New Girl

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The sun peaked through the blinds, it wasn't too early but the sun was just rising. I was lying on Conan's chest on the couch. The Tv was turned off and our snacks were littered all around the floor. I got up, walk into the kitchen and look at the clock on the stove, 7:20. I go back into the living room, rubbing my eyes, to shake Conan awake. "What time is it?" he mumbles.

"About 7:20" I say just as tired. We fell asleep really late late last night.

He stretches before saying "Shit" he gets up in tired rush, "You're first day of school is today" he says. He runs up the stairs and I follow him. I groan a bit because I do not want to go to school. I can't believe he scheduled this so awkward, I assumed I had a few days before I went to school but I assumed wrong. Damn it. "Shower, and I'll put your uniform on your bench" he says now fully awake. Uniform? Great. "You got 20 minutes to get ready before I expect you to be eating breakfast downstairs" he calls from his room. I pull out a towel from the linen closet and jump in the shower, setting my 5 minute timer. I quickly jump out.

Now that I think about it, he never told me where my school was. I cover myself up and I walk into my room, there it was. My uniform. The word felt like a dagger in my head, I haven't worn a uniform since elementary school. Being in 8th grade had it's perks, like no uniform. What kind of school is this? I got dressed and stared at my mirror. A white collar shirt, with a black jacket over it, that fits very nice on me. It has the school symbol on the right side, red OA, white lines on the edges, I have to wear black dress shoes, a black pleated skirt, black leggings with a red tie and a black thick headband on my light brown hair. I look, pleasant but, it's not my style. "Robyn!" Conan calls from downstairs "Breakfast"

I pick up the shoulder bag Conan also put in my room. It was black rectangular bag with a few dull studs, it had silver pentagrams holding the straps to the bag. I sling it over my shoulder and run down stairs. "No running on the stairs" he scolds me. He places eggs and ham quesadilla in front of me. He sits down and eats his. Once we both finish our food, we rush out the door, to the garage and we jump in the car.

"So where's my school?" I ask. He pulls out of the garage heading to the right. I look at the clock, 7:52.

"3 minutes from here, Oxford Academy" he says smiling, we wore a nice t-shirt and a good pair of jeans. But Academy sounded preppy. He was right, it took 3 minutes for us to get there. he pulled into the drop off zone and I was trying to fix my hair. "Head to the office for your schedule, it should be the first door on your left" he says. He gives me a big hug and says "Have a good first day at school. Bye baby bear."

People were staring "Dad!" I groan, slightly embarrassed I get out of the car and wave goodbye. He slowly pulls away, and blows me a kiss goodbye. Everyone was wearing preppy uniforms, I look up at the school and just great. It's a private school, healthy green plants were everywhere, the building was so clean and big. The students were all gossiping with friends, and everyone here seems like they have friends.

I walk into the huge doors, and make my way to the first door on my left, just like Conan told me to. "Hello?" an office lady says, more of a question rather than a statement.

I walk up to the counter and say "I'm here to pick up my schedule." My voice sounds tiny, scared, like I'll break any moment.

She says "Oh, I presume Robyn Fanwan?" I nod, "We don't get many new comers in the middle of the year" she explains. She rummages through files, and picks one up. "Wait there" she says. I sit down on a chair, while  she picks up the phone and talks to someone for sometime.

(A/N: Don't come at me, she's still a Fanwan until they go to court for Conan to legally adopt her and change her last name.)

A girl in the same uniform as me walks in, she has black hair, and pale skin. She really had a thing going with all black and white. She walks up to the counter and whispers to the receptionist in a hush voice, she glances at me and I can see her winged eyeliner was done nicely. I try to look away but she walks up to me anyways. "Let's go" she says like she's tired of everyone.

Conan Gray's little secretحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن