Six- Percy

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While I was talking with Drew and Lacy, Sadie was standing between us looking extremely weak. Not that I would ever say that to her face she would Ha-Di me and I would basically die.I grabbed Sadie's waist and started to murmur things about when we first met and stuff like that and guess what it worked. I kissed the top of Sadie's head and said "hey Sades, we should go check on Alyssa and Cleo before they blow up the whole place or worse sink it in to the earth" we both laughed Alyssa is following the path of Geb and so she is an earth elementalist but much better since she has Geb on her side. So Sadie, Lacy, and I left Drew by herself.Thank the gods, the school was not demolished yet even thought a few more seconds and I would guess a fight breaks out between Julian and some mortal. Suddenly Drew came behind us and said to me "Perce can I talk to you away from the mortal" she said pointing at Sadie suddenly Sadie turned around and said "you say that as if your not". Drew was shaking her head I was looking at what my girlfriend had just done to Drew. Sadie spoke again "even demigods can die, you guys live the same amount of time as a regular human and that means that you are mortal just not human, get it, or do I have to get Athena down here to explain" Drew shook her head and said "you will die to at the end of a usual human lifespan too then" Sadie shook her head "Unlike you people" she said "magicians can live up to about two millennia, much longer than an average human" she said.I stared at her, she smirked at me and said "Lost your tongue seaweed brain". I laughed along with Sadie until a boy came up to Sadie and said "Sadie is that really you" my girlfriend ran toward the boy while saying "Max it's you" after them hugging for a while she pulled away and slapped the boy while yelling "where in the name of Ra have you been all this time" I had a look of triumph on my face as Sadie slapped him.I put my arm protectively around Sadie's waist. Sadie glared at me and I let go,the boy then smirked at me and said "Sadie want to come over to my house some time" okay that had done it,before I could punch Max,Sadie grabbed my hand and said to Max "sure, but better yet, why don't you come over to my house,tomorrow night come at about 8 P.M after the school dance". Then Sadie grabbed my hand and dragged me to Math class. Every class that was without Sadie was boring. So I fell asleep in science class I didn't dream about anything in particular.
~~~~~~~~~~after school~~~~~~~~~~~~~
After Sadie had P.E, I met her down by her brothers car so we could walk home.As she was walking out I saw Max and her talking. Jealousy filled me up and blocked all of my senses.I made the water fountains surrounding them blow up but Sadie being my girlfriend I let her stay dry.Max looked right at me and ran over to me and muttered "I'm telling you, one day Sadie will be my girlfriend and you will be nothing more that a change of clothes to her.". I'm not proud of how I reacted, I punched Max in the face and said "I recommend you stop flirting with Sadie or much worse things will be coming your way". Sadie grabbed my arm and said "Percy what are you doing" I looked straight into her sky blue eyes that just made my body melt. She knew her strategy had worked so she grabbed Max by the arm and lifted him up from the floor. Then Sadie said something in Ancient Egyptian to Max and he left. She grabbed my arm and we walked away in style, she wasted no time in asking questions (Sadie in fancy letters)
Why did you punch Max?
Because he said you would dump me and the forget about me.
Now why would I do that?
Exactly I don't have a reason and it would take a pretty strong one to take me away from you.
Thank the gods I thought.

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