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I was really tired last night. When I was asleep my dreams quickly shifted to bad things. Max was walking down a dark hallway.then a woman with long dark brown hair and a purple robe appeared and said "son, have you taken advantage of our young Sadie Kane". "No mother" he responded "I am still working on it, her power blocks out mine and she won't fall in love with me because of her boyfriend Percy Jackson" I thought about what he would do then, I thought, my greatest weaknesses are Percy, and Carter.
I woke up from my nightmare screaming. Percy and Carter came in and sat with me. I let them both hold me. Then I asked them "Where his Max". Carter said "he left earlier, why do you need him". Then I said "I need to kill him before you two are killed" "WHAT" they both said "Max is planning to take advantage of me by killing my two greatest weaknesses, which are you,Carter and you, Percy". I cried into my hands. Carter pulled my head into his chest and whispered things into my ears to calm me down.When the boys left my room I got dressed I put on a yellow crop top tight jeans a leather jacket and my combat boots.I walked down stairs while brushing my hair. All the students where looking at my eyes and asking me things like "are you okay", "what happened" ECT... Probably because tears were still streaming down my face. I grabbed a toast off of Walt's plate, if your wondering he doesn't mind if I take things off his plate. That's when Max walked into the kitchen. I dropped everything I was holding and grabbed the collar of his shirt and held him above the ground and yelled "WHAT THE HELL, TELL ME WHO YOUR MOTHER IS SO I CAN KILL HER ALONG WITH YOU, AND DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT TOUCHING CARTER OR PERCY". If everyone wasn't looking at me before they were now. Percy walked in and saw me holding Max in the air. Then Carter came in and tried to restrain me from killing Max, but it didn't work. I shook off Carter and said "get off me Carter if you know what's good for you, he was planning to kill you and Percy". He got off me and then charged at Max. Lucky for me Carter didn't kill Max because I wanted to. Once Carter had Max on the floor I slowly walked over while saying "you're a fool for coming here, and trying to take advantage of me, it'll never happen" I said this all in Ancient Egyptian so no one could understand what I was saying except Cleo,Max, and I. Then Max said in Ancient Egyptian "how did you find out, I never told you". I stormed off toward my room. I wanted to kill him but part of our long term friendship stopped me. I lied down on my bed face down and fell asleep. I know I fell asleep way to early but I was really tired.
I woke up in the afternoon and went down stairs. I found Percy, Walt, Carter, Cleo, and the other demigod sitting in the library discussing something. I sat down next to Percy and said "So what are you guys talking about". They all looked at each other then Carter said "We have to send you back to camp half blood" he said with regret in his eyes. I had to poke fun at him so "Is that regret I see in your eyes, are you going to miss me". He smiled and said "you wish Sadie Ruby Kane", I smiled along with him and said "Oohh, middle name" I laughed. We both laughed together until it died out. I jumped to my feet and said "better get packing". I ran up stairs and opened my walk in closet door. I grabbed two light grey crop tops and four light yellow crop tops and five pairs of jeans. I also grabbed two Camp-Half-Blood t-shirts and two leather jackets. Also some other things like makeup and toothbrush etc. I went back down stairs and yelled "ready". All the students came pouring out of the library. Alyssa, Felix, Cleo, Walt, Jaz,Zia, and Carter hugged me. I walked out of the door grabbed my demigod friends,create a portal, and jump through it. We appeared at the big house. I screamed "we're home", all the demigod came out of their cabins to give us hugs.

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