A Family For Rent

By chachabook1600

3.7K 165 46

What if you have everything, you're rich , a beautiful house, and dreaming job, popularity, and you can have... More

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14

Chapter 13

185 9 1
By chachabook1600

~ One Month Later ~

Shadow P.O.V

I start to really love this live, everyday since I came here, it's a new discovery of Family live, everything is perfect even when my dad try to have a contact with me, strange !?, usually he never care about a damn thing I do but why is he searching for me this recent days?.

To be fair I don't really care all what matter is that experience is pretty interesting and It change from my old live, I finally reach to a happiness that I couldn't have it before, everything is great but something new happened to me, a totally new feeling, With the help of my old friend Rouge I discovered that this feeling it's know as "Love".

I didn't know that this love feeling exist, we living on a world where the true love is rare to find like a treasure hiding, I never believe on this feeling until today, most of the time it'll be some random people asking me to go out with them to get to know me, just like in the high School if Rouge didn't help me, faking if being my girlfriend they won't live me in peace until I destroy this high school.

But anyway when I look at her with her fiancé and I remember when she was with me I found strange, she wouldn't give any damn about me, not carrying at all but with Knuckles she always around him and always worry for him if he get a little pain. It make me thinking about me, if loving somebody mean to take care of them and protect them as we share our happiest and the saddest moment, so that will mean that I Love him ?.

That I Love Sonic

But we make a deal, I only have three month and I'll go, I can stop thinking of this weird feeling I got when I saw him changing his clothes the first time, I feel like I need him and I want him, I really like his company and those moment we share together I'd like to think that they are real instead of acting.

Anyway I was sitting on the bed reading while Sonic's getting ready to meet whatever dumbass, it make me feeling so.... so .... I don't how to say it, it like I'm angry not of him but on this person that he gonna meet, I'm sure that this guy isn't good enough for him, he gonna to hurt him like every time, he come back so drunk that he past out when he arrived here or he cry to the next morning, I hate seeing him like this, it hurt me so much to see him in pain.

He was about to leave when I grab his hand, he was surprise and look at me with shock expression, I just couldn't let him go knowing how it'll always end the same way, he have to stop, not only he hurt himself, but also his family and also ....me

Shadow: " Sonic, don't go.... * look at him with worry eyes carefully grabbing his hands*"

Sonic: " what !? * look at him confuse* You know I can't Shadow, I need a new job for them * try to remove his hand*"

Shadow: " isn't any other way for you to find a job, a way that doesn't involve .......this * look away as he blush *"

Sonic: " * blush* well this's how we live here Shadow, it's our only way to get what we want * look away*"

Shadow: " what can I do to.... * look behind Sonic as he notice a vinyl turntable and smile*"

Sonic: " uuuh Shadow? * look at Shadow walking away* what are you doing ?"

I turn on that vinyl turntable after putting the needle on the vinyl playing a nice and smooth romantic song, he do have such a good taste for music, but anyway I walk toward him, bending over little like a gentleman do and offer him my hand for a dance, he look at me surprise confuse and with a little smile he accept the dance, resting his hand on mine and the other on my shoulder as I place my second on the lower of his back and his hip.

We start to dance slowly as he get closer to me, he keep watching his feet blushing, I guess he never dance before, but few moments later he get used to the dance and look at me still blushing, I couldn't stop smiling as he rest his head on my shoulder with both of his on it too, as I rest my head on his and warp my arms around his waist making him more closer to my heart, more closer to my soul, more closer to....... me

We still dancing for quite a nice moment, gosh it's s one of the most amazing experience on my live, I wish this moments never end, Sonic broke the hug and look at me, those beautiful green gems eyes were shining like a rain of shooting stars, I don't know why but I lost the control of my body learning my face closer to his as our eyes close, but he suddenly stop and gently push himself away from me, of course he'll, what did I think that it'll work, the deal is a deal and I was about to break it.

He grab his stuff and run out of the room, I look at the window seeing him running away, he stop and look at me with few tears before running away to wherever this scumbag live, why do every good thing have to end ? I know I wanted to have a experience with a real family, just to live this feeling of being a part of something, being a part of Someone live, but now I want to be a part of someone...... Love

I've to do something, I've to make him stop doing this, but what could I do ? Suddenly my phone ring receiving a message from my butler Silver, I look at the screen and  read it., and Oh gosh.... that's all what I need now, my Dad will come back here in few days to see me, since when do he even care about me.

" I feel something bad is gonna have pretty soon"

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