The Black Sheep | George Weas...

By Sydney3027

1.2M 36.1K 13.6K

Lyra Malfoy has always felt like a stranger in her family, she felt misplaced. As she feels torn between hers... More

Twenty-Eight (Explicit)
Sixty-Three: Wedding


14K 407 238
By Sydney3027

Summer was drawing closer to an end and things grew darker and darker. People started going missing and Diagon Alley started looking smaller and smaller as buildings were becoming boarded up with no sign of the owners.

Of course, Lyra knew what happened to them. She wasn't invited to the Death Eater meeting thankfully, she was often sent to her bedroom where she sent letters to George and continued to prepare for her NEWTs. She had received letters from Katie and Alicia. They both were going on about how they didn't want classes to start just yet, Lyra sort of felt the same. On one hand, she wanted to get the NEWTs over with, and on the other one, she just wanted to spend all her time with her boyfriend.

When Alicia came back from France, she got lunch with her. It was a nice moment for Lyra to forget about her dark life. It was soon announced that Horace Slughorn would be their new Professor. Lyra hoped he was an easy grader, but she wasn't so sure.

Her mother rambled on about the Slug Club and how it'd be a great mistake if Lyra or Draco didn't make it into attendence. But Lyra had a feeling neither would make it into that exclusive club, it was known that Slughorn wasn't a Voldemort sympathizer, and the Malfoys were own to be.

"We are going to Diagon Alley, tomorrow." Narcissa announced at dinner. "Draco, me and you." Lyra looked up from her plate to see her mother staring at her.

"Why? We already got our school supplies." Lyra pointed out. It was hard not being able to escape her mother to see Fred and George's now open shop. It had been a huge hit. She was very proud of them, but she didn't enjoy all the attention George was getting. She overheard two girls talk about him in great detail of what they wanted him to do to them. She nearly hexed both of them. She was so furious, though he didn't do anything wrong, she refused to let him touch her for a whole day.

"We need to go for another reason. If you must, Darling, you may roam and shop."

"I don't need to go with you?" Lyra asked curiously.

Her mother sighed gravely. "I suppose not. Do not go anywhere with no people around. Make sure you stay in a crowded area. And don't talk to strange people. You should get some new robes, some fashionable ones."

Lyra nodded her head, giving her a small smile. "Yes, Mother. I was hoping to go to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes."

"Why?" She asked sharply, her eyes turning into slits.

"They have this acne cream, it makes marks disappear in less than ten seconds. My friends mentioned it in their letters, they loved it." She replied nonchalantly.

"Lyra, I don't think it's wise for you to enter that disgusting shop."

"Mother, I can't look around?" She pressed further.

"Do you need such a distraction?" Her mother snapped. "It's unseemly of you to be around such low-lives."

Draco cleared his throat, catching Narcissa's attention. "Mother, I also wanted to get something at that shop."

She sighed exasperatingly. "I suppose you could go look around while I run a quick errand."

Lyra nodded submissively, with a smirk on her lips.

The next day, Lyra put on a light blue dress with a white collar and an attached short cape, it was a dress made in Italy and was very breathable and flowy. It was perfect for the humidity. She carried her small purse and walked beside her mother, acting like an obedient daughter. Her mother seemed in heavy thought, ignoring how sharply her daughter was dressed. When they arrived to the centre of Diagon Alley, she waved her hand to let them walk freely.

Draco and Lyra walked beside each other, her mary-janes clicking against the cobblestone road. Draco was growing each day, towering over his older sister. He didn't say anything, just looking around his surroundings. His mark no longer hurt, it now itched like crazy and skin flaked like it was a sunburn. She felt bad for her brother and made sure she had hydrating serums and creams to take the itch away. It was all under the table, he didn't want anyone thinking he was weak. But he relied on his sister's motherly personality to help him.

She grabbed his good arm, which he hated and pulled away with a grimace. She laughed at him. "Come on, Drakey, hold your big sister's hand."

"I'm going to hex you all the way to the moon." He said through gritted teeth.

"Don't want you getting lost." She taunted.

"Shut up," He growled under his breath. "I'm strong enough to push you into a bin."

"That's not very nice to say to your superior."

He snorted. "Superior? I'm your superior as the man of the house. I can pick your husband if I so wished. I think you should marry Fenrir and have puppies."

"I am not letting a virgin push me around." She replied smugly.

His eyes bulged out of his head. "Virgin? Don't act like anyone would want to be with you." He cringed.

She shrugged her shoulders. "Out of the two of us, there's only one virgin."

"So you?" He smirked.

She gave a humorless laugh. "Nope,"

"Bloody liar!"

They arrived to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes and were unable to continue their bickering. She gave him a smug look as she walked deeper into the building, finding it packed to the brim with people. She found a glowing pink stand, she remembered it from her date with George. She approached it to see love potions and some girly items. She grabbed the zit cream and looked at it for a moment. She glanced over to see Draco climbing the staircase.

"Can I help you, Miss?" She heard George greet. She looked over to see him looking at her with a playful smirk.

She saw in the corner of her eye, two girls giggling at the sight of him. That didn't make her happy. She wished to make it known that he was her boyfriend. "I don't think so, Mr. Weasley."

"Please, my father is Mr. Weasley, call me your boyfriend." He winked flirtatiously. She blushed a deep red and gave his arm a playful smack, making him cackle.

"Oh, I will." She replied as she analyze the tube in her hand. "I think I'll get this."

"I have some autocorrect quills, you could use them for your homework and essays." He suggested.

She nodded her head, trying not to look as overjoyed as she felt at the suggestion. "Okay,"

George knew her well enough to read through her ill-concealed excitement. "Follow me, Miss Malfoy." He led the way, clearing the way for them nearing toward a back wall where Draco wouldn't be able to see them from above.

He showed her the quill collection. She gasped at the rainbow ink. "Whoa! This looks wicked!" She gasped again at quills that never ran out of ink and grabbed one as well. "Oh my, this would be so useful!"

George relished seeing her excitement. He loved his nerd. "I thought you'd enjoy it." He leaned closer. "You look so fit, by the way."

She blushed greatly once again, her legs quivered at his compliment. She knew instantly that if anyone was watching them, they'd know she was quite affected by the tall man. "Shut up, it's going to be obvious that I fancy you."

He laughed. "Maybe that's exactly what I want." He gave her just a lustful stare, it was making her heart race.

"You should have been in Slytherin then, you deviant minx."

"You should have been in Ravenclaw with how nerdy you are. I didn't think I'd be horny over a bookworm."

"George," She hissed. "Stop," She looked around, seeing some younger years seeming upset to see them so close. One girl glared at her!

"Are you coming by tonight?" He asked curiously.

She opened her mouth to speak, but a girl walked up to them, she wore a uniform, clearly an employee. She had long black hair and seemed wide-eyed.

She gave George a grin. "Mr. Weasley, the-"

"Oh, right." George straightened up, looking more professional. "Right, I'll handle it." The girl looked relieved. "Thanks, Verity."

He gave Lyra an apologetic glance, but she only gave him a reassuring grin as he started walking away. She was watching him when Verity took a step closer.

"Can I help you look for something, Miss?" She asked politely.

Lyra shook her head. "No, that's alright. I think I got everything I'd like." She grabbed the few quills and the rainbow ink. "I think I'm ready to ring up."

She followed Verity to the cash register and got ready to pay for her things when Fred walked up to them from the back room.

"Hello, Lyra. On behalf of George, I'll give you a discount, fifty percent off all items." Fred announced.

"Fred, that's awfully kind of you, but I'm fine paying full price, it's the least I can do." Lyra replied hastily.

"You're too bloody polite, nice to know you're not a gold-digger." He winked. "Accept the discount."

She nodded her head and paid half the price. Thanking him profusely before he walked away. In some way she was pleased at least Verity knew George was taken, even if it wasn't blatantly stated.

Bloody hell, what was wrong with her? Why is she so bloody jealous? She had no reason, he clearly loved her. Maybe that's why he was extra flirtatious, he knew Lyra was being so jealous lately. She had no reason to behave this way. It was silly. Completely silly.

Draco walked up to her, ready to buy this black powder. She walked away and noticed Harry, Hermione and Ron. They clung closely together. Harry spotted her, and they exchanged a friendly smile. She saw Ginny walking over to the display of Puffkins.

She was getting ready to leave, but George manifested out of thin air. She gave him a grin. "Hey, come by tonight at closing hours, we can get dinner." He suggested.

She nodded her head and smiled but instantly stilled when she saw her mother outside, staring at her with strictness. Lyra looked back up at her boyfriend. "My mother thinks we've broken up. I'm going to go now and look like I'm over you." She said as she made facial expressions that gave off the effect that she found him repulsive. "I'll see you tonight."

He feigned a saddened facial expression and walked away, only to break out into a full grin.

George watched Lyra talk to her mother, who seemed very stiff. Narcissa always looked like broom was stuck up her ass. Draco exited the shop with his item and joined his family. George mainly looked at Lyra, letting his eyes wonder all over her body. Her round ass that made his mouth water, the way he knew exactly what was under that dress of hers made his blood heat up. She looked so bloody innocent. She was in many ways but George had also stripped some feathers from her wings. Merlin, he loved her.

"Stop drooling over Malfoy and get to work." Fred exclaimed, slapping his brother on the back.

Ron came up to them with an item in his hand, but was looking where Lyra was, she was already started to walk in the opposite direction from her brother and mother.

"Blimey, are you still seeing her?" Ron sighed heavily.

"You're just jealous that I'm shagging a fit girl while you haven't even had your first kiss yet." George snapped at his younger brother.

Ron's ears turned bright pink and he was ready to bicker back but Harry and Hermione tugged him out the door in a hurry.

"He's so jealous of us." Fred spoke up.

George looked over at him, raising an eyebrow. "What do you mean by us?"

"We're both shagging fit women while he's a blue-balled virgin, what did you think I meant?" Fred smirked. "I'm shagging Lyra too? As your brother and best mate and business partner, I would wait for after you two broke up to shag her." That earned him a punch in the arm. "Just kidding,"

Lyra went to a clothing shop while her mother she brother went to Knockturn Alley. She looked through a bunch of robes and tops and skirts, she was supposed to always have an emergency fancy outfit ready while at Hogwarts, she wondered if she should get a new dress.

She pushed through the racks for awhile until she landed on a form fitting forest green dress with a draping neckline. The straps were thin and the hemline would end just above the knee. It was cute. She tried it on in the changing room and looked in the mirror, she quite liked how it made her feel grown up. She bought it, not caring for the price.

The sun started to set and she knew her mother would be wondering where she had gone. Luckily for her, her mother was peeking through the window she saw her. She looked relieved and came right inside.

"Come, we're leaving." Narcissa announced.

"Actually I think I'm going to stay behind for a little while." Lyra replied.

Her mother pulled her lips into a tight line. "Very well, come home before it gets too late."

"I will, Mother." She watched her mother leave with Draco before leaving the store herself.

Lyra slowly walked down the street and strolled around. It was nice getting out and being able to walk around aimlessly. She got some disgusted looks for who she was, it hurt her feelings, but she understood.

She eventually walked towards the joke shop. It was still filled with eager customers, but she entered nonetheless. She saw George helping a young boy. She liked watching him work. He seemed so much in his element. She noticed Mrs. Weasley coming in for a moment, she seemed very proud of her sons. Mr. Weasley came in, padding by Lyra politely. Lyra felt odd being there now. She started walking towards the back of the store, there was a display of books, she felt cautious, but looked at them.

She reached for one that said: "Open If You Dare". She wasn't sure if she did dare. She scanned the back, seeing no synopsis, just warning not to open it, that she wasn't authorized to open it. She must ask the owner for permission. It didn't even have an owner yet.

She opened it up on the first page only to be met with a bloodcurdling scream, she quickly closed it and noticed people were staring at her, her cheeks turned pink and she put it back. She was trying not to attract attention damnit.

That caught George's attention and he came over to her, laughing. "Your face was priceless."

"I-it doesn't have an owner, I didn't think it'd scream." She reasoned.

"Have to buy it first, then it'll recognized you as the owner. It's a diary or a journal." He explained. "Do you want it, Love?"

"No, I don't." She replied firmly. "I nearly pissed myself."

"That would have been so much better!"

She slapped his arm. "Watch yourself, Weasley."

He noticed her bag and his face broke out into a grin. "What's in the bag?"

"Just a dress and then the bag from your shop." She shrugged coyly.

"I want to see!" He reached his hand in and grabbed the dress out, his eyes bulged out of his head. He let out a whistle. "This is... this is sexy."

"Oh, shut it, will you? I just need a new formal dress. I'm actually starting to hope Slughorn let's me join his club, but I know my family name isn't going to play into my favor." She started to frown.

George put the dress back carefully before looking at her. "If you don't make it, who cares, he's an old bat who doesn't recognize talent." That made her grin lightly. "You are the smartest and the hottest witch I know."

"You really think that?"

He leaned closer. "I do," He gave her a soft peck on the lips. Lyra hoped no one could see them. This would look very unprofessional and would be a scandal, not that the two had been very careful at hiding their relationship.

"George- oh, sorry." They heard Mrs. Weasley exclaim.

Lyra and George quickly turned to look at her. Mrs. Weasley seemed far from pleased to find Lyra at the receiving end of his lips. George didn't seem to care, surprising Lyra. He wrapped an arm around her. "Hi, Mum. What can I help you with?"

She pulled her lips into a tight line. "What is the meaning this, George?" She asked roughly.

"Lyra is my girlfriend. Has been, didn't you know?" George replied nonchalantly, as if this was a casual conversation.

"I-I quite like George, Mrs. Weasley. You raised quite a gentleman." Lyra injected, trying not to sound nervous.

George didn't know why his mother was so surprised, he had mentioned her before and how she joined Dumbledore's Army, she had seen the two of them talking on the platform, Mr. Weasley mentioned that Lyra had spoken to him after her father's trial and said she was glad he felt better- there had been many signs that George fancied her, especially with Ginny's teasing. Why was this shocking?

"I am a gentleman, aren't I?" George said playfully, making Lyra roll her eyes with a smirk.

"I-I see... I was just going to ask what all that noise was about. I'll let you two be." She scurried off, tugging her shawl tighter to her body.

"I don't think she likes me." Lyra frowned.

"Nah, she's just shocked. She'll get over it. You have nothing to worry about. I'll have Fred close by himself, let's get something to eat, I'm starving." George guided her towards the exit door.

She knew his family saw them and Lyra was too engulfed in George's scent to care.

I just wanted to state that Lyra and Draco may fight and call each other awful names only to get along later on is very realistic to what it's like with a brother (in my personal experience). Brothers will call you a dumb bitch and then twenty minutes later ask if you want to get froyo. I just wanted to clear up if you're wondering why Draco is hormonal throughout the story. :)

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