The Devil went down to Honnou...

By slenderfanboy

28.3K 475 266

(Y/N), also known as the Black Demon, arrives at Honnouji Academy to get some answers regarding a deceased fr... More

Welcome to Honnouji Academy
I've got balls of steel
Clash of the Kamui
Mr. Mohawk
Turn a Blind Eye
The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club.
I'm on the highway to Hell
Major Whiplash
Now you see me, now you don't!
Face the music
Going Berserk
Shinijiro Nagita
We're going on a trip
The full story
Party Crashers
Things are starting to unravel
Rescue Mission
Do or Die
Wake up call
Final Preparations
Final Battle part 1

I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date!

1.4K 23 6
By slenderfanboy

(Y/N) or Y/N: Your Name

(F/N): First Name

(L/N): Last Name

Italic: Thoughts

Bold: Locations


Italic underlined: Flashback

Bold Italic: Telepathic communication


It was night time at the Mankanshoku household, and Y/N was working on the device he used against Satsuki yesterday.

Ryuketsu: And you said you have that thing done in less than five minutes.

(Y/N): Piss off!

Suddenly, he heard Ryuko wake up as if she had a nightmare. Y/N looks to see Ryuko in a cold sweat, breathing heavily, so he walks to Ryuko to comfort her.

(Y/N): Had a nightmare?

Ryuko just nods silently in response.

(Y/N): Did it have something to do with Senketsu?

Ryuko looks to Y/N.

Ryuko: How'd ya know?

(Y/N): Lucky guess.

Y/N then walks back to his spot and continues to work on his device. Ryuko walls to him to see his handiwork.

Ryuko: Isn't that the thing you used during our fight with Satsuki?

(Y/N): Yep. Its called the Kamui Augmenting Modulator, or K.A.M for short.

Ryuko: So, is that thing how you gained that new look during the fight?

(Y/N): Yep. That was called an Arsenal Armor. The Kamui Augmenting Modulator allows me to access one of seven Arsenal Armors in its database. The one you saw was Rage Mode.

Ryuko: You can access up to seven Arsenal Armors with that thing?

(Y/N): Yep. Although, this bad boy still need some working on. Still a few bugs I need to iron out.

Ryuko: Have you been working on that thing all night?

Ryuketsu: Sure has. I keep telling him that sleep deprivation is bad for his health.

(Y/N): Mother fucker, will you get off my case?

Ryuko: I agree with Ryuketsu, man. You need to get some sleep.

(Y/N): Hey. I can stay up until morning, and still feel like I can run a marathon. Besides, I think it's a bit too late for sleep now.

Before Ryuko could ask, the school bell of Honnouji Academy sounded off. Mako bolts up and starts panicking while getting herself ready for school.

Mako: We're gonna be late, we're gonna be late, we're gonna be late! Guys, hurry up and get dressed!

Ryuko: Geez, calm down Mako. It's like four in the morning.

Senketsu: Help me!

Me and Ryuko look and see that Sukuyo was washing Senketsu while he was screaming to Ryuko and Y/N for help. Ryuko was freaking out upon seeing this.

Ryuketsu: Pfft! Oh my god, I wish we were recording this!

Y/N reacts by pinching Ryuketsu, making him yelp in pain.

Sukuyo: Mako, I have your lunch all bagged up in the kitchen.

Ryuko: Senketsu!

Sukuyo: Good morning Ryuko. Y/N. Sleep well.

Ryuko: Yes ma'am I did. Pardon me, but is that my uniform you're washing?

Sukuyo: Yes, hun. I'm just giving it one last scrub for good measure. I can't believe how dirty it was.

As Sukuyo continued to clean Senketsu, the school bell continued to ring, and Mako continues to panic.

Mako: Todays the big day!

Mako then grabs both Ryuko and Y/N and runs off.

Barazo: Don't worry, we'll drop off your uniform later.

Mataro: Yeah, we got this.

Ryuketsu: Aww. I'm gonna miss the show!

Y/N: God fucking dammit Ryuketsu, don't make me use the Kamui Shocker!

Ryuketsu: 😨 EEP!

Sanketsu was abut to protest, but when Sukuyo began to iron him, his complaints became moans as he enjoyed the ironing he was getting.

Mako, Ryuko and Y/N were riding on Mako's metal, on top of a moving crowd of students.

Ryuko: What's with everyone? They're acting like a bunch of lemmings.

Mako: Today is when the students of Honnouji Academy risk their lives to get to school. It's a day of reckoning, a day of death, it's...No-Tardy Day!

Ryuko: Huh?

Y/N: Wait. No-Tardy Day?

Suddenly, as if to answer his question, Ira Gamagoori appeared on a massive tank, a few One-Star students behind him.

Gamagoori: Do I detect some confusion?

(Y/N): Uh oh. King Kong's back.

Ryuko: Bite me, jerk!

Gamagoori: My title is chairman of the disciplinary committee. And my name is IRA GAMMAGOORI!!

(Y/N): Jesus Christ, man! You shout any louder and and I'll go permanently deaf!

Gamagoori: Pay attention! You and L/N are participating No-Tardy Day! Every semester you'll be required to run an obstacle course designed by the disciplinary committee. It begins at 4:00 am. When the siren goes off at the slums, No Star Students will then have to evade the disciplinary committee's traps on the way to school. You're objective is to make it to the academy by the time the first bell tolls, at 8:30 am.

(Y/N): Huh. Nothing I can't handle.

Gamagoori But, if you happen to be late, you will be expelled on...*notices Ryuko's pajama's* WHAT THE HELL!? THAT IS NOT A REGULATION UNIFORM!!

Ryuko: M-my Kamui's still in the laundry! It's getting delivered!

(Y/N): Just cut her some slack Donkey Kong!

Gamagoori: Spare the excuses! The evidence is clear, you left for school in a slovenly outfit! Your a disgrace to the academy and Lady Sastuki! IT'S A MORTAL INSULT!

Mako: She is so not!

Gamagoori: Hmm?

(Y/N): Uh...Mako...I'd rather not piss of a guy who's literally a giant.

But Y/N then finds that Mako had appeared right next to Gamagoori, suripsing both him and Y/N.

(Y/N): How in the....

Mako: She was asleep until a minute ago. It's normal for people to wear pajamas when they sleep, isn't it.

(Y/N): Pfft! Oh God bless that girl.

Mako: It is and you know it. And you can't deny it. Maybe you don't know about pajamas, is that it? Don't you wear them when you sleep?

Gamagoori: No, I sleep in the nude.

(Y/N): Oh fuck! 🤢 Too much info, dude!

Mako: You sleep naked and you'll catch a cold. What happens when there's an emergency and and people need punishing? you'd be at home in bed.

Gamagoori: Uh...right.

Mako: From now on, please wear pajamas like everyone else.

Gamagoori: No Star. What's your name!

Mako: My name is Mako Mankanshoku! And my jammies have Mt. Fuji, two hawks and three eggplants on 'em.

Gamagoori: Mankanshoku. I'll remember that.

(Y/N): 😏 I think muscle head is hitting on Mako.

Ryuketsu: No shit.

Gamagoori: Matoi! I've decided to overlook your choice of wardrobe. But I'm curious as to how you think you'll be able to reach the school without your precious Kamui.

Gamagoori then pressed a button, revealing what Gamagoori had in store for all No Star students.

Gamagoori: Behold! The disciplinary committee's impregnable barrier!

Mako: Oh my God!

Mako: Look Guys! It's like the City's turned into an amusement park! I've never seen anything like

Y/N: More like a hellish version of Disney Land.

Mako: AAAHH! We only got three hours before first period!

Ryuko: The way you talked it up, I was expecting something scarier.

(Y/N): Amen, sister. I went through much worst obstacle courses than this.

Gamagoori: Alright then! Students! YOUR COMUTE BEGINS NOW!

And just like that, many students were running like their lives depended on it. Well, technically they did, but then the steps have turned into a sort of slide, causing many students to slip and slide. Ryuko used her scissor blade to gain leverage while she held to Mako, and Y/N had his gloves on, which sprouted bladed from the tips. Y/N then climbed up and looked down to Ryuko.

(Y/N): Ok, Ryuko! Toss Mako up here!

Ryuko nods and tossed Mako, and Y/N caught her with ease. Ryuko made it to the two with no issue.

Gamagoori: Congratulations on entering the first checkpoint. I forgot to mention, use of the No-Star Cable Cars is prohibited. Obey the rules and stick to the prescribed route. See you up at the academy. Maybe.

(Y/N): I swear, Goliath just loves to hear himself prattle on, doesn't he?

Mako: 999 more traps to go? That's more than usual!

Ryuko: He's trying to psych us out. C'mon guys!

As she turns round, Ryuko bumped into a girl who fell, yelping in pain as she grabbed a cast on her arm.

???: Oh God, my arm!

Mako: Look, its our classmate. Maiko Ogure.

Ryuko: A-are you Ok? Can you get up? Can you move?

Maiko: Why, if it isn't Mankanshoku. And you're Matoi. The new girl in class.

(Y/N): Jesus. That arm looks pretty bad.

Maiko: Oh. You're Y/N L/N right?

(Y/N): That's me. So what happened to your arm?

Maiko: Well...I caught my arm in that horrible trap. It hurts, but I'll live.

Maiko struggles to get up, but she had some difficuty do to her banged up arm.

(Y/N): Easy there, chica. Don't overdo it.

Mako: Guys, she can't make it all by herself.

(Y/N): Then you're coming with us.

Y/N then hoists Maiko on her back while being careful not to hurt her.

Maiko: My, how generous of you.

Ryuketsu: Y/N, this is a bad idea. Something is off about that girl.

(Y/N): You expect me to leave an injured girl on her own? You know me better than that!

Ryuketsu: I'm just saying...

(Y/N): Just shut up, man! I am not leaving her here and that's that god dammit!

Maiko: Thank you. *kisses Y/N's cheek*

Y/N: 😳

Ryuko: 😡 Why that...Wait! Why am I getting mad about this all of a sudden?

(Y/N): We better haul ass. Don't wanna get kicked out, do we?

The group has made their way through the many traps the obstacle course had to offer. But it made it especially harder as Maiko would somehow find a way to spring every trap they would come across.

(Y/N): Careful Maiko!

Ryuketsu: I told you that we should have...


Ryuketsu: Ok! Fine! But don't say I didn't warn you!

After evading a few more traps, the gang decided to hijack a One-Star bus in order to speed up the process. Maiko knew how to drive thanfkully, and sure enough, they made it all the way to the front entrance of Honnouji Academy.

Ryuko: We did it! We made it!

(Y/N): I never thought I'd say this, but thank God we're not late for school!

Maiko: We still have 15 minutes before first period starts.

(Y/N): Hey look, Ryuko. Looks like your uniforms finally here.

They turn to see Guts came running towards them with Senketsu riding on top.

(Y/N): Guts, come here you cute little pooch.

Guts ran to (Y/N)'s direction, but then suddenly, Maiko kicks Guts and nabs Senketsu.

(Y/N): *gasp* Guts! You poor wittle thing! Are you ok?

Ryuketsu: Seriously!? Right now you're worried about the dog's life!?

Y/N turns to Maiko's direction.

Ryuko: Why'd you do that, Maiko?

Maiko: You shouldn't have let your guard down. I've been waiting ages for this moment!

(Y/N): Oh shit.

Ryuketsu: See? I...


Ryuketsu: 😱

Maiko: You fell for my injured No-Star classmate disguise. But my true identiy is the Head of Trap Development for the Disciplinary Comittee. Maiko Ogure.

Ryuko: Trap development, huh?

(Y/N): Son of a bitch!

Maiko: Yes, exactly. I'm an undercover operative at the academy whose job it is to spy on students and and develop diabolical traps to trap them. My world revolves around designing traps. But after doing it so long I'm so over that life. When I heard your conversation with Gamagoori today over the surveillance feed, I had a flash of inspiration. The only way to challenge Lady Satsuki is to have a Kamui that's as powerful as hers. I decided to steal your Kamui then and there. With your uniform I could be a two, be one of the four elites...wait! No, I could steal the throne of Lady Satsuki herself. I'll be the new empress of Honnouji Academy. And I'll gourge on all the luxuries the Academy has to offer.

(Y/N): Hold up! If you needed a kamui for your plan to usurp Satsuki, then why didn't you try to jack mine? I'm wearing a Kamui too.

Maiko looks to Y/N.

Maiko: Well, you're not wrong on that. I could have stolen yours the first chance I got, but I actually see some usefulness in you.

(Y/N): How so? What could you possibly need me for? I'm not one to be enslaved so easily.

Maiko: Enslave? Not someone as powerful as you. The past few weeks, I have witness what you were capable of. Once I've dethroned Lady Sastuki, you can rule by my side. Together, everyone in the whole school will bow before us.

Ryuko growled angrily at this and pulled her scissor blade.


(Y/N): Ok, I'll do it.

Ryuko and Mako looked to him in shock.

Mako: EEHH!?

Ryuko: What!?

(Y/N): can beat me with Senketsu on. If you beat me, and I'll consider taking your offer. Take that bet?

Ruyko: Dude!

Maiko: Very well then. You're on!

Then Maiko puts on Senketsu and instantly transforms.

Maiko: I did it!

Ryuko: Oh come on! She figures out the Life Fiber Syncing crap on the first try? How'd she do that!?

Senketsu: Forgive me Ryuko. But this girl has no shame.

(Y/N): So you managed to perform Life Fiber Synchronization. But let's see if you can beat me. And to even things up, I won't be using my Kamui at all.


Maiko: Very well. But this is a fight I will win!

Maiko gets ready to punch Y/N, who just stood there with a smug grin on his face.

Mako: Y/N!

But Maiko stopped mid way. Its like she was frozen in place.

Maiko: Huh? What's going on? Why can't I punch you?

(Y/N): *chuckles* Admittedly, your plan is pretty ingenious. But, there is one little flaw you overlooked. Earlier this morning, Senketsu received a washing. So the reason why you can't move is because he has too much starch in his works.

Maiko: You...You knew this would happen!?

(Y/N): Ain't I a stinker? *looks to Ryuko* I'll give you the honors.

Ryuko nods before looking to Maiko, cracking her knuckles in rage as she approached her.

Maiko: No wait! I was just kidding...I swear! I'm sorry I tricked you.

Maiko was then beaten up by Ryuko before having Senketsu removed from her.

Senketsu: *barfs* Her blood was absolutely filthy. I'm sorry I was late.

Ryuko: Nah, It's cool, it's not like you cheated on me or anything.

Mako: Look what time it is! We've got five minutes before the bell rings.

(Y/N): And that's not all we've got to worry about.

Mako and Ryuko look to Y/N, who taps on what appeared to be an invisible wall. It was then revealed that it was just a painting of Honnouji Academy.

Ryuko: What the hell?

Maiko: I had a feeling you'd get passed me, so I designed this trap as a onviency.

(Y/N): So, this was just a diversion.

Maiko: Correct you are. So long suckers.

And just like that, the platform they all were on began to move at such speeds that the Ryuko, Senketsu, Guts, Y/N and Mako had to hold on. Y/N turns to Maiko with pure anger on his face.


Y/N runs to punch Maiko, but she jumps off and pulls put a parachute. As the four slid down the hill, Ryuko quickly puts Senketsu on and looked a at where they had ended.

Ryuko: What the hell? How'd we end up all the way down here! This ain't nowhere near the starting line!

Senketsu: Even with my help, you won't make it in time.

Mako: OH MY GOD!

Mako: This is the station with those non stop-expresso-thingamajigs where only the rich kids can ride to get to school. Oh I always wanted to ride one!

Ryuko and (Y/N): Nonstop!?

One Star: Hey! You No-Stars aren't allow...

Before the one star could finish, Y/N's socks the guy and Ryuko has him work on the keypad.

Ryuko: Shut your hole and get this thing moving! STEP ON IT!

Y/N then grabs Mako and Guts before stepping ino the car. And just like that, the car took off at near impossible speeds.


Ryuko: How much time we have left?

Mako: One minute! In one minute, we'll be late! AND EXPLELLED!!

Ryuko: No we won't!

Ryuko then jumps on top of the car and slashed the rope holding the car, sending the car flying towards the school. The sudden shaking sent Y/N out the car.


Mako: Y/N!!!!

Ryuko: NO!!!!

Mako and Ryuko both watched in absolute horror as Y/N fell into the city below. The good news was that his fall was broken by the shade of a nearby shop. The bad news, however, he saw the car that housed Mako and Ryuko fly above him.

(Y/N): Oh fuck!

Ryuketsu: Now what! Even with my help, you'll still be late.

Y/N freaked out for a bit, but then knew what to do. He did a few stretches before getting into a position that made him look like he was about to run a marathon.

Ryuketsu: Wait! Are you thinking....

(Y/N): Yep. Can't skip out on leg day.

Ryuketsu: Do you think you can make it on time?

(Y/N): Only one way to find out.




Maiko was hidden somewhere on the lower district of Hoonou City, truly upset that her plans had went south.

Maiko: Dammit! I had all that power in my hands. And I almost had that super stud to rule beside me. *grins* Oh well, its cool. I'll just play the good subordinate. Another chance will come along, soon enough.

Oh, how wrong she was.

Gamagoori: I saw and heard everything, Ogure!

Maiko: G-Gamagoori!

Gamagoori: So you wanted to overthrow Lady Satsuki, eh? You have more ambition than brains!

Maiko: Please sir! I was wrong! Please forgive me!


All Maiko could do at this point was whimper in utter defeat.


Aikuro: Ok. Next is...Matoi. Ryuko Matoi?

Instantly, the cable car came crashing through the window, and Ryuko and Mako both came out and sat at their respective desks.

Aikuro: Ryuko Matoi?

Ryuko: Here.

As Aikuro went down the list of students, Ryuko looked down in shame that she failed to bring all of them here, knowing she failed to keep her word.

Ryuko: Y/N. I'm so sorry dude. I've failed...Dammit!

Aikuro: Hm....(Y/N) (L/N)?

(Y/N): Present, pretty, punctual!

Mako and Ryuko: HUH!?

Both girls look to see that Y/N was sitting in his desk. Mako then embraces Y/N in a tight hug.

Mako: 😂 Y/N! You made it!

Ryuko: What?

(Y/N): I'll explain later.


Student Council Room

The Elite Four were monitoring the progress of No Tardy Day while also filing the various paperwork of all the students that are to be expelled. Satsuki oversaw all of this in her chair, sipping a cup of tea.

Inumuta: No way. There's just no possibility.

Sanageyama: What are you prattling on about, Inumuta?

Inumuta: As you requested, Lady Sastuki, I kept a keen eye on Ryuko Matoi and her friends. During the last few minutes before first period, they boarded a cable car and sky rocketed towards the Academy?

Nonon: You're point being?

Inumuta: Well, (Y/N) (L/N) fell out of the cable car and was sent plummeting to the city below them. Where he as situated, his chances of making it on time were 100% slim.

Gamagoori: So he's expelled, then!

Inumutata: Not quite! In actuality, he made it on time!

Gamagoori, Nonon and Sanageyama: WHAT!?

Statsuki stopped drinking her tea.

Inumuta: Using the cameras of Honnou City, Y/N landed in the slums. And as for how he made it on time, I'm not sure how to explain.

Nonon: Just spill it already!

Inumuta: Well...Believe it or not, he managed to run from his location to Honnouji Academy in under 25 seconds flat!

This information further fueled their collective shock.

Gamagoori: That's not possible!

Inumuta: See for yourself.

With a few clicks of some buttons on the keyboard, Inumuta displayed the footage he was observing onto the big screen for the others to see. And needless to say, they were just as shocked as Inumuta was.

Sanageyama: No way.

Inumuta: I'm just as surprised as you all are.

Satsuki narrowed her eyes at the footage she was seeing.

Satsuki: Just who or what are you?

She then remembered something he said to her.



(Y/N): Funny. You sound much like a certain CEO from a certain clothing company. Oh well, like mother and daughter, they say.

End Flashback


Satsuki: There's no possible way. He couldn't be referring to her. *to Inumuta* Have you found any information on Y/N?

Inumuta: Sadly no, my lady. But I'll be sure to inform you when I do stumble upon some information.

Satsuki just hums in reply, her thought still on what Y/N had told her during the fight against him and Ryuko.

Satsuki: How does he know of my mother, anyway? Is he keeping something from me?

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