Across the Midnight Sea

MarissaWalkerWriter tarafından

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COMPLETE. Theirs is a forbidden love. Trapped in a life where all her choices and freedoms have been stripped... Daha Fazla

Prologue : At The Docks
Authors Note: THANK YOU
Trigger Warning
Chapter 1: The Party
Chapter 2: The Canal
Chapter 3: The Performance
Chapter 4: The Agreement
Chapter 5: Conversations in the Dark
Chapter 6: A Solution
Chapter 7: A Different Choice
Chapter 8: Memories
Chapter 9: Adira's Vow
Chapter 10: The Only Choice Left
Chapter 11: Verek
Chapter 12: The Seamstress
Chapter 13: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 15: On Board
Chapter 16: The First Night
Chapter 17: Cruel to be Kind
Chapter 18: Water
Chapter 19: Fever
Chapter 20: Safe
Chapter 21: Sea of Memories
Chapter 22: The Storm
Chapter 23: In the Depths
Chapter 24: Bellow
Chapter 25: A steady hand
Chapter 26: Awake
Chapter 27: The Promise
Chapter 28: Delivered
Chapter 29: Shaynaria
Chapter 30: Warden Rathor
Chapter 31: A Good Man
Chapter 32: Night Sky
Chapter 33: Truths
Chapter 34: Handmaid
Chapter 35: The Tormentor's Return
Chapter 36: The Veil of Night
Chapter 37: Kindness, love and Truth
Chapter 38: An Unexpected Ally
Chapter 39: A Dark Room
Chapter 40: The Past the Present
Chapter 41: Begging
Chapter 42 : Bought and Sold

Chapter 14: When Eyes Meet

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MarissaWalkerWriter tarafından

Beneath the watchful shadow of the seamstress husband Adira felt oddly safe. Though he had been stiff and nervous about protocol initially with her, over the course of their meal together he had softened allowing Adira to see that behind the tall and slightly gruff exterior was a family man who used his strength to protect not bully.

He was what Tamerian's should be.

Xavier is like that, she thought and her heart immediately ached. Fleeing her home meant leaving him behind to.

You don't have a choice, she told herself, thinking of the threats her own stepfather had uttered against Xavier should she choose to pursue a life with him. 

No, she would not condemn him and his family.

She would rather live without love than condemn the one person who had given her a glimpse of it.

"Surprised you're traveling alone miss," said the captain. He left room for her to choose whether or not to answer what was only half a question. Thanks to his calm demeanor Adira had no doubt that he would transport her to Shaynaria regardless of her answer.

The coin purse clutched tightly in her hand was thick and heavy enough that greedy eyes had lingered on it more than once on the short walk from the Seamstress house to the dock. With Mag's husband beside her carrying her small bag, no one had dared approach. 

She was, to the outward eye, a noble woman with her servant, and bad things happened to those who dared claw at their betters in Tameria. 

"Timing did not allow for much preparation," Adira smiled politely. "I am overdue to go to my father down in Shaynaria. The letter requesting my presence was greatly delayed and I am afraid the situation is of great least to us," her head tipped down in the shy manner she had seen so many young women use at court. She had never had much use for the gesture-though her mother had made her practice it over and over.

Clearly the instruction had paid off because all curiosity drained from the captains face and was replaced with a pitying look which made Adira want to squirm. 

Even though everything she had said was true, how she was delivering it was not, and it was a dance around lying that made her skin break out into a prickly sweat. 

The captain gave her a consolatory nod.

"I understand that," he pursed his lips. "Family matters are unapparelled in their ability to throw a wrench in your carriage axel."

"Indeed," agreed the seamstress husband with a mild chuckle, then he turned to Adira. "I best be getting back," he gave a small bow towards Adira and gently lowered her bag of his shoulder and handed it over to the captain who in turn passed it off to one of the crew with quick instructions to take it aboard.

"Thank you," Adira offered Mag's husband an honest smile. He gave her a polite smile back and a small bow. 

As he bowed Adira's eyes caught sight of patrolmen over his shoulder milling about, clearly looking for something...or someone.

Me, they're looking for me. The air seized in Adira's lungs and it took all the force of her will to keep the smile in place as he turned and walked away. 

Don't see me, she quietly begged and turned her back to the patrolmen. No red dress, no fancy jewels, just a girl. An invisible girl. Please don't see me.

A line of Shaynari slaves were boarding the boat, their arms weighed down with heavy shackles. All their faces held this strange lethargy and...desolation to them. Their eyes looked at the boat as something to be feared an avoided, while to her it was a sanctuary she could not wait to board.

The image of them plodding along like tired cattle startled her. There were few slaves seen around in the estates where she lived. Shaynari could not be trusted. 

They were the ones who had tricked the Tamerian's into thinking they were friends. They were the ones who had sent the plague that had killed her aunt and almost claimed her life as a child.

Still, when she looked at the men in front of her she could not help but notice that some were little older that she was.

One in particular caught her eye. He was tall young and lean and sort of beautiful in his own way, with a narrow frame and toned arms. When she saw that he was looking at her she quickly looked away before their eyes could truly meet.

Why did they have to pay for the sins of their fathers?

When she was little her own father had told her that only criminals hauled the ships back up the canal, yet what sin had these men committed other than being born in another land under another king?

Her eyes dared to flicker back to the young Shaynari. His face held some strange expression she could not read-this time he was the one to look away, his jaw working.

"Is everything alright miss?" the captain asked politely, pulling her attention away.

"You transport Shaynari?" she asked the captain, her throat feeling dry.

"Canal slaves, yes, we do," he answered. "That's not a problem is it?"

"So long as you can tell me I am in no danger from them, I have no reason to fear or complain," the words felt sticky in her throat as she danced around the truth of how uncomfortable seeing other humans chained like animals made her feel.

"Oh. You've nothing to worry about," said the captain and then another member of the crew called him away.

Adira looked on a the trudging Shaynari men, careful not to let her eyes linger where they wanted too. He was coming closer and there was something about him that felt...dangerous. 

So she looked at the rest of them, their feet shuffling along listlessly.

They the oxen of labor under the yolk, you the bird in the cage, the words jangled around in her head.

You have no right to compare yourself to them, her mind scolded, at least a bird in a cage is admired.

A shudder ran down Adira's spine as she thought of Lord Gregory and how he would have 'Admired' her. How his hands would have roamed regardless of her desires.

She felt light headed again and her legs ached.

Adira steadied herself against the post where the bilge plank was anchored.

A sudden crack reached her ears and before she knew it she was falling forward, the ground racing up to meet her. Her hands were full and she was unprepared. She closed her eyes bracing for impact.

Instead strong arms caught her with a grunt.

Opening her eyes Adira looked up to find it was the young man who had caught her.

His expression was a grimace, while his eyes held nothing but concern for her.

Lion's eyes, amber and bright. 

She couldn't remember ever seeing someone with eyes quite that colour. 

Beautiful, the word floated across her mind.

She took a startled breath in and was overwhelmed by the warm scent of him. Fresh soap and clean skin and warm sunshine. She had not expected a Shaynari slave to have a scent that made her think of warm beaches and crisp waves, but he did.

His skin was pale, kissed gold by the sun. His hair a sandy blond which seemed perfectly matched to the rest of his golden colouring. The faintest dusting of freckles teased across his nose. So pale that you couldn't possibly see them from a distance, however here in his arms close enough for a kiss she could see the hint of them there.

Close enough for a kiss?

A silly thought.

His expression turned intense, those golden eyes glittering with a strange fire as he lifted her back to her feet, carefully. As his expression hardened so too did his features and Adira was caught by how sharp his cheekbones were.

"T-thank you," she managed.

He gave her a withering glare which almost made her stumble again.

Why was he suddenly so furious with her? What had she done to warrant such a look? It wasn't her fault she had fallen, and she hadn't asked him to catch her. 

"Are you alright miss?" the captain was suddenly at her side. 

"You!" one of the handlers came up to the young man who had caught her. "How dare you touch her!" The man raised his arm to strike.

"Don't!" Adira practically shouted and all eyes turned towards her.

Adira swallowed.

This was not the time or the place to draw attention.

"He only caught my fall," she said. "That deserves reward not punishment." 

The young man scoffed at her surprising everyone.

"You choose to be rude after she has spoken on your behalf?" the captain asked raising an eyebrow.

It was rude and Adira had no idea why. His eyes had been so concerned for her. Surely he was not just some conniving viper like the Shaynari from the stories. Then why the quick change from kindness to bitterness? 

Adira could feel how he bit back words he would rather say, eyes wary of the handler who was within striking distance and it slowly began to dawn on her the difference and similarity between their worlds.

There had been many times when she had been expected to apologize when she had done nothing wrong.

He did not look at her while he spoke.

"Forgive me," the words came out in a voice that was clear and calm despite the situation.

Adira didn't believe for a second he was sorry. He had saved her and was now being made to apologize to the woman he had just saved. It seemed unfair. Surely the one act outweighed the other. Though it seemed she was the only one who cared.

"Of course," she managed, not knowing what else to say that wouldn't come across poorly to either the crew or this Shaynari slave.

Why should she care what a slave thought?

Because he is still a human being, and he didn't have to stop my fall, but he did anyways, she answered mentally.

The Shaynari were prodded along. into the ship and Adira stood there staring at the young slave as he walked away. She wanted to reach out to him, touch his arm and tell him...something...anything...just let him know that she hadn't wanted or needed the apology. Yet, she couldn't. She didn't have the words and it would never be deemed acceptable. She willed him to look back at her for even a moment so that she could try and convey some of what she was feeling to him.

As if able to feel her will he looked back at her, his eyes sharp as polished jewels.

He stumbled a little on the plank, as their eyes met, and for a moment he paused. She saw his throat contract with a swallow and a confused look clouded his otherwise bright features.

"Move along, Eyes down." his handler snapped and the slave looked away.

"Right," the captain walked over to the stump "You best be a little more careful around..." he paused and looked at the base of the stump then turned back to her mid criticism and gave an apologetic bow. "No fault of yours that the stump was rotten. It seems I will have to have a word with the dockmaster. Can't have lovely ladies such as yourself coming to harm from a lack of care now." he smiled at her. "Lets get you inside shall we?"

"Thank you," said Adira and the captain gestured to an older man with a white beard and sea coloured twinkling eyes. 

"This is my first mate Mr.Smithers," said the captain

"A pleasure my lady," the first mate bowed low.

"Please, just Adira," she said Gently.

"A lovely name," Mr. Smither's offered his arm. 

Adira laid her hand gently over his forearm, grateful for the warmth of his eyes and the calm demeanor which was entirely at odds with his thick build. 

Smithers led her onto the ship and down into a separate room bellow decks, where her bag had already been laid to rest upon a small bed.

"That there is the captains room," said Smither's pointing back outside over to an ornate door. "But if you need anything you go ahead and knock on mine," he gestured to the one beside. "I'm a wee bit less grumpy upon being woken at odd hours. Very much used to it," he patted her hand gently.

"This here is your room, Its not much but it has a door of its own which locks from the inside and out. Yourself the captain and me will be the only ones with a key so mind not to loose yours," he said gently and handed her a large iron key with a hooked end. "You don't need to lock it if you don't want to. Our crew are good boys, but just so as you feel save the option is there."

"Thank you Mr.Smithers."

"If I'm to call you Adira, then Smithers is fine by itself," he said with a warm smile. "We cast off in a few if you want to watch, elsewise I'll come and collect you for dinner."

She liked the way he said her name drawing out the 'dear' of Adira so that it sounded like an affectionate term rather than just her name.

"Thank you," she said, feeling grateful to have her own room and space and key.

"No need to thank me," he tipped his hat. "Just doing my job."

With a quick tip of his hat Smithers left Adira to get settled...though thoughts of the Slave's eyes had Adira feeling anything other than settled.


There you go, Adira and Imre had finally met. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I can't wait to continue this journey with you. If you enjoyed this chapter please leave some love and don't forget to comment on your favorite parts. Thanks so much and have a lovely Easter weekend.

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