The Child of The Tomb

بواسطة Leo_Matsuzaki

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(Y/n) Satoru-the little sister of Suzuki Satoru-loves to play a game called YGGDRASIL. She's secretly in a gu... المزيد

Lesson Prolouge - Eh?
Lesson 1 - How did This Happen!
Lesson 2 - Pestonya!
Lesson 3 - Saving Carne Villege
Lesson 4 - Gazef Stronoff
Lesson 5 - Idiotic
Lesson 6 - Caring
Lesson 7 - Alone
Lesson 8 - Distance Attempts
Lesson 9 - Bane
I'm Back!!
Lesson 10 - One More Day
Lesson 11 - Shalltear's Impact
Lesson 12 - Jealous?
Lesson 13 - A Mess of Things
Lesson 14 - Rogue
Lesson 15 - Better Picture
Lesson 16 - Emotions
Lesson 17 - Shalltear
Event Results! + Explanations!
Lesson 18 - A Regular Day
OVA - Beach Episode! Pleiades Ver.
Lesson 20 - Lizardmen
Lesson 21 - First Alliance
Lesson 22 - Kill Her With Kindness
Lesson 23 - Tribes United
Lesson 24 - The Big Battle
Lesson 25 - Cocytus
Lesson 26 - Just The Start
Lesson 27 - The...
Lesson 28 - Ready or Not
Lesson 29 - Resolving Matters
OVA - Beach Day! Guardians Ver.
Lesson 30 - The Woman
Lesson 31 - Tuare
Lesson 32 - More People?
Lesson 33 - Progress
Lesson 34 - New Plans and Info
Lesson 35 - Werewolf of the West
Lesson 36 - A Revelation
Lesson 37 - Multiple Thoughts
Lesson 38 - Sebas's Lessons
Lesson 39 - Naps
OVA - Albedo & Shalltear V. Cake
Lesson 40 - Climb V. Succulent
Lesson 41 - Wrapping it Up
Lesson 42 - Sebas's Test
Lesson 43 - Bickering
Lesson 44 - Planning Rescue & Conquer
Lesson 45 - Sebas's Beatings
Lesson 46 - Entoma V. Blue Roses
Lesson 47 - Disturbance's
Lesson 48 - Reunited

Lesson 19 - The Usual

2.5K 73 6
بواسطة Leo_Matsuzaki

(3rd Person POV)

"I see. So Aura has taken a liking to that watch?" Ainz glances up at Albedo. "Quite so. An item that lets her hear Lady Bukubuku Chagama's voice, her being one of the 41 supreme beings as well as Aura's own birth mother, would be a reward more welcome than any other. Of course, the greatest reward is to be here serving you both!"

(Y/n) nervously chuckles.

"M-Mm-hmm... Now, I was right in the middle of explaining something. The area west of the mountain range is the Re-Estize Kingdom. The capital is right here." He points to a shaded circle. "Sebas was getting information, right? Where is he?" (Y/n) chirps in.

"He is making regular reports, never missing a single one. However, there still are no leads on who controlled Shalltear's mind." Albedo answers.

"I see. Continue to remain vigilant." Ainz turns back to the map and points at an area similar to mountains. "On the other side of the mountains is the Baharuth Empire, which appears to engage the kingdom in war every year. E-Rantel, which serves as Momon's home base, becomes a military outpost in times of war. And to the south, beyond the forest, is the Slane Theocracy. They're the nation that attacked Carne Village earlier."

"The three countries border each other and are in conflict." Albedo puts it into simpler words. "Ohhhhh..." (Y/n) mumbles, understanding what all of Ainz big words meant.

"Additionally, to the north of the kingdom is the Argland Council State, made up of several races of demi-humans." He points to a farther place on the map. "It's said that either five or seven dragons serve as the nations councilors."

"Dragons, you say?" Albedo says with a stern expression, it's mostly plain.

He moves his finger downwards, to another shaded square; the square representing kingdoms. "Southwest of the kingdom is a nation known as a holy kingdom, and in the wilderness next to that, many different demi-humans are engaged in daily disputes."

"That's where Demiurge went off to, right?" Albedo asks.

(Y/n) nods, knowing the answer to this question. "Yeah. He's testing out experiments in.. parchment.. production, for us?" The larger words sounding more like a guess. Ainz nods, backing her words up.

"High-quality parchment is indispensable when making scrolls after all. That does it for my quick description. Which of these nations do you think we should be wary of?" He looks at (Y/n) and Albedo.

"The big ones!" (Y/n) smiles happily with a raised hand. Ainz chuckles and pats her head while Albedo quietly squeals to herself about, and-I-quote, 'how cute our daughter is'. Emphasis on the 'our'.

"That's right as well. Albedo?" He looks up at her, waiting for her answer. She stops fangirling and goes back to a serious expression as she thinks.

"The Slane Theocracy, I would say."

"The one at the village?" (Y/n) questions, tilting her head to the side. Albedo nods with a smile before becoming stern again. "They were foolish enough to challenge you to battle, Lord Ainz, Lady (Y/n), and that blew up in their face." She places a hand near her chin as she looks down, explaining her reasoning. "It is possible that they are waiting for a chance to take revenge."

Ainz does the same movement with his hand, thinking.

Albedo suddenly gasps and looks over at the two with worry. "Begging your pardon! At present, we should be wary of every nation! Similar to how what Lady (Y/n) said!"

(Y/n) smiles proudly at how useful she was.

Ainz backs up a bit at Albedo's step forward. "Y-You are correct. While there may not be a serious threat from the states, there are individuals who might take us by surprise." He turns his head. "How is Shalltear doing?"

(Y/n) frowns slightly at the mention of Shalltear.

Albedo's posture straightens up. "There doesn't appear to be any problem with her physical recovery. However, on the psychological side, I do have some concerns."

Nazarick Bar

Shalltear can be seen chugging a large glass, presumably filled with an alcoholic beverage. Her face laying on the counter like someone whose had a bit too much to drink. Even more evidence of this shows by the drool coming out of her mouth, her red cheeks, and dark circles under her eyes.

"I'm a little bit drunk..." She mumbles out, slurring a bit.

The bar tender, a being with no facial features, only a pastel pink circle base--for a head--and eyes similar to jellybeans that are dotted all across his 'head'. A fancy tux and bowtie adorn him, while his 'hands' are bunches of tentacles, a similar pastel pink to his head. This pastel pink comes from the pink light that hangs overhead the counter, and the bar. His name is Sous-chef.

Normally Sous-chef works at the Restaurant of Nazarick, but during a specific day of the week, he manages the bar.

"As I recall, Lady Shalltear, with your total resistance to poisons--" He starts while cleaning a cup. Shalltear growls loudly at him in annoyance and slams her cup on the counter pitifully. He tenses up before relaxing once she stops growling. "Then again, you did chug it down. What can I say? Why don't you retire for the day and get some rest?"

She snuggles into her crossed arms--on the counter--and whines sleepily. "No, I don't want to go back."

"I see." He goes back to cleaning the cup. A person enters. "Welcome." He looks towards the door.

A penguin being carried by strangely masked men is seen at the entrance. The penguin has curled hair on the sides of his head, and a bowtie with blonde hair sticking out from under hit. He salutes with confidence and relaxtion. "Hey, Piki!"

The masked man sets him down next to Shalltear.

"What can I get for you?" Sous-chef asks.

One of those." He says, referring to the drink on the menu board. His stubby legs flip and flap in hidden excitement. "Very good." Sous-chef says as he goes to make it.

He sets a drink with the color scheme of a rainbow on the counter, it's a bit tall and has an orange on the end of it. "My original cocktail, a Nazarick."

One important factor, Eclair Ecleir Eicler--the penguin--was always a 'gentleman' of sorts, and had confidence; tending to boast about his cleaning skills while using his manservants--the masked people--to get around.

"You there, miss, this is for you." He says as his flipper struggles to push it to the Shalltear who currently has her face hidden in her arms. The drink falls and spills on the counter--not spilling any on Shalltear fortunately--making Eclair shout in surprise.

"I-It tipped over..." He pitifully mutters as Sous-chef cleans the mess up. Sous-chef bends down near him, clearly angered. "Would you mind not hitting it with your flipper?" He says, being passive aggressive.

He bows his head at Sous-chef. "I'm really sorry about that." His words are strained.

Shalltear finally looks up, her tired eyes being much more visible and tired than before. "Oh, if it isn't Eclair, the assistant butler." She says with a simple smirk.

"Is something the matter? You don't usually look like this."

"I just failed badly-- no, make that spectacularly." Her head turns and her smirk fades as she seems more ashamed. "That's why I'm escaping into alcohol." Her eyes shut and her head lifts up slightly as a small smile is planted on her face, now looking like she's accepted a type a fate. "Just like a godforsaken floor guardian."


"I don't know."

Eclair and Sous-chef both say as they look at each other, Sous-chef shrugging. Overall, they're both confused.

"Ah, Lady (Y/n), Lord Ainz, how could I do such a thing." She whines and holds her head, burring herself back in the counter.

Back to (Y/n), Albedo, and Ainz

"The fact that she turned on you and went to battle against you both, as well as nearly ending Lady (Y/n), has created an inexcusable sense of guilt within her." Albedo explains.

"Shalltear's mind control was due to a world item, and my.." He looks at (Y/n) before looking back at Albedo. "Our tactical slipup. I've told her that she is not at fault many times."

"Me too!" (Y/n) says.

"Lord Ainz, Lady (Y/n), please excuse me if I'm speaking out of turn..." She waits to be given permission to speak freely.

"Go ahead." Ainz looks over at her.

"You can." (Y/n) says, a bit curious.

Albedo begins, now being given permission. "Rewards and penalties are the way of the world. Lord Ainz, Lady (Y/n), if you give Shalltear a punishment, the sense of guilt within her will be relieved. Especially Lady (Y/n), due to the circumstances of differing guilt levels."

(Y/n) frowns. 'Although I don't like it, she's probably right.'

"All right. I'll consider it." Ainz says as (Y/n) simply nods.

"Please forgive me for overstepping my bounds." Albedo bows.

"What are you talking about? It's suggestions like that one that befit the Great Tomb of Nazarick's guardian supervisor."

Albedo blushes with a 'suspicious' smile. "Thank you very much." She bows again.

"Mhm! Your really smart and nice!" (Y/n) adds innocently. Albedo giggles happily and smiles less.. 'suspiciously' at (Y/n).

Ainz coughs slightly. "Now, Cocytus wished to see me, right?"

Just like that, serious work-mode Albedo is back. "Yes. He is waiting for you in the throne room."

The Throne Room

(Y/n) yawns and rubs her eyes as she is being held by Albedo.

Ever since her injury, she's felt more tired and hungry than before. She sometimes gets hit with random fatigue, making things a bit difficult. Though this doesn't put a damper on her new found fun, it does make her brother slightly worried.

If anything else were to happen, she was supposed to speak to Ainz right away. This time, he was less boss-like, and more overprotective big brother-like.

He's also noticed (Y/n)'s love and closeness with Albedo, allowing Albedo to act as a mother figure to (Y/n) than a simple worker.

Ainz had suggested for (Y/n) to skip Cocytus's talk and just take a nap, but of course, the girl persisted and allowed Ainz to be easily swayed by his new big-brother emotions. It only helped when he still felt guilty about not being there for her before.

Albedo stood next to Ainz--who sat on his throne--which allowed (Y/n) to hazily see what was going on from Ainz's view.

"Cocytus, is it ready?"

Cocytus is kneeled in front of them. He raises his head to answer. "Yes. Everything is in order. I will be departing at once."

"Mm-hmm. We leave you in charge of everything." Ainz chooses to answer for (Y/n), noticing how the little girl looked like she might pass out at any moment.

"I offer my sincerest gratitude as a guardian and a warrior for the unexpected delight of being allowed to serve in such a capacity as being in charge of Nazarick's first war." Steam comes from his bug face.

"Cocytus, I am sure that you will live up to our expectations."

"Yes, my Lord, my Lady." Although Cocytus noticed the sleepy (Y/n), he felt it only respectable to also mention her name.

It's quiet for a moment as the door to Nazarick's throne room shuts--signaling Cocytus's leaving.

"Be sure not to neglect keeping in regular contact with Cocytus."

Albedo turns her head to him. "As you wish." 

"Now then, I still have a few tasks waiting for me as an adventurer." He walks over to (Y/n) and slowly wakes her up.

By now, (Y/n) had already fallen asleep. As much as Ainz didn't want to disturb her sleep, he knew he had to say goodbye before he left back to E-Rantel.

"(Y/n), wake up." He said softly, still leaving the girl in Albedo's arms.

"Huh?" (Y/n) slurred as she yawned. "I'll be going to E-Rantel now, don't forget about your trip to the city with Yuri Alpha."

(Y/n) stared at him as the words processed through her tiny six year old brain. She nodded, making him smile and pat her on the head. "Take her to her room once I leave." He says to Albedo.

Albedo had been silently dying at the cute moment--as well as how close Ainz was and how they resembled a family--meaning her face was flushed.

She shakes her head lightly to calm herself down, priority's taking place now. "Please be careful. Whoever possess the world item that took control of Shalltear may launch another attack against us." She said worridly.

"Hmph, if they do, I will easily turn it back--unless I can't, huh?" His tone was confident. "Still, rest at ease, Albedo. If I run into them, my priority is to withdraw, and until I identify who they are, I plan on drawing as little attention as possible."

'There are magical items in this world that are the same as the ones in the game of Yggdrasil. There's nothing to say that whoever attacked Shalltear isn't another Yggdrasil player, like us.' He glances at (Y/n). 'I should assume the worst-case possibility and refrain from any actions that might antagonize them.'

"Lord Ainz, I, Albedo, will be responsible for watching over the Great Tomb of Nazarick in your absence.. as your wife." Her face is red and her smile is high.

Ainz deadpans.

In a Swampy Area

A Lizardman can be seen walking through the trees with brown scales and a peach underbelly/under armor. A jagged ice-like sword on his hip, a green scarf covering his chest and neck, white bandages on his right arm, and a orange-brown kilt tailed with fur over his waist. His tail sways behind him.

He reaches an opening where another Lizardman stands, this one with green scales. What's notable is the large sword on his back, and hay poncho over his shoulders. He has two thin long scars on his head and blue eyes.

"This is no place for the chief himself to come to." The brown one says.

"Zaryusu." The green one says. As Zaryusu approaches him, you can notice more scars along his body.

"Brother, you wouldn't be snitching food would you?" Zaryusu's brother was larger than he was, yet they each seemed like the definition of 'men'.

"I just came to see how the fish were growing up." His brother says, his tail lightly smacking the wet soil. He was obviously lying.

"Which means you don't want to eat them."

His tail stops and droops as he groans.

"They're good. Fattier than the ones we catch fishing." Zaryusu glances at him.


"When you bite into them, that prime, greasy goodness fills your mouth."

He was clearly teasing his brother.

A/N: Decided to stop here since I realized that three minutes is actually long. I already have 2379 words, don't need more- and yes, the penguin's name really is, Eclair Ecleir Eicler.

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