The Killer Duo// Mattheo Ridd...

By lily_walley

1M 18.7K 14.3K

Emerald Blackwood was the girl who had nothing. Mattheo Riddle was the boy who had something just not what he... More

Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Cast Part 2.
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Appreciation Post to you All

Part 2

47.7K 735 682
By lily_walley

        Emerald's POV

        "Wake up, we have a business to do," said a voice as I blinked my eyes adjusting the blur of my eyes to my surroundings. Wait, my surroundings? Am I alive, I shoot up out of a bed? Aren't I supposed to be in a coffin and well, not alive.

"Aren't I supposed to be dead?" I asked whoever was telling me to wake up

"Yes, but I resurrected you because our side needs you." Said a voice in the back corner where I couldn't see them.

"Show yourself," I said in a fierce tone, there came out the Dark Lord. My father was a loyal servant to him, speaking of him I hope he didn't come back because if he did I'll kill him again.

"Emerald, the Dark side needs you it isn't a question it's an order, if you don't accept the requirements I'll take you out of this world just like I put you in it"

"What's the requirements?"

"You will be given a task that will be discussed later on at a meeting tonight, but you will be used as a weapon"

"If by weapon, you mean with my fire powers you do realize I have been in a coffin for the past, how many years?"

"3 years, you turned 16 yesterday and I'll be teaching you your fire powers," he said in a chilling voice "Now get ready, the meeting begins in 4 hours, try to not look so ghost-like," he said as he apparated

As soon as he left I tried to stand up, I wobbled for a little bit before I balanced myself and started walking over to the mirror.

I've always hated my hair, I hate the color some say redheads are beautiful but I never saw it and I don't think I ever will. My eyes though are green, my mother always told me 'look for eyes not looks because eyes last forever' she was the wisest woman I knew even though she never helped me. I always was alone just like now, my mother was too scare while my father just didn't care. I think that's why I distanced myself from other people because I didn't want to care for someone then get hurt just like I did with my parents. Before I could think anymore a knock came from the door.

" Come in" I whispered delicately, as the door opened I saw my mother's best friend, Narcissa Malfoy.

"Oh my Merlin" she stood her mouth gaped open

"Narcissa!!!" I smiled for the first time in 3 years as I ran to her hugging her.

"Dear, when Lucius said he brought you back I didn't believe it but here you are still beautiful as ever" she wiped her tears as she released me from the hug

"Yeah who knew you could grow while in a casket" I tried to make the best out of the situation

"Wait until you see Draco, he's at Hogwarts right now," she said as her smile dropped

"Wait- did he become a Death Eater?" I recalled the memory of my old best friend

"Over the summer, he got tasked by the Dark Lord" she started tearing up again

"Oh Cissy I'm so sorry," I said still shocked.

"It was going to happen sooner or later I was just hoping later but we don't always get what we wish for"

"Yeah I know that feeling" I mumbled

"Well you better get ready the Dark Lord doesn't like being kept waiting" she tried to smile

"Uhmm yeah I'll see you in a little bit," I said as she closed the door

The black velvet dress was waiting for me on my bed. Green is my color but black is good I guess too. My hair is straight at the moment. Currently, I'm making my way down to the dining room where the meeting is going to be held. These hallways are so dark I could run right into someone-

"Watch where your going," I said as I stood up to look who ran into me. When I lifted my head I saw a boy who had curly brown hair with a defined face shape and a scar on his face. As he observed me he took in my appearance and smirked

"Watch where you're going" he spat back

" Well the hallways are pitch black and I have a meeting to go to so move out of my way" I snarled

"Well I have a meeting to go to also so why don't you move" he snarled back.

I started walking when I realized he was right behind me.

"Are you following me?"

"Don't get flattered, I'm going to the same meeting"

"Oh please, stop having an ego nobody can be flattered by you"

"Why aren't you in Hogwarts?" He suddenly changed the subject

"Changing the subject are we? Well I haven't been at school because I've been dead for the past 3 years and your father brought me back" I said

"So your Emerald Blackwood," he asked smiling to himself then the smile dropped " How do you know he's my father?"

"Legilimency used to be obsessed with Dark Magic" I explained

"Well Blackwood I hope you learn who to trust"

"Trust nobody, everybody's trust has an expiration date," I said, it was my mothers old saying

When we arrived at the doors we rushed through them to this huge table with Death Eaters piled around. Everyone turned their heads to me as the boy who I'm not very fond of walks over to his 'seat'.

"Ms. Blackwood, good to see you found your way come, sit." Said the Dark Lord as he pointed to a chair diagonal from him which is also the opposite of his son. As I made my way to the seat all eyes followed me as I sat down.

"Now, Emerald you will be attending Hogwarts in 1 week during that time you will be taught how to control your powers"  Hogwarts? I haven't been there in forever and I hated it there too. "Mattheo," so that's his name "you will also be going to Hogwarts in 1 week. You both will have a task, Emerald you will be helping Mr. Malfoy with the vanishing cabinet and you will be keeping an eye on Harry Potter, while Mattheo you will be keeping an eye out on Dumbeldore and recruit students to join the Death Eaters"

"I have to go to school?" Mattheo raised his voice

"I have to go to school, with him?" I yelled

"SILENCE" the Dark Lord yelled "You two will obey my orders or you will suffer" he snarled "You are dismissed"

I looked at Mattheo but he was already looking at me with a look of disgust. I gave him one last death glare before I stormed off. I don't know why I disliked Mattheo, probably because he is full of himself, or because he thinks he's so scary. One thing I know though, he should be scared of me.

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