Falling in Love with the Kitty

By LaughableRiver

1.1K 70 6

Kyo didn't want to go to Ouran Academy. She was perfectly fine at Kaibara with Tohru and, dare she admit it... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Authors note: revamping story

Chapter 6

98 7 0
By LaughableRiver

I own nothing but the plot!

No beta, so there are slight errors, possibly.


The next day, Kyo was sitting in the club room, reading a book she borrowed from Tohru. Mori was beside her, the two waiting for Honey, who was getting cake and treats.

She guessed he had told Mori about them, since she caught him staring knowingly at them earlier.

They didn't bother to tell the others, although Kyo was obligated to tell Haruhi and Ranka, letting them come to their own conclusion.

She was glad today the hosts were not opening, they were going to discuss future events and cosplay.

Honey returned with a cart full of sweets, humming to himself as he poured three cups of coffee for them. He silently handed Kyo a piece of Coconut cream pie (her favorite so far). Kyo gave him a small smile and closed her book, cutting a big chunk with her fork.

She could hear Tamaki trying to coax Haruhi into wear some dress he had, and the twins playing on their game system.

She held a conversation with Mori and Honey about Martial Arts, feeling content at the moment. At Shigure's house, it was calm, sometimes, but here, she could be herself, and not worry about the curse (that much).

"Who taught you?" Honey asked, tilting his head to the side. He guessed it was the right thing to ask, since her red eyes brightened.

"My Shishou, Kazuma! He's the best! He taught me everything I know, and took me to the mountains to train for four months! He has a Dojo and trains all the Sohmas."

Hikaru and Kaoru slithered close to them. "Sounds like Kyo-senpai is star-struck." They smirked.

Kyo scowled. "I'm not star-struck."

"Kazuma Sohma, your adoptive father, correct?" Kyoya commented, walking past.

Kyo glared at his back. "What did I say about looking at my files?!"

Kyoya pretended not to hear her and swiftly walked away.

"Damn four-eyed bastard." She growled.

Kaoru laid his head on his twin's shoulder. "Adoptive father?"

Kyo rolled her eyes. "Didn't you hear the bastard?"

Haruhi and Tamaki sat down, forgetting their little argument.

"How did you end up in his care?" Haruhi asked gently, not wanting to set Kyo off for saying the wrong thing.

She hesitated a bit. "After my mother died, my...father...was going through a hard time. Kazuma came up to me and asked if I wanted to live with him. I said yes and he adopted me." She turned to Haruhi. "How's Ranka?" She said, ultimately ending the discussion.

Honey stared at Kyo. He could tell she was uncomfortable with the subject.

"He's fine. He's starting to ask about you now. You should come over again soon."

She nodded. "Is tomorrow fine?"

"What's this?" Tamaki gasped in shock and excitement. His eyes sparkled. "My two daughters are bonding together! Can daddy come too?" He pleaded.

"No Senpai!" Haruhi groaned. And thus, another debacle was started, with the twins complaining too.

"Are you okay?" Honey asked Kyo. She looked at him, and gave a small smirk.

"Did I ever tell you about the time I broke my arm trying to sneak up on Kazuma?"

Honey shook his head. He knew she was trying to keep her mind off things.


"Hey Kyo-senpai," Hikaru said.

"We're bored. Can we go to your house?" Kaoru leaned against his twin, their expressions bored.

"No." She answered immediately.

"But why?" They whined.

"Because I don't you finding out where I live and have you bothering me." Kyo tried not to snap at them.

"Well just ask Kyoya then. No doubt he has your address." Hikaru smirked.

"Alright, what do you want? I'm already in a bad mood and I have no problem taking my anger out on you." Honey wasn't there to calm her down.

"We just want to see where you live."

"Great, I'll show you a picture." She drawled.

"Senpai! Come on, just let us visit. We could keep you company."

Kyo stood up, and began walking away. The twins, not about to be deterred, were right at her heels, begging every five seconds. With each minute, Kyo began to get more agitated.

She stopped suddenly, spinning around to glare at them. "If I let you come over will you shut the hell up?" She growled.


Kyo thought for a moment. "You guys can come on the weekend, but this is only a one time thing! You have to be on your best behavior or else I will kick you out!"

"Aye aye sir!"

"Shut up..." She mumbled, her eyes softening slightly.


That night at dinner, Kyo moved her food around on her plate, contemplating on when to ask.

Tohru looked up from her own meal and furrowed her eyebrows at Kyo.

"Kyo? Are you alright? Is something wrong with your meal?" She asked, worried.

Kyo shook her head and took a bite. She didn't want Tohru to worry. "No, it's fine...Hey Shigure, I'm going to have people over on the weekend."

Shigure raised an eyebrow in surprise. "These people wouldn't be the same ones Hatori told me about, would they?"

She twitched. "You got a problem with that?"

He laughed and waved his hand carelessly. "Of course not! It's nice to know you actually made friends."

"You didn't threaten them did you?" Yuki questioned, sounding rather concerned.

Kyo bristled.

"You can let them come over." Shigure inputted before Kyo could start another fight. "Anything we should know?"

She thought about it. "Six are guys and one's a girl."

"How nice!" Tohru beamed. "I could bake some sweets for your friends!"

"You don't have to do that Tohru." Kyo said.

"But I want to! It would be rude to have them over without any snacks!" She then started daydreaming about what desserts she would make.

"Well, alright, whatever." Kyo finished her food and stood up, putting her hand in her pockets. "It'd be nice if you could make a cake; Honey gave me a recipe you could try out."

"That'd be wonderful!"

Kyo turned to go to her room, not noticing the looks Shigure and Yuki exchanged.


A/N: I am sorry for taking so long! I actually had a this chapter planned out, but you know, procrastination is a girl's best friend.

Next chapter, which I will work on real soon, is about the host's visit!

For those wondering, I'm planning on following the Fruits Basket manga, and maybe the Ouran's too. If not, I will just make up my own AU after the Ouran anime and just include a few things from the manga.

See you next time, and I hope you liked this chapter!

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