Spring Break

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"GIRL! Hurry up!" Ivy whined, she laid on my front law. She wore a big black sun hat, black booty jean shorts, and a white crop top that said 'You read my shirt, that's enough socializing for today' in red letters with the sleeves rolled up. She ate a watermelon ice pop, scrolling  through her phone in the shade.

"Well you try standing in this heat!" I growl. I was filling up a kiddie pool with water, near the sidewalk, in the heat. It was 85 degrees outside with a slight breeze that did nothing. I wore a dark green two piece swimsuit and a baseball cap from Conan's closet. I was red in my face. "Can you get me an ice pop?" I plead to Ivy. She groaned. "Fine, then come out here and hold the hose while I get one" I say, with that she darts inside my house.

Conan sat in the sun, soaking up the heat, sunglasses and all. "Put on some sunscreen" he mumbled. I was so not excited for summer if it's going to be hotter than this. "Get use to it, here, we get 90 degree weather if we're lucky" he says, he takes off his shirt. He was in shape, not exactly a six-pack, but he looked good.

"HERE" Ivy yells, pushing the ice pop in my hand, grabs the hose, proceeds to wet me with the water, and giggles uncontrollably.

"IVY" I screamed hi-pitched, I splashed her with water from the kiddie pool. She sprayed me with the hose again. "I forfeit" I start yelling at her. "Forfeit!" 

She giggled but dropped the hose and ran inside to change. I picked up the hose and dropped it in the kiddie pool, I gave up trying to keep the hose down. "Ivy, did you take your medicine today?" her brother asks. He stood on the side walk, in shorts and a shirt, what else could you wear in this heat? "Mom made me bring some for you incase you didn't" he yells over casually. She lived over on Denmi St right next to Carbon Creek, I've never been to her house but knew the general area was close, so I wasn't surprised he walked over.

"Medicine?" I ask surprised, I wonder what she would need medicine for. Not that it was a big deal.

I've only known her for three days, today would be the fourth. "I have ADHD" she shrugs, taking her medicine. It was in gummy form and she ate it delighted.


"You know you could be a music artist, a little duo, the two of you" Conan says, sitting up. "Plenty of artists I know have ADHD or they have that crazy crackhead in their group." he says thinking about it.

"That reminds me!" I say, "Ivy and I got the lead female rolls in theatre!" Conan congratulates me and Ivy but her brother walks away.

"Jerk" she mumbles, ticked off. She runs to turn off the water and jumps in. The pool wasn't that big, it fit only Ivy and I. It went only as high as my waist when I was sitting down. We laid back and rolled around in the water until it was lunch time.

We ate sandwiches on a picnic blanket. "Hey ladies" Jamie said smoothly. He was alone, and dressed in all black summer clothes. I rolled my eyes at him. Conan was inside preparing whatever desert he felt like making for the heat. "So" he pauses, "Robyn?" I look at him impatiently. "Will you go out with me?"

I blush hard and say uncertain "Sure" 

He smiles, "So see you tomorrow night, 6:30?" I nod and he walks away.

"OMG" Ivy shouts. "I am so gonna help you get ready for that date!"

Conan walks out with fruit cups, "What date?" he says sharply.

"A date with Jamie~" Ivy teases. He places the cups in front of us. His expression turns sour but he says nothing. He sits next to us while Ivy goes on about what I should wear.

The next day, I sat by the door in Ivy's black dress, with roses on it. She had insisted I wear it, she ran home before Jamie even got chance to come over. 6:31. I waited impatiently. I wore a wide black straw sun hat, and strap sandals. 6:33. Where is he? What if he didn't want to go? Is he standing me up? "You'll be fine" Conan reassured, patting my shoulder "I trust you to do the right thing"

The door bell rung and I bolted to the door. Jamie stood at the door with a handkerchief. His black hair gelled back in a very 80's sort of way. He wears a white shirt, halfway buttoned, an open tux jacket and suit pants. "Sorry I'm late" he says to me. Not even embarrassed and no hint of sorrow for being late.

Conan stands up and walks over to us. "I want her home by 9:00," he tells JAmie in a very father-like voice. Jamie nodded nonchalantly. We goto the beach.

Sitting on the sand watching the sunset. "So what do you like to do-," I begin to ask but before I can finish Jamie puts his hand on my thigh and tries to kiss me. "Stop!!" I yell at him, pushing his face. He holds my hips down, ignoring my cries to stop.

"Shut up and let me kiss you," he growls, pushing me down, hand slipping up my skirt. Tears falling down my cheeks and I thrash underneath him.

"Get away from her," someone yells. Startled Jamie's hold on me loosens, I take my chance to kick him and run. I heard skin hitting skin but I kept running. Tears streamed down my face.

"Get back here Robyn!!" He runs after me. "At least just let me walk you home!!!" There's a sound of weight hitting the sand, followed by sounds of someone being hit repeatedly. I didn't stop running, not until my tired legs brought me back home. I make sure my eyes are dry and I calmly walk into the house.

It's 8:27, way too early for me to be home yet but I still yell "I'm home!" My voice broke.

Conan pokes his head out of the kitchen. "Are you okay?" I nod and go to my room. Falling asleep quickly.

A knock on my window startles me, I check my phone only to find it dead. I sigh and look out the window. I see nothing there, so I go back to sleep. My bed frame let out a creak but I thought nothing of it.

"Robyn?" I am quiet, Conan is only half way up the ladder. Just enough so he can see me. He tries to comfort me, reaching out his hand to rest on my back.

"Yes?" I say a bit harsher than I intended, snapping up. He quickly retracts his hand.

"I was wondering how your date went" he mumbles with sorrow.

"I don't want to talk about it" I groan. I only hear his footsteps walk away.

I sat in my room the rest of spring break for the most part. I apologized to Conan telling him that the date didn't go that well but not going into detail. Telling him again that I didn't want to talk about it.

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