The Devil went down to Honnou...

By slenderfanboy

28.3K 475 266

(Y/N), also known as the Black Demon, arrives at Honnouji Academy to get some answers regarding a deceased fr... More

Welcome to Honnouji Academy
I've got balls of steel
Clash of the Kamui
I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date!
Turn a Blind Eye
The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club.
I'm on the highway to Hell
Major Whiplash
Now you see me, now you don't!
Face the music
Going Berserk
Shinijiro Nagita
We're going on a trip
The full story
Party Crashers
Things are starting to unravel
Rescue Mission
Do or Die
Wake up call
Final Preparations
Final Battle part 1

Mr. Mohawk

1.3K 22 10
By slenderfanboy

(Y/N) or Y/N: Your Name

(F/N): First Name

(L/N): Last Name

Italic: Thoughts

Bold: Locations


Italic underlined: Flashback

Bold Italic: Telepathic communication

Underlined: Video/audio


Y/N, Mako and Ryuko were out on the courtyard, where Y/N was explaining how he made it on time to school during No-Late Day. Mako was wide eyed in amazement upon hearing Y/N's explanation, but Ryuko on the other hand was a bit skeptical.

Ryuko: So, you're saying that you hauled ass the way to class within less than 30 seconds until bell rang?

Y/N: Yep. That about sums it up.

Ryuko than snickers a bit before folding her arms.

Ryuko: Yeah. I find that hard believe. Unless I see it, I don't believe it.

Y/N just had a smug grin on his face upon hearing that.

Y/N: I was hoping you'd say that.

Ryuko: Why's th...

Before Ryuko could finish, Y/N then ran off in speeds that Ryuko couldn't fathom before running back to her, his smug grin never fading.

Y/N: Believe me now?

Ryuko was too dumbstruck to say answer.

Y/N: I'll take that as yes.

Ryuko: Mako, you saw that too, right? Mako?

Ryuko turned round to see Mako no longer there.

Ryuko: Mako? Mako!!

Y/N: Oh boy! We better go rescue her.



Y/N and Ryuko burst through the doors to the science lab, where they see Mako strapped onto an operating table.

Ryuko managed to beat down all members of the biology club with no problem.

Ryuko: What's with you people.

Y/N: Taking hostages is a real dick move.

Mako: You're so cool guys!

Suddenly, the leader of the biology club appeared, and he was a sight for sore eyes.

Biology club President: Shuddup you! You're friend is not a hostage! In fact, she happens to be the Biology Club's special human Guinea Pig!

The club pres said this many other club members appeared, each one wielding various surgical tools as weapons.

Y/N: Ok, Two-Faced Rick Sanchez! I'm up for a little science project myself.

Y/N then reached into his pocket and pulled out a metal bar. Then with a click of a button, the bar increased in length, becoming as long as a staff and a scalpel blade emerged from the top.

Y/N: Today's subject, human anatomy! And you two-faced fuckers are the test subjects!

Ryuko: What even is that?

Y/N: This my dear, is what I call the Kinetic Scalpel. This bad boy can slice through diamond in one go. Now, I do hope you're ready, because I'm gonna dissect you bastards like frogs.

Biology Club President: Just try it! let 'em have it!

The whole club threw there weapons at Y/N, only for him to spin his Kinetic Scalpel to deflect everything thrown at him.

Y/N: Pathetic! Let me show you punks how its really done!

The blade of the Kinetic Scalpel glowed red, then with one fell swing, he launched a red energy wave at the many students, the attack knocked them off their feet.

Biology Club President: I-Impossible!

Ryuko's scissor blade then transformed into decapitation mode.

Ryuko: Save your little knives for the frogs! It'll take more than that to beat us!

Ryuko then swung her scissor blade to finish the job. The attack ended up sending everyone outside and into the courtyard. The uniforms of the entire Biology club were destroyed, and each Life Fiber was absorbed by Senketsu.

Y/N: Not so tough now, are ya, Franken-fucks?

Ryuko: Well that takes care of that.

Suddenly, as usual, Mako darts towards Ryuko, admiring how awesome she was. Ryuko then, somehow, collapsed her scissor blade to a much smaller size.

Mako: Whoa! When did you learn how to shrink your scissors down? That's so cool!

Y/N: I knew Dr. Matoi made some pretty sophisticated stuff, but that's amazing.

Ryuko: Yeah well, Its not really that big a deal.

Senketsu: You're bloods been quite salty lately. That explains your cocky attitude.

Ryuko: You can tell that stuff from how my blood tastes?

Y/N: Yes, he can. Kamui can spot any change in the physiology of their wearers.

Senketsu: He's correct. Everything from your weight to your BMI.

Ryuko: My BMI's none of your business!

Senketsu: You should still cut back from the croquettes.

Ryuko: I'm gonna eat whatever I damn well want, dammit!

Y/N: Hey, in her defense, Senketsu, those things are pretty good.

Ryuko: Besides, I need to keep up my energy if I'm fighting all the dorks, don't I?

Ryuketsu: Throwing tantrums is bad for you. As is greasy food.

Ryuko: Oh come on, you too!?

Y/N: Ryu, stay the fuck out of this! And you two better wipe those goddamn smiles of your mugs!

Senketsu: Now how can we even smile?

Ryuketsu: Yes, we have no faces!

Ryuko: Seriously, Y/N. How do you even put up with this sorta shit!?

Y/N: No clue, but I'm surprised I haven't snapped yet.

Mako: You guys are hilarious. You're having a four way comedy, but with two people.

Y/N and Ryuko: Huh?

Mako: Anyway, close all back there, huh? It would have sucked if they cut my tummy open, 'cause then my lunch would spill out. The I would have to eat everything all over again.

Y/N: 🤢 Eh....thanks for the rather disgusting visuals.

Before anything else, Y/N and Mako were pelted by dozens of needles, pushing Mako off the chain she was sitting on while Y/N was falling on his back.

Ryuko: GUYS!! Guys! Come on, say something!

???: Don't worry. You're friends are ok. The effects of the needles are therapeutic. They'll cure any fatigue they have. Any illness. When they wake up, they'll both be energized.

Ryuko turns to see a tall, muscular man, possibly in his early or late twenties. He his hair is short and black with a bright red mohawk. He has thick eyebrows, two earrings in his left ear and a bandage on his nose. His attire is reminiscent of a guerrilla army member's gear in that it consists of a high-collared vest and dark green pants draped with belts and ammo

Ryuko: Oh...uh...thanks a lot, I guess?

???: But your uniform will get no mercy!

The man then fired needles at Ryuko's direction. But a needle hit Ryuko's show, and next thing she new, the man had her pinned down.

Ryuko: You bastard! What club are you from!?

???: Take off your clothes!


Y/N: I've got a better idea, Mr. Mohawk!

Ryuko and the man turn to see Y/N, standing, staring angrily at the man.

Ryuko: Y/N?

???: What the hell? How are you still moving?

Y/N: You really think these shitty needles can hold me down! FUCK NO!

???: And who are you?

Y/N: Not important! Now...

Y/N then fished into his pocket, pulling out....a large war hammer.

Y/N: I'm gonna count to ten! And if you're not gone by the time I reach ten, I'm gonna crush your goddamn skull like a walnut!

???: You think you can take me on, boy?

The hammer Y/N wielded than sparked with electricity, his glare never leaving the man.

???: O-O

Ryuko: Whoa.

Senketsu: A scalpel spear that fires energy, and now an electric hammer? What else has he made?

Y/N: You wanna find out...Tsumugu Kinagase?

The now named Tsumugu was surprised upon hearing that.

Tsumugu: What do you know my name?

Y/N: Not Important! Now, I'm gonna start counting. And you better be gone when I reach ten! One! Two! Three!

As Y/N counted, Tsumugu took a few steps back.

Y/N: Four! Five! Six!

Tsumugu felt a small needle hit his hand, and he walked away. But before he was fully gone, he took one final look to Ryuko.

Tsumuhu: I'll be strip you later. *looks to Y/N* And you! This isn't over!

Ryuko and Y/N both watched Tsumugu disappear into the shadows.

Y/N: Yeah, that's right, fucknut! Walk away.

Y/N then collapsed his hammer into a small iron bar, much like how Ryuko did with her scissor blade.

Ryuko: Thanks for the save, dude.

Y/N: No prob, chica.

Senketsu: What was that weapon you used?

Y/N: Tesla Hammer. A war hammer and a tesla coil rolled into one.

Ryuko: By the way, how do you know that guy, anyway?

Y/N then had a somber look on his face.

Y/N: I...I don't want to talk about it.


Later that Night

Honno City No-Star Slums

Aikuro was enjoying a beverage by his lone self, when Tsumugu sat next to him.

Aikuro: I already know what you're going to say, Tsumugu. Never interrupt me, am I right?

Tsumugu: What do you want?

Aikuro: Pull up a seat. There aren't any Kiryuins Spies in this time.

Tsumugu: What do you want?

Aikuro: *sigh* I want you to leave Matoi alone. Its a critical time for her.

Tsumugu: I can't do that.

Aikuro: Except for the Kansai region, Satsuki Kiryuin is taking over every regional school in the country.

Aikuro then looks to Tsumugu.

Aikuro: Do you remember what Dr. Matoi said? Use the Kamui against the Kiryuins. That's what everyone on Nudist Beach signed up for. All you're doing now is getting in the way.

Tsumugu: That uniform is too dangerous.

Aikuro: I get that. But Matoi could prove to be a powerful ally.

Tsumugu: If she's consumed by the Kamui, it'll cause problems worse than the Kiruins. That's why I have to destroy it now, before it turns her into a monster.

Aikuro: "People and clothing aren't enemies." Isn't that what Kinue said?

Upon hearing that, Tsumugu slammed his fist against the counter.

Tsumugu: I owe you, and I'll do anything you ask. Except when it comes to a Kamui.

Aikuro: Ok, but if HQ finds out about this, they're going to take all of your gear away.

Tsumugu: Then I'll go after that Kamui as a naked nudist! It doesn't change a damn thing!

Tsumugu was about to leave, but then somebody else came to mind.

Tsumugu: Also, who's the boy with her?

Aikuro: You mean (Y/N)?

Tsumugu: Who else do you think I mean!? Somehow, that kid knows who I am.

Aikuro: Well, he was a close friend to Dr. Matoi. Those two were as thick as thieves, in fact.

Tsumugu: That doesn't answer my damn question!

Aikuro: Sadly, it's not my place to say.

Tsumugu: What the hell do you mean "it's not your place to say"!? Do you know something that I don't!?

Aikuro: I mean its not my place to say. I'm not one to getting into other people's personal business.

Tsumugu: Urgh! Fine! I'll have to find out what he knows my way!"

Aikuro: I wouldn't recommend that, Tsumugu.

Tsumugu raised an eyebrow upon hearing that.

Aikuro: Trust me, you don't want to get onto his bad side. When he gets mad, he's like a bull chasing something red.

Tsumugu: Tsk.

Tsumugu then got up and walked out of the bar, leaving Aikuro to finish his drink. As Aikuro sat alone with his drink, he began to worry for Tsumugu.

Aikuro: Y/N, as a friend, I beg of you, please don't do something you'll regret next time you encounter Tsumugu.

But what Aikuro failed to realize was a familiar spider-like robot watching, having hearing the whole conversation.




Y/N and Ryuketsu were watching the screen of Y/N's computer, hearing everything the Eye-Spy had recorded.

Y/N: Son of a bitch! I should have known!

Ryuketsu: Do you think we should inform Ryuko of this?

Y/N: I don't know man. I mean I get that Tsumugu attacked Ryuko, but I know the guy has his reasons.

Ryuketsu: That tragic incident involving...a certain someone.

Y/N: *sigh* Yeah.


Student Council HQ

Inumuta: I have intel of the stranger who attacked the gardening club. His data matches the person we've been having trouble lately.

Gamagoori: The anti-uniform guerilla. He's the one that's been attacking all of our affiliating academies.

Inumuta: Yes. I also found this. His weapon of choice fires needles. Analysis shows they're made of a special alloy. Apparently, they have the ability to sever the connection between the human body and life fibers.

Sanageyama: Heh. A weapon that can take out a Goku Uniform? I'll believe it when I see it.

Gamagoori: We can be sure he's not acting alone in his attacks on us. He's with those pathetic fools who dare oppose Honnouji Academy.

Inumuta: This time though, his target appears to be Ryuko Matoi.

That surprised his other teammates.

Gamagoori: You sure about that?

Satsuki: He must be after her Kamui. This is the struggle between a sand piper and a clam. Nothing more.

Nonon: In that case, I think I'll change things up and be the one to cast the net.

Inumuta: Hmph. Changing majors from music to fishing, are we?

Nonon: Yeah, well the new girl and her partner in crime totally wrecked my biology club. I think the Non-Athletic committee should pay them back for that. If I may, Lady Satsuki.

Satsuki: Yes, you may.

Inumuta: Speaking of Y/N, I discovered something interesting about him.

After pressing a few more keys on the keyboard of his laptop, the screen displayed a paused video of Tsumugu confronting Y/N while Ryuko was pinned.

Inumuta: Apparently, he knows the anti-uniform guerilla.

Gamagoori: How can you be sure?

Inumuta: Just watch. I'm sure you'll be just as surprised as I was.

After pressing play, the video played, and everyone present paid close attention.

Y/N: I've got a better idea, Mr. Mohawk!

Ryuko: Y/N?

Tsumugu: What the hell? How are you still moving?

Y/N: You really think these shitty needles can hold me down! FUCK NO!

Tsumugu: And who are you?

Y/N: Not important! Now! I'm gonna count to ten! And if you're not gone by the time I reach ten, I'm gonna crush your goddamn skull like a walnut!

???: You think you can take me on, boy?

As the video went on, Satsuki had her focus on Y/N.

Satsuki: Just what exactly are you? What makes you so...extraordinary?

Y/N: You wanna find out...Tsumugu Kinagase?

The video then stopped, and true to what Inumuta said, Gamagoori, Sanageyama, Jakuzure, even Lady Satsuki were surprised at what they've seen.

Sanageyama: Huh. You weren't kidding, four-eyes.

Gamagoori: Do you suppose that L/N is affiliated with the anti-uniform guerilla?

Inumuta: I highly doubt that. If he was, he wouldn't have had such a strong reaction upon seeing his advances on Ryuko.

Nonon: No kidding. He looked really pissed after seeing the new girl being pinned down.

Satsuki: Every day, you never cease to pique my curiosity even further.

Gamagoori: Shall we bring him in for interrogation, Lady Satsuki?

Satsuki: As much as I wish to know his relation to this Tsumugu Kinagase, we have more urgent matters we must focus on.

Inumuta: I'm still working on finding any information on Y/N L/N, Lady Satsuki. Though I will admit, such a task is proving to be more challenging than I thought.

Satsuki: Do your best, Inumuta.


The Next Day

Y/N was walking to Honnouji Academy alone, his mind on a certain teacher.

Y/N: Aikuro, when I see you, you better expect a shit load of questions!

Ryuko: Go on. I'll catch up later.

Y/N heard Ryuko's voice, he turns to see Ryuko talking to Mako.

Mako: Why?

Ryuko: Please.

Mako just took Ryuko's word for it and walks off, but not before telling Ryuko that she has her back.

Y/N: I take it your going to face Tsumugu?

Ryuko turns to see Y/N standing beside her.

Ryuko: Yeah. You best leave him to me.

Y/N: And let him screw you and Senketsu up? Not a snowball's chance in hell! If he's gonna get to Senketsu, he's gonna go through me first!

Ryuko: Y/N...

Y/N: Ryuko, Senkesu was made for you for a reason. Your father put a lot of effort into him, and ill be God damned if anything happens to him now.

Ryuko was truly touched by Y/N's words. Even Senketsu was touched upon hearing Y/N's little speech.

Ryuko: Hey, where's Ryuketsu at.

Y/N: I'd figured I leave him out of this one. Chances are Tsumugu would do him in after he dealt with Senketsu.

Ryuko: How do you know?

Y/N: Trust me, I know his motives.

Ryuko was about to ask, but she just left it at that.

When the two arrived at Honnouji Academy, both Ryuko and Y/N were waiting for Tsumugu to arrive. But Ryuko seemed to be shaking a bit, to which Y/N took notice of.

Senketsu: He scares you, doesn't he?

Ryuko: Shut up.

Sentektu: You can't fight if you're not in the right state of mind.

Y/N: He's right, Ryuko.

Ryuko: And just who's side are you on!?

Y/N: I'm just trying to help.

They then notice Tsumugu coming their way.

Y/N: Look who the cat dragged in?

Four missile then flew towards them, only for Y/N to clap his hands, creating a shockwave that cuased the missiles to explode before they reach their targets. Ryuko then transformed, and they see Tsumugu readying his needle gun.

Ryuko: Think you can help out without Ryuketsu?

Y/N: Only one way to find out.

Y/N then put on his gloves before both he and Ryuko charged towards Tsumugu. Ryuko went to strike Tsumugu with her scissor blade, only for him to block with his needle gun.

Tsumugu: Here's a piece of advice. It takes a lot more than strength to win a fight.

Tsumugu then licked a button, causing a barrage of missiles to fire towards her. But before the missile met their mark, Y/N came in, and with a swing of his arms, the missiles expolded before they could land on their target.

Ryuko: Whoa!

Tsumugu: Urgh!

Y/N: Such sagely advice. But here's a tip from me. When you're in a fight...

Y/N then darts behind Tsumugu faster than he could even blink.


Y/N then delivered an uppercut, sending Tsumugu flying a foot away.

Ryuko: Thanks for that.

Y/N: Don't mention it.

Tsumugu: You best stay out of my way, boy!

Ryuko and Y/N both see Tsumugu firing another wave of needles at Y/N. But once the needles hit him, they had no effect on him, just like last time. Tsumugu was shocked upon seeing this.

Y/N: Bad move, fuckwit!

Y/N then brought out two metal balls that could fit in the palms of his hands. Then with a click of a button on both orbs, they glowed for a bit. Then suddenly, in place of the two metal balls were two weapons that both resembled fusions of a gun and a sword.

Ryuko: Holy crap!

Tsumugu: And just what are those?

Y/N: Durandal Pistols. A little something I made on the fly. Now, in the immortalized words Tony Montana from Scarface, "Say hello to my little friend"!

The blades of his gun swords began to glow before firing wave after wave of energy blasts a Tsumugu.

As the fight went on, a bunch of projectiles interupted them.

Y/N: Are you fucking kidding!?

Ryuko: Great! now what!?

Rakugo Club: Meet the Honnouji Rakugo Club Three Masters!

100 Poet's Club: We're the Honouji Academy Poetry Club! The Horde of 100!

Kusatao: We're the backyard division of the Gardening Club! And I'm the shifty-eyed Kusatao Uwabami! You messed up our garden! And you're gonna pay for that

Y/N: We ain't go time for this sorta shit!

Duting the whole scuffle, Nonon Jakuzure was observing the whole scene.

Inumuta: The way you spoke earlier, I'm surprised you sent your weakest clubs down there.

Nonon: Yeah, well it wouldn't be any fun to just beat them out, right? I doubt you'd do it any different.

Nonon said as she examined the whole fight.

Nonon: This is a chance to study our opponent. Whatever we learn today, we can apply to the real battle Lady Satsuki's planning.

Inumuta: I didn't know you were so diligent. I'm impressed.

Nonon: I've known lady Sastuki longer than the rest of you.



After dealing with all three clubs and chasing Tsumugu, we see that in the boys restroom, Y/N was knocked out and Ryuko was against a wall with Tsumugu having her at gunpoint.

Ryuko: B-bastard.

Tsumugu: Whatever, its over now. You're Kamui's power has been neutralized. Now take off your clothes.

Y/N: You...asshole!

Tsumugu and Ryuko turn to see Y/N standing back up, albeit with some difficulty.

Ryuko: Y/N...

Tsumugu: Still haven't had enough, eh?

Tsumugu fired another round of needles to Y/N, only for him to swat them away like a bunch of flies.

Tsumugu: There are two things you need to know. One: There once was a woman. She believed that people and clothes weren't enemies. But she was a fool. And in the end, she was betrayed by clothing.

As Tsumugu explained, Ryuko was confused as to what he was talking about.

Tsunugu: And two: the road your friend's going down only leads to the same fate.

Y/N: Tsumugu...I understand how you feel, man.

Tsumugu only raised an eyebrow at that.

Tsumugu: Do you, now?

Y/N: The only reason I haven't caved your mother fucking skull because of her.

Ryuko was confused, but Tsumugu was wide-eyed in shock upon hearing that.

Tsumugu: Don't screw with me! You don't know Kinue!

Ryuko: Kinue?

Y/N: I miss Kinue just as much as you do, Tsugumu! If I could go back in time and change Kinue's fate, by God I would take that opportunity without question.

Tsumugu: Then why aid the one thing that killed her? You know that your friend is only going to suffer the same fate she did.

Y/N: You have no goddamn idea just how wrong you are!

Tsumugu: Beg your pardon?

Y/N: You heard me! I know that Ryuko is definitely not going to go down the same way Kinue did. So here are two things "you" need to know. One...

Y/N then walks to Ryuko, his arms outstretched.

Y/N: The only way you're getting to Senketsu is over my dead fucking body! And Two: That's not going to be easy to do!

Ryuko blushed upon seeing Y/N's noble act.

Ryuko: Y/N...

Tsumugu: You really want to die for a Kamui?

Y/N: Senketsu is not as big a threat as you think he is!

Tsunugu: That thing is made of Life Fibers! Like them, that Kamui is a mere parasite!

Suddenly, Mako rushed in and stuck a mop in Tsumugu's back.

Tsumugu: Who invited the cleaning lady?

Y/N: Mako?


Y/N: Oh boy. Here it comes.

Mako: Ryuko loves her uniform more than anything on the planet She's always talking and whispering to it. Its crazy but its true. In fact, my whole family's freaked out by it. But that's cool, because that's what somebody does when they have one set of clothes. And if you take away the clothes of a person like that, than that's the same wat as taking away there bestest friend. This uniform is her friend.

Tsumugu was just confused as all hell upon hearing Mako's little speech.

Y/N: God bless her, that girl is wacky for all the right reasons.

Tsumugu: People and clothing can't communicate. And they can't be friends. It's impossible.

Y/N: If only you knew, buddy. If only you knew.

Mako: No its not! Up until now, the only friends I had were the ones in my head. But then I met Ryuko and Y/N. And I finally had had real ones. So if they can be my friends, than they can be friends with clothes too. That's why it's not impossible.

Ryuko and Y/N were touched by every word Mako said, and the three had a group hug.

Ryuko: Thank you...Mako.

Y/N: You really are a joy to be around. A bit crazy, but a real angel.

Mako: Well...I better get back to cleaning. I got busted for sleeping in class again. Buh-bye.

As soon as Mako was gone, Tsumugu turns his attention back to Ryuko and Y/N.

Tsumugu: Ok, so where were we?

Y/N: I do believe you were about to take Senketsu. But like I said earlier, fuckwad! The only way you're getting to him is over my dead body!

Tsumugu: I think I can make that arranged.

Y/N: Than whatcha waiting for? Fire away!

Before Tsumugu pulled pull the trigger, Senketsu jumped from Ryuko, went past Y/N before granbing Tsumugu, catching the man completely by surprise. Senketsu's sleeve wraps around Tsumugu's neck before he gets into his face.

Senketsu: Don't you touch her! If you do, I'll make you pay!

Tsumugu was shocked by what he had seen and heard.


Y/N: Now you understand, Tsumugu?

Tsumugu: Are...these two....friends?

Y/N: You bet, man. This is what Kinue meant.

But then, Nonon and her band came into the scene.

Nonon: Your battle with the Kamui was, in a word, "magnificent". Unfortunately, the melody you've been playing has gotten pretty boring. Be a doll and hand them over.

Tsumugu: Just give you the Kamui, huh?

Nonon: Yep. And yourself too, if you don't mind.

Tsumugu turns to face Nonon.

Tsumugu: Woman, there are two things you need to know. One: I'll never let you people catch me.

Y/N then walks beside Tsumugu, his glare at Nonon.

Y/N: And Two...

Y/N then fished into his pocket, pulling out another metal ball.

Y/N: You and the others aren't getting your hands on Senketsu!

Y/N then tosses the metal ball, causing a massive smokescreen to fill the room. But as soon as the fog cleared, a small metal spool was left. But then suddenly, said spool beeped before exploding.

To say that Nonon was upset would be an understatement.


The Student Council Chambers

Sastuki, Sanageyama, Gamagoori and Inumuta Four were going over the events from earlier.

Sanageyama: And after all that work, you let everyone get away.

Satsuki: What's the status on the anti-uniform geurilla's combat data?

Inumuta: I've completed the analysis and I found a pattern.

Satsuki: Excellent. I'm so glad Jakuzre understands my intentions. Don't forget to thank her for it.

Nonon then enters the room.

Nonon: My pleasure, lady Satsuki.

Inumuta: Also, I've finally managed to gather some intel regarding Y/N L/N, milady. It wasn't easy, though.

Satsuki: Elaborate.

Inumuta: Well, to start, his parents passed away when he was younger, about the age of two in fact. He had no other relatives willing to take him in, so he went to the foster system. From there, he went to boarding schools and had a standard education.

Nonon: How could someone like that possibly make it to Honnouji Academy?

Inumuta: Here's the interesting bit. Believe it or not, he's affiliated with the one that founded the enemy faction, Dr. Ishin Matoi.

With a few clicks on the keyboard, an image of Y/N and Dr. Matoi appeared on the screen.

Satsuki was very shocked, yet intrigued at what she was seeing. And she could tell her Elite Four felt the same way.

Gamagoori: That would explain why he's in Honnouji Academy. But that doesn't explain how.

Inumuta: Well, the information I gathered only gets more interesting. During my research, I stumbled across some videos of some superhero in the United Stated who goes by the name of the Black Demon. And what I found truly baffled me.

Sanageyama: Just what does that have to do with Y/N?

Inumuta: See for yourself.

The screen then showed a video of this Black Demon stopping a bank robbery. As they watched, Satsuki's eyes widened upon seeing the Black Demon.

Satsuki: Pause that!

Inumuta did as instructed, and paused the video.

Inumuta: Who does this figure remind you of?

Nonon, Sanageyama and Gamagoori were as shocked as Satsuki is upon seeing the rather familiar black figure.

Sanageyama: Holy shit!

Jakuzure: No way!

Gamagoori: Is that...

Sastuki was speechless, and was internally shocked upon seeing this.

Satsuki: Were you able to gather on how he attended to Honnoji Academy?

Inumuta: Unfortunately no. But I theorize it would be because of the influence of the President.

Gamagoori: You expect me to believe that?

Inumuta: Considering how well known he is there, I would say its a very strong possibility.

Sastuki: There is more to him, keep searching Inumuta.

Inumuta: At once, milady.

Satsuki then walked off, her thoughts on everything she learned.

Satsuki: 'If he's as powerful the information Inumuta gathered claims, then he could be useful to my cause.'


Ryuko was stirring awake on a sofa. But she notices the unfamiliar surroundings.

Ryuko: Where... am I?

Y/N: Well. Sleeping beauty finally awakes.

Ryuko turns to see Y/N, carrying two bowls.

Ryuko: Y/N? Wait! Where's...

Senketsu: I'm here.

Ryuko looks down and see's that she's wearing Senketsu.

Ryuketsu: Nice to see you two are safe and sound from earlier.

Ryuko looks beside and sees Ryuketsu resting on a stool.

Ryuko: Ryuketsu? Wait...* turns to Y/N* Is this where you live?

Y/N: Yep. It's not much, but I'm not complaining. Welcome to mi casa. Here. *hands Ryuko a bowl* I figured you'd be hungry.

Ryuko accepts the bowl, the aroma of its contents pleased her nose.

Ryuko: Smells good. What is it.

Y/N: Gumbo. My mom's special recipe.

Ryuko took a spoonful of her Gumbo, and judging by the reaction she had, her taste buds were on cloud nine.

Ryuko: Damn...this is good!

Ryuko then dug in with fervor, to which Y/N watched with a soft smile.

Y/N: Glad to know I did a good job. There's plenty in the kitchen if you're still hungry.

Ryuko: Thanks dude.

Y/N: No prob, Ryuko. It's the least I can do.

As Ryuko ate, she couldn't help but remember the mention of Kinue from earlier.

Ryuko: Hey, Y/N?

Y/N: Hm?

Ryuko: Earlier, you and Tsumugu mentioned someone named Kinue. Was she a friend of yours?

Y/N: I...that's not something I'd like to talk about.

Judging by the somber tone in his reply, Ryuko figured its best to just not pry.

Ryuko: Ok man...but if you want to talk about it, I'm here for you.

Y/N: Thanks, Ryuko.

Ryuko smiled in response.


Later that Day

The outskirts of Honnou City

Aikuro: Thanks a lot for getting Matoi out of that jam. I guess your debt to me is paid in full now.

Tsumugu: That doesn't even begin to.

Aikuro: What're you talking about? Were square. Besides, I have a rule, I only keep the ladies on the hook.

Tsumugu: Well, there are two things you need to know. One: I'm only giving her a chance. And two: If things start going south, I'll be back to rip it off her.

Aikuro: Heheh. Assuming Y/N doesn't pummel you first.

Tsumugu: Speaking of which, what's up with that kid?

Aikuro: What do you mean?

Tsumugu: That kid is defininately not normal. I highly doubt if he's human.

Aikuro: Admittedly, I don't know much about Y/N, to be perfectly honest.

Tsumugu: Well what do you know?

Aikuro: *sigh* All I can say is, that boy is full of surprises.

Tsumugu: Considering what I've seen what he's capable of earlier, I agree. Regardless though, if he does get in my way should things come apart at the seams, I'll make sure he doesn't.

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