making it impossible to sneak in and out discreetly. I stopped short when I heard the voices begin to argue. My hackles immediately raised when I heard the tone in the second person's voice.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about," she whimpered.

"Come on, don't be a tease," Zach chuckled. "Will told me everything."

"H-he what?"

"It's just a kiss, what's the big deal?"

The girl cried out meekly and I found myself rushing forward, anger burning inside me. As I rounded the corner I cried out harshly, hoping to alert someone to the situation if I couldn't stop it.


Zachary stared at me, shocked at my sudden and loud appearance. The girl let out a small 'eek' noise as she turned away from Zach. I recognized her from a class that was a year behind us. I couldn't remember her name but she was a skinny Asian girl who was in the same music class as Sunita. I was pretty sure she played the cello. Zachary had her cornered, pushed up against the pillar much like he had done to me a few weeks ago. He pulled his arm away quickly, stepping backward and the girl took her chance, running away in embarrassment. Part of me knew I should run after her, but I stood there, glaring at Zachary as rage began to fill my body. I don't even think I was this angry when he attacked me, but there was something about seeing it happen to someone else that just pushed me over the edge.

Zachary regained his composure, his usual smirk crossing his lips as he checked me up and down. "Way to cockblock, Massey," he scoffed, walking towards me.

I backed away as he approached, my voice dripping in venom. "Sorry but I don't think she wants to be your girlfriend, Zach."

"And what makes you say that?" he chuckled.

"Call it a hunch," I shot back. We were glaring at each other and I could feel his irritation coming off him in waves. He quickly shrugged off my comment, glancing around to see if anyone else was walking down the path toward the clubrooms.

"You know, you're not half bad looking yourself, Massey. I could get into the whole pale, angry girl look."

I felt my rage return as I spat out my response. "Drop dead creep!"

Zachary ran forward at that moment and I was too slow to react. He cut off my best escape route, which would take me back to the front of the school. Panicked, I darted away as he reached out to grab at me with his beefy hands. I had almost slipped out of his grasp when I felt a tug on my sweater. There was a ripping noise as I pitched forward but I soon found myself jerked back into his arms. I was still clutching my portfolio bag as I curled my body forward in an attempt to get out of his grip. I was about to scream when Zachary pulled me close against him, his arm wrapped dangerously around my neck.

"That mouth of yours is going to get you in some serious trouble. I can think of a few better uses for it," he hissed into my ear.

"Go to hell," I growled, the desire to sink my teeth into his arm was overwhelming. I shifted back and forth, trying to wiggle out of his grasp and he just laughed. His headlock was too strong and I debated dropping my precious canvas so I could elbow him in the stomach. To my shock Zachary pulled out his phone, snapping a photo of me being choked under his arm.

"Oh, I like that scared look on your face," he commented, checking out the photo he just took. I twisted violently in his arms and the edge of my portfolio bag jabbed into his forearm. "What the hell are you holding on to?"

"Let go of me you jerk!" I yelled, still struggling.

He grabbed at my bag, ripping it from my arms as he pushed me away. "What did I say about that mouth of yours?" Zachary snapped. I stumble to the ground, landing in an untidy heap on the concrete. I was momentarily both elated and terrified since he had released me, but now had my entry for the art show in his possession. "Let's see what's in the bag," he mumbled to himself.

"S-stop.." I said weakly, turning to face him.

"It's just a dumb painting," Zachary scoffed, pulling the canvas from the bag. He looked at it briefly, a frown crossing on his face before he glanced back at me. A rush of fear ran over me as he held my painting in his meaty claws. I could still remember all the hours I spent painting each leaf of this ancient oak tree, sitting in a field of golden grass. This was another image of something I had seen in my dreams and I felt a strange connection to that tree that I couldn't explain.

I was overcome by a sudden rush of rage as I screamed at the bully. "Give me back my painting, Zachary!" He was ignoring me, looking almost lost as he stared at the image on my canvas. I yelled again to get his attention and he finally looked over at me, a strange smile crossing his face.

There was a large crack as he brought his hands together and broke the wooden frame between his fingers. I could see large cracks form in the paint and my heart dropped.

"Whoops, clumsy me," he said, shrugging as he dropped the painting on the ground with an audible thunk. "Maybe you should be nicer to me next time."

I stared down at the pile of broken wood and crumbled canvas that was once my painting, crushed. The anger I had previously felt just drained out of me as tears began dotting the edges of my eyes. Logically I knew I could probably fix the frame and repaint the tree but logic was not winning over the crushing depression that washed over me. I was trying very hard not to burst out sobbing when I heard the snap of Zachary's camera phone and I looked up to see him taking another picture.

"Oh, that crying face is nice too," he commented as I glared up at him, wiping viciously at my tears. I saw Zachary look up, glancing behind his shoulder, his smirk fading slightly. I didn't know what he was looking at and I didn't have the energy to care anymore. I was just staring at my broken painting when he spoke again. "Pathetic," Zachary scoffed, causing me to glare at him in confusion. He only tossed me a brief glance before turning to walk back toward the front of the school. "See you later Massey," he called out.

I glanced down the sidewalk to watch as Zachary sauntered off, only to see him and Casimir pass by each other, both sharing similar looks of contempt as their paths crossed. They were too far away for me to hear them clearly but I saw Zachary say a few things to Casimir before cackling loudly and walking off. Casimir finally spied me, sitting in a heap on the ground and he rushed over toward me.

"Diana, what happened?" he called out. "Are you alright?"

I was quick to rub away my tears as I answered, "I'm fine, I just..." I was too embarrassed to finish answering Casimir, let alone look at him, so I just shook my head. I realized anything I told him would be taken straight back to grandpa and I didn't want to add to my guardian's worries. "Um, I just tripped and...dropped my painting," I lied, not so smoothly. Casimir was silent as I stood up, fixing my hair as I grumbled to myself. I could feel him staring and I wondered if the young man believed me. "What?!" I challenged, glaring at him not so subtly.

"Oh, um, nothing!" he quickly responded, smiling nervously.

I groaned internally. I hadn't meant to freak him out, especially when he had every reason to be worried. It's not like he couldn't see my painting laying outside of its portfolio bag, crushed on the ground. You just had to add the fact that Zachary was here and it honestly didn't take a genius to realize something had happened.

"Well, I better get this mess to Mrs. Gomez before lunch is over," I said, attempting to fill the silence. I stiffly leaned over to grab my painting, as I was still sore from my fall.

"Here, let me help," Casimir offered, reaching out his hand.

"No it's fine, I just-"

Our fingers brushed and felt a surge of emotions. A sharp pain erupted from my arm and I pulled backward. I was overwhelmed by the pain and immediately felt drowsy, I was slipping away, being pulled into another dream.

I had returned, once again, to the castle. It felt like a lifetime since I had last stepped foot inside these stone walls, but as I surveyed the lush interior of my new prison, it seemed like nothing much had changed, even though I knew deep inside everything was different. I was sitting at the windowsill atop a plush stool, staring out at the moonlight sky. I pushed back my long purple hair, slightly annoyed at the length as I contemplated my current situation. I realized quickly that I was beyond bored. I glanced around the castle bedroom once again, bitter that my captors hadn't even left me with a single book to read or a piece of paper to write my thoughts down on. Secretly I was hoping that the mysterious man I had met just a few hours before would be returning soon. The lock on the door clicked and I felt my excitement grow.

"He's here!" I cried out, as I rushed from my seat, my long nightgown trailing behind me in a cloud of white. The door opened and the light from the hall framed the mysterious man's large silhouette. I stopped in my approach, watching him closely as I hesitated.

This man was tall, much taller than my Casimir, with a longer face and eyes that were more narrow. Yet he did have some familiar features, such as his nose, lips, and the color of his hair. His bleach-blond bangs were still the same, along with his long, reddish-brown locks that were pulled back into a loose ponytail. He was dressed differently than usual, wearing a dark coat and pants, with a sword at his hip. He looked so different from my lost love Casimir but yet somehow, I knew it had to be him. Ever since we were children I could sense his energy. I always liked to tell him that our souls were connected and he would laugh. Casimir and I had been apart for many years, ever since he had mysteriously gone missing and I mourned his loss deeply. It was only recently that rumors of a man going by his name, who was working in the castle, spread as far as my hideout in the Sacred Forest. When he found me in Luna's Temple I could feel at once the same energy as my lost love.

I know it's him, I know he is Casimir, I thought fervently. He acted like I was a stranger when we last met but I couldn't dwell on all of that at this moment because I was so excited to see him again.

"Casimir! You came!" I exclaimed. "I knew you couldn't have forgotten me!" The man stood silently before me, a blank look on his face. Undeterred I stepped forward. "Casimir, my love?!"

Finally, he spoke, his voice much deeper and colder than I remembered.

"Love?" he scoffed. "I don't know what you're talking about. My name is Ren."

I began to shake, shocked by his frigid expression and tone. His words cut me to my core.

No, it's wrong.... it's all wrong. A heavy sadness overwhelmed me and I couldn't stop my tears. Did he really forget?


I was pulled back into reality by a pair of firm hands gripping my shoulders. The castle and mysterious man in the dark coat were gone, instead replaced with the familiar sight of the Casimir I had grown to know. I glanced down at his school uniform and the scenery around us. We were standing outside the school and yet the memory of my newest dream remained strong if only for a moment. The dark man who called himself Ren looked so similar to Casimir, yet also very different. I found myself holding back tears as I tried to reorient myself.


"W-what's going on?" I sputtered.

"I think you fell asleep," Casimir noted, eyeing me warily.

Was I dreaming? It's all so hazy... I rubbed my eyes, feeling dazed and confused. My latest daydream was beginning to fade, with only a lingering sadness remaining. "I guess I'm more tired than I thought," I admitted.

"Are you okay?" Casimir asked softly. "Do you want to rest in the nurse's office?"

"No," I replied firmly. "I need to drop off my painting. Maybe Mrs. Gomez can help me fix the frame."

"I'll come with you," Casimir said, smiling.

"Okay..." I mumbled, finally relenting. He seemed so earnest I couldn't say no. If I had just let him help earlier then maybe I wouldn't be such a mess. I took a step forward when suddenly I became painfully aware of the violent stinging in my knees. I could feel the coolness of something liquid dripping down my leg and I grimaced. "Ugh, how did I not realize I scaped my knees?" I lifted my skirt, grumbling as I did. "I'm bleeding and everything."

I was cursing Zachary silently for pushing me when I looked over to see Casimir's normally pleasant expression now very grave. He looked almost scared.

"What's with the serious face, Casimir?" I asked, the realization dawning on me as I spoke. "Do you not like blood?"

Casimir looked away, smiling nervously as he did. "Ah! Oh?! Um Yeah, I'm not so good with blood." His smile got even bigger and I was curious if he was telling the truth.

"Guess I better go to the nurse's office after all," I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

Casimir just nodded, reaching down to gently pick up my painting as he did. I decided to go grab a quick bite to eat before heading back to class. The lunch hour was almost up anyway. My painting would have to wait until after school. I followed Casimir back into the main building, too tired to say much else.

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