Humans and Bots

By transformersprimegal

34.1K 926 390

The bots bring home a Relic they got from the Cons, But when Miko touches it, well things get....a bit comple... More

Humans and Bots pt 1 A strange Relic
Humans and Bots part 2 A strange relic pt 2
Humans and Bots Part 3 A Strange new point of veiw
A strange new point of view part 2
a strange new point of veiw Part 3
A strange new point of veiw Part 6
Humans are weird....
Humans and Bots: School?!
Who's your daddy?
School always starts off well enough....
Teenage Drea- Nightmares
The Things We Did Last Night
The Principal Of It All!
Missing Home.
Unexpected Return.
Papa-mus Prime
Eyeliner And My Chemical Romance.
Sometimes Silence Is Golden

Humans and Bots Part 7 -Dude...-

1.9K 58 15
By transformersprimegal

You guys....I'M BAAAACK~!  and im updating! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY okay that aside..... do you guys want me to update "a Round of questions"? i haven't had a muse for it like...AT ALL but if you guys want i will give! any-who! On with the SHOW!!! Oh wait....speech rules. *sighs*  

 BIG text means ME or EXTREME EMPHASIS!!   "talking out loud!"  {Com link!}   'thinking'  /Bumblebeeps!/    (Me again....or notes!)  and that's that....ya...i think! OK! like one building block said too the other LEGO! (lol)

these three humans were there bots.......these three humans were there bots?....THESE THREE HUMANS WERE THERE BOTS!!!  it just seemed to scream over and over again in there minds before it clicked in.

"Whoa Miko you look tall, wait, come to think of it i feel, smaller!" Bulkhead said as he sat up right and looked at the kids, his mind not yet connecting the dots 'Miko looks taller wow,hmm what happened..miko...running, relic, panic, me Arcee and Bee caught in the blast, lots of- wait me, Arcee and Bee caught in the blast?!' he thought frantically

"What happened  to Arcee and Bee! are they OK!? why am i shorter! WAY shorter!?" Bulkhead asked, he was now in Panic mode

"DUUDE!" Miko yelled with glee "YOUR HUMAN MAN!" she continued 

"i'm what?" Arcee asked sitting up finally and joining the conversation and looking at miko with a brow raised 

"HUMAN! DUDE! HUMAN!" Miko yelled as she ran up and hugged Bulkhead tightly as he and Arcee just sat there stunned and confused and like the kids one sentence just hung in there minds till it clicked.

were human?

were human.

were HUMAN!

"WERE  HUMANS!" Bulkhead and Arcee yelled together in disbelief 

"uh ya juf wook at yourselves!" she exclaimed her yell getting muffled in Bulkheads tank top

"Holy scrap she's right!" Arcee yelled as she stood up and faced jack 

"hey partner, hows it feel to be human?" Jack asked surprisingly calm for the situation 

"sorta weird but i'll get used to it" Arcee replied with a smirk

"this is weird!" Bulkhead said getting up and looking at Arcee with Miko right be his side

"Bee? you ok?"  they all turned to see Raf sitting next to the humanized  Bumblebee holding his head who looked up at Raf and nodded before standing up and walking over to Arcee, Bulkhead and Jack and Miko.

"wow Bee you look.....really good!" Arcee stammered and blushed looking away while Bulkhead laughed

"What on Cybertron is going on in here i-" Ratchet came in and stopped at the sight of the three strange humans

"Oh no no no! MIKO DID YOU TOUCH THE RELIC Or did you just bring MORE human teenagers into the SECRET GOVERNMENT BASE!" Ratchet said as he stormed over with Optimus calmly following him with long slow strides.

"uh i choose door number one!" Miko said nervously 

"Ding ding ding ding you win! she touched the relic...." Jack added half heartedly glaring at Miko

"and now Arcee, Bee and Bulkhead are humans" Raf put in looking at Ratchet

"Ratchet is there anyway to reverse the effect?" Optimus asked  turning to the fuming medic

"No, at least not yet, i will run more scans and, and try but...." Ratchet trailed off

"Thats all  we can asked old freind, but in the mean time there is  the dilemma of living arrangements, this base is not equipped for three humans daily living needs, such as beds and food." Optimus stated 

"uh they could probably stay at my...House" Jack said hesitation clear in his voice " just let me check with my mom" he said as he pulled out his phone and dialed his mom.

"ya mom it's me um could...uh why don't you just come tol the base so we can explain?" Jack said into the phone "ya OK see ya soon bye" and with that he hung up

"she's on her might have been hard to explain over the phone...ya know?" Jack said awkwardly 

       --------------------TIME SKIP TO AFTER JUNE GET'S EVERYTHING EXPLAINED!------------------

"of course they could stay at our house we have room" June said caring

"uh hope in?" Jack said holding his moms car door open " uh OK Bee on one side in the back Bulkhead in between, Arcee on the other side with--" Jack was cut off by Ratchet "i could just ground bridge you in the garage?" Ratchet suggested 

"thank you Ratchet, that would be nice" June said getting in her car  as Ratchet opened the ground bridge and she drove through with miko, Jack and Raf walking in behind her with there guardians in tow

'Wow Bee is a rather cute human..STOP it Arcee you can't have feelings like that!'  Arcee thought to herself whilst looking at Bumblebee.

as they entered the garage the groundbridge snnaped shut behind them, and they all went inside the house, and looked around.

"i have a qustion?" Arcee said to June who was standing next to her

"Yes arcee?" June asked arcee, turning to look at her

"Uh where are we all gonna rechar-sleep, ya where are we all gonna sleep?" Arcee asked confused

"Oh upstairs we have two extra rooms, two of you are gonna have to share, who wants to share?" June asked

"Me and Bee can share? if ya want." Arcee said looking at Bumblebee who nodded in acknowledgement

"Ok that's fine, i am going to go start dinner you guys make yourselves at home" June said wandering into the kitchen 

"hey Bee?" Bulkhead asked his freind "since your human can you talk?" he continued

"sort of...." came his hoarse painful whisper "i cain't go any louderthan this, even then it hurts" Bumblebee added in the same painful tone 

"Hey at least we cn understand ya right?" Miko said trying to lighten up the mood

"ya" Bumblebee said with a smile

im sooooooooo sorry it's short and un eventful! UGHHHHHHH!!  but im tierd AGAIN BLAH but ya it's somthing! X3

Thanks for putting up with me-TransformersPrimeGal

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