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I woke in in Conan's room. He was nowhere to be seen, so I guess he left after putting me to sleep. I felt embarrassed, having him sing me to sleep like a baby. My hair was a mess but I could smell bacon so I ignored it all and an unfamiliar women who looked a lot like Conan. "Morning Sunshine" she smiles at me. "I am making breakfast" she says to me. 

I sat down at the table and she ruffled my hair. "Who are you?" I ask, I was quite confused, he said he was single. She laughed lightly. Her dark brown hair faded to a light brown as if she had bleached it slightly. There were hints of red in her hair as the sun hit her just right. She wore light blue jeans, a pink shirt, and white canvas shoes.

"My sister" Conan grunts. By the look of him he was tired. His sister handed him a cup, I assume it was of tea since he doesn't favor coffee and he sat down next to me. His hair was a mess like mine. "Alyssa, this is Robyn" he sighs, sipping his tea. "Robyn, that's Alyssa"

She nods and continues to cook. "Nice to meet you finally, he never stops talking about you. I hope he isn't being annoying" she smiles. She was dressed and she was making breakfast? Talk about morning person. I try not to laugh when they start play fighting. Conan stuck his tongue out at her so she makes a face back at him.

"You make me look bad, stop fighting" their mother scolded. Conan's dad walked out into the kitchen and we all set at the table. I even got to help Alyssa cook. I sat at a table with them and we began to eat. It felt nice not to eat alone, Alyssa made me smiley face pancakes with strawberries for noses, whip cream for the lips, and bananas for the eyes. Conan stole a piece of my pancake and I laughed, before stealing a piece from his plate. Breakfast past in giggles and lively conversation. We got dressed for the day and they drove with us to the airport. Alyssa was leaving as well so Conan's parents said goodbye to all of us. "I will miss you my baby bear" she sighed hugging me tight. I had barely met her and I knew I would miss her too.

I stared at the white walls of the airport to stop myself from tearing up. She pulled away from me and booped my nose with her finger. She hugged her children tightly and I could tell Conan was tearing slightly. "I'll call you mom" he says softly. She dried his tears that he hadn't known had fallen.

"Honey bear, I know you will" she says "We're only a plane ride away from one another." He nodded and dried the rest of his tears.

"We better head out" he says to his parents. "Getting through security is going to take awhile" He continues and she nodded in agreement. We walked further into the airport, checking into our flight, and we handed over our luggage. I said a silent goodbye to the teddy bear suitcase with my first name on it. It took forever to pass through the security gates. I didn't have any carry-ons, only a  jacket, my phone, and earphones with me. Conan and Alyssa wouldn't stop play bickering. When they realized I was a minor travelling with Conan they let the three of us go through the family detector. Alyssa had to get her bright neon blue carry-ons, Conan only had his phone and a jacket as well.

(A/N: I am not sure what Alyssa looks like just that she exists nor what his parents look like so bare with me)

He wore a grey t-shirt, and baggy jeans, he had a mask on and a baseball cap with sunglasses to hide his features. Just to make sure no one would recognize him, he didn't want that to happen to me again. We made our way through the departures hall, with souvenir shops, restaurants, and bathrooms everywhere. I may have bought a texas souvenir, just to remember where I came from. Since I really didn't have much, as I was jumping from home to home. Honestly, most of the time it felt like I had nothing but the clothes on my back and whatever random roof I had over my head. "This way" he murmured into my ear, picking up my hand to lead me in the direction of our boarding gate. 

Conan Gray's little secretTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang