The Florida plan (BOOK IS BE...

By vicky07831

45.7K 1.7K 631

George is the son of the president of England and wishes to be a normal 17 year old going to school and when... More

Wishes come true
Lets go
What happend
What did you do
Let the fun begin
Not what it seems
I think i like him
Plan chirp
Deadly love
57 hours
20 hours till destiny


1.2K 49 28
By vicky07831

Dream POV

"Why are you not crying over your dad Dream"George asked bluntly. Way to ruin the mood George.

"George come on, we need to go " I changed the subject not wanting to respond to him cause i myself didn't have an answer to that or knew how to.


God he was so stubborn and asked so many bloody questions why couldn't he just accept no as an answer and get over it.

"George I said come on" I argued back

He nodded in disappointment and followed me. I told him to go and sit down and as he sat down I Walked to Sapnap, who was just on the floor fiddling.

"Sapnap is yours ready" I asked

"Yup is yours?"

"I'm just about to get ready" I said grabbing the two pieces I had to connect for the missile to work.

I noticed that Sapnap was bitting his nails, he looked nervous or scared, I didn't know.

"Hey Sapnap are you okay?" I asked

"To be honest, no, I'm really nervous"

"you know I can get Quackity to do this, I'm sure he would be happy to" I comforted

"No, it's fine, I can do this" he composed himself

I gave him a reassuring look and put the missile on my right shoulder, he also did the same. "Bad call Techno and tell him to get ready to open the door and Quackity get ready to start the countdown" I alerted


"Bad hurry, they are getting closer" Quackity panicked as he wobbled his right leg.

"Dream, Techno is ready" Bad commented and put his hands on his ears.

"Okay, Quackity start the countdown" I shouted and looked over to Sapnap and gave him a little smile, he gave me one in return.

Adrenaline was pumping through me, I could feel it, a rush that I have never had before, so addicting and made you feel like you were in control.

"!" Quackity shouted

Bad then quickly told Techno to open the door of the bank. The door opened as bright rays of sun boosted the atmosphere of the bank.

Me and sapnap both pressed the trigger at the same time causing the two missiles to be set off, producing a whoosh sound from the missiles and directly hitting the army vehicle making it explode straight away.

Pieces of the vehicle were landing everywhere with flames attached to them, screaming was heard from inside the bank and outside, a sign of, once again, victory.

George POV

As the countdown was being said everyone held their ears and held onto each other, even Bad ran to Karl and hugged him tightly but Quackity just smiled like a maniac. He was so amused by it.

I held into Wilbur and trapped my ears but that didn't help, I could still hear the noise of the missiles being set off and exploding, everyone screamed. I kept on telling myself that this was all a dream and that I needed to wake up but I knew that it wasn't.

"Bad tell Techno to close the doors" Quackity raised his voice as he paced around.

Bad did just that and doors closing was heard. I lifted my head and saw smoke spreading into the air like wild fire. Feeling my lungs get attacked by the toxic fumes, I coughed out aggressively.

I looked around to see everyone checking on everyone else. I turned around to Wilbur and noticed that his breathing was rapid.

"Hey wil, breath with me"

We both started breathing together, Wilbur's breathing got into a normal pace and he looked better. Giving him a gentle hug I looked around the room and noticed Dream walking up the stairs looking rather cold faced.

Dream POV

I placed the used missile on the floor and looked over to Sapnap, he had a grin plastered on his face which made me have one.

"Clay that was fucking awesome" Sapnap said not acknowledging what he had done.

As he said that name my smile faded, clay, the last time someone said that was my dad.

Only Sapnap and Bad knew my real name and they never used it because I told them that I only wanted to be called Dream and they respected that.

"Dream, are you okay?" He interrupted my thoughts

"I'm fine" I said lifting myself up and walking closer to the stairs.

"Look Dream I didn't mea-" Sapnaps voice was filled with guilt and sorry.

"Sapnap it's fine, I'm going to sleep now, I'm tired"

I wasn't

I took myself to the library.

As I sat on the sofa my mind started to fill with thoughts about everything, George , my dad and the heist.

George POV

As I saw dream walk those stairs like
That it worried me, he didn't have any expression in his face, he looked blank. I looked back at Sapnap, who was slapping his forehead repeatedly. He must've said something.

Bad and Quackity were checking on everyone and Karl headed to Sapnap. I took this as a chance to go and see what happened to Dream.

Before looking for Dream I made sure Wilbur was far away from me and not looking at me.

I looked around and saw that no one was looking at me and sped through the stairs. I searched everywhere for Dream and he was no where to be seen but remembered that I hadn't checked the library.

I walked in the library quietly and saw Dream sitting on the couch with a shallow cup with what looked like whiskey. He was drinking again like if he didn't already have it in his system.

"Dream why are drinking again"

"Stop asking and grab yourself a cup" he answered

"I can't"

"Shit your underage" he laughed and spilled more of the disgusting substance on his cup.

My lips turned into a thin line and I looked around awkwardly swaying forward and backwards with my feet.

"I guess I will just drink for you" he cheered

Before he laced his lips on the cup, I managed to grab it out of his grasp and pull it away from him.
He didn't like that action though.

"George give it back" he got up meeting my gaze.

He was taller than me so he had to look down. I smelt his alcoholic breath brush my face, it made me sick to my stomach.

"No" I tried to walk away but my arm was seized suddenly and roughly. I was sprung around and was once again face to face with Dream.

"George I don't want to hurt you" he warned.

"Hurt me, you won't" I spat knowing that he can't hurt me and won't hurt me.

"George just give me the fucking drink" he let go of me and reached for the cup.

I raised the cup and teased him making him more frustrated but it didn't end well as I got closer and closer to the wall and Dream had me pinned to the wall. Great.

Our eyes met, it made my breathing hitch and make my cheeks burn like fire. I didn't know what was going to happen but all I knew was that we were extremely close.


I was interrupted as soft lips harshly pressed against mine...

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