Faith In Me

By BigSadBigMad

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Takes place in 1979, before fhe cure was made. Basically its going to be based around the development of Robe... More



221 14 13
By BigSadBigMad

A few days had passed since then, Robert had been spending a lot more time with simon; he enjoyed the bright spirited presence of Simon, even if they tended to get into trouble. Robert liked the way Simon made him feel, for once he kind of felt secure about himself and who he was when he was around simon. It was something he could get used too.

Currently Robert was at band rehearsal with Lol and Matthew, Robert had thrown out a few song ideas here and there and it was going well. It was more of the punk side of music, though Robert found himself quite captivated by the scene. Simon was there, sitting on the couch adjacent to robot with a beer in his hand and a stupid grin on his face.

Robert smiled and looked down, strumming a few random chords before looking to lol. “How was that?” Robert asked, sounding a little bit out of breath though in reality Robert felt quite energized; almost like he had drank a few cups of coffee on a whim. “That was fucking awesome robert! Great stuff, i actually think we might be able to amount to something!” lol said, standing up from his kit and throwing his arms up.

“Ah- look at the time… sorry lads, i've got to get to my gig with my other band.” matthew suddenly said, setting down his bass guitar, well actually it was simon’s since matthew forgot to bring his own. He said he left it at his mate’s house in preparation for their show at a local pub this evening. 

Robert made a face before shrugging, “alright then, have fun.” Robert said, glancing over to Simon who raised an unimpressed eyebrow. Lol frowned a little as well before shaking his head, “yeah, we can continue another time. I was getting tired anyways” lol grinned, seeming to ignore Matthew's obvious neglect for the easy cure.

Robert shrugged and set down his janky guitar before going over to simon and sitting down next to him, “i've got a bunch of ideas about songs, i think we should make a album” robert said a bit too eagerly, looking like a kid who just saw santa for the first time. “I feel like we all work together well, I think it would be a good idea,” Robert said, watching as Matthew left in a hurry before sitting back.

Robert had been ignored once again, it was getting on his nerves. Lol always seemed to be more interested in what Matthew was doing rather than focusing on their band. “Ignore them, they are idiots.” Simon mused, offering Robert a sip of his beer with a coltish smile. 

“That much is easy to see. I just wish lol would understand that you would be a much better fit for the bass player, though no one ever listens to me.” Robert sulked a bit, taking Simon's beer and taking a quick sip before shaking his head. “I mean honestly, who forgets their own instrument to a band rehearsal.” Robert said sassily, turning to look at Simon before handing back hsi beer.

Simon laughed, he hadn’t seen robert get so passionate before, it was funny. “Yeah? You want me in the band?” Simon said, swirling his beer bottle a bit. “Im flattered really, though i think for now it would be better just to play it by ear since lol seems very intent on matthew.” Simon mused, shrugging a little before looking at lol who entered the room once more.

“I've been thinking lads, I think the easy cure is a bit of a mouthful, maybe we should change it?” lol said, flopping down on the armchair that sat in the corner. Robert hummed, for once agreeing with lol. “Well I like the idea of it, so how about an easy cure why don't we just take the cure instead. It flows nicely.'' Robert said, biting his lip with an unsure expression; he didn't know if lol you'd actually go for it since today was obviously ignored by Robert. 

Lol thought about it for a moment before he grinned and nodded his head, “yes! I like that much better! The cure- yeah!” lol said, taking a long swig from his beer before holding his hand up to robert. “Good idea robert, you always seem to have good ideas like that.” lol praised Robert suddenly, making a crooked smile appear onto Robert's face.

“Yeah- and speaking of good ideas… haven't you noticed how little Matthew has been around lately?” Robert suddenly brought up again, ignoring the pointed look from Simon who obviously didn't want Robert to push the matter anymore. 

Lol furrowed his eyebrows before sighing softly. “Well yeah i have but- that's to be expected. His life doesn't revolve around this band-” lol started but robert quickly interrupted him. “-yes but his life seems to revolve around his other band. Lol i just think it would be smart to find someone who isn't so… preoccupied.'' Robert said in a somewhat gentle manner, he could tell lol was a bit defensive when it came to matthew. 

Lol pursed his lips, seeming to think about it for a moment before shaking his head, “no- its fine robert. If it were a problem then i would say something” lol said, brushing robert off; much to robert’s despair. Robert sighed before nodding his head, “well alright, if you say so.” Robert gave in, sitting back against the couch and crossing his legs.

Robert knew that Matthew probably wasn’t going to waste more time on the cure, Robert had a gut feeling. Though, it seemed like the only person who understood was simon. What a surprise.  Robert sighed softly, bringing his hand up to his face and biting his nails, a bad habit. Robert could feel Simon's gaze on him, and Robert didn’t think twice to look back at him.

Simon held a pitiful smile, almost saying ‘i told you so’ with his eyes. Robert pursed his lips before looking away, feeling a bit bitter; he didn't want Simon to know. “I've got to piss.” Robert mumbled quietly, standing up carefully so he didn’t step on lol (though he probably should have since lol was being an ass).

Robert ignored Simon's quiet call for him and snuck away to the bathroom. He has been to lol’s many times now, he knew the layout of the flat like the back of his hand. Robert made his ungraceful escape to the bathroom, where he locked himself inside and splashed some water on his face before looking up into the mirror.

Robert sighed, poking and prodding at his face before covering his eyes. Robert groaned before shaking his head and turning to the toilet to piss. Robert wasn’t lying, he did actually need to pee, but it was also just a convenient excuse to escape from the room. Robert wished he wasn’t so aware of how the energy of a room felt, it honestly was annoying.

Robert bit his lip, having a gut feeling that things were about to get more complicated soon.


A few days had passed since then, and like Robert had said, Matthew had been showing up less and less. His other band has been doing decently well, and despite all the warning Robert has given, lol; lol still chooses to ignore him. 

Robert crossed his arms as he stared lol down, though lol was a bit more occupied on the phone with matthew. Lol seemed rather upset, Robert could only guess that Matthew had dropped from yet another band rehearsal once again. Robert wasn’t surprised at all; they had been working on songs for an album for a while now and Matthew had only been present for a couple of songs.

“Lol seriously, this is getting ridiculous.” Robert sighed, running a hand through his hair. Lol turned to the receiver and slammed the phone down, startling both robert and simon. “What a fucking arsehole. We planned this before hand and he still fucking bails on us!” lol hissed in frustration, rubbing his face before shaking his head and turning to robert and simon.

“I need a drink.” lol said in a matter of fact voice, clapping his hands together before walking past robert into the kitchen to raid his beer stash. Robert grimaced before looking at Simon, “how much longer do you think this is going to go on?” Robert said quietly, scratching his cheek. Simon sighed softly and shrugged, “honestly, not sure. I bet lol is going to hang on until matthew finally quits.'' Simon said in a hushed voice.

Robert sighed and placed his hands on his hips, “this is getting ridiculous. Tch… whatever, lets just work on the songs i suppose” robert sighed in defeat, turning on his heel and walking over to the sofa, where there were papers sprawled all around the coffee table. Robert sat down in a huff before looking up at simon. 

“How is it going along then?” Simon hummed, walking over to the coffee table and picking up a few loose papers that had lyrics scribbled all over it. “Well everything is fine, but we don't have very much of  bass line for anything since matthew is never around.'' Robert mumbled, picking at his nails. Simon read the lyrics  a bit more before looking up at robert, “these lyrics rob, they're good!” Simon praised, grinning a bit as he sat himself next to robert. 

Robert tensed, feeling Simon's thighs against his; Simon was sitting really close now. Robert felt his face burn and he looked down at his lpa, feeling shy. “Well- the songs would be better if we had a bass player.” Robert uttered spitefully, sighing before laying his chin on his palm. 

Simon hummed, reading a few more before tossing them onto the table. “How about this then, i'll help you guys out. I'll step in whenever matthew isn't here, and since you are struggling with bass lines i can just write some!” Simon offered, wanting to ease Robert's stress.

Robert perked up when Simon offered that and looked at his friend, “wait- really?” Robert said, eyes sparkling with excitement that was hard not to reciprocate. “Sure! Doing that is better than doing nothing at all.” Simon said, nudging shoulders with Robert before looking away as well.

There was a beat of silence between them, sitting next to each other; it was nice. Robert felt weird, like something about this was wrong… however before Robert could speak up, lol came in with beers in his arms. “Come on lads! Lets get smashed” lol grinned, walking over to the two and setting the beer down on top of robert’s paper. 

Robert made a face before quickly moving his papers aside; “alright then” Robert said, letting out a forced chuckle before grabbing a beer and opening it. Robert sat back, sipping his beer before scratching his face; noting how he needed to shave soon. Robert didn’t like having his face being prickly. 

“Oh, by the way lol; since matthew isn’t here a lot i thought i could help you guys with writing your music.'' Simon said in a matter of fact tone, which took Robert by surprise since every time he brought up the idea of Simon joining the band lol would shoot it down.

Lol looked up before raising an eyebrow and nodding his head, “alright?” lol said, not caring too much. ‘You’ve got to be kidding me!’ Robert thought, his eyes wide with shock. “Cheers.” Simon grinned, opening a bottle of his own and nudging robert.

Robert groaned and leaned his head back, laying his arm over his eyes.  “You have got to be kidding me.” Robert grumbled in a pissy manner. 


As the night progressed, they all sort of forgot they were supposed to be writing music; instead they were all giggling about how much of a wanker Matthew was and talking about how he probably took it up the butt like some fairy.

“I'm still pissed that he bailed again!” lol said, waving his half empty beer about as if he were proving his point even more. Simon was lounging on the other side of the couch with a blunt in his hand. “Well, Robert did say Matthew wasn’t very reliable… that's just who he is, '' Simon said lazily, looking over to Robert who was sipping his beer quietly. “I did say that..” Robert said, a cocky smile coming onto his face.

Lol stuck his tongue out at Robert before suddenly the front door was pushed open and Matthew walked in with some strange woman. “Oh- what the hell guys! I've been ringing for an hour now '' Matthew hissed, looking irritated. Robert looked over and raised an eyebrow at him, “like you have much room to talk.” Robert said sassily, tipping his beer at Matthew before turning his nose up.

Lol looked at Matthew before messily standing up, “yeah! Where have you been, you bailed on us again” lol hissed, looking the most pissed. Matthew made a face before sighing, “look- i came here to talk not get into some stupid fight” matthew said, glancing back to the woman who was eyeing simon oddly.

Simon eyed the girl back before taking a slow drag from his blunt, and slowly letting it out through his nose. The girl blushed and looked away, playing with her hair. Robert made a face at Simon before shaking his head and looking back.

“What is it then?” lol said, clenching his fist together.  Matthew looked at lol, his jaw set; something was off between the two. Anyone could see it, Robert wondered what it was. “I'm leaving the band.” Matthew said in a cool voice, to which lol gritted his teeth together. “You Are quitting the band. Tch- fucking useless you are, doesn’t matter!” lol snarled at Matthew, motioning to simon.

“Simon has already replaced you anyways- i was just about to kick your sorry arse out of the cure anyways!” lol said, grabbing his beer and chugging it before shooting Matthew a dark glare.  “Now get the fuck out of my house before i phone the police.” lol hissed lowly, dropping the empty bottle of beer on the ground and walking away.

Robert swallowed thickly, looking at Matthew who had a look of hatred on his face. Robert bit his lip before looking away, scratching his cheek. Well, this just got very awkward. 

Matthew took in a shallow breath before turning on his heel and walking out the door; with the woman on his heels, though she was obviously more attracted to simon. The bird couldn't take her eyes off him. “Well then… guess you’re in the cure now” Robert said, covering his mouth before starting to laugh at the idiocy of the whole thing. Simon joined Robert, laughing merrily, “Guess so!”

Robert shook his head and rubbed his face, feeling a bit relieved. Robert really didn’t want to break up a fight in lol’s house, that wasn’t his normal kind of thing. “Well then, Robert, I guess we will be able to hang around each other even more now since we have an excuse!” Simon grinned, snatching a fresh beer from the table right as lol walked back into the room.

Robert looked to lol, noticing how restless he looked; Robert started to get a bad feeling in his gut. “Since simon is in the band now- how about we go to the nearest pub and get fucking obliterated to celebrate” lol said, already holding his car keys in hand.  Robert blinked, about to decline but Simon was already on his feet. “Lets fucking do it- come on rob!” Simon grinned childishly, holding his hand out to Robert so Robert could haul himself off of the couch.

Robert took in a breath, suddenly feeling a bit anxious before shaking his head and grabbing Simon's hand, “yeah. Lets go.” Robert forced out, glancing to lol who looked like he was ready to puke already. Robert wondered what had really happened between Matthew and lol; though Robert guessed it didn’t matter too much anymore since Matthew was gone. 

Robert grabbed Simon's hand and pulled himself up, nearly toppling over; he had drunk more than he had expected. Robert grasped Simon's bicep and let out a nervous laugh before looking up at Simon, feeling like a deer in headlights. “S-sorry… didn’t realize how much I've already had” robert cleared his throat, patting simon’s arm awkwardly before walking past him; his stomach twisting into knots.

Robert needed to stop acting so weird, he needed to figure out why he kept feeling all weird around simon. Robert didn’t want to chase away his newest friend; even if they had been friends for a couple of weeks, almost a month now. “No worries.” simon said casually, though robert did not dare to look back.

Robert suddenly felt like he needed a drink as well.


After they all piled into lol’s car, Robert found himself snugly pressed against simon. Lol had a bunch of boxes and other trash in his car, there was barely any room. “Jesus lol! Clean out your car" Simon laughed, turning and looking at Robert who was rather flustered. Robert wasn’t really a touchy person, but being this close to simon? Robert could barely look him in the eyes. 

“J-just start driving, I feel like an avalanche is going to happen inside your bloody car,” Robert said, taking a breath before looking down. Robert needed a distraction from this uncomfortable situation; so he started to think about Mary, of all people.

She had called a few times in the past few days, though Robert was always busy with something else to do. Robert was hesitant to talk to Mary, she seemed so nice; just like Simon was. Robert was already feeling weird being in such a healthy friendship with simon, robert didn't think he could handle a relationship, 

Robert swallowed thickly, suddenly getting distracted again when he felt Simon wrap his arm around his waist, “sorry mate, it's more comfortable like this.” Simon apologized, turning his head and gazing out the window. Such a small action, Robert could barely talk. Robert swallowed thickly, he could feel Simon's warmth, his hand was resting snugly against him. 

Robert slowly looked at Simon's thighs, seeing how nice they were and how nicely Simon dressed. Robert cleared his throat before going to speak; but he was silenced when the car came to a screeching halt. “This is us!” lol said, having already found a parking spot. Lol quickly shut off his car before leaving Simon and Robert to go find a table.

Simon rolled his eyes, “he’s eager.” he commented while taking his arm away from robert and opening the door. Simon got out first, helping Robert out as well before laughing. “Jesus its like a fucking maze!” Robert complained, slamming the door shut before rubbing his face; already feeling exhausted. This was supposed to be fun, but Robert was barely enjoying himself already.

“Chin up, we’re not even inside yet.” Simon teased, nudging Robert before walking ahead of him. Robert watched the back of Simon's head for a moment before signing and slowly following. Robert had a really bad feeling.

When they got inside, they found lol already at the bar, with beers and strong drinks waiting for them. Robert followed Simon up to the bar and grabbed a beer, taking a stool before sitting down quietly. This bar was loud, obnoxiously loud really; it was a Saturday evening. Robert glanced around the bar, taking notice of what kind of people hung around.

There were old men, they hung around the bar drinking cheap beer with each other, the younger people had tables with woman dressed in short dresses and laughing at their stupid jokes. They weren’t even that funny. “Robert?” Simon's voice cut through Robert's brooding, startling him for a moment.

“Yeah?”  Robert hummed, turning his attention back to Simon who held out a shot, “here, lol order a round.” Simon said, smiling at robert. Robert stared for a moment before nodding his head and taking the shot, “what is it?” Robert asked, smelling the liquid and cringing. It smelled like pure rubbing alcohol. 

“Not sure, I wasn't paying too much attention. I think it's vodka, or maybe tequila..'' Simon hummed, smelling his shot as well. “Those are two very different drinks..” Robert said slowly, not sure if he really wanted to take this drink; however it was rude to decline a shot that was bought for you. So, ignoring his better judgment, Robert took the shot; nearly choking from how it burned his throat. It hit his stomach hard, like a punch to the gut and Robert stuck his tongue out.

“That was fucking terrible” robert said, hearing simon laugh in amusement. “Yes- looks like it! You made a funny face, ''Simon teased, leaning against Robert as he downed his own shot and drank something after it to ease the burn.

Robert sighed and watched as Simon licked his lips, noticing how pink Simon's lips were before looking away and grabbing his beer. ‘I need to stop noticing weird things like that..’ robert scolded himself, chugging the rest of his beer before ordering another. 

This was going to be a long night.


Robert hadn’t intended to get so drunk, well… that was sort of a lie, he wanted to get drunk to ignore how oddly he was feeling. He had been feeling odd for a while now; but things were still not going to plan. 

Lol had completely disappeared, Robert tried looking for him but he was just gone. Lol had the keys, he was the one who could get to the car. First setback of the night, which really irritated robert.

The second drawback was how many people were trying to talk to him, so many annoying voices coming at him from all directions; it was overwhelming and annoying and robert had to stop himself from cussing out a few blokes here and there but the one thing that really made robert’s mood foul was that simon had left him as well.

Robert was a wallflower, that was easy to tell, and Simon was the only other person he knew here. Where was simon? Oh, he was busy with a girl at the bar. Robert didn’t want to ruin the night, so he watched with a sickening feeling in his stomach as Simon bought drinks for the girl and eventually left with ehr as well. Robert felt alone, replaceable and unwanted.

Robert hugged himself, leaning against the wall as he watched Simon go to the bathroom with the girl for a quick shag; what else were they going to do? ‘What an ass… both of them are.’ Robert thought, sniffing.

Robert sighed and shook his head, he had seen enough. Robert felt like he was drowning, and he needed a cigarette. So that's what he did, he walked out, walked down the street a bit and sat on a dirty bench that was cold and wet from the night dew. Robert pulled out his pack of cigarettes and lit it, keeping an eye out for anyone suspicious, he would rather not be mugged. 

Robert sighed, feeling bitter. ‘Of course Simon would choose to go get his dick wet, any bloke would when a pretty girl offers it…’ Robert thought, his jaw clenched. ‘So why can't i just do that? Ugh… i feel so dizzy’ robert taught, rubbing his face with a frown; feeling like he could cry. Very many, indeed.

“Robert?” a feminine voice suddenly said, making robert lookup. Mary stood in front of Robert, he hadn’t even noticed her approach. “Mary? Whas… what are you doing here?” Robert said quietly, squinting his eyes as he looked at the raven haired girl. Mary smiled at robert, tucking some hair behind her ear, “well i was just… on a walk. I had a gut feeling that i should be out tonight, now i know why” mary said softly, looking at robert.

“Is everything alright robert? You look peaky.” Mary said, sitting down next to robert. Robert stared at her before looking away, hesitant to speak. “...I'm fine. Just had too much to drink… needed a walk and fresh air, though I still feel very dizzy.." Robert mumbled, not daring to mention anything about what really happened. Mary would probably think less of him.

Mary nodded her head, “yeah, i knew that silly. You can barely speak properly" Mary giggled, touching Robert's arm before looking down.  Robert glanced at her before putting out his cigarette, “yeah… was at a pub with simon and lol… they both got busy, so i kind of wondered off… wasn’t having much fun anyways..'' Robert whispered, biting his lip.

“Do you have a way to get home?” Mary asked in a concerned voice, gazing at Robert with a tender expression. “No.” Robert said quietly, frowning deeply. There was a beat of silence before Mary stood up and held her hand out. “Then you can crash at my pad. I have an extra comfortable pull out couch and tea in the morning, I know you will have a terrible terrible hangover.'' Mary offered, smiling brightly at robert.

Robert stared at Mary, not understanding for a moment before he furrowed his eyebrows, “are- are you sure? I.." Robert said, looking for any reason not to go until he remembered that both of his friends ditched him. Robert pursed his lips before nodding his head and taking Mary's hand. “Lets go… i feel like i could sleep forever” Robert mumbled, standing up messily before catching his balance and smiling down at mary.

Mary smiled back, her cheeks going pink before she wrapped her arm around Robert's waist to guide him back to her pad since he was very very drunk and could barely walk straight. “Let's go then, oop! Careful, don't fall” Mary laughed, marveling at how clumsy Robert was. 


After a while of walking and mindless chatter they finally arrived at Mary's place where she walked Robert inside and sat him down on the couch. “Here we are, wait here I'll go get you some water, make yourself comfortable” Mary said in a loving voice, it was rather odd. Robert wasn;t used to being treated so nicely by another person.

“Alright, i'll be here:” robert said with a breathy laugh before bending over to take off his boots, feeling better now since he was away from all that commotion at the bar; away from lol’s annoying chatter and away from simon…

Robert paused, thinking about what Simon could be doing right now. It had been a good half our, maybe a full hour since he left… maybe simon was still shagging that girl, maybe he found lol and bragged about his successful conquest. Robert wondered if Simon would even notice his absence…

“Here we are..” Mary said, appearing once more with a cup of water. Mary sat next to Robert and handed him the drink, watching as he sipped from the cup. Robert sighed and set the drink down, rubbing his eyes in a tired manner. “Hey..” Mary said softly, her voice low and hushed as to not break the silence.

Robert looked over to Mary, his eyes locking with hers. “Yes?” Robert said back just as quietly, wondering why they were talking so quietly until he felt Mary's soft hand slide into his. “I just wanted to make sure you were alright… you seemed upset earlier.” Mary said, squeezing Robert's hand.

Robert blinked before looking down at their hands. This was odd... 

“I've had a bad night so far..” Robert whispered, shrugging. “People tend to forget I exist. 

But that's normal, i'm not much to look at, i'm not very outgoing..'' Robert muttered. There was a beat of silence before Mary spoke up, “i think you're wonderful… you’re very thoughtful and kind, you always have been ever since grade school.'' Mary said, turning Robert's face.

There was another beat of silence, Robert stared into mary’r eyes, searching for something until he found himself drifting closer to mary. Robert lifted his hand and touched Mary's face, brushing his thumb across her cheek. “... you are very pretty” Robert mumbled, blaming the alcohol for his odd actions. 

“You are too..” Mary said, placing her hand on top of Robert's, leaning closer as well; she looked like she was anticipating something. Robert realized finally that she wanted a kiss, it had been a while since he kissed anyone, let alone someone like mary. Robert never thought about things like this, that was when Robert realized that he should probably act like a man and bloody kiss Mary already. So that's what he did, that's what he thought was the right thing to do.

Robert closed his eyes and kissed Mary hesitantly, prepared for rejection; he didn't know why he was doing this. He just couldn't stop thinking about Simon going to the bathroom with that girl, it angered him. Robert furrowed his eyebrows and pressed harder, sliding his hand down to Mary's shoulder and listening to the soft sigh of content that came from her.

Robert wasn’t very enthusiastic about the kiss, it felt nice but he was also drunk. After a moment of kissing, Robert pulled away and gazed at Mary's face; she looked awestruck. “Wow..” Mary whispered, a dazzling smile appearing on her face before she wrapped her arms around Robert's neck and kissed him deeply, toppling him over onto his back.

Robert yelped and laughed, deciding that he would do as Simon did. Not care so much. 

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