spencer reid one-shots (the f...

By iamshadow69

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Oneshots written for Spencer Reid! Check out my tumblr reidgreygubler.tumblr.com! More

golden memories
hot cocoa & cuddles pt 1
hot cocoa & cuddles pt 2
hurry back, pretty boy
you are my destiny pt 1
you are my destiny pt 2
and they said speak now...
i would get beat to smithereens
sunflowers, daisies, lilacs, dahlias
handsome enough to tempt me
lonely moonlight
make you mine
look at my son
broken mug
kiss them, or keep them
last christmas
short skirt, high heels pt 1
im dreaming of a white christmas
week from hell
fresh baked


723 20 0
By iamshadow69

Content Warning: pregnancy, mentions of someone being shot, mentions of gun use, talks about almost dying, swears (if any), vomiting, casework, other things usually mentioned in Criminal Minds, talks/mentions of sex

this is probably one of my all time favorite pieces i've written. i love it so much


Spencer held me close to his body, pressing his lips to my neck and breathing deeply. I shifted a bit before rolling to face him. He looked down at me with a lazy and tired smile.

"Why are you awake," I mumbled as I pressed my hand to his bare chest. He hummed and looked at the watch on his wrist.

"Got a case, Texas," he looked back down at me and whispered. I pouted and shook my head.

"No," I whined and shook my head. Spencer looked down at me as he sat up in bed. "You're gonna be gone forever, Spencer," I copied his action and sat up beside him. He grasped my hand as he looked at me.

"I'll be home before you know it. You know I'm always a phone call away," he leaned over before kissing my lips. I pouted as I watched him slip out of the bed. "I'll be safe," he spoke as he pulled clothes out of his dresser.

"You better be safe, Spencer, I don't want to get that phone call," I scolded as I pulled the blanket around my body and got out of bed. I walked over and stood beside him. I placed my head on his shoulder, not letting him move. I looked at the few photos he had on top of his dresser. One was of him and his mother a few Christmases ago; it was nice going out to Vegas to visit Diana that year. Another photo was Spencer and I on our wedding day, 3 years ago now. That was the happiest day of my life, and I'm sure of Spencer's life too. And the final photo was the two of us with his work family (who's more real family than anything else).

"You're not going to get that phone call," he looked down at me and smiled, "I'll call you every night at 9 pm Eastern Standard, okay?"

"Okay, and if I don't get a phone call from you, I'm buying the first ticket to Texas and finding you," I lifted my head off him and walked back to the bed.

"I look forward to that," Spencer smiled before walking back to my side of the bed, "I love you," he whispered as he looked down at me. I looked at him and smiled.

"Yeah, I'm sure you do. Hurry back soon," I pouted. He chuckled before kissing me one last time. "I love you too!" I shouted as he left the room. The light laughter that came from him made me feel happy as I drifted back to sleep.


A week, seven days, one hundred and sixty-eight hours, ten thousand and eighty minutes, six hundred and four thousand and eight hundred seconds. That's how long Spencer (and the rest of the BAU family) was gone for. And I was at home, sitting on the bathroom floor with three pregnancy tests lined up in front of me. I only had a few symptoms, but they were enough to get me curious. I'm sure if Spencer were here he'd prove to me that I was pregnant and then get me to take a test anyway.

"C'mon, let's get a nice welcome home present for Spencer," I whispered, staring anxiously at the tests. Like that'll make the tests be positive and make me pregnant.

The timer on my alarm binged, causing me to grab it and silence it. I took a deep breath and said a prayer to whatever God would listen to me before I blindly flipped each test over. I looked down at them and saw two pink lines in the little window. I stared at them, in shock and in awe. My mouth fell open as I stared at them. My heart rate picked up and a smile grew on my lips.

"Pregnant," I whispered, looking at them. I collected the three sticks in one hand and my phone in the other before standing up.

Spencer should be home soon. He said a week. And that's exactly how long he's been gone. I just hope this case doesn't make him stay away longer. I want to tell him right away. This is something he needs to know as soon as possible.

I looked down at my phone and noticed the time, 9:15 pm. He's late. He's probably just busy. Although, that hasn't stopped him before. It was always 9 pm, whether he was busy or not. But now? He's 15 minutes late. Does that mean I call? I'll give it a little bit. I won't call right now. Maybe they made an incredibly important break in the case and the unsub! I won't overly worry... yet.

I sat down on the couch and looked at the objects in hand. My excitement was through the roof and I couldn't wait to tell the others about my secret. We've wanted kids since before we got married, and here we are. I don't think this excitement will ever go away.

Aaron Hotchner calling...

I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at the contact to make sure it was Aaron. "Aaron?" I pressed my phone to my ear. I placed the tests in a line on the coffee table.

"There's been an accident with Spencer." His tone was low and stern as he spoke. I dropped my shoulders and felt my heart sink to my stomach. "We need you here now. Section Chief Cruz and Garcia are on their way to your apartment," he continued. Okay, wait, hold on.

"Spencer... He was... Is he..." I could feel my hands begin to shake as I brought myself to my feet. I should have just stayed sitting.

"He was shot in the neck. He's in surgery now. But we need you to come out here as soon as possible," he explained. I fell to my knees and brought a hand to my mouth.

Maybe that excited feeling could go away. Because it just did. Two extremes hitting me in a very short amount of time. My anxieties are already through the roof.

"Is he going to be okay?" I asked, my tone so soft I was worried Aaron didn't hear me.

"He'll be fine," he spoke kindly. I swallowed roughly and nodded, "Call me when you get here," he stated before hanging up. I dropped my phone from my ear and looked at the black screen.

I quickly scrambled to my feet and nearly tripped into the bedroom, catching myself on the dresser. I grabbed whatever I needed and tossed it all into a backpack before running downstairs where Penelope and Cruz would be.

Okay, no, yeah... Maybe now I worry...


I swallowed roughly as I followed behind Penelope into the waiting room. JJ and Alex were sitting together, waiting for a doctor or nurse or someone to tell them how Spencer is doing.

"Hey, looks like you guys made it," JJ looked over at Penelope, Cruz, and I. I pulled my sweater tighter around my body as I stood beside Penelope. JJ looked over at me before standing up.

"It's nice knowing multiple people who own jets," Penelope spoke as she gestured towards Cruz. I bit my lips together and looked around the waiting room. I felt nauseous being here. The scent of it made my stomach churn.

"Yeah, called in for a few favors," Cruz spoke as he looked back at JJ. I rolled my shoulders and finally looked back at my friends. JJ was still looking at me, waiting for me to say something.

"How is he," I whispered, hugging my arms around my body.

"He's still in surgery. We're waiting to hear how he is," she whispered as she held out her hands for me to take. I stared at it for a moment before grabbing it. "He'll be okay," she reassured. I swallowed roughly and nodded.

"You all can see Agent Morgan now," a doctor came up beside us and looked at everyone. Penelope looked at us before peeling away with Cruz. I looked back at JJ and bit my lips together as tears slowly rolled down my cheeks.

"C' mere," she whispered before pulling me closer to her and enveloping me in her arms. I pressed my face into the crook of her neck and let out a small sob. JJ only hugged me tighter before stepping back. "Let's go sit," she pulled me in the direction where Alex was sitting. I swallowed roughly and followed behind her.

"Hey there," Alex looked up at me and smiled softly. She had a mildly guilty expression on her face as she looked at me. I don't know why she would be guilty of what happened. Unless she was the one who shot him. And, honestly, from what Penelope half told me, and Cruz fully telling me, what happened... It honestly wasn't her fault at all. He would have taken a bullet for anyone and everyone.

I waved lightly at her before sitting across from her. JJ sat beside me. I looked around the room and noted we were the only ones here.

"Do you want anything?" Alex asked in a whisper. I looked at her and shook my head.

"I'm actually going... I'm gonna get hot chocolate. You said he's still in surgery," I glanced at JJ. She looked back at me and nodded.

"Do you want me to go with you?" JJ offered, watching as I stood up. I shook my head and pushed my hands into my pockets.

"No, no, I'll be fine," I spoke, but my voice was shaky and quiet. JJ nodded before allowing me to leave.

I tried being quick as I got my drink. Mostly because I knew that the chances of something happening while I was gone were pretty high. That always happens though... Something always happens when you're gone. I don't even know why I left to get a drink. I should have just stayed.

I kept my head low, my eyes on the steam rolling off my hot chocolate, as I re-entered the room. Something to keep me distracted and busy while I walked back towards Alex and JJ. I quietly sat beside JJ and stayed silent.

"He'll be fine. He's still a kid," Alex's voice caused me to look up at her. What conversation did I just join in on?

I swallowed roughly and nodded, agreeing that Spencer Reid, the man I married, is still a kid himself. Although he's going to be a dad in 9 months. "There's still things for him to do," she added in a whisper. I sighed deeply and looked down at my hot chocolate.

"He wants kids you know," JJ whispered as she looked at Alex. I snapped my head up from my hot chocolate, again, and looked at her. "He'd be the best dad," she laughed as she looked at Alex. I took a shaky breath and pretended to be fine with the conversation. I was honestly anything but fine with this conversation.

"That'd be the luckiest kid in the world," Alex laughed as she looked between JJ and I. I rubbed the underside of my nose before wiping my eyes with the tips of my fingers. "He's gonna be fine," she whispered, mostly to herself. I looked at her and exhaled deeply.

Yeah, I know he wants kids. Everyone knows Spencer wants kids. No one knows better than me, considering I'm pregnant with his baby. But, no one knows that except for me. I didn't get the chance to tell him before he left for this case. Considering, I'd only just found just a few hours ago, I was beyond ecstatic. But who knows if I'll get the chance to tell him now. Because I'm currently sitting in a hospital waiting room because he got shot.

I let out a deep and shaky breath of air and shook my head. JJ looked over at me and raised an eyebrow. "Other than the obvious, are you okay? Can I get you anything?" JJ asked, causing Alex to look at me. I didn't exactly like the feeling of their eyes on me

Before I got the chance to speak, my stomach gurgled a bit, forcing me to throw a hand over my mouth and run to the bathroom. I almost didn't make it before I emptied my stomach contents into the toilet. Why, oh, why? This isn't fair...

I splashed water on my face, forcing myself to calm down as I stared at my reflection. The door swung open behind me and JJ stepped in. She was looking at me with concern on her face.

"What's wrong? What happened?" She asked as she came over to me. She pulled a fistful of paper towels from the dispenser and handed them over to me. I stared at her as tears continued to roll down my cheeks. "He's going to be okay. Spencer will always be okay,"

"No, I know. I know he'll be okay," I wiped my eyes with the paper towels as I looked at her, "Spencer's gonna be a great dad," I whispered as I dropped my gaze to the ground. "He's gonna be an amazing dad," I repeated as I glanced at her, hoping she got the hint.

"Are you...?" JJ asked as she placed her hands on my shoulders. I bit my lips together before nodding lightly.

"I found out a few hours ago," I forced a smile on my lips as I looked at her. I was happy that I was telling my friend about my exciting news. But part of me had several worries, again one of them being Spencer in the hospital.

JJ smiled at me before pulling me into a tight hug. I pressed my face into the nape of her neck. Part of me wanted to break down in her embrace. But, something felt off. It would be validated though if I did break down. Considering everything that is happening at the moment.

"I didn't even know you guys were trying. That's... this is so exciting," she half-whispered, half exclaimed. I smiled and shrugged as I stepped back away from her. She smiled as she grasped my hands.

"Well, we weren't exactly trying. We were kinda just letting it happen. And, if it happened, it happened," I laughed lightly and shrugged, "And, I guess it happened," I blinked as tears raced down my cheeks. JJ smiled as she wiped the tears off my cheeks before hugging me again.

"I'm so happy for you," she whispered before grasping my hands, "You'll be able to tell him. He'll be fine," she squeezed both my hands and nodded.

"I know, I know... You said it yourself, JJ... Spencer will always be fine," I tried to reassure myself. He will be fine.

"I have to go. Derek and I are going back to the station. Alex and Penelope are staying here, with you and Spencer. Call me if anything happens," JJ looked at me as she guided me back out of the bathroom and towards where we were sitting.

"Of course. You still have a job to do. Be safe," I flashed her a sad smile as she collected her things.

"See you guys later," JJ looked between Alex and I before leaving the two of us alone. I sat silently, my head low, while Alex sat across from me. She was bouncing her knees anxiously while waiting. In the two years she's been here, I never really had a good friendship with her. It's not that I didn't like her... we just disagreed on somethings and our personalities never meshed together. I love her, don't get me wrong.

"Do you want kids?" Alex asked, pulling me from my thoughts. I looked up at her and raised an eyebrow. Do I want kids?

"Yeah, kids... They're great," I exhaled deeply and nodded. I looked up at her and furrowed my eyebrows. I'm not so sure I want everyone to know my news just yet. It's still too early. "I've wanted kids since the day I met Spencer. I knew I wanted to have kids with him." I laughed lightly and nodded. And that wasn't an exaggeration or anything. I knew the day I met him that kids would be in our lives.

"You guys would be fantastic parents," Alex smiled at me as she reached out to place a hand on my knee. I smiled back at her and nodded. I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell her just yet that I was pregnant. I think JJ was enough people right now.

"Thanks, Alex," I whispered as I kept my eyes on her. We stayed sitting in a tense silence. It felt as if time was moving slowly, almost like someone changed the speed to 0.5 speed. I honestly hated how long we waited for someone to tell us what was going on.

"Spencer is ready for you guys," a doctor came over to us and spoke before Alex got to say anything. I looked at him and smiled before standing back up. He led the two of us to the room Spencer was. Penelope was already in his room, putting various 'Doctor Who' action figures on the little roller table in front of him.

Spencer was still asleep from his surgery. A white bandage and gauze pad was pressed and wrapped around his neck. He looked so peaceful as he slept. But he always looked peaceful like this. Although, I didn't like that he was knocked out because of anesthesia because he was shot in the neck.

"Oh good! You're still here," Penelope looked up at me with a sad smile. I returned the sad smile before sitting in one of the chairs beside the bed. Alex sat on the other side while Penelope continued setting up the action figures. "This'll be nice... When he wakes up they'll all be looking at him... And it'll be the first thing he sees," Penelope stepped back and looked at the action figures before looking at me and then Alex.

"That will be nice," Alex smiled at Penelope. I looked back at Spencer and sighed deeply. There was a moment of silence as we all stared at the sleeping Spencer.

"Alright, this'll be weird... We're all just staring at him when he wakes up," Penelope clapped her hands together as she looked up at me. I looked away from Spencer for a moment to look at my friend. "I'm gonna stand over here," she whispered before stepping to stand by the window behind me. Surely it wouldn't be too weird if I watched him while he was out. I mean, I've watched him sleep before, and that wasn't too weird.

After a little bit, I moved so I was kneeling on the ground beside the bed with Spencer's hand in mine. Penelope was sitting where I once was sitting, her laptop on her lap as she was working on researching something for the team. Alex was sitting, half asleep in the chair by the doorway.

"Do you need anything?" Penelope asked me, resting her hand on my shoulder. I turned my head and looked over at her, feeling slight exhaustion in my eyes. I shook my head and watched her stand.

"Actually, can you get me hot chocolate," I stopped her once she made it to the door. She turned and looked at me, nodding lightly.

"I'll go with," Alex spoke up as she stood to her feet. I swallowed roughly and watched the two ladies leave. I looked back at Spencer and cocked my head to rest on the bed.

Spencer's nose twitched slightly before his eyes slowly opened. I lifted my head before moving to sit on the bed beside him. He gently squeezed my hand as he looked at me.

"Hey," his voice was low and mildly raspy as he spoke.

"I don't think you understand how happy I am to see you awake, Spence," I whispered as I grasped his hand. He tiredly smiled at me and blinked. "Penelope went to get ice chips and food for you," I smiled at him before exhaling, "Alex... Alex went with," I gestured towards the doorway.

"I'm sorry," he whispered before squeezing my hand lightly. It wasn't very hard, but it was just enough for me to notice the action. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Don't be sorry," I shook my head as I rested my lips on the back of his hand.

"I'm sorry I wasn't as safe as I should have been... And that I made you get that phone call," he wrinkled his nose as he closed his eyes. I wiped my own eyes and shook my head.

"It wasn't your fault or Alex's fault... It's no one but the guy who shot you... Please don't blame yourself," I whispered as I grasped his hand in mine. "I'm just happy you're okay." I looked up at him as tears rolled down my cheeks. Spencer tiredly smiled back at me.

Although I was angry that he was currently in the hospital, in Texas, I was okay that he was finally awake and safe. I feel like there was no one to actually blame for this though. I mean, sure there was the bad guy. But, Spencer was just trying to protect Alex.

"What's wrong," his voice shook me from my thoughts and brought me to look at him. I wiped my eyes and put a small smile on my lips.

"I'm pregnant," I whispered as I looked at him. Spencer furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at me. He wanted to readjust in his spot, but I stopped him from moving. "Don't hurt yourself, Spence," I rested a hand on his shoulder. He looked at me with a fresh and certain dampness in his eyes.

"When... When did you find out?" He asked as he lifted his to hold mine. I smiled and let him hold it.

"Just a few hours ago... Before I came here. I wanted to tell you when you got home. But then I got a phone call from Aaron about... Well," I looked around the hospital room before looking back at Spencer.

"You're not jus-"
"Hey! Hey! Hey! Look who's awake!" Penelope exclaimed as she stepped into the room. I looked over my shoulder at her with a forced smile. Her phone was pressed between her shoulder and ear, and a tray with food in her hands.

Spencer looked at me, his lips still parted, and tears fresh in his eyes. Obviously, he wanted more information about my sudden news to him, but he didn't want to talk about it in front of Penelope and Alex.

"Just woke up," I squeezed Spencer's hand lightly. Alex looked over at me before handing me a paper cup with hot chocolate. I nodded and silently thanked her.

"Tell her she can go now, please," Penelope looked between Spencer and I as she nodded towards Alex. I laughed as I looked at her.

"I'm okay, Alex. I'm sure the team needs you more than I need you," Spencer lifted up his other hand and waved her away. It was Alex's turn to laugh.

"Okay, okay. I'm outta here," she looked at the three of us with a relieved smile. "I'm happy you're awake," she squeezed Spencer's hand before leaving.

"I got juice, broth, and Jell-o!" Penelope exclaimed as she placed the three items on the table.

"Oh boy, jello! My... My favorite," he peeled his eyes off me and looked over at Penelope. I kept my eyes on him for a moment longer before looking over at Penelope.

Spencer lifted his hands to pick up the spoon on the table. I smiled as I watched him poke at the food in front of him.


I looked down at Spencer, who was fast asleep with his head in my lap. I smiled softly as I ran my fingers through his hair. He looked so peaceful as he slept. It was a good thing too. He hardly got any rest in the hospital... Especially after everything that happened. I don't blame him though.

"When did you find out?" Aaron looked at me with a small smile on his lips. I looked up from Spencer's face and at Aaron. I noticed everyone was looking upon Spencer and I with joy and excitement on their faces. Do they seriously know? Did they really profile me and my pregnancy? I know JJ wouldn't tell anyone.

"What... What're you talking about?" I raised an eyebrow. I continued running my fingers through his hair. I looked down at Spencer when he adjusted in his spot. A small smile tugged onto the corner of my lips as I watched him.

"You have that new mother glow," David spoke with a smile as he swirled his whiskey. I bit my lips together to hold back the smile I didn't want to share.

"And, I think you've thrown up a dozen and a half times since you came here," Derek pointed out. I looked over at him, my lips half parted as I prepared to argue back.

"I found out 3 days ago, okay. A few hours before Aaron called me about," I pointed towards Spencer's neck. "It's still new to me... And Spencer," I whispered as I looked back down at Spencer. I smiled and dropped my shoulders. "I'm just happy he's okay," I wrinkled my nose as I lifted my free hand to wipe my eyes.

"Wait, you're pregnant?" Penelope looked down at me as she stood at the small corridor that held the cockpit and bathroom. I looked up at her and smiled. "How come you didn't tell me? You were literally in the room when I shot a gun?! Poor baby," she cringed as she held a hand out towards my belly. I laughed lightly and shrugged.

"I just found out, Penelope. You didn't scare the bean," I smiled as I watched her walk towards the back of the plane. The jet was filled, hardly any seats open. "I think you scared me more than anyone else. And that includes Spencer," I laughed lightly.

"He was about to hurt Spencer! I couldn't allow that!" She exclaimed as she finally sat down by Cruz. I smiled and looked back down at Spencer.

"And, I appreciate that," I looked back down at her. It looked like she wanted to continue on about my sudden announcement of my pregnancy, but it seemed like JJ got her to be quiet. I looked back at JJ and mouthed a quick 'Thank you,' before looking back down at the still sleeping Spencer.

He wrinkled his nose before shifting so he was facing me. I looked up and over at Alex, who was staring at the table in front of her. Her expression was emotionless and the way she remained silent and away from our minor celebrations worried me.

Aaron's phone chimed, causing everyone (Spencer excluded) to look his way with fear on their faces. I could feel my heart rate pick up, fearing for everyone around that they'd have to go back.

"Please tell me we don't have another case, Hotch," Derek asked, looking at Aaron. I looked between the two before dropping my stare back to Spencer.

"No, we're going home. We're getting a break," Aaron spoke as he placed his phone back on the table top. I let out a sigh of relief as I pressed my head to the wall behind me. And suddenly I could feel the exhaustion hit me for the first time in 3 days.


"How are you feeling?" Alex asked Spencer as we went up the stairs to our apartment. I fumbled for our apartment key as we stepped onto the landing.

"I feel great!" Spencer's tone was sarcastic as he led us to our home. "Eh, that's overselling it... I feel great considering I just got shot in the neck," he placed his hand on his shoulder, near where he was shot.

"Is it the whole being a dad thing that's making you feel great?" Alex asked, looking between Spencer and I.

"That's what I was thinking," I smiled back as I looked at Alex. She smiled at me as I stood in front of the door to unlock it.

"I guess you could say that," Spencer entered the room once the door was unlocked. I allowed Alex in before I stepped in and locked the door. "Having a baby definitely adds to the feeling great feeling," he smiled at me. I returned the smile and stepped up to him. He looked down at me before kissing me.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick. Alex, if you're not here when I get out, it was nice seeing you again... And I hope you have a good rest of the night." I smiled at her.

"It was nice seeing you again... Wish they were different circumstances," she dryly laughed as I walked over to her. I wrapped my arms around her body and embraced her in a tight hug. She let out a deep sigh and pressed her face into my shoulder. I bit my lips together and felt tears form in my eyes before stepping away from her.

"Have a nice night," I whispered before leaving the room. I glanced at Spencer and smiled. He returned the smile with a shy one and waved as I went into our room, and then the bathroom.

I made sure to be quick. I knew Alex would be going home any minute and I didn't want to leave Spencer alone. He's been through too much already... He shouldn't be alone right now.

When I stepped out of our bedroom, Spencer was standing by the window, looking out at the street. Something on my face made me not feel good.

"Where'd Alex go?" I asked as I stepped over to be beside Spencer. I wrapped both my arms around his middle and rested my head on his chest.

"Went home," his voice was a low whisper. I pouted as I looked out the window to see Alex getting in a taxi cab. Spencer wrapped an arm around me and hugged me tightly.

"Lets go lie down. It's probably best you get some rest. Maybe the both of us," I looked up at him. His eyes were wide with a familiar wetness in them. He blinked and looked down at me. "We can talk baby... Something happy," I smiled at him. Spencer forced a smile onto his lips and nodded.

"Let's go lie down," he nodded towards the bedroom. I grasped his hand and pulled him back to the room.

"How long ago did you find out," Spencer asked, resting his head on my shoulder. I pulled the blanket over our bodies before resting my head on top of his.

"3 days ago... Before Aaron called about..." I shrugged when I didn't continue my statement. Spencer nodded when he gathered the rest of my thoughts. "But it's true... I took 3 tests..." I chuckled lightly. Spencer let out a small sigh and nodded.

"Ethan's a great name... If we have a boy," Spencer whispered to me as I sat beside him on the bed. I looked over at him and took note of the badge he was holding on to. I dropped my shoulders when I saw Alex's photo.

"She left, she quit," he spoke so softly to try to keep his voice from breaking. I reached over and grasped his hands and rested my head on his shoulder, "Why does everyone leave?" he sighed deeply as he rested his head on top of mine. I glanced up at his face and saw tears were rolling slowly down his cheeks. He was quick, though, to wipe them away. I'm sure he was hoping I didn't notice. But I did.

"Sometimes people just need to move on. And, I guess it was just Alex's time to move on," I replied in a whisper. I lifted my hand and reached for the other side of her badge. "I know her husband wanted her to move to Boston with him," I added. Spencer flipped the badge closed and dropped it to the comforter.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Spencer whispered as he grasped my hand. "She called me Ethan, at the scene where I was... I asked her who Ethan was, while you were in the bathroom. And, she had a son. No one knew that. He died when he was 9..." his voice broke again and suddenly I was crying.

"Ethan's a great name," I wrinkled my nose as I rubbed my other hand over my incredibly flat tummy. "Perfect name," I nodded. We sat in a comfortable silence, a silence that was more than welcomed. "Isn't Ethan the name of your college best friend and roommate?" I asked, raising an eyebrow slightly. Spencer's breathing stilled for a moment before he answered.


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