Sadie and Percy

By candybombs24

4.4K 19 25

*Rewriting Story* Sadie finds out Walt is cheating on her with Jaz and so she runs away from Brooklyn house... More

Four- Percy
Six- Percy
Eight- Percy
Ten- Percy
Twelve- Percy


345 3 10
By candybombs24

I walked away from her making my way to this large blue house. As I made my way up I could hear the faint sound of people talking and you know me being me I had to sneak up on them. I quietly made my way up to the door and slowly opened it making sure to not make a sound. As soon as I opened the door I yelled "BOO" but then I saw the man horse and started to scream. WHAT THE HELL. I did not know these things existed. After my couple minutes of shock I saw the boy talking to the horse-man. He's was beautiful. He had this gorgeous midnight black hair and sea green eyes. Is that you Jesus. Turns out it was in fact not Jesus as he turned to me and said "what is wrong with you" well rude ass I was trying to scare you but obviously you didn't get that. "well a lot of things actually but right now I want to know since when do horse-men exist". I store at the horse man for what seemed like ages. He eventually introduced himself as Chiron, and the beautiful- I mean rude boy said he was Percy. 

 I took a couple more steps forward. I stopped in front of the horse-man and whispered/yelled "what in the bloody he'll is a centaur doing here, and why in the name of Isis am I not in Egypt" the centaur smiled and said "i'm Chiron, and you must be Isis". I frowned and said "no,I'm Sadie Kane, Eye of Isis ,magician to the house of life". (Isis in () )

(Darling we know this is a privilege)

Don't darling me, we both know your the one with the privilege, you get to be inside the most amazing magician ever

(Come on Sadie let me take control, think about all the good it would do)

Sure like destroying me

(You are going to need my power in the future)
Instead of letting my comment just go to Isis I shouted it for the whole world to hear. "Isis, can you shut up for once". Chiron looked at me in a strange way so I said "sorry,Isis likes to talk about destroying the world and all that good stuff".

(That's not nice Sadie)

Oh,tell me I'm wrong

(Your very very wrong,like always)

Ha ha, very funny Isis

(The truth hurts)

You are so lucky I can't kill you Isis otherwise I would

(Even if you could your not powerful enough without me)

Fair enough

 looked at Chiron and said "the god and the host don't always get along".I thought about my brother, probably killing Walt right now. After all that drama with our lady Isis Chiron said he would introduce me at the campfire. I took my time going to the beach. When I got there I melted to my knees crying. Then I heard the person I did not want to hear, see or even think about. Walt said "Sadie you don't understand" I got on my feet and screamed at him "I DON'T UNDERSTAND, HOW DARE YOU, I UNDERSTAND THAT YOUR A CHEATER, YOU CHEATED ON ME WITH JAZ, OUT OF THE WHOLE HOUSE OF LIFE, JAZ, MY FAVORITE STUDENT,MY BEST FRIEND, HOW DARE YOU EVEN THINK I DON'T UNDERSTAND.I recommend you leave before I blow you up". He gulped, and I kept crying. Then he said "it was an accident,I didn't mean too," gods of Egypt this is over "Then I must have imagined your little chat with Anubis then". He was really scared of me right now, and rightfully so. I saw Percy come between us and say "Sadie who kid this guy". Walt zoomed to my side and grabbed my hand and said "her boyfriend now back off".I slapped Walt in the face and pulled my hand out of his and said "next time you say 'her boyfriend' you might as well be saying it to Jaz". He quietly said "She broke up with me". My frown didn't flicker for a moment "what did you expect Walt, me crying and saying I want you back, well think again because you are never gonna be with me again. You better hope Anubis likes you otherwise I'm going to the underworld for your trial and making sure you go to Hell" I kicked him in the leg and created a portal and I pushed him into it. I melted to the floor crying. Percy grabbed my waist and said "tell me everything". I told him every bit and piece at the end of my story he said "Walt is a fool for dumping you".

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