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(A/N: I wanna acknowledge that Manu Rios and Conan Gray have never met to my knowledge and that yes I will be shipping them. If that makes you uncomfy I'm sorryyyy. I just think they're both so hot and a bit compatibleeeee.)

Robyn's POV:

The teacher tells Ivy and I to pack up and go to the office. I say a polite goodbye to Aeron. "So what's wrong? Spill!"

"Not here," I mumble to Ivy.

We try to walk quickly the rest of the way there. "Hello?"

"And you are?" The desk lady asks me.


"Oh, Manu is right there" she points at a fit and muscular man. His brown hair and blue eyes striking my very core. I've seen him somewhere. I notice he wears an open, dark grey, school jacket with a slightly open collar blouse underneath. He also wears a red and white ascot.

"Who are you?" I say as we walk out.

"Manuel Rios Fernandez, call me Manu"

I think about it for a minute. "Oh! You're that boy Conan likes!" Manu blushes deeply.

"He does?" I nod.

"Tell him Ivy, you were there." We giggle.

In a funny voice Ivy goes "Who's Manu Rios?"

In a similar funny voice I go "Just this hot~ hispanic boy." We burst out laughing. "Seriously though, you should totally ask him out"

"No way!" He says, embarrassed, we stop at a very expensive car. Ivy is sort of a car geek so she starts mumbling stuff.

Her voice gets louder as she circles the car, examining it, "Is this a- a Tesla model X? It's in violetta! The wheels look spectacular, and are these lights?" she gasps when Manu opens the car. The back doors lift up like wings. She jumps in and starts mumbling more about the blue vinyl interior and the racing petals. I get in after her. "Oh my lord! A katana shift knob! And the fact that this car even is a stick shift. That must be a costume modification."

"Calm down Ivy!" I squeal as she crawls over me.

"But all these custom mods, like come on, video screens, led lights! Your car is really cool."

"Thanks, it took awhile to get it like this." He starts the car and pulls out from the school. "Are we going home?"


"So where're you from? Your accent is so pretty," I tell him.

I'm leaning to the front and Ivy's texting someone off the hook. "Calzada de Calatrava," I don't answer so he says "Spain."

"So do you speak spanish?" Ivy finally pipes up.

"Yeah. ¿Y ustedes?"

"Un poquito" I tell him.

"Really? And how'd you manage that? Conan's kid is the last person I'd expect to know spanish."

"He's like a Japanese-American right?" Ivy asked.

"I think so.." I tell them both.

"So how did you learn Spanish?" Manuel asks me as we pull into the driveway. He leaves enough space on the side for Conan. I thought about my next answer carefully. How do I know Spanish? It's just always been like second nature to me.

"I don't remember," I tell him truthfully, I get out of the car and dig for my keys.

They both follow after me. "So if you don't remember, can you take a guess?"

"If I have to guess, my mom taught me before she left. That or I was taught by the foster care ladies. Makes sense, they were always trying to help me be 'closer' to my heritage and what not." I open the door and bring them inside. I turn on the lights and go straight to the kitchen to prepare the food for lunch.

"Hold on, you went to foster care?" Manu looks a bit dumbfounded. I put my hand on my hip and stare at him.

"Think about it Manuel," I wait for him to get it and I see the wheels turning in his head, "I'm 14 and a half, Conan is 23."

"Oh my goodness you're right!" He laughed. "I was over here worrying he was dating someone and I didn't even think about it." My day was starting to feel better hanging out with them but a wave of sadness washes over me.

"Yeah..." I finish putting everything on the stove, "Do me a favor and make sure that doesn't burn, just stir it a few times. I'm sure you know how to make arroz y frijoles." I tell Manu calmly. I grab Ivy's hand and drag her away. "Let's go upstairs."

"Are you okay?"

"No..." I start crying so she leads me the rest of the way up the stairs and she comforts me. She never questions again what's wrong, instead just soothing me and playing my favorite songs on her phone.

(A/N: Sorry for the short update but hey! Three updates in the same day! (When I wrote this it was meant to be three updates in one day but I fell asleep before I could publish this one. Then I forgot that I didn't publish it. Soooooo) I've been a bit busy per usual but I finally got a day off where I could just do laundry, play guitar and write my story. Thanks for the support, I hope that this story gets more attention but till then logging off, I bid thee good day and good night.)

Conan Gray's little secretDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora