Oleh SonamDiwakar2

313K 7.9K 3.2K

After fight outside animal clinic with Stiles, Scott fails to prove his friendship with him not first but las... Lebih Banyak

5. Can I Call Your Dad
6. Unnerving Discoveries
7. Calling Noah
1. Everything I Did Was For Nothing
10. Lab Buddies
11. We're Not What We Were
12. Thor
13. Scars He Hide
14. Step Toward Hell
15. She Saved Me Again
2. Uncle Phil
16. Survivers Are Left To Suffer
17. Beacon Hills
18. Season Four
19. All The Truth's Out
20. I'm Gonna Kill Them
21. Normal
3. Time To Meet The Avengers Kid
Thank you so much
22. Ah! Old Highschool Drama
23. He's My Son
24. A New Family
25. I'll Be Okay
26. Never Normal
4. What The Hell Heppend In Beacon Hills
27. I'm Not Your Son
28. A Long Day
29. A Long Day (P2)
30. Kyra
31. Web Of Lies
32. We Can't Tell Them
What do you think
33. We Can't Tell Them (P2)
New Book
34. Worthy
35. Stars And Moon
36. All Of Me
37. Mom
38. How It Feels Like
i need to say
39. Safe And Sound
40. Storm

9. Isaac

8.3K 235 48
Oleh SonamDiwakar2

When Tony came back Stiles passed him his plate and Bucky silenced his unwanted rambling about food with a glare making stiles smile. Soon Clint and uncle Phil walked in.

"Hey there," Uncle Phil says, pulling Stiles close in a bone crushing hug and pressing a kiss to his temple before releasing him. He know yesterday night's call was just tip of iceberg and him and whole team was preparing themselves for whole picture "You're up early. Nightmare?" Uncle Phil asks as Clint gives Stiles a sleepy hug. Stiles can feel himself nearly vibrating with happiness at all the contact he has already received today. Bucky smiles and hip checks him as he goes back to the counter.

"Yeah." Stiles answers his uncle. "But don't worry. JARVIS got to me before it was too bad. Best night's sleep I have had in ages actually. What do you want in your omelettes?"

"Well that's good, I guess." Uncle Phil sounds bemused.

He and Clint rattle off their orders and Bucky carefully portions the ingredients into two bowls.

"Yeah, JARVIS is the best." Stiles adds, focused on Clint's breakfast.

"Thank you, Stiles." JARVIS says, voice amused.

"Welcome." Stiles replies, dropping off Clint's omelette.

"On that note, I have something for you." Tony interjects, reaching out to stop Stiles as he passes. Stiles looked at a brand New Stark phone n his hand and opens his mouth to protest.

"What I made it not brought so calm down" Tony interject, before stiles could protest.

"That doesn't made it right. This phone worth a lot of money" Stiles tries, to gave back the phone Tony placed in hid hand.

"Actually, that phone isn't on the market, so you can't compare it to anything." Tony replies smugly.

"What do you mean?" Stiles asks hesitantly.

"I mean I put a bunch of special features on it that aren't options I would make available to the general public. Also it's made of scraps from one of my suits." Tony holds up his hands to stall the protest Stiles is trying to form. "Scraps! I used scraps! I knew you wouldn't like me spending money, so I used what I had on hand. And if there is one thing I always have on hand it is scraps from the suits! Okay?"

Stiles nods slowly, somewhat placated.

"Good." Tony sighs, relieved. "Besides, the suit makes an awesome phone. You could chuck that thing at a wall and it wouldn't care. The wall might. Maybe don't try it unless you want a hole in your wall." Tony finishes thoughtfully.

"You said you put in other functions as well. What did you add Tony?" Uncle Phil sounds resigned.

"Better than top of the line camera, panic button, universal translator, emergency taser mode-"

"Panic button?" Uncle Phil asks.

"Emergency taser mode?" Clint interjects.

"Like my own babelfish?" Stiles grins.

Tony looks between them and answers Stiles first. "Just like. Has nearly all the spoken languages and several not so spoken ones."

"Vulcan?" Stiles asks.

"Points for not asking about Klingon." Tony grins, delighted. "And yes, Vulcan is one of them. Actually Klingon is too, but that's beside the point. Clint, emergency taser mode is exactly what it sounds like. Enough current to put someone down for a good long time without killing them. Figured it would give Stiles time to come up with a plan. Agent - the panic button has a few components to it. If Stiles presses it an alarm is triggered on all of our phones. Once the panic button is tripped, the phone starts recording everything it sees through the camera and hears through the microphone. It'll transmit all that data along with a GPS location to us so we know what the situation is."

"Wow. Thank you." Stiles says earnestly.

"Thank you, Tony." Uncle Phil repeats gratefully.

"You needed a phone kid. A way to be reached and to reach us when you aren't in the tower. It has all of our numbers programmed in already. Oh, and I haven't told you the best part."

"What's the best part?" Stiles asks.

"You also have JARVIS on your phone, isn't that right J?" Tony announces gleefully.

"Indeed, Sir." JARVIS's voice comes from the speakers of the phones clutched in Stiles's hand.

"Oh my god." Stiles breathes. "That's so cool. JARVIS can come with me anywhere."

"I thought you might like that. You guys seem rather taken with each other." Tony laughs.

Stiles's mind is whirling. "How does it work? Is JARVIS like a server somewhere? Is he based in the tower and then he just connects out to outliers like my phone and your suit? Or is there a tiny portion of JARVIS present in the phone? If he is connecting back to the tower what means is he using? Satelite? What happens if I go to a no service zone? Does JARVIS have no service zones? Do I lose JARVIS? Do I keep a tiny segmented portion of JARVIS cut off from the rest? What happens when I come back? If they have evolved separately are they now two separate entities? I - " Stiles slaps a hand over his own mouth to cut off the ramble when he notices everyone watching him. He blushes furiously. "Sorry." He squeaks.

"Nope, none of that." Tony says gently.

"You don't have to tell me." Stiles whispers, looking at the floor. "Sometimes my mouth just starts going with my mind. I have been working at getting better, I know it's annoying. I just got excited."

"Hey," Tony says quietly. He gently bumps Stiles's chin to get him to lift his face. "Do you want to come hang out in my lab after breakfast? I will answer whatever questions you can come up with. I even have some projects I think you could help me with."

Stiles stares at him. He can't really mean that can he? Why would someone like Tony Stark want Stiles hanging around bothering him? "Um, I wouldn't want to bother you, Tony."

" you wouldn't be a bother." Tony said

"I ask a lot of questions sometimes. And I have trouble focusing." Stiles admits quietly. "I tend to jump topics a lot and get stuck on random tangents."

"Sounds like Tony." Bruce says as he enters the kitchen, followed by Nat and Sam.

"How long have you been off your adderall?" Uncle Phil asks Stiles quietly.

"I ran out just before I ... left." Stiles asks, hoping his uncle won't force him back on.

"I can get your prescription moved out here and get it filled for you." Stiles can feel his face fall. He quickly ducks his head and nods.

"Hey." Bruce says quietly, moving to join their group. "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing. Not important." Stiles replies quickly.

"It's upsetting you, so it is important." Natasha counters.

They wait quietly, and Stiles squirms under their attention. "I don't like it." He finally admits.

"Don't like the adderall?" Uncle Phil asks. Stiles nods. "Why?"

"It's like my brain is numb. Yeah I get less distracted but it's because it feels like a pillow on my brain. It makes me twitchy too. But I know I need it. People don't like me without it keeping me under control." Stiles shrugs.

"Who told you that?" Uncle Phil asks, voice tense.

"Everyone." Stiles admits.

"Well that's bullshit. We will just give you lots of things to keep your mind busy, how about that?" Tony says. "Like Brucie said, I am not very good at normal people thought processes. You and I can just see how we get on as lab buddies, okay?"

"Are you sure?" Stiles asks, hopefully.

"I am." Tony's voice is serious.

"Then I would like that." Stiles admits.

"Awesome. After breakfast it's you and me buddy boy." Tony spins back to his breakfast and begins shoving fruit into his mouth.

Stiles hurrys over to Bucky. He has pulled out the ingredients for everyone else's breakfasts, but hasn't started the omelettes. "Like I said, I can follow directions but that's about it. Figured I'd leave this bit to you." Stiles nods and starts constructing the omelettes.

"Where is Steve?" Stiles asks as he gives Pepper her omelette. "He is the only one that hasn't eaten."

"He left early." Sam replies. "Said something about meeting with Fitzsimmons before your meeting with Fury."

"Speaking of " phil said, turning to Stiles "I was supposed to go to meeting today. I can cancel if you want me to Stiles."

"It's fine uncle phile" stiles assure him "I'll be ok here"

" We will keep him busy" Tony said.

"That's terrifying, don't blow up the tower before evenings" Clint jokes.

Suddenly JARVIS speaks, gaining everyone's attention. With urgency in his voice.

"Mr. Roger's wants to meet Agent Coulson and Agent Berton in Agent Barton's office. He siad it's important" Jarvis didn't ask, he just told them to meet. Means it's urgent.

"Stiles it's ok...maybe something urgent in matter of work - nothing dengerous." Bucky said, after noticing stiles tence. Even if he knew it was something else.

"Yes stiles, Bucky is right. Meet you in evening."phil said, with hug and stiles nod relaxing.

"Jarvis told him we're coming" Clint said.

Everyone begins to disappear wawing there goodbyes but in Clint and pepper's case hugs. Leaving only Stiles , Bucky, Tony and Bruce.

"Ready, kid?" Tony asks, coming up and throwing an arm around Stiles's shoulders. "You coming Bruce?"

"If you both don't mind."

"I never say no to another science buddy. What do you think Stiles?"

"Please come, Bruce."

Stiles twists around to wave at Bucky as Tony pulls him into the elevator, an amused Bruce following behind. Stiles sees Bucky shaking his head with a grin before the doors close. "So," Tony asks grandly. "You ready to visit Candy Land?"


When Issac though about Going to Avenger tower. He never thought it would be to meet stiles - hell he never thought he would meet anyone from Beacon Hills ever again. But here he is trying to make sure if one of his pack mate is fine.

Apparently Tower have a reception where you can ask for a appointment.
Oh god - he was going to take appointment to meet stiles. World must be going mad -well there world always have been like that.

"Excuse me " he asked, to the receptionist.

"Yes how can I help you" she asked, with a smile.

" I want to meet stiles stilinski" he ask, hoping she knew how he can find him.

Receptionist expression turn serious and she looked at her computer and ask "Can you tell me your name please".

"Isaac lahey. But I don't have any appointment" why the hell he even said that. He don't need appointment ment to meet stiles.

"Sorry but we have strict orders. No one can meet Mr. Stilinski." she said, in hard voice.

"Look... he is my fried. And I just need to see if he is ok" he siad confuced on who will give this kind of orders.

"Sorry but there is nothing I can do" she told him, and he know she isn't lying.

"Did you say stiles" someone ask from behind, he turn around to see Captain America standing there looking at him suspiciously.

"You are Captain America" he said mouth open. Ok Issac... no need to be fanboy right now. Get your head in line.

"Yes. Now tell me how did you know Stiles" Captain ask, walking towerd him. Captain reek of distrust and suspicious and Issac frowen. Why would he react like that.

"I'm his friend.... from Beacon Hills" Issac said confused.

"How do you know he is here" Captains asks, still in same tone. but now more there was some anger in his scent too.

"Look...I just want to see him once - to make sure he is fine then I'll be gone. Why all of you are reacting like that. How did you even know him" Issac is now angry, he don't like being confuced.

"Come with me" Captain said, and start walking towerd a long hallway. Knowing that Issac will follow like he did. They stopped in front of an elevator witch is different from other ones. Captain scan his hand and enter the elevator with Issac. If Issac was a normal teenager he would have never followed a stranger like that even if it was Captain America but Issac can protect himself.

"Jarvis drop me on Clint's office and tell Clint and Phil to meet me there....tell them it's important." Steve said, looking at Issac.

"Certainly Mr Rogers" A British voice rang through elevator surprising Issac. But he asked the more important question.

"I though you were taking me to Stiles" Issac inquires.

"They are coming Mr Rogers"

" Thank you Jarvis.....You have to talk to his uncle first"Steve said, now looking at him.

"Stiles have an uncle?" Isaac questions.

"You don't know?" Steve said raising an eyebrow.

"I don't think anyone know" as Issac said that elevator doors opened. They walk inside an office, witch have more weapons then files and papers. Maybe now Issac is worried about his safety. He can also hear four maybe five heartbeats coming towerd him. Before he can question elevator door open and Phil, Clint,Sam, Pepper and Natasha walked in.

"What's the matter Steve....who is he"Clint ask, looking at Issac. Who just stood there awkwardly.

"Why all of you came" Steve ask.

"Oh...the way you asked them to come be happy Tony, Bruce and Bucky are not here" Natasha scold. And Steve smiles sheepishly.

Before any of them can say anything else Elevator door open again and Bucky walked in saying " Steve don't do that again. Stiles thought there was some problem....who is he" Bucky ask also realising Issac is there. Issac parked up apon listening stiles name.

"Witch one of you is stiles uncle. I want to meet him." Issac asked loosing his patiens. Everyone looked at Issac suprised.

"He was in lobby. when I was leaving. Saying he wants to see stiles and siad he is stiles friend when I ask." Steve told everyone.

"How can we trust him" Natasha said and whole room once again looked at Issac.

"Him is in this room - and I don't think asking for my friend is some crime" Issac snapped having enough.

"How do you know he is here and why you siad you want to make sure if he was fine" Steve ask.

Isaac can't tell them he cought Stiles scent mixed with depression. so he told most believable lie " I saw him outside clothe store tomorrow. He didn't look good - so I got worried but he left before I can reach him".

"But how do you know he was here in avengers tower" phil ask still not believing him.

"Media is going crazy on a teenager living with Avengers... wasn't hard to find" Issac siad, voice raising. This wasn't a lie. Media is going crazy about mystery boy for whome all the Avenger cancelled all there work, plans and meetings.

Before anyone can say anything to Issac, Steve and Sam stap between Issac and remaining peaple.

"Calm down you all. He is also same age as stiles. Talk to him first. He can't be the one who did everything to stiles." Sam said, in a loud voice, witch made everyone look apologetic. They all took some deep breaths and scatter around in room taking seets.

But it did exact opposite to Issac who look panicked " what do you maen by - did everything to stiles. I know he is not ok.... But how bad is it, and who else is here with him from Beacon Hills." Issac asked everything coming in his mind.

" Breath kid....We will answer everything but first tell us your name. I'm Pepper." Pepper said in a calming voice.

"Issac lahey, now tell me why is he here, and why all of you look so angry on me wanting to meet him" Issac ask.

"I'm stiles uncle, phil. He walked from Ohio here, no one in Beacon Hills know he was here but I called his dad last night. He is not fine, don't ask what heppend we also don't know. Now tell me when was the last you saw him Issac." Phil, bombers Issac with information, in hope of getting some answers.

" He left town without telling anyone and walked here from Ohio." Issac screamed, shocked.

Everyone in room wincses on pitch of Isaac's voice " Yes, do you know what could have caused it?" Clint questions, recovering first.

Issac finally sat on a chair and rubbed his hands over his face. He know in beacon hills thousands of things can happen. What shocked him is why none of pack member spacially Scott was there for Stiles.

"Can you atleast tell us when you last saw him?" Bucky ask, meybe they took his silance as no and went to another question.

"Almost a year ago. I break all the contact from everyone since. I didn't wanted to go back ever." Issac said quietly.

Everyone exchange worried glances, remembering stiles telling same about never going back. What the hell was that town and what heppend to these kids there. Witch made them leave and scared on even name of going back. Everyone felt guilty now for accusing Isaac.

"Issac do you think stiles will talk to you...if I will ask him." Phil ask, he know asking why Issac left town will give them no answer.

"Yes." Issac answer simply, he knew stiles and him were never greatest freands but, he was sure stiles will not deny for talking to him.

"Issac, we're trusting you for letting you talk to stiles....but if he said no....then I can't do anything." Phil said gently, and Issac nod in understanding.

"When are you going to ask him?" Issac asked. Ready to leave till then.

"Todey evening.....where are you staying... I'm guessing you are not from New York." Phil ask.

"I'm from France. I was here for hotal is just two blocks away." Issac answer standing.

"You can stay here till evening if you want." Pepper offers.

"No. It's fine, thanks for's already 10 AM. I will come back around 6." Issac said, with a smile.

"Ok. But if Stiles and your talk went well then I don't think Tony will let you stay in a hotel." Pepper said smiling.

"I don't think I'm gonna have any problem in staying with Avengers. It's dream for many." Issac joke, making whole room chuckle.

"And we all are sorry for before." Steve apologize.

"Don't... I understand." Issac said, and leave the room.

"Do you think we should let him meet Stiles"Clint asks.

"We can't keep Stiles from knowing someone was there to meet him. He will decide if he want to talk to Issac or not....and I think if he agreed to talk to him Issac can get stiles to open on what heppend easily." Phil said. And whole room nod in understanding.

"You all should go to your work. I will fill Tony and Bruce on everything." Bucky said guiding everyone towerd elevator.

I love stiles and Issac's friend enemy relationship.

I have more three chapters already written because tomorrow is my first exam and it's my final year. So my perents leave me with my phone and laptop to study for last week and I just wrote whenever I touch either of them and now I'm panicking thinking about my exams.

So I  don't think I'm gonna get chance to write more aside those three chapters. Now I just have to study. I will post those three chapters after editing soon.

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