Twelve- Percy

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Before we could play the war games, Sadie found out that we had to go to school in California and we were leaving that moment. Damn I was looking forward to the war games, but anyway I like school, sometimes. I grabbed Sadie's hand as she created a portal. We walked through it and appeared in Los Angeles California in front of a mansion. Some other kids were already standing in front of it, when I walked closer I realised that they were Jason,Piper,Leo, Hazel, and Frank. I said "hey, guys" they all turned around and saw Sadie and I, they all hugged us and Leo said "guess we're all going to school together" I turned to see Sadie struggling not to cry I asked her "hey, what's wrong" she looked uncomfortable but she said "this is where I was born, in this house, I lived here before my mother was killed then I moved to England". Tears started to stream down her face, I decided to ask the question that I had been during to ask since I have known her "how did your mother die?" More tears fell down her face, all my friends were watching us, I could tell from their faces that they wanted to ask that question too. Sadie sped past us and she walked through the door. I grabbed her arm and said "you can't hide the truth forever", she turned her face away from mine and she said "I know". Then she walked in and melted to the floor saying "photos are still in the same place, same photos, same Egyptian books same everything". I picked Sadie up and put her down on the couch and sat down next to her she started to explain "my mother had the power to see the future, she saw a vision of Apophis taking over the world and so after she had Carter and I my parents went to England to try to close him in his prison to save the world, but my mother used to much magic so she burned up her soul to save my dad, then the House Of Life found out my dad had messed with the gods so he got a warning, my grandparents blame my dad for the death of my mom so they got custody of me. My father got to keep my brother but they had to travel all around the world. Then when I was thirteen my father took my brother and I to a museum and he tried to summon Osiris. My father succeeded but before my father could use the power of Osiris, Set the god of evil sent my dad to the underworld. So my brother and I found out about our power and we also stopped Set because I found out Set's secret name. Then we awoke Ra the god of Order because we found out the prison my mother trapped Apophis in broke and the only person who was equal to Apophis is Ra. Then Apophis ate the sun. Then Carter and I killed Apophis. Then I started to date Walt/Anubis the god of death, found out my boyfriend was cheating on me and ran away to meet Percy Jackson, and you know the rest". Gods she's been through a lot. I felt so bad for her, I wouldn't have been alive if it wasn't for my mother or my friends I would probably be dead. Sadie has lived her whole life with seeing her dad twice a year and not even knowing who her mother was or what she did. She melted down crying and I couldn't calm her down I grabbed Sadie's phone and said "speed dial chickenhead" I said to Carter "your sister is crying and I can't calm her down" Carter's response was "That's because you haven't been through anything with her, I'm on my way" a sand portal appeared and he came running through it. He hugged Sadie and said " Apophis is gone, he's not coming back. You can still see mom and dad. I'm not dead, I'm here for you, not going back to Zia until your okay". Okay yes I'm impressed, and I'm jealous that her brother can calm her down but I can't. I motioned for my friends to follow me. I walked out of there into the kitchen my first comment
Me: she has been through so much
Jason: yeah, she grew up with out any one
Piper: not entirely true, she had her grandparents
Frank: I know but think about how many people we had growing up
Hazel: yeah, how does it feel when your mother died to save your father
Leo: I know that it doesn't feel good to not have a mother but I mean it's worse for her
Jason: I remember when the sun disappeared
Me: yeah we had no idea what happened
Leo: did you see what she looks like when she's a goddess
Me: yeah, she is really pretty
Piper: guys stop, but how does she have that much power, what are we going to do
Frank: why don't we become closer to her and figure out how to stop her nightmares
Hazel: wait, she's having nightmares.
Me: yeah you didn't know
Hazel: no I didn't
Sadie: guys, I can hear you
Me: oh shit
Sadie: Seaweed Brain don't curse
Me: sorry magic girl
Oh shit, I cursed in front of Sadie she hates that. I can't believe she heard us, we have to talk later. "παιδιά, ας μιλήσουμε γι 'αυτό αργότερα όταν Sadie κοιμάται"
(Guys, let's talk about this later when Sadie is asleep) they all nodded. We walked up stairs and into our rooms.

Mine: My room was amazing the walls were dark blue and the bed was sea green with waves that moved. My backpack was a dark blue. I had a desk and my favourite photo of Sadie and I is on it next to a photo of all my friends with me two years ago.

Jason: my room was the best, the walls were light blue with lightning on it, and the bed was sky blue with clouds that actually moved. The desk was made out of wood. My backpack which was sky blue was on the desk. On my desk there was a photo of Piper and I together and there was also a photo of the whole camp together last year.

Leo: my room was flaming hot. My walls were bright orange with flames on them. My bed was red with flames that grew and shrank. I had my own little area in my room which was filled with pieces of metal. Then my desk had a photo of Calypso and I and a photo of Jason, Piper, and I. Then my backpack was red with little flames on it.

Frank: my walls were a deep shade of red. In the corner there was a target with a couple of arrows. My bed was a bright purple with the letters SPQR on it. My desk had a photo of Hazel and I together, along with a photo of Reyna and I, also a photo of CHB and SPQR together.

Piper: I was surprised by my room because I thought my mother would had made everything pink. My walls were a shade of baby blue. My bed was a light shade of lavender. My backpack was a brown satchel. My desk had a very pretty picture of Jason and I and a photo of CHB with everyone, also a picture of Leo, Jason, and I.

Sadie: My room had dark grey walls with a big English flag on it. All over my room there were statues of Egyptian gods. I also had a scry bowl in the corner of my room. My bed was white with Egyptian spells all over it that moved around. My backpack is a satchel with a photo of Isis on it. My desk had a photo of Percy and I on it, along with a photo of Carter and I right after we defeated Apophis, a photo of my father, my mother, my brother, and I together. Then a photo of all my Students with me.

Hazel: I had light purple walls with some precious jewels on the walls, with a newspaper print bedspread. My backpack was a bright purple that had SPQR printed on it. My desk had a photo of Frank and I together and the other was a photo of CHB and CJ together

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