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~~~~~~~~~~~~School Dance~~~~~~~~~
Sadie's POV:
I was so excited for the dance. I had my outfit all picked out first I had a baby blue flowy sleeveless dress that went down to my knees, then some light grey flats,wearing my knot of Isis necklace, with a touch of light make up.I walked down stairs to see that my brother was wearing a formal suit like one that you would wear to meet the queen of England. Zia on the other hand was wearing a short black dress with thin straps and black high heels and her scarab necklace with a rose gold bracelet on her wrist.Walt and Jaz were there already and they were kissing, great.My eyes stopped when I noticed Percy in the back of the room wearing a black suit with a sea green tie. I walk over to him and he just stares at me for like a whole twenty minutes. I smirked and said "you want to say something seaweed brain" he nodded his head and said "I wanted to tell you that you look amazing tonight" I could feel a blush coming on my cheeks. I kissed Percy's cheek and said "ready to go" he shook his head and said "I invited some other people" Carter started to storm over so I said "Carter I know these people there really nice". Even though I had no idea who was coming. Suddenly the front doors opened. I grabbed my staff and Carter summoned his avatar which by the way made him look like a thirty foot tall golden see through human with a chicken head which he always says is a falcon but I say otherwise. Six people stood in the doorway looking open mouthed at Carter. I realized that they were Percy and my friends from Camp-Half-Blood. I smirked and said "Brother dear, these are my friends from Camp-Half-Blood" his expression hardened but he came out of his Avatar. I ran over to my friends and hugged them. Then Leo said "Damn woman your brother is a chicken headed warrior" my brothers face went red with anger as he said "It is not a chicken it's a falcon" I laughed along with the rest of my friends. Then Cleo came up to my friends and said
"Γεια σας το όνομα μου είναι Cleo και είμαι από rio στις ΗΠΑ, μιλώ ελληνικά, ισπανικά,αγγλικά και αιγυπτιακά."
(Hello my name is Cleo and I am from Rio,USA, I speak Greek, Spanish,English,and Egyptian)
All of my friends had stunned looks on there faces then Jason spoke
"Γεια σας, είμαι ο Jason Grace και αυτή είναι η φίλη μου Piper Mclean και αυτός είναι ο Φρανκ Ζανγκ και η φίλη του Hazel Levesque και ο Λέον Valdez του οποίου η φίλη είναι η Calypso"
(Hello, i'm Jason Grace and this is my girlfriend Piper Mclean and this is Frank Zhang and his girlfriend Hazel Levesque and Leo whose girlfriend is Calypso).Suddenly there was a shaking in the ground. I moaned and said "where in the name of Isis is Alyssa because she is mad like really mad" all the demigods looked weirdly at me. To explain I said "all our kids here follow the path of a god and Alyssa chose Geb god of the earth. And Carter and I are hosting gods which is different than following the path of one". They looked like they understood so I ran off to look for Alyssa. I found her in the backyard throwing rocks at Felix. I had to stop this, even though I would have more then willingly let her keep beating him up as I watched the show. I murmured a simple freezing spell and both Felix and Alyssa froze where they were standing. I walked up to Alyssa and said "even though I am sure you have a perfectly good reason to cream Felix in a fight, I have to tell you not to kill him even though it might be tempting 100% of the time" then I walked over to felix "you really shouldn't pick a fight with Geb, next time you do that I recommend you do it on water or something" I smiled mischievously at him and I unfreeze then both. By now it was five P.M and it was time for the dance to start. I got the whole house together and said "come on let's go to the party" everyone agreed. When we got to the party I hung out with my little group of demigod friends until Drew came along, she had a designer dress on with with D brooch that was made out of platinum with diamonds on it. I said to her "nice brooch you got there, just wondering, is that your initial or your grade average" she turned white as a sheet and I knew I had picked the right words. I continued "you know I feel like turning you into a worm but why waste magic on you, I can waste time on your kid or you grandchild, I already told you how long I can live for better hope it doesn't work out that way" she was getting paler and paler by the second, if that was possible. Drew and her group turned away and marched off. I turned back around to see that all my friends were looking at the boy two feet away. Who they were saying was amazingly hot. I snickered to myself and called "Anubis" the really hot boy came toward me and said "Yes, Lady Kane, is something wrong" I giggled at all my friends shocked faces. Anubis's eyes turned to Percy and I'm pretty sure the whole group noticed how hard Anubis was glaring at Percy. "Lady Kane, May I have this dance" I nodded my head. Anubis and I talked about how Osiris was doing and how mum was doing. All that stuff. 

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