Hatefull Chibi Love(finally P...

By DarkCross347

13.5K 696 111

Chibi Romano x Chibi Reader :p I don't know why but I just kept daydreaming about something like this. But... More

Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6
Ch 7
Ch 8
Ch 9
Ch 10
Ch 12
Ch 13
Ch 14
Ch 15
Authors Note
Ch 16
Ch 17
Ch 19
Ch 20
Ch 21
Ch 22
Ch 23
Ch 24
Ch 25
Ch 26

Ch 11

517 29 6
By DarkCross347

Sorry, if I am confusing you with Italy's gender. I keep switching between a he and a she.
Its only cuz Italy, when he was a chibi, he looked like a girl always wearing that dress, but I am also use to his older ways. Being bubbly and... well, a guy. But soffy if I confuse or I keep switching :3
So I will stick with calling Italy a girl until he grows up ;3 If you don't want me to call him a girl just let me know at anytime and I may change it..


After the corner incident, you, Italy, and Romano went exploring through the house. Since Italy lived there it was more like you and Romano went exploring.

"So what did you wanna play (y/n)?~" Italy said as she held your hand as she swayed her and your hand back and forth.

Romano, being in the back of the small group, glared down at Italy's hand that touched yours.

'Why can't I be the one that gets to hold her hand.... I had a bad feeling of a blooming, clinging, Italy..'

You shrugged alittle,"I don't know..anything I guess?"

Italy smiled to herself as she leaned incloser to you and whispered something into your ear.

A smile opened up across your face, making Romano curious,"What are-a you both so happy about?"

You and Italy looked back at Romano at the sametime, speaking in sync,"One, Two, Three Not It!" Both of you ran off and split up as Italy echoed through the halls,"Hide-and-seek!~ Roma Your It!~"

"Count To Thirty and Come Find Us!" You yelled as you tried to find a hiding place.

Romano sighed and tiled his head down to the floor,"atleast they-a stopped holding hands..."

"Aw~ Is big Fratello jelous?" A low voice whispered.

Romano jerked up quickly and moved away, gripping his shirt on were his heart was.

Italy giggled at him,"so-a scared~ but I had a feeling you-a liked the little regazza!" She said with a smile.

Romano crossed his arms and looked away. Hidding the blush that crept up on his face,"and-a so what if I do.. why would you-a wanna know?"

Italy giggled again,"it is pretty obvious that-a you like her... i'm-a surprised she hasn't found out her-a self.."

Romano breathed outward in irritation as Italy spoke."well I am 'it' too now.. and I-a will find her first cause I-a told her were to hide."

Italy took off down the hall as Romano looked her way and then followed,"oh no you won't. I will!"

Italy and Romano ran around a few corners before Italy jumped up to open a door, toddling over to a closet.

"Hey (y/n)! Come out! Its just me."

Romano rolled his honey brown green tinted eyes,"he's-a lying."

No noise came from the closet as the chibi's waited for a moment. Romano becoming quickly impacient, as he pushed Italy out of the way and opened the door,"(y/n)!"

The small room was empty,"but... I-a told her to hide here.... where-a did she hide then?" Italy said glancing around.

"Ugh.. You Idiota! She Doesn't Know This House!" Romano said as his anger began to rise.

Italy ducked down alittle,"sorry fratello.."

Romano sighed,"whatever.. lets just-a find her..." after what felt like a hour spending time searching in closets bathrooms and rooms, both chibi's didn't find you but found Spain, now Austria, and Hungary.

They both realizing you were in Austria's  arms with his glasses perched up on your head as Austria stared down at Romano and Italy.

"What are you doing?" Austria questioned as Spain picked up Romano."playing a game~" Italy spoke up.

You patted Austria on his shoulder, indicating you wanted to be put down.

He set you on your feet and plucked his glasses from your head, as you toddled over to the girlish Italian, hugging her with a smile,"thank you for the fun. Even though you both lost."

Italy squeezed you back than let you go,"your-a welcome.. and the game wasn't called off so-a Romano won!~ Yay!~" Italy jumped up. Her actions made you giggle, as Romano's face turned a pinkish color.

Spain intervened as he picked you up in into his other arm,"well. Its time to head home children. We killed more time than I was anticipating."

You nodded,"how much time did we spend here?" You asked while Spain carried you both to the door, Hungary helping as she opened it for him."I have no clue, but lets just call it a hour or two.."

You waved goodbye to Italy, Austria, and Hungary. Hoping to see them all again.

"So (y/n)? Where were you-a hiding?" Romano asked. "I didn't hide for long because Austria caught me." You said with a smile,"so I was with the adults for most of that game~"

On the way home you were looking around outside, noticing a blonde haired blue eyed man that walked the opposite way across the street than Spain carried you. But he seemed to look sad, and even depressed alittle.

You immediately perked up,"France?"you said to yourself until you shouted out,"... Papa!" You quickly regreted it when you noticed the black suited man that looked around.

France spotted you right away and was about to run across the street but was stopped by the man.

Spain stopped walking,"where do you see...oh..." spain looked where you were looking, followed by Romano.

You covered you mouth and ducked down to Spain's shoulder, but glared at the man,"Hey You Big Meanie! I Remember You! Let Go Of My Papa!" You shouted as you wiggled down from Spains grip.

Spain tried to grab you but he knew he would drop Romano or hurt you so he waited till you touched the ground. Bad idea.

Once you heard your white shoes tap the ground you took off across the street, coming dangerously close to a passing car. Making Spain chase after you and Romano pulled against Spain's hair,"Get Her Dumbass!!" You were feeling a mix of emotion. Love, sadness, anger.

You didn't stop till you reached the man. Your feet carrying you up to his legs as you pulled your foot back and with all your force... you kicked him. Right in the ankle patting against his legs with your fists.

"I HateYou!" Over and over you repeated. Gritting your little teeth as you tried to do your best in wounding the man

Spain quickly picked you up, holding you back as he nervously laughed* hehehh.. now (y/n) lets not do that again.."

The man didn't even move as his face displayed no emotion,"Keep that one in check. I can revoke her from you right now if I have to."

Spain shook his head vigerously,"oh no.. that won't be happening anytime soon."

"Daymn Right!" Romano added looking up at Spain.

France smiled sadly at you. As he reached up a hand hoping you would reach out, which you did quickly. The black suited man frowning and jerking his arm down,"anymore contact with her and I will put her in an orphanage where you will never see her again. Is That Clear, France Bonnefoy." His voice deep and scary as you scrunched you hand back.

A frown adorned your small face as you layed your head against Spains chest. You closed your eyes, wishing you didn't grab France's attention.

France looked at you as his vision blurred alittle, making him look away with a sigh,"yeah... crystal clear.."

Spain looked down at you before back up at the two men,"it was nice seeing you again France... good day you two.." he finished as he walked across the street back to the way he was walking.

"(Y/n). That was extremely dangerous.. what wer-" you interrupted Spain as you whimpered a bit, trying to hold back big tears the swelled up in your eyes.

Spain rested his cheek on your head as he kept walking,"just...please don't ever do that again. I could have lost you to that car.. or to that man."

You sniffed, gripping onto his shirt as you nodded,"o-..ok."

Romano messed with his shirt until he built enough curage and leaned over, wrapping his arms around you. He didn't say anything really, but his hug felt warming as you returned the gesture. His face heating up again as his curl squished against your head.

Spain smiled down at you both as he was closing in on home.

Romano whispered, almost inaudible to you, as his face darkened and his honey brown greenish tinted eyes closed,"I.. don't want to-a lose you either..."


I cant tell if i rushed this chapter, i read it like three times before publishing it and i couldnt tell :/ so, sorry if i rushed through to quickly in this chapter..

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