
Da Medianoki

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(Imperium Saga, Book 3) One year following the start of the war, Edith is faced with a fresh set of challenge... Altro

Chapter 1: A Promise Broken
Chapter 2: Faceless Enemy
Chapter 3: Blamed
Chapter 4: Devil's Advocate
Chapter 5: With Your Embrace
Chapter 6: Shared Burden
Chapter 7: Mayor
Chapter 8: The Ones We Left Behind
Chapter 9: Family
Chapter 10: To The Wind
Chapter 11: Undefinable
Chapter 13: Hell Bent
Chapter 14: Passage of Time
Chapter 15: Humanity
Chapter 16: Revolution
Chapter 17: The Mind

Chapter 12: The Risks We Must Take

56 5 0
Da Medianoki

Cree ducks into the room and holds the board open from the other side. CLive glances back to see Edith playfully pouting and he grins, ducking into the room and holding the carton in front of the door. As Edith ducks through, she snatches it and rushes to the corner, crouching and guzzling it down.

CLive chuckles and walks over to the table in the center of the room where Alexas is leaned over the map, studying it intently.

Cree walks over as well and eyes her. "Sorry it took so long. Edith was being a hermit again," he justifies and throws a sly glare to where she is in the corner. She's still drinking from the carton, so she simply responds by flipping him off.

Alexas huffs. "Whatever. All that matters is that they're both here now. Are we ready to start, finally?" she asks and glances between the two.

"I guess so? What's even going on here? What are you planning?" CLive asks. Alexas looks to Cree for answers.

"Why didn't you fill him in?" she asks.

He shrugs and leans forward on the table as well. "Figured we'd take care of that right now," he says. "CLive. Let me ask you, do you know who these people are?" he asks CLive.

"Well, Regan mentioned the rebel SRL that destroyed this city were operating here. But I have faith that you and Edith wouldn't be helping them if that were the case. So, tell me, who are they?" He crosses his arms and narrows his eyes at Cree, who nods.

"At least you're up to date on that front. Correct, these are the SRL that destroyed this place a year ago, as I'm sure you remember. But they are not just rebels anymore," he starts. CLive frowns and glances towards the door.

He had been too preoccupied last night to give it much thought, but being back here now that the carnage has passed feels strange. It's an unsettling feeling, knowing that he technically died here over a year ago after taking the full force of a frag grenade. It's moments like this that make him feel damn lucky his EPC had somehow survived the attack and was able to be recovered thanks to Edith, Regan, and Thor. He also feels he owes some form of gratitude to the one who didn't come back from the incident. Madhavi Hassan. If not for her, Regan would be dead.

CLive nods slowly and looks back to him. "Yeah. I remember. But now my question is, why the hell are you helping them?"

Edith gets up after finishing her chocolate milk and walks to his side, resting her hand on his shoulder. "Because this is what remains of Mortality."

CLive instantly steps away from her touch and looks between her and Cree in hopes that they are joking with him. There's no possible way they would not only let these people slander the name of Mortality, but also help them do it. "What?! Have you two lost your minds?!" he shouts. Alexas sighs.

"I know you were there when we hit this place, but back then we had no one to guide us. Now with Ty at the helm, we are making this into something Mayor Wright would be proud of. We are the ones who haven't given up on the hope of the people. We still believe in what Mortality stood for," she justifies.

CLive looks to Cree with a glare. "...You are leading them? I thought you hated SRL!" he questions, only slightly confused by why he is upset about Cree no longer hating his kind.

"I did before I realized John was right about them. You're alive. And in the short time I've been here, I've learned exactly what it is that Unity does to the SRL who defy them. Something I know you are no stranger to. Am I right?" Cree stares pointedly at him.

CLive tenses and looks away from them all. "I—" He growls to himself and grits his teeth. Edith gently grabs his hand and he sighs.

"...This isn't about me. Do you not realize that if the Sage council finds out about this, they might not agree to bring back the Humanity Alliance? They will not support an extension of County Mortal that stands for violence. Peace and Liyah are working to gain support for the county as we speak and once Peace is mayor, she is going to tell the council that these people have nothing to do with Mortality. If they find out that's a lie, they likely will call off the agreement. Not to mention providing any further help down the line. This could make Sage and Mortal become enemies, and that's all without our past and current standing with Unity and Yastra," CLive states.

Edith sighs as well. "With Cree at the helm, they aren't using violent methods anymore, I promise. But... you said Peace and Data are working on gaining support right now? I thought everyone was still back in Sage," she asks.

CLive grumbles and leans his back against the table. "Yeah well, we were going to stay and wait for you to return to get our answer on where the rebels stood, but that was before Thor told me you were faced with a Cogency Elite. After that, we had to make some last-minute changes to the plan," he says begrudgingly.

Edith and Cree stare at him in question. "Wait... Thor told you?" Edith asks. CLive nods.

"Yeah, shocked me too. I guess with how you are linked with him, and now me, I guess that indirectly links he and I as well. But that's not important right now," he explains.

Cree nods and sighs. "Right... so, what did the plan become? I assume it has to do with why the hell you came here all alone. With the soldiers everywhere, you're damn lucky you didn't get caught. That was pretty fucking stupid," he says.

"We didn't exactly have time for caution as at the time, we were afraid Edith would be taken to the Citadel if we had any delay. We made the sudden decision to send Peace and Liyah back to the people of Mortal to have her be declared the new mayor so she can state to the council that the rebels are not involved with Mortality. That way, the city would have a chance at rebuilding with the help of the alliance sending supplies and offering refuge," he starts.

Cree looks down at the map and eyes County Sage. "And what about Regan? And Thor? Where are they?" he asks. CLive sighs again.

"Regan stayed back in Sage with Thor so—"

Edith gasps and stares up at him. "What? He was left there alone again?!"

He nods. "We didn't have a choice. Regan's on the Sage council; he's not allowed to leave the county before a decision is made. So once Peace tells the council of the rebels' standing with Mortality, she and Liyah will go back to Mortal to begin rebuilding. Then, Thor will lead Regan to us. I know it's not the best plan, but we didn't exactly have time to work out all the details," he explains. He shakes his head and looks down. "But once the council finds out that what Peace says is a lie, I fear Sage will turn to favor the enemy."

Alexas smiles. "Well, then it's a good thing they'll never find out. Once our plan is said and done, Mortality will no longer exist. We will disband and everyone can walk away happy," she says.

CLive looks back at Edith. "What is she talking about? What is this plan?" he asks.

Edith sighs and steps up to the table. She points at the tiny island in the center of Unity City that holds the Citadel. "If all goes the way we hope, this will be the last act of Mortality. We won't use violence and no one has to die, as per what the rebellion stands for."

CLive studies her. "Right but, what's the end goal here? What makes you all so confident that Mortality will be done after this is over?" he asks again.

Cree smiles and looks across the table at him. "Because we're going to blow up the Citadel," he states confidently.

CLive instantly turns and stares at him with wide eyes. "What?! What part of 'not using violence' do you not understand?!" he exclaims.

Edith sighs and rests her hand on the center of his back. "CLive... if this goes the way we're hoping, no one is going to get hurt. But by blowing up the Citadel, we'll be taking out the terminals that register the SRL as slaves bound by their code," she starts.

CLive grumbles and looks away from her, staring at the Citadel on the map. Edith continues. "Think about it. There's no way Bates is going to back down unless he gets what he wants. The end of Mortality. The rebellion exists to free the SRL kept as slaves, but if there are no more slaves, then it will have served its purpose. Take out the Citadel: take out those terminals. We take out the terminals: free all the SRL instantaneously. Rebellion Mortality disbands, leaving Bates with his petty victory of winning the war, but we will have done the one thing we've been aiming for since Mortality started. CLive, the war will be over and all the SRL will be free. No casualties, no bloodshed, and no strings attached. And everyone can go home unscathed," she explains.

CLive's jaw hardens and he sighs. "Fine... I'll humor you on this. How do you plan on blowing up the Citadel without hurting or killing anybody?" He looks to Cree.

"We're still working that part out. As of right now, we're planning on sending Edith in as Alain wants. Once she's in the operating room for his experiment, she can slip away and plant the bomb beneath the Citadel while Alexas, York, and Catia work behind the scenes to evacuate everyone," he says.

CLive shakes his head. "No way am I letting Alain have her again. I wasn't able to stop it last time, but this time I can. We can't risk this; I know him too well. As soon as she's in the Citadel, he won't let her out of his sight. This won't work."

Alexas nods with a grin. "Not unless someone is there to keep his attention who he is equally interested in," she hints.

He slowly turns to look at her. "What are you suggesting?" he asks defensively. Cree sighs.

"Alexas, we talked about this. We can't use him."

Edith glares at Alexas before looking up at CLive. "Alain is always so insistent on not hurting me. He won't kill me if anything goes wrong," she reasons. He shakes his head.

"Edith, you do realize what he intends to do to you, right? What he means when he talks about needing to 'replicate your genetic formula'?" He faces her. She says nothing and waits for him to continue.

"He's going to dismantle you and register each part in his systems to understand how you function. Then, he's going to take those parts and use them to create more SRL based on your material composition. And knowing him... he's going to wire your EPC to a terminal and make you watch as he does it, and if you're lucky, he might put you back together and let you walk away from it with plenty of trauma to last for the rest of your eternal life." He grimaces and looks away from her.

She sighs and looks down. "I... I don't want that to happen, but that's a risk I'm willing to take if it means freedom for our people. CLive, I... I had another Alain memory in my dreams. I saw what he was ordered to do to you after you were caught sneaking off to County Mortal..." she says softly.

CLive's shoulders tense and he clenches his fists, closing his eyes. "Edith... please. Don't," he says with his voice restrained. Cree nods.

"She's right, CLive. No one should have to go through that, but pretty much everyone here has had to. Maybe once, maybe more. It doesn't matter. What matters is that this ends now. We all need to take risks for the SRLs' freedom, and this is the risk Edith needs to take," he explains.

Edith smiles strongly. "And it's one I'm willing to take to not only free the slaves, but to end this war. John gave his life because he would rather die than end Mortality, because that would mean giving up on the SRL who have a chance at freedom. We are that chance. And like him... I'm prepared to either come out on top as the SRL are finally free... or die knowing I didn't turn and run due to the 'risks'. Because if something is worth fighting for in the first place, then it should also be something worth dying for," she states.

CLive slowly turns back to look at her and doesn't notice that despite his frustration and fear, he has a small, proud smile on his face. "...He would be proud of you," he says quietly.

She smiles and steps towards him, pulling him into a loose hug. "He would be proud of all of us," she corrects.

He sighs and looks back at Cree and Alexas. "Fine then... you've convinced me. You mentioned needing someone to stall Alain while Edith plants the bomb and the others evacuate the slaves and scientists, right?" he asks. Edith lets him go but keeps an arm around his waist.

Cree sighs and nods. "Yes, but Edith's told us about why we can't risk using you for this. From just the brief interaction you had with Alain a year ago, the Pull got immensely worse. You wouldn't just have to see him or have some awkward small talk. You would need to hold an extended conversation with him. Either the Pull will take control over you or Alain, or you'll resist it and it will drain your EPC, rendering you Insentient. Either way, you would die. So that option's off the table."

Alexas scoffs, grabbing their attention. "No, it's not. Didn't you listen to what Edith said? We all know the risks of this mission and need to be willing to take them. Probably everyone here would jump at the chance to die in such an honorable way. For the Fall of the Citadel," she says.

"Yes. But the difference here is that Edith isn't sure to die in her role in this plan. If CLive does this, he would be. We may have to risk our lives, but we aren't going to make this a suicide mission for anybody," says Cree.

"Damn, Tyrell. I didn't know you cared," CLive snickers.

Cree flips him off. "Go fuck yourself, Robobitch. You know what I meant."

CLive sighs. "Do we have a deadline?" he asks. Alexas shrugs.

"We're still able to be a bit flexible, but with Unity's little attack dog outside our walls, it's best we don't dillydally. We sent some trusted human contacts to retrieve the bomb from the Yastra strongroom and they should be back by tomorrow around noon. Meaning after they get back, the only thing left stopping us from getting the ball rolling is finalizing the plan. We're hoping to be en route to the Citadel with the payload before the end of the week. Giving us, at most, four more days."

CLive nods and looks at the map. "That isn't enough time to track down someone Alain is after who would also be willing to help. If this really is our only option... I can stall Alain while Edith, Alexas, and the others take care of everything," he says.

Edith shakes her head. "CLive, no! That's suicide."

He nods and glances back at her. "I know. But it's as you said. This is worth fighting for, which means it's also worth dying for. If it means freedom for our people, the risk is worth it," he says and looks down again.

Cree sighs. "But CLive, this isn't a 'risk'. There is no other way this could go for you aside from death. You need to be positive this is what you're willing to sacrifice for Mortality. We can still try finding another way," he says.

CLive shakes his head. "The longer we wait the less likely we are to succeed. If this is what it takes to stop the war, then so be it." He sighs and closes his eyes. "I think I've experienced enough of life to feel as though I can firmly say I've seen it all. Age would never take me, but I know I'm not immortal. We all have to let go eventually." He opens his eyes and stares down at the map.

Edith shakes her head and holds him tight. "CLive, stop it. You don't need to give yourself up as a martyr for this. I already told you that I can't lose you again."

"And yet I can risk losing you?" he questions. "Do you really expect me to sit by and do nothing while you're at risk of being torn apart by Alain? Edith, as... strange as it might be, all things considered... John was, at one point, like a son to me. Now he's gone. He knew damn well what he was getting into but he did it anyway."

Cree nods to Edith. "He's got a point. You saw how John was acting when the siege began. He was fully prepared to stand and fight for the city, even though it was their goal to kill him... He wasn't just risking the chance that he might die. He was expecting it... but that didn't stop him."

Edith looks away. "No... but nobody has to die! We can't lose anyone else to this war! I can't!" she exclaims and closes her eyes.

CLive sighs and wraps his arms around her, pulling her close. "It'll be okay, doll... either I become Insentient or I merge with Alain. Either way... neither of us will have to suffer the Pull anymore," he says quietly.

She leans back to look up at him. "...Are you hoping he merges with you...? Is that why you're doing this?" She stares at him with uncertainty. CLive says nothing and looks away.

Edith shakes her head and her eyes blur. "...You just want a reason to merge with him..." She steps out of his arms.

He takes a deep breath and looks back to see the hurt on her face. "Edith... I just want this pain to stop. For both of us. If there is another way that would permanently stop the Pull rather than somewhat suppress it, I get the feeling Alain would be the one to ask. I'll talk to him and see if he knows of another way, and if there is, I'll go for it. I don't want to go on like this, but I don't want to lose you either," he explains.

Edith looks down and shrugs weakly. "Fine... if that's what you want to do, I can tell there's no talking you out of this..."

"Just... make sure you come back, okay...?" She keeps her gaze away and walks over to the board blocking the exit. She glances back at him. "...I can't lose you, too... not again..."

She pushes up on the board and ducks out, letting it fall behind her as she walks towards the rail and shakily places her hands on the cold stone. She closes her eyes and takes an unsteady deep breath, taking in the fresh air of the perfect County Unity. The rivers and waterfalls add a subtle cool mist to the breeze and a pleasant scent of minerals lace the air.

After their talk last night about how she feels the need to protect CLive, added with the fact that she is seeing him here, in Idyll of all places, with the rebels who were partially responsible for that traumatic night... It's beginning to become overwhelming. She can feel how strongly the Pull is affecting him and knows that it's the reason he's so determined to find a solution. But that determination is slowly growing into something that terrifies her.

He's suffered for so long, and now with her suffering as well...

He's determined to kill himself.

"Edith?" She feels a hand on her shoulder and slightly jumps. CLive stands behind her with guilt on his face. She sighs and looks away.

He clears his throat. "...They've... agreed to include me in their plan..." He pulls his hand back and stuffs them both in his pockets. Edith remains silent and keeps her eyes off him, staring off at the waterfall across the walkway. He nods to himself. "Even though they say my death would be inevitable, Tyrell insists on finding a way to help me fight the Pull while I'm talking to Alain... He's thinking maybe using earpieces to be able to remind me of my task if the Pull starts taking control... so—"

"But what good would that do if you don't find another way to stop it? What if Alain doesn't have any answers and is just as confused as you are? Even if you live... it would be so much worse. You would be suffering... constantly... and I wouldn't be able to do anything to help you." Edith's voice quivers and she closes her eyes again, taking a deep breath.

CLive grumbles and leans forward on the rail as well. "Well, what do you want me to do, Edith? I don't know what to do in this situation to make you happy. If I merge with Alain, I'll die and become a different person. If I keep resisting the Pull to the point that you can't suppress it, I'll become Insentient. If neither happens and I walk out of the ashes of the Citadel alongside you, the Pull will be unbearably painful for us both. What is it that you want?" He holds his head in his hands and stares down in defeat.

"I just want you to be okay... don't talk to Alain. Please," she says, her voice is pleading. He shakes his head and lowers his hands.

"But what if Alain does know of another way to permanently stop the Pull? There's only so much Regan can do, but I need a solution. I can't keep going like this, Edith. We've all gotta take our own risks on this mission, and this is mine. Not knowing if Alain will have the answers I need. There are so many ways this can go, and only one that will let us both be happy."

Edith turns around and steps away from him. "...CLive... I know you care about me... but I can feel your emotions now, remember? You can't lie to me about this any more than you can lie to yourself," she says and hugs her arms around her stomach.

CLive looks over at her. "...What are you talking about?" he asks carefully. She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes.

"...You say you love me enough to make this all worth it, but... I know the truth. The moment you're given the chance, you'll leave me if it means stopping the Pull and merging with Alain... I don't blame you, as I now understand how even just a fraction of it feels, but... please. Stop lying to me and stop lying to yourself..." She bites her lip.

He goes to protest, but his words get caught in his throat and he looks down, cursing himself.

Edith nods slowly. "You want to deny it, but you know it's true..." she says.

CLive pushes off from the rail and steps towards her. "It's just the Pull talking... you know I love you, Edith. Don't ever think otherwise," he states brokenly.

She glances back at him. "And I love you. Whatever that means. And I mean that... I don't... know... what that means anymore if I'm about to lose you to something you don't even know if you want... All I know is that once you're standing face to face with Alain, you won't be able to deny it anymore. And neither can I."

CLive rushes over to her and carefully grabs her by her shoulders. "Edith... what are you trying to say?" he asks fearfully. She shrugs.

"I don't know what I'm trying to say. This is all just... too much." She closes her eyes and takes another deep breath. He leans down and presses his forehead against the back of her head, closing his eyes as well.

"...Doll, please... when I talked to you through the door back in Sage and never got a response... it felt like I was losing you. After reading your note, then seeing you again last night... I knew it was just in my head... But now... it feels real. I feel like I'm losing you, and I don't know how to stop it."

She sighs. "You're not losing me... You know I'll be here for you no matter what, CLive. But..." She gently grabs his hand over her shoulder.

He nods slowly. "...But only me. I'll lose you if I become Colin..." He tenderly kisses the top of her head. Edith fights the tears building in her throat with a deep breath.

"I don't know... I just... I need some time alone to think about everything..." She goes to step out of his hands, but his grip slightly tightens.

"...CLive?" Edith whispers.

He takes a deep breath of his own. "...I may not be able to feel your emotions like you can mine, but... I can tell you're not yourself. Something's changed, hasn't it? Something between us. I just... please... I need to be assured that if something's going on... you'll tell me. You know you can talk to me about anything, right...? That hasn't changed." He kisses her head again and breathes in as though he's afraid she isn't really there.

Edith shudders and bites her lip again, shutting her eyes tight. "CLive, I... I just..." She struggles to get the words out. "...I know I can talk to you... I just... I need time to process everything, first..." she says quietly. He nods against her head and opens his eyes.

"So... do you promise...?" he asks.

She looks up at him. "Promise...?"

He nods again. "Promise that once you feel ready to talk... you'll tell me what's going on? That you still trust me. Not just as a lover, but as your friend... That whatever is going on isn't going to take you from me... From us."

Edith looks down. "CLive, I..." She sighs emptily. "...I promise."

He smiles sadly to himself and gives her a tight hug from behind, placing a soft kiss on her neck. "...Thank you. I... won't keep you any longer." He hesitates, but drops his arms and takes a step back. She looks at him and smiles.

"I love you, CLive. Don't forget that," she says and turns back down the walkway. With a deep breath, she starts walking towards the gates.

The moment she's no longer in his sight, she begins jogging, then sprinting as she finally lets herself cry.

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