♡Sanscest oneshots♡(lemons🍋)

By Sanscest137

48.4K 553 542

some oneshots people :D Cover is not my art, I couldn't find the artist sorry :( :( but I did the edit it. Th... More

♡HorrorLust♡ ~I met him at the club~
♡ErrorInk♡ ~Doll face~
♡NightmarexShattered♡ ~Mr. Shart~
♡PaperFresh♡ ~Jammy hood pt.2~
♡Poth♡ ~Sleepover fun~
♡Error x Fresh♡ ~Glitchy~
♡Fell Poth♡ ~Please love me again~
♡Pt. 1 ErrorInk♡ ~Redeemed~
♡Cross x Dream♡ ~my sunshine~
♡Outer x Science♡ ~PUNishment~
♡Reaper x Error♡ ~My Sweet Angel~
♡Dust x Killer x Horror♡ ~Ours~
♡Fell Poth♡ ~bad wolf~
♡ErrorFresh♡ ~Lol 'Bottom'~
♡Pt. 2 Errorink♡ ~Till Death do us part~
♡Nightmare x Killer♡ ~Focus~

♡Paperfresh♡ ~Little Red Jammy Hood~

1.7K 24 26
By Sanscest137

Ok I know a lot of paperfresh ships are sometimes Fresh being an adult or being his uncle which is weird and illegal and Paperjam a child. Well lets just stick to the canon. It says that Paperjam is 24 years old and so is Fresh.

Here's pj's age.

So yeah their gonna be 24 here. And this will be that au from rouge but I'll change it a bit, the little jammy hood.

This chapter includes: Bullying, abduction, violence and of course lemons~


Jammy's pov
I was drawing in my room as my parents were downstairs, well just my mom. My dad had been off to work. "Jammy! Come down here" mom yelled across the room. I got up from my table and went downstairs. "Yes mother?" I ask.

"Jammy, I need you to watch out for those wild dogs outside ok we were still trying to catch some of them that were lose and I've heard that there was a lost wolf out here and its still lose, I'm telling you this because you always go outside all day" my mother named Margaret told me. "Ok mommy, I will!" I said, she smiled and pet my head and continues on making her dish.

I went upstairs and continue my drawing. "Finally done!" I said proud of myself. I put the drawing and taped it on the wall. The drawing was me, mommy and daddy. Though I had second thoughts on drawing daddy. He wasn't really there for me when I needed him. But I put him in the drawing anyway.

I peaked through my little window and see that there was something roaming in our backyard. I didn't quite see it. Probably some lost dog.

I was used to it since we live with so many trees. Its like we were the only family who lived in the woods. But we still have neighbors. I don't like the kids there, they are all mean.

"Jammy could you come down here again" my mom shouted again. I went downstairs and asked her what she needs. "Can you pick some blueberries out there sweetie" she said, I nodded and got upstairs to get my red hood and basket.

I got outside and began searching for some berries. I still haven't found any so I went in farther. I then spotted a bunch of blueberries on a big shrub. I then picked at least more than 20 of them. That should be enough.

I was about to go back home because I don't really know this place. Then I heard something running. I looked around, no one was there. "Hello?" I called out. No response.

Huh that was weird. I shrugged it off and kept on walking. I yelped when I heard a bear trap go off. Probably another dog. I ignored it then I heard whimpering, was it that dog again. Ooh I can't.... mom said not to go near them. But what if they were the one who got trapped.

The whimpers got louder and I couldn't take it anymore. I followed the noise and I finally found it. It wasn't a dog, instead it was a wolf, a skeleton wolf. Huh that's rare. I was peeking and saw that his arm was caught by a bear trap, and his head looks like it was hit on.

I didn't even think twice when I approached it. I walked towards it, attempting to pet its skull. The skelly wolf growled when I tried to pet it, but that didn't stop me, I closed my eyes tightly, tears were now streaming out of my eyes as I still tried to pet it.

He then calmed down and let me pet him. I opened my eyes and smiled happily. I pet his skull more as he wiggled his tail letting off a soft growl. I giggled, he acts like a dog. I stopped petting him which he frowned.

I crouched down on his paw to open the bear trap to free him. The good thing is that the trap wasn't those kinds where its too hard to open so I just pry it open with my hands and it come off. But his hand was injured from the tightness.

I reached from my basket and took out some bandages and band aid. I got these whenever I got injured on the way. I put the bandages on his paw and tied it. "There we go"

"Woof!" He barked. I giggled and saw his head it looked like it was hit by something. I got the bandaid and put it on his head. He wiggled his tale as I pet him again. He looked at me confused then without thinking, I kissed him on the forehead.

He looked at me surprise, a huge blush on his face. (Also Fresh is half wolf and half skeleton, does this count as zoophile??) I giggled slightly at his face and pet him once more before standing up and waving him goodbye.

"Bye mr. Wolf!' I said as I walked back to my house.

Fresh wolf's pov
I was just left there blushing madly. Did that skeleton just... kissed me. Well not in the lips but on the forehead but still, why did he help me? I'm a wolf, shouldn't he be scared.

I'm thankful he got me out though, it wouldn't taken me a long time to get out of that bear trap. He even bandaged my paw, he's a nice skeleton. Unlike the other people trying to catch me and want me dead.

I went to see where the little skeleton is going. He walked through a house that was also familiar. Oh right, those are the two couples that are trying to kill me.

He lives there? I can't believe he would be living in such a murderous family. Well they haven't done anything, all I know is that they wanted to catch me.

I went back to my tree, which is my home. Well under the tree is my home. I went down and lay on my bed. Maybe I could get to see that little skelly again. I went to sleep for a few hours then find myself awake at the sudden shaking of my house. "What the heck??" I told myself.

I looked through the little hole and saw that there were now new traps for me to go in. How pathetic. I also see that there were men looking for me with something rusty in their hands. Probably a shotgun, why are they always after me? Is it because I'm half skeleton? They would probably sell me to those people, well that ain't happening.

I ain't going into that room again. That's why I escaped. I just covered the holes with rocks and went back to sleep.

The next day

It was already morning. Well I don't know that since I'm living under a tree, but I could tell its morning. I got out of my hiding place and began to search my next food. Its been a few hours yet I still couldn't find any, my stomach(just bear with me) began to growl at me, meaning that I need to eat something. I'm starving.

I walked around the woods to see if there was a dear or a bunny anywhere. I didn't even realize that I was walking through the backyard of that little skelly. Maybe he could- no I'm not screwing around here, plus I might get caught.

Third person's pov
Jammy was cleaning his room when he saw in the window was that skelly wolf he met yesterday. He waved at him but he didn't seemed to see me, so Jammy ran downstairs and go check up on him.

He ran through his backyard and see if he was still there. He saw that he was about to leave but Jammy stopped him where he was. "Hey! Mr. Wolf" Jammy called out for him, he jumped a bit and looked at him with shock eyes. "Hey mr. Wolf, why are you here? Are you lost?" He ask.

He shook his head meaning no, and his tummy rumbled. Oh now I know what's the problem. "Oh you're hungry" Jammy guessed, he nod at him. "Hmm ok stay there I'll go get some food for you mr. Wolf" Jammy then went inside the house and grabbed some food at the fridge.

His mother was upstairs getting ready, because she was going out tonight. So there was no problem there. He got some fried chicken as he put it in his little basket he used to store when his mother needed something. He made it by himself with wood splints, runners, and cane. He ran out before his mother could even see him.

"Here you go mr. Wolf I got- Oh!" Jammy didn't even get a chance to finish his sentence as the skeleton wolf already munched on it while its still in the basket.

"C-calm down mr. wolf its not going anywhere" Jammy said as he place the basket down the ground so the wolf could eat. Jammy just sat there in peace watching the skelly wolf munch on the food.

Once he finished, he looked at Jammy. "T-thanks" the skelly wolf said, whipping the remains of sauce of the chicken from his face. The Little skelly was surprised when the skelly wolf actually talked.

"you can talk?!" The little red said as their face was only a few inch apart. This caused the wolf to blush at how close they were.

"Uh, yes?" The wolf said. backing up a bit. "Wow I've never seen a wolf talk" little red said still amused. "I'm a half skeleton wolf" the taller said, wait could that even be possible? little red ask himself.

He looked at the half wolf confused. "y'know, I'm a wolf but at the same time a skeleton" The taller explain himself.

"Oh! I get it now" little red said as he finally figured it out. "Its one of those fanfics or books that has some girls who fell in love with a werewolf/vampire right?" little red said. The taller was surprised of the smaller said. 'what?' "uh.. I guess"

Little red then petted his head which the taller lowly growled. The skelly wolf got closer to little red and put his head on the smaller's lap. "Do you have a name... mr. wolf?" Jammy asked. "Fresh" the wolf said softly. "Nice name, I'm Paperjam but you can call me Jammy" the little red said as he rubbed behind the wolf's ear as he let out a purr, well not really a purr but like a rumbling sound.

The wolf was enjoying this a lot, he never felt this kind of affection towards anybody. He was a half wolf of course, he doesn't have an owner nor he doesn't need any. I mean who would want a wild wolf as a pet? well Jammy seems fine with it. He acted like he was a nice friendly pet. Like a friend(lol get friend zoned)

"Jaammy!! where are you?" Jammy's mother called out, about to check the backyard. Jammy gasped and hid Fresh in the bush. "Shh.." Jammy said as his mother was there looking at her confused. "Uh what are you doing there Jammy?" his mother asked. Jammy stood up and tried to come up with an excuse.

"um well... I was just.. I saw a lady bug and wanted to take a good look at it" Jammy said smiling nervously. Margaret seems convinced and shrugged it off. "Alright, get inside I already made lunch for you" her mother said, Jammy nods as she went inside. He checked in the bush if Fresh was still there and he was.

"Sorry Mr. Fresh, I have to go now but I'll see you later" well that's the first time Jammy said Fresh's name, now he calls him Mr. Fresh. He ain't complaining though. Jammy petted his skull one last time before entering his house.

That little skelly is so nice, Fresh thought. Now that he was full he could now go back to his hiding place. He sat there on his bed and tried to clear his mind. But it was all interrupted by thinking of Jammy. The way he petted him, he showed him affection. He loved every touch of him. He took off his glasses smiling.

Huh that's odd, he never smiled before, he would if he would be happy of finding food or one of the humans finally gave up on chasing him but he never smiled just by thinking of someone. I guess Jammy really is the only thing in his head.

Jammy's pov
"Mommy, where's daddy?" I ask. "Well to me, I don't know, probably out there cheating on me or something" mommy said, combing her hair. Hmm.. why isn't mommy doing anything? She's her husband.

"Aren't you going to do something?" I ask, tilting my head. "I don't care what he does Jammy, I do the same thing to him when I found out he's cheating on me, but don't tell him that" she said looking at me, I nod and kept eating my food.

I sighed heavily, why does mommy not love daddy anymore? When they adopted me, they used to love each other so much, if only we could go back to the way we were. A perfect family. But now, daddy has been sleeping with other women whenever mommy isn't home, and mommy has been seeing other guys now.

I finished eating my food and put the plate in the sink. Mommy noticed my mood. "what's wrong sunshine? why so down?" she ask rubbing my back, trying to comfort me. "Mommy, why don't you love daddy anymore?" I said with puppy dog eyes that I know she can't resist.

She tried to fought off the cuteness and finally gave in. She sighed. "Sweetheart, you have to understand something, me and your father are... having our own paths.." she said, I had a questionable look on my face. "I don't love your father anymore dear, and I never did"

"Then why did you marry him?" I ask, she frowned. "Uh..." she was speechless. Our conversation was interrupted by dad coming back home. "Oh hey Margaret, I didn't.. know you were home" my dad, Jason said, I noticed that he has lipstick on his neck. Oh no

"So.. where have you been?" my mom ask in a strict tone, daddy looks nervous at her. "At work of course" he said hiding his neck with the collar of his shirt, it was obvious that he was lying. Mommy only got a glare at her.

"Paperjam, Go to your room. NOW" she said strictly, I did what she said and ran up to my room and locked it behind me.

I didn't leave my room for like an hour or so, all I could hear was yelling and arguing. The yelling stopped and realized that I was slowly falling asleep.

The next thing I know, I woke up in the middle of the night. I looked at the clock. 2:14 am. I got up to bed to get some water. I saw that there were something moving in our backyard. I ignored it and went back upstairs to sleep.

The next day(again)

I lay there on my bed, bored of my mind. "Mmmm.... So boring.." I groaned, I didn't want to talk to my mom about what happened yesterday, but I'm surprised they still haven't broke up yet. I wonder why. They haven't spoken to each other this day, or the other days. I was used to them fighting so I just ignored them and not talk to them unless they want to.

hmm.. maybe I could visit Mr. Fresh. I got up from my bed and put on my hood and got my basket. "Mom, I'll be out for a while!" I yelled before leaving the house. I began to search the skelly wolf to see if he's anywhere around. I saw him in a nearby lake and decided to surprise him.

I crept behind him not making a sound. "Mr. Fresh!!" I said which surprised him, he turned around and growl at me. "Don't worry Mr. Fresh, its just me" I said as he calmed down. I didn't notice that he was standing up straight. "Wow Mr. Fresh you're really tall" he really is tall, like 6 ft. tall. "And you're small" he said putting his big paw on my head.

"Why are you so small?" he then hold my cheek forcing me to look at him. "smaall..." he mumbled blushing slightly which caused me to blush too. I removed his paws off me and he apologized. "No its ok, so what are you doing Mr. Fresh?" I ask.

"Bathing" he said, I immediately blushed. "Oh my, I'm sorry I-I..." he put his paw on my head again and began to pet me. "Its ok.. could you uh..." "oh right!" I turned around so he could be comfortable on stripping.

I then heard the water splash as I turned around again. He was in the water bathing himself. I sat down on the edge of it. "So Mr. Fresh, I was hoping you could keep me company today, its ok if you don't want to" he nodded. "Yay! thank you Mr. Fresh" I said happily as I pet his skull on the water.

When he finishes. He puts his clothes back on while I turn around again. I was busy looking at the caterpillar on a plant, squirming and eating the leaf. Mr. Fresh sat beside me and he licked the caterpillar making me yelp.

"Hey! don't eat that" I said. He backed up a bit and looked directly at me. "Don't eat them, that's just gross" I told him, he nodded mutely. I didn't actually thought that he would listen. "I heard a lot of noises in your house, your parents fighting?" he ask, my eyes went black.

I didn't say anything, just silence. I snap back to reality when he puts his paw on the side of my skull. "Oh sorry, I was just.... thinking about something.." I said smiling softly.

"So, are your parents fighting again?" He ask again. "Uh.. yeah, they always do that, I'm used to it though" I said casually, fighting off the tear. He pets my head slightly.

"Are you ok?.." he ask softly as he pets me. "Don't worry Mr. Fresh, I'm ok" I said, faking the smile. I wasn't ok, everyday was horrible. Mom would always yell at dad all the time, especially when he's drunk, and dad would always sleep with other women. I could even hear them while I was sleeping.

Mr. Fresh removed his paw on my head and looked down at me. "You don't look ok" he said as he tilted his head on me. "No, no. I'm ok Mr. Fresh really" I assured him. He still didn't believe me, he was about to ask me again but I heard my mom yell.

"Jammy! are you here somewhere?!" my mom called out, mr. Fresh immediately ran through the trees. I stood up straight and acted normal. She soon then found me behind the trees. "There you are, what are you doing out here?"

Uhh... Sh*t.. "Just.. exploring mom" I said looking down at my feet. "Hmm.. ok.... be careful whatever you're doing here" I nodded as she went back.

Mr. Fresh then got out of his hiding spot and searched my basket. "Hey, what are you doing?" I ask, he looked back at me with a stern look. "Uh d-don't look a-at me like that"

Now he was even more confused. I sighed and sat down, petting my lap. He happily puts his head on my lap as I pet him gently. "Is this what you want to do all day?"

He nodded, I sighed again. Eh its not that bad I like petting him anyways. He doesn't really have fur or any flesh but he has a big fluffy ear and big cute paws. He also has a big sunglasses that says woof and it changes words everytime that he expresses himself.

I always wonder what was he hiding behind those shades. I tried to take them off but he held my hand where it was. I looked at him confused.

"What's wrong Mr. Fresh? I just wanna see your eyes" I said. He sat up and gave me a serious look. "Look Jammy, I don't think that's a good idea" he said scratching the back of his skull.

"Huh? Why not? I'm sure that your eyes are beautiful Mr. Fresh"

"I still think you shouldn't see them Jammy.."

I pout at him then an idea pops out of my mind. The pout soon turned into a smirk as he already knows that I was planning something. He scoots away from me but before he knew it.

I snatched his glasses away from him. He immediately covered his eyes so I couldn't see them. "J-Jammy give them back!" I pout at him again but of course he didn't see that. "Not until you let me see your eyes"

"C'mon I just wanna see them, just a little peek pweeaase" I said pleading, I could see that he has a big blush on his face but it was covered by his big paws.

He didn't respond, he removed his paws but his eyes were shut close, he began to look for me but I pinned him down. "Please Mr. Fresh, I wanna see them pwease" I pleaded again still on top of him.

He tried to get me off by struggling but I put all my weight on him so he couldn't get off. (just go with it) He groaned. "If I let you see them, would you give me back my glasses?"

"Of course Mr. Fresh, you have my word"


He then opens his eyes slowly until they were fully up. They were beautiful, why would he hide this? The one on the right was an upside down heart, probably his soul. It was a slight lavender color. And his left side was all shades of pastel purple.

He looked away in shame as if I should feel disgusted by him. "What's wrong Mr. Fresh? Your eyes are pretty" I said truthfully, he looked at me shocked. "W-what?? No they're not, they're hideous!"

"What makes you say that?" I ask him,he looks away frowning. "That's what everyone says" he said in a quiet voice, still looking away from me. Everyone?? Well whoever thinks that is just horrible, that's so mean to think that some people would say that to him.

I caressed his cheek and made him look at me. "That's not true Mr. Fresh, your eyes are beautiful, don't listen to them" I said with a warm smile. He blushed slightly and squirmed.

"Could you get off now"

"Oh I'm sorry, I forgot"

I got off of him, blushing slightly at the position we were in. He sat up and gave him his glasses and put it on, still having a big blush on his face. I tried to change the topic but couldn't think of any.

"Are you hungry Mr. Fresh?" I ask him. He shook his head. "Well I am, so I guess I'll see you tomorrow" I said as I stood up, he frowns. "Don't worry Mr. Fresh, you can visit me at the backyard, just throw a rock at the window and I would know that its you"

I gave him one last pet on the head as I walked back home.

Fresh wolf's pov
I saw him go back to his parents house on the way, I didn't even notice that I was blushing, I don't really know why. Maybe its because the way he pinned me down.

He looks so cute when he was so flustered, he was the first who ever complimented about my eyes, and not even the weird way. Some people compliment my eyes and say something about selling me because of them.

Is it why I was always chased down? Well yes, and they would probably take me somewhere and examine my body. I'm a half wolf after all, its pretty rare to find a creature like me.

I began to wander through the forest and see if I could find something interesting or anything that I could do to keep me from not getting myself in trouble. A few hours passed by and I realized that it was now getting dark.

'Hmm.. better head back', I said to myself as I went back to my tree. It took longer than I thought since I was so far away from it, good thing is that I memorized all the paths in these woods so I could return home safely.

I was about to go in the little hole under my tree but then remembered Jammy. Goddamnit, I can't get him off my mind. I then went to go to his cottage and got to his backyard. I waited for him but I didn't see him through the window.

Oh wait.. I then remembered something that Jammy said. I picked up a little pebble and threw it at the window. I hope his parents weren't there or else I'm dead. Someone opened the window as I look up at who it was.

Jammy! He looked down and saw me. "Hi Mr. Fresh" he said in a quiet voice, I should be quiet too since his parents might check up on him. "Woof" I barked quietly. He giggled. "Sorry Mr. Fresh, I wish I could really come down there but my parents won't allow that, but have a great night"

I frown but he didn't quite see it since it was getting dark. He waved at me with that adorable smile and closed the window. A few whimpers slid out of me without even realizing it, I shrugged that off and went to my tree.

I almost got caught when I quickly got in to my hiding spot. That was a close one, they would've figured out where I was. I took off my glasses and went to bed.

Everyday was all the same. I would talk to Jammy and he would play with me, I didn't like the game he was playing though. He played catch with me once but he knows better that I am not a dog.

But after that he pets me, we do this a lot and I enjoyed every second of it. I just love his soft skeletal hands going behind my ear and massaging it. I tried to pet him once to see if he felt the same as I do. But he only giggled at me.

Sometimes he would even help me out by giving me his leftovers when I didn't find any food for the day, I wish I could repay him for all he's done to me but I don't know how. Another question got in my mind and it couldn't go away.

'Does he treat me like a pet or something else?' I ask myself, 'cause he would always be so nice to me, I don't know if he's treating me like a friend or a pet to him. I then decided to ask.

"Hey Jammy, can I ask you something?" He stops looking at the butterflies flying around the flowers and looked at me. "What is it Mr. Fresh?" He ask.

"What do you see me as?"


"Y'know like, do you see me as a pet or something else"

He then looked curious at me with a slight blush on his face. "Well I see you as a friend of course" oh, a friend... "Why'd you ask Mr. Fresh?" He ask as he sat beside me.

"Nothing.. I just wanted to know what you think about me" his curious face turned into a warm smile. "Well I think you're a really nice person Mr. Fresh, you're my first friend I've ever made"

I'm his first?.. he doesn't have any friends, well he hangs out with me everyday and doesn't talk to the other kids that live here, I shouldn't be surprised. He smiled at me warmly with that cute and adorable face.

'God I can't take this anymore' I wanted to just kiss his adorable face right now. I pinned him down on the grass as he stared at me with those beautiful and irresistible eyes. My tail was wagging on its own and both of my hands were pinning his. I didn't even notice that I was panting.

"Mr. Fresh?" He called out. I snapped out of it and quickly got off of him. "UuuUhh... I-I'm so sorry Jammy I didn't mean to I swear I-.." "No its ok Mr. Fresh I believe you" he said cutting off my excuse. God he's so innocent.

I heard there were footsteps coming right towards us. I quickly hid in the bush and stayed quiet.

No one's pov
A group of girls then approached the little red and decided to interrupt him with... whatever he's doing. "Well well well, if it isn't that weird kid that's been talking to the tree" they all laughed except Jammy. He ignored them and looked away. "So, who are you talking to this time, the bush"

The girls in the back laughed again as Jammy just ignored it. "Please leave me alone, I don't have time to deal with this" he said, clearly annoyed of all their bullsh*t.

"Oh so you're talking back now huh? Well lets see if you have the nerve to talk to me like that again you f*cker" she then grabbed his hood and pulled it down and dragged him. "H-hey let go" Jammy struggled to get her to stop gripping on his hood but it was no use.

The wolf saw all this through the bush and had enough of it. He jumped out of his hiding spot and pushed the girl with his head roughly which caused her to fall on her back and let go of Jammy's hood as the wolf growling at her. They all looked at the wolf with terrified eyes.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHH its a wolf!! Run!!!" They yelled as they all ran to there homes still screaming. "Are you alright Jammy?" The wolf ask helping the smaller get up. "I'm ok, thank you Mr. Fresh, no one ever stood up for me like that"

The smaller pulled him to a tight and warm hug as the taller hugged back, blushing slightly. Quick footsteps soon could be heard and the wolf took notice of this running behind the trees again.

One of the neighbors came and began searching. "Kid are you alright? Did the wolf hurt you?" The man asks examining the smaller to see if there were any wounds. "No, I'm ok Mr." Jammy assured him, he let go of him and said, "You shouldn't be out here, I'm going to call your parents about thi-" "NO!"

Jammy yelled which surprised the man. "I mean, please don't tell them about this, I'll get in real trouble, my parents are really strict" Jammy said pleading. "Sorry kid but its your parents job to protect you, with that wild little varmint running around hurting everybody, I think your parents should know"

Jammy sighed as he got nothing to do about this. Now he won't be able to see the skelly wolf again. He frowned as they lead him back to his cottage.

He was up in his room, waiting for his mother to scold him. He then heard the door open and saw his mom. She sat beside his bed seeing his little boy frown. "Look Jammy, I don't like what you did, I told you not to go near the wolves"

"I didn't go near them mom, they got near me, plus I'm fine. He didn't anything to me" Jammy said. "He didn't do anything to you yet. Look from now on, you are not allowed to go through the woods ever again" Jammy was shocked by this. Ever again!? Then how will he see Mr. Fresh?!?! This is so unfair.

"What?! Mom you can't do that"

"I'm sorry, but you need to learn your lesson"

She stood up from the bed and walked away shutting the door behind him. 'Perfect, just perfect' Jammy so mad at her mother, yet really upset that be would never be able to see that skelly wolf again.

He was about to tear up but Jammy was strong, he held it in and whipped the tears that were forming in his eye sockets. He was going to go and talk to her mom again and convince her to change her mind. But when he got there, Jammy heard his mother talk to his dad.

He was about to walk away and talk to her later but then heard his name. He listens closely behind the walls behind the kitchen.

"I know Jason I'm trying to keep him safe"

"Then why did I get a call saying that he was attacked by a wolf then?! And stop letting him play outside that too far, he could find a way out"

"Oh please its not like his parents are going to surprise him in the woods Jason, and I already talked to him, he doesn't have any injuries! Why are you here yelling at me?! You're the one who's been slacking off and not protecting him you bastard!"

"Look I don't want to fight, and don't act all innocent Margaret, I know you only married me and followed my path so you could get some money"

"Yeah so?! You're doing the same thing, I only wanted that brat for the money and so do you. You're the one who abducted him and you don't even take care of him, not even once!"

"Well that's your job!"

"I say we trade! I always get to be all nice to that little sh*t, its disgusting. You don't know how I've been through all these years with that f*cking abomination!"

"Well good thing you're used to it, 'cause if you stop now maybe we would've been sleeping on the streets"

Jammy was shocked by this, even what her mother said. She only used him, after all these years she was so nice to him and now she finally tells the truth. They didn't adopted Jammy, they kidnapped him. That means he still has a family, his family didn't die. All those things that they told Jammy was a lie.

Jammy then stepped in the kitchen surprising the two. "You didn't adopt me..." Jammy said still shocked. "Jammy its not what it loo-" "Then what does it look like mom! Or should I even call you that?! You kidnapped me!"

"Jammy please hear me out" "NO! I'm done with all the lies!" Jammy cut her off running upstairs crying. He slams his door shut locking it. He threw himself on the bed sobbing through the pillows.

How could they do this to me?! Even mommy hates me, just like everyone else. I should just accept it, I was living under a lie the whole time.

He cries and cries hoping it was just a dream, but it wasn't. He was sobbing uncontrollably. He then passed out from all the sobbing. He woke up from a loud thump downstairs. That could be only one thing. His dad came home drunk.

"Paperjam!! Get down here!!!" his dad yelled from downstairs. Jammy sat up and went downstairs. "Y-yes.." Jammy stuttered out keeping all his emotions together. His dad stumbled to get on the couch. He sat up and shot a glare at the smaller. "Get me another bottle!"

I nodded and walked into the kitchen, grabbed a few bottles and walking back into the living room setting it on the coffee table. Jammy was about to go upstairs but his dad stopped him on the way. "Get over here boy" he said in a low voice. Jammy didn't want to but obeyed anyways.

He walked towards him. "Closer" his dad said. He steps to him closer. He then grabs Jammy's hood and pulls him closer to him. "Do not tell anyone what you heard about us GOT IT" he said gripping harder, Jammy nods struggling to get him to stop. He pulled him close and pushed him aggressively, that caused him to hit the vase and broke it.

"Clean it or I'll make it worst" His dad said not even sparing him a glance. Jammy whimpered and noticed that he was kneeling the broken glass. He hissed at the pain and got up. He even got a few glass shards on his hands when he fell down.

He got the broom and dustpan and began to clean it. Once he was finished, he quickly went upstairs sobbing. He closed the door behind him and locked it.

Jammy's pov
I feel so worthless, why does he do this to me!?! Why do THEY do this to me?!?! I didn't even think about healing my wounds. What I'm feeling now is the one that hurts the most, not my body. I just whimpered there in silence, just wanting to let everything end.

I soon heard someone threw a rock on the window. I looked to see who it was, Mr. Fresh. I just looked at him not even giving a smile. I turned back and curled into a ball sobbing, blood dripped down my knees and my hands were wounded. I tried to get all the glass off me when I was upstairs so it wouldn't get an infection.

I then heard a tap on window but I didn't pay attention to it. I heard another tap, I look up and saw Mr. Fresh. Wait I'm like on the second floor how could he- before I could even finish what I was thinking, he tries to open the window.

He successfully opens it and flopped on my bed. He sat up and reached for a hand, I flinched violently. He hesitates and keeps his hands to himself. "Jammy?" he called out for me, I looked at him, my eyes looked sore from all the sobbing.

He looked down at my knees and noticed the wounds. He then opened the window and left. Huh? he left. I was confused then a few minutes later he came back with a towel and water with some bandages.

He then tries to clean my wounds with the wet towel as I hissed at the pain. He tries to be gentle with me so he wouldn't accidentally hurt me.

Once he was done cleaning the blood, he bandaged them. I didn't even noticed tears were running down my eyes. He saw me crying and moves closer to me.

"Jammy, Please talk to me" Mr. Fresh plead, I whipped my tears and smiled weakly. "Don't worry Mr. Fresh, I'm...ok.." I said the last part quietly, he frowned at me.

"No you're not! Stop with all the lying and tell me what happened" He said in a serious tone making me look at him. I began to tear up. "I-I'm s-s-sorry..." I said between my sobs.

I shaked a bit as I sobbed there on my hands. He then pulled me to a warm hug which I gladly hugged back. "Its alright Jammy, I forgive you, its all going to be alright.. I promise"

I just sobbed onto his shirt while he whispers nice little things and rubbing my back gently which calmed me down. The sobs turned into whimpers as I was completely calmed.

He pulled away from the hug and whipped a few tears that were left on my cheeks. He then smiled softly at me as I smiled back. "Thank you... Mr. Fresh.." I said softly, he blushed a bit and scratched the back of his skull looking away.

"N-no problem, anyways I'm glad I get to help" he said, he opened the window to leave but I grab ahold of his shirt which caused him to look at me.

"C-can you sleep with me? I don't feel like sleeping alone" I said in a quiet voice, hoping he would say yes. He blushed slightly at my request. "But what if your parents see me?" Mr. Wolf ask.

"You could go under the covers so they won't notice you" I said, it wasn't a good idea or a bad one but I really want someone to cuddle with except the pillows, plus they won't suspect a thing, they would just think its another pillow under it.

He nodded and laid down on the bed going under the covers, I could feel him getting closer to me. I looked down at the covers and saw him curled up into a ball, I then lift him up a bit on my level and cuddled him.

He puts his head on my chest, hugging my waist while I hugged his neck, petting his head and ears gently. He buried his face on my chest and snuggled into it. I giggled at his action and closed my eyes and fell asleep.

The next morning :)

I woke up by my alarm clock ringing. I groaned and turned it off. I heard another groaned and noticed it was under the covers. Oh right, I asked Mr. Fresh to sleep with me for the night.

I saw him got out the covers and stretched his arms. "Goodmorning Mr. Fresh" I said with a warm smile on my face. "Woof!" He barked, I covered his mouth since my parents might be home. "Shh be quiet, they might hear you"

I looked back at the door to see if someone was coming. Nothing, I sigh in relief. Good thing they didn't hear him bark. He then licked my hand that was covering his mouth which caused me to yelp in surprised, slightly blushing at him.

I took my hands away from him. "H-hey what was that for?" I ask still blushing. He leans down and comes closer to me. Our faces just a few inches away. He looks like he was drunk or something. Then unexpectedly, he licks my bottom lip (just bear with me)

I was a blushing mess at that point. I looked at him sheepishly, my face instantly flushing from all the shyness. I put my hands that were covered by my long sleeves on my mouth as I look away from him.

I shut my eyes from all the embarrassment. He then removes my hands from my mouth and hold my chin to look at me. He leans down and planted a kiss on my lips. 

My eyes widened as I wasn't able to think straight. I then accepted it and kissed back with passion. The kiss lasted for a minute until we pulled away from air.

I shut my eyes from him blushing madly as I put my hands on my mouth again. He licks my cheek slightly which surprised me. I looked at him still blushing.

He puts his head on my chest, his body between my legs. "I love you Jammy" he cooed. O-oh my.. he loves me..? I never had those kinds of compliments. "Y-you love me?"

He nodded. "O-oh my..." I said sheepishly, like I drank alcohol or something. "Do you not like me?" He said pouting. "N-no no that's not it Mr. Fresh, uh... I-I uhm.." I tried to say that I love him too but couldn't make up my words.

He chuckles softly and kissed my cheek. I blushed even more, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I just wanna dig a hole and bury myself. I covered my face from embarrassment as he just cuddles me.

I the heard someone coming and trying to come in. I quickly hid Mr. Fresh under my bed and reached for the door. I unlocked it, and it was mom. "Uh hey mom, what is it?" I ask, not making any eye contact with her.

"Look Jammy, could we talk about last night" she started. I still didn't look at her. "Its ok mom, I just need some time for myself" I said, "But dear please I-" "I'll just stay here for a while, I need some time to think" I said to her, she nodded as I shut the door.

I walked back to my bed and saw Mr. Fresh come out. He noticed that something was wrong and sat beside me. "Are you ok Jammy?" He ask.

I wanted to say its fine but no, everything is not fine. I had to tell someone. "N-no Mr. Fresh, I just wanna get out of here, I want to see my real parents, they said there if I go farther in the woods, I would meet the exit of it"

"I know a way out, I'll help you" Mr. Fresh said, I looked up at him in disbelief. "Y-you'll help me?" I said, he nod. I can't believe this, I'm actually going to escape this place now.

Then maybe if I go to the police, they might find my real parents. I hugged Mr. Fresh tightly. "Thank you so much!" I thanked him, he hugs back and said "No problem Jammy"

"Wait, but how are we going to? My parents won't let me out in the house now" I said, Mr. Fresh began to think of a plan then snapped his finger. "We could sneak behind their backs when it strikes midnight" he suggested, now that you think about it, that should be a good idea.

"Ok lets do it, promise to never leave me?"

"I promise"

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