Monster: Year 1

By IvanBullock

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Y/N is a boy who knows little about his life. Experimented on as a child, he was freed by the Creator. Follow... More

A Story About A Boy
Black Cat Arc #1
Black Cat Arc #2
Black Cat Arc #3
Heart of Iron
Welcome to the Program Arc #1
Welcome to the Program Arc #2
Welcome to the Program Arc #3
A Modern Family
The Visions Arc #1
The Visions Arc #2
The Visions Arc #3
The Little Voice
Avengers HQ Arc #1
Avengers HQ Arc #2
School Days
The Unbelievable Arc #1
The Unbelievable Arc #2
The Unbelievable Arc #3
The Tale of The Baby Wasp
A Deadly Mistake
The Fist Bros
Yankee Doodles
The Cat and Mouse Arc #1
The Cat and Mouse Arc #2
The Cat and Mouse Arc #3
The Cat and Mouse Arc #4
Monster Problems
The Scarlet Date
Two Wandas
The Iron Arc #1
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The Young Avengers Arc #2
Team Shorts #1
Monster: Road to X-Men
Monster/X-Men #1
Monster/X-Men #2
Monster/X-Men #3
Monster/X-Men #4
Growing Up and Letting Go
Nova and Monster
Dead Space
The Ten Rings Arc #1
The Ten Rings Arc #2
The Ten Rings Arc #3
The Ten Rings Arc #4
The Ten Rings Arc #5
The Ten Rings Arc #6
The Ten Rings Arc #7
Parties and Such
Killers Born Arc #1
Killers Born Arc #3
A Story About A Boy

Killers Born Arc #2

1.2K 61 22
By IvanBullock

The entire tower was now crawling with symbiote monsters. Everyone in the Program began to fight like their lives depended on it. Because, they did.

The creatures growled and swiped. Their teeth were ready to sink into skin while their claws were ready to cut.

You sliced through one of the monsters before you sent out a shock to get some others. But they just kept on coming. And fighting in the tower only provided so much space.

Riri: No!

You looked over and found Riri getting swarmed by the rushed to help, but Miles let out a scream as well.

Miles: Help!

Laura: Get off of me!

Sam: Gahhh!

Gwen: Ew ew ew ew!

Kamala: They got me!

Widow and Moony worked to keep the creatures away but Taskmaster suddenly kicked Moony out towards the balcony. Moony pulled out his staff while Taskmaster pulled out his blade.

Moony: I should've put you down 15 years ago.

Taskmaster: Funny. I was just think the same thing.

Moony charged at Taskmaster, but he just smiled. He dropped his blade, and his shoulder. Right when Moony realized what was going on, Taskmaster lifted Moony up, and tossed him over the balcony, into the sea of carange.

Taskmaster: That went easier than I thought.

Y/N: Grrrahhhhh!!!

You charged at Taskemaster who narrowly dodged your claws. He kicked up his sword and blocked your claws when you went to attack again.

Y/N: You'll pay for this!

Taskmaster: Maybe one day. But not today.

He looked over to your group, as did you. From the swarm came something that shook your to the core.

Y/N: No.

Miles: Graahhhhhhhhh!!!

Gwen: We are Carnage!!!

Widow: We need to evaluate! Everyone, go!

Wanda began to open a portal which everyone rushed through. Widow stopped and found you with Taskmaster.

Widow: Y/N! We need to go!

You hesitated before you kicked Taskmaster in the leg and blasted off towards the portal. Widow pushed you in, but you saw how hopeless the situation had become. Your eyes grew wide.

Y/N: Widow!

Widow: Go! Get out of here! I'll hold them off!

Y/N: No! You can't!

Widow: Close it!

Wanda: But...

Widow: Do it!

Wanda shut her eyes, and closed the portal. You raced towards it but only hit a wall.

Y/N: Damnit!

You punched the wall, leaving a dent.

Year 1
Final Arc

Eli: We lost six. Plus Moony and Widow. The hell was that?

Kate: It doesn't matter. Those things are infecting the entire city. It's like a virus outbreak.

You looked around but suddenly noticed someone else was missing.

Y/N: Where's Danny?

Wanda looked around for a moment.

Wanda: I sensed him come through.

You looked around for a moment, before your senses went off. You quickly turned around but you were met with a powerful were sent flying across the room and into the wall.

Danny: We are here.

Viv: He has been infected.

You pushed yourself up as Danny began to approach the group. However, Wanda held him back with her magic while everyone else charged at him.

Y/N: No! He can infect you guys!

They all stopped and you created your flame skates. You rushed over to him and Venom covered your body.

Y/N: He can't get me.

Danny went to attack again, but you grabbed his leg and slammed him into the ground.

Y/N: Long range attacks only! No one else is gonna get infected today!

Kate pulled out her bow and fired off an arrow. It hit Danny, beeped, and erupted which sent him flying into the wall.

Eli: Where the hell are we, anyway?

Wanda: The Avengers Compound. It was far enough from the city.

You attacked Danny with a flaming fist, you noticed how the symbiote reacted to it. You decided to test it out by grabbing Danny on the arm. The symbiote cried out and began to spread away from the flames.

Danny: Help me...please!

Y/N: I got you, buddy.

You grabbed the symbiote, and Venom seemed to react. Suddenly, you found yourself pulling the symbiote off of Danny like a second skin.

Y/N: Almost, there!

You finally pulled the symbiote off and threw it aside. Viv then vaporized it with her laser as you caught Danny. Venom returned to your shoulder as Danny laid there.

Y/N: Hey, you alright?

Danny: That....that was....horrible.....agony......

Danny suddenly passed out. You laid him down and stood back up.

Cassie: What do we do?

Everyone turned to you. Riri wasn't here. Widow wasn't here. Hell, even Moony was gone.

Y/N: We fight.

You turned around to face your team.

Y/N: The Avengers are in New York right now. We need to help them. Save as many people as we can. We have to stop Taskmaster and Carnage.

Lorna: And how do we do that? They can infect us with just a touch.

You sighed.

Y/N: I know. And, I hate this plan. But I need you all to fight until you can't anymore. I think, If I can reach Carnage and pull him away from Cletus, then we can stop this. If Carnage is dead, then we can free everyone.

Viv: Calculations show this plan has a 28% chance of success.

Everyone went silent. Then, Billy stepped forward.

Billy: But that just means there's a chance.

He then looked at you.

Billy: Just tell me what you need me to do.

Everyone looked at each other for a moment before they all stepped forward as well. You looked at your friends and nodded.

Y/N: First up, we need to get back to New York.
The flight to New York was a quiet one. No one spoke. No one made a sound.

Nadia and Kate were flying the jet while everyone else hung in the bay. Danny was left back at the compound with whatever staff you could find. Everyone else grabbed what gear they could and headed out.

Wanda: You alright?

You looked over to your friend and shook your head.

Y/N: No. This is all because of me. Taskmaster wants me for some reason. And you all got dragged into it.

Lorna: To be fair, we all decided to join this team.

You just lowered your head. All of this was your fault. But, there were so many things going through your mind.

Your friends were infected.

New York was under seige.

Felicia was out there somewhere among the chaos.

Venom: Sssshe'll be okay. They all will be. We can ssssave them.

Nadia: Uh, guys?!

You looked up as the alarms began to ring in the jet. You hurried to the cockpit where Kate and Nadia were trying to figure out what's going on.

Kate: Someone is attacking us.

You looked out into the sky before you spotted something flying around among the clouds.

Nadia: Missiles!

Nadia jerked the controls which sent the jet into a barrel roll to avoid the incoming fire. Then, you saw her. Your attacker.

Y/N: Riri.

Nadia: We need to stop her or she'll shoot us out of the sky.

You gripped her seat before you rushed back to the bay doors.

Y/N: Open it up! I'll stop her!

The doors opened up and you blasted off. The doors closed and Nadia watched you on the radar.

You flew towards your friend who was now hovering there.

Y/N: Riri? Can you hear me?

Riri: We hear everything. Tell us, Monster. How does it feel to see your friends under our control?

You clenched your fists in both anger and worry.

Y/N: Let them go. Or so God help me.....

Riri: You want them, you need to stop us. But we will not roll over for you!

She fired off a blast which you blocked with your energy shield. You flew towards Riri but she flew away. You gave chase as she continued to fire off rockets and blasts. You avoided them as you flew through the destroyed city.

Back in the jet, Lorna heard something back at the bay doors.

Lorna: Y/N?

Everyone looked up at the sound before it went silent. Wanda and Billy suddenly stood up.

Billy: Was that...

Wanda: Magic. Not Y/N's.

Everyone suddenly got their feet while three figures began to emerge from the bay doors.

Illyana: No.

Lorna: Scott?

Eli: We can worry about that later! Everyone get ready!

Kamala lunged at the group first. Lorna was quick to use some of the stray metal to catch her, but Sam was able to break the metal without any effort.

Scott then stepped forward and fired off his laser which Eli blocked with his shield. He found himself being pushed back, but the laser also began to bounce off of the metal. It cut through the ship before he stopped.

Nadia: We're losing altitude!

Cassie grew larger and held the stray pieces of the metal while Viv used her laser to try and repair the holes. Everyone else began to fight off the three infected heroes.

Outside, you continued to give chase after Riri.

Y/N: Riri! If you can hear me, you need to fight this!

Riri: It's no use, Monster. Your friends will soon join our army. Join us. And soon, you will too. Your halo will be ours.

Y/N: Where are you, Cletus?! Face me yourself, you asshole!

Riri: Defeat her first, then you can find us. Or, you can help your friends.

You stopped and looked around for the jet. You then spotted it. It's wing was on fire and it was flying right towards a building.

Y/N: No.

Riri: Pay attention!

You were suddenly hit with a blast which sent you falling from the sky and towards the street below. You crashed into the asphalt which broke under you.

Venom: Kid, you have to get up.

Y/N: I know.

You pushed yourself up and groaned before you got to your feet. You grunted then growled.

Venom: You alright?

Y/N: I'm gonna kill him!

Venom: No! You don't kill, kid. You never kill.

Y/N: That motherfucker infected my friends! He hurt my family!

You cried out suddenly and grabbed your eye which caused you to fall to your knees. Your eye glitched purple for a moment before you shook your head.

Venom: You need to calm down.

Y/N: I'm fine. I'm fine.

You stood back up and looked around for a moment.

Y/N: We need to find Cletus. We need to stop him.

Venom: Right. We need to......

Y/N: Venom?

Venom: We're not alone.

You raised a brow before your senses went off. You looked around confused as it grew worse.

???: We found you.

You turned around and your eyes grew wide.

Y/N: No. Not you guys too.

Cap: You really think these fools could stop us?

Tony: You're more hopeful than we thought.


Hulk lunged at you but you blasted out of the way.

Cap: This city is ours!

He threw his symbiote shield at you which you managed to catch. You quickly used it to block Tony's blast which sent you flying against a nearby wall.

Riri: Poor, baby, boy. We can stop this all right now. Just give yourself to us. Give us what we want.

Riri flew down and joined the symbiote infected Avengers.

Y/N: You can go get that offer and shove it up your ass!

You began to growl as you placed the shield on your arm and popped out your flaming claws.

Y/N: Bring it on, you asshole!
Nadia opened her eyes to the smell of smoke. She suddenly tried to shot up, but cried out when she found herself in pain. She looked down at her leg and found it trapped under a part of the jet.

She shrunk down and flew out of under it before she grew back to normal size. She stood up and stumbled to the nearby wall.

That's right. They had to make a crash landing after the symbiotes attacked.

She stumbled over to the others who were also waking up.

Lorna: Ah. That's worse than any hangover.

Everyone began to get back to their feet while some had to help others.

Nadia: Is everyone okay?

Viv: All are accounted for.

Eli: I'll be fine.

Kate: Must be nice to have powers. God, damnit. I think my leg is broke.

Nadia quickly rushed over to her teammate to check on her leg.

???: Oh, you're all alive. Shame. Guess we'll have to try something else.

Everyone looked over to see the symbiote heroes joined by Miles, and Laura.

Teddy: Seriously? What the hell?

Laura lunged at Teddy who tried to punch her away. The heroes engaged in battle again.

On the streets below, you fought off the Avengers and Riri the best you could with Venom covering you. You had attempted to pull the symbiotes off of the heroes, but you couldn't get close long enough to even grab a hold of it.

You punched Cap away before you blocked Hulk's fist with the shield.

Venom: We need to get to the otherssss.

Y/N: I know! Kinda occupied right now!

Hulk suddenly grabbed you and leaped up into the air with you in his grasp.

You began to struggle as Hulk lifted you up.


He began to head towards the ground but you grabbed his arm. Venom began to react and pull Carnage away from Hulk. At the last minute, you ripped the symbiote away and burnt it away which returned Hulk to his senses.

He held you close and took the full force of the landing. You groaned from the pain you did feel before Hulk looked at you.

Hulk: Monster okay?

You gave him a thumbs up.

Y/N: All good, bud. Thanks.

Hulk stood up and looked at the other infected heroes.

Hulk: Stay away from Monster!

Riri: So the beast is no longer with us. This could be a problem.

Riri lifted her hand to fire a blast but Hulk blocked it with his body. He grabbed you and leaped away.

Y/N: Hulk, we need to find the others. They're in that building.

Hulk nodded and made his way to the building where the jet crashed. Once he landed, Hulk let you down and you noticed how hectic things had gotten.

Y/N: Holy shit.

You quickly rushed forward and blocked Laura's claws with the shield, saving Nadia.

Nadia: Y/N!

Y/N: Everyone needs to get out of here! Wanda, you need to teleport them away! Illyana, help her!

The two magic users began to open portals, but an explosion knocked you all off your feet. You hit the ground and groaned as you looked at where the blast came from.

???: Good thing we took theses ones. Experts in weapons. Nutcases, just like me.

You slowly stood up and looked at who Carnage had sent this time. However, you felt your stomach drop.

Y/N: Widow? Moony?

You stumbled backwards as they entered with Cap.

Cap: You have our shield.

Widow: Silly boy. You have no chance at stopping us.

Moony: Come to us. Let's talk.

Nadia: Don't go! You can't trust him!

Viv: I agree. This is not logical.

Eli: We can fight. We can't give up here!

You dropped to your knees as you looked at Widow and Moony.


Lorna: Don't you dare.

You slowly lowered your head.

Y/N: Fine. Take me with you. Let's talk.

Moony and Widow grinned as they approached you. However, you smirked.

You leaped up and grabbed the two heroes before Venom reacted and you began to pull the symbiotes away.

Cap: No! Stop him!

Laura and Miles began to charge at you with Sam and Kamala. However, they were too late. You had freed Widow and Moony.

Y/N: You think we'll just surrender?! You're a fucking idiot! AVENGERS, ASSEMBLE!!!

Everyone on your team turned back to the infected and leaped into battle. As they did, you turned to Moony and Widow.

Y/N: You guys okay?

Moony: I'm gonna kill Taskamster. No one throws me off a building!

Widow: We need to find Cletus. He....he....he's at the....Empire State.....

She suddenly fell over from exhaustion but Moony caught her. He looked at her for a moment before he looked at you.

Moony: You need to go get that son of a bitch. We'll take things from here.

You nodded and ignited your feet.

Moony: And, Y/N.

You looked back at your uncle.

Moony: Godspeed.

You smiled.

Y/N: Godspeed.

You then blasted out of the building, towards the Empire State Building.

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