Conan Gray's little secret

By Skater_trash

1.6K 49 14

I stand alone, in an empty house but it never really feels empty. The memories and the feelings that come to... More

Home Sweet Foster Home
Saturday Fun
One last day
House or Home?
New Girl
Spring Break
Not Well
Sincerely, Conan
Short POV


77 5 0
By Skater_trash

I was laying my head on the table. Even the cafeteria was super nice. It was made of mostly light brown woods, the round tables, comfy chairs. "It wasn't that bad" Ivy says trying to cheer me up. Within two periods she's become attached to me at the hip, and I would have died without her.

"It so was" I grumble. We just got out of health class and the teacher had used me as an example with some other kid.

"That boy was hot" she teases. I groan and bang my head on the table. We sat at an empty one and I hear someone sit down in the chair next to me. I don't bother to look up. "Look, it happened. She does it all the time, she did it to me and Cherry one time to describe the diseases of gay sex or whatever" she says clicking her snake rings on the table.

"Hey" a soft voice says. It's timid, scared, so I look up. I drop my head in embarrassment because it's the boy we were talking about. I peek again, he doesn't notice, he has half black half teal hair, he wore the uniform neatly but there was nothing in particular that stood out about him.

"Hey" I mumble, letting my head rest again.

I hear someone else sit down at our table. Great. Just great. I hear their tray slide on the table. "Sup" a more aggressive voice says. Startled I sit up straight. He's the by from the circle out back. He wears his uniform in a mess, his hair looks like shit and it seems like sleep was unknown to him, but he pulled it off. He didn't seem faded but I was cautious with the way I was going to proceed to talk to him. Though I didn't get a chance because he kissed my cheek, dumped his food on the other boy and bolted.

"The fuck man!" the softer boy yells angrily, something I did not expect. He looks back at me before getting up and making his way to the office.

"Omg, Jamie so has a crush on you!" Ivy exclaims. I look at her annoyed.

"He does not" I groan embarrassed. The bell ring and I make my way with Ivy to engineering "So his name is Jamie?" I ask.

"The one who kissed you, yeah" she says. At engineering we just take apart a computer. After is visual arts, we do auditions for the new play. World language was hard, I have a lot of catching up to do in that class but my last class, math was too easy. It was even the advanced class.

Conan texts me 'Can you walk home, I'm at work still' so I text him back that I would. I kind of didn't want Ivy to know my dad was Conan. I wasn't sure how she'd react, would she just hang out with me because my dad is famous? "I'm walking home" I tell her.

"That's fine, my mom said I have like 2 hours before I have to be home" she says smiling. I have to use google maps to make my way home and I let her in. "Your house is nice" she says wandering around the bottom floor. She opens the fridge without asking, takes out the milk and pours herself a cup of milk. I can't help but smile how she's already at home with her surroundings. "So who do you live here with?" she asks putting the milk away and taking a sip.

"Um" I say. "My dad" I tell her.

"Cool, must be loaded," she says. She puts her cup in the sink and I get her to follow me upstairs. "So you don't share a room with anyone?" she asks, just exploding with questions.

"Nope" I say, we drop our things and jump up to my bed, laying down. "Do you have any siblings?" 

"Yeah, like 6" she mumbles. "Do you?" she asks in return.

I was about to say no but Conan, being super loud shouted from downstairs "I'm home!"

Ivy sits up and looks to the door, as if waiting to see who the voice belonged to. "Is that your older brother?" she asks.

"No it's my dad" I say, "Upstairs!" I yell. I shuffle off my bed, Ivy follows me.

"EEEEEEEe!" a sharp female voice squeals.

"And your mom?" she asks as we make our way downstairs. 

I shrug "As far as I know I my mom died." We make our way downstairs. Conan has a friend over and a dog peed on the tile floor. "Dad? What's going on?" I ask.

"Hey! This is my bff Ashley. My wife" he giggles. I stare puzzled, "This is" he pauses to pick up the dog, "Puppy!"

"His actual name is Puppy" Ashley laughs. "Whose your friend?" she asks.

"This is Ivy, she's my new friend," I mumble, he said he wasn't dating anyone, maybe he wanted it to be a surprise? Ivy was probably thinking I'm weird for saying my mom is dead. No! Stop second guessing yourself, your fine.

"So I assume school went good" he smiles putting some stuff down in the kitchen.

Ivy follows him, "Oh yeah. She made quite the impression" she says. Conan gives me a questioning look. "So this annoying boy Jamie was trying to make fun of her and she was all like 'Well you look like you came from the donation bin' it was sick. Jamie is crushing hard on her now" she laughs.

"Is he now?" Conan says with a smirk.

"Looks like Robyn's getting all the boy's like her dad" Ashley says laughing along. "I heard Manu Rios is in LA" she wiggles her eyebrows, nudging him.

"Whose that?" I ask.

"No one" Conan brushes the question off.

"No one? Manu is just this really hot spanish actor with blue eyes that practically throws himself at Conan" she says. I was confused, but she said "We're not actually married, I'm just a friend" she laughs.

"Omg, I forgot that she didn't know that. I just introduce you that way to everyone" he laughs.

"Wait....ARE YOU CONAN GRAY!?" Ivy shouts. He blushes and gets embarrassed.

"Yeah" he mumbles.

"That is so cool" she say, her eyes shining, her phone rings. "Oh, I have to go. But see you at school tomorrow, and we're spending spring break together!" she says looking at her phone. She gets her stuff from my room and leaves.

I get out of Ashley and Conan's way. Going upstairs, sitting in my room. I shower, change and read a book. It got to be 7:30, I am insanely bored, so I sneak into the extra room, I thought we hadn't set it up but it was set up. It was a music room and on desk music notes were scattered everywhere. Multiple types of guitars sat in the room, an electric piano sitting on it's stand, a recording area, and nothing else. I brush my hand against the light brown acoustic guitar, made of wood and pick it up, hoping that Conan won't mind.

I close the door, turn the recording machine on and sit on the floor. I strum a few chords, I use to have a guitar but can't remember when. A tear streams down my cheek. I start strumming the guitar playing a tune. "One last step to take" I pause "One last breath I'll make. Can someone, tell me a reason to live?" I don't even think about the words I'm saying, just letting them fall out. "This song is all I have left to give." I let the pace of tune move faster. "So hold my hand tight! While we take flight! We will be free" I let the chords slow again. "Before our misery" I sing softly. I breathe deeply.  "In the face of death, I take one last breathe! Will anyone remember me? What will I see? What's gonna happen, when I" I turn the tune into an upbeat song "Fall! Is my life worth watching? When it flashes before my eyes. NO! I know it isn't, so that's why I got say I'm in this." I let the song come to it's end, "It's why I have to live, this song is all I have left to give. So stay strong, move on. Work your way out, just don't be in doubt. You're life is worth living."

"Hey" Conan says startling me. He stood at the door, who knows how long he was watching me. I dry my tears.

"Hey" Was all I could think to say.

"We brought tacos, Ashley and I are going to watch A Cinderella story. Wanna come down and watch with us?" he asks. I get up and place the guitar back, nodding. "Are you okay?" he asks, I stay silent. "Well, we made apple pie, it's cooling. So we can have pies for desert." He gives me a big hug and leads me downstairs for dinner. They finish up their youtube video, that I had no idea they were doing, and we eat while watching movies.

I head to bed, and lay on my bed. I google Manu Rios just to figure out who they were talking about. He was tall, 5'9 the search results said. Dark brown hair, a handsome face, and blue eyes. At least in certain pictures. I wasn't sure if he was Conan's type but from the way he acted today, I had a feeling he was. I fell asleep without even noticing.

(A/N: Below is the Ash and Cone's cooking show, it's basically what happened during Conan's day while Robyn wasn't around. Just pretend it's almost Easter not the fourth of July. Pretend there in La not Texas. Pretend. Okie, okay. Underneath that is a picture of Manu Rios)

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