Harry Potter and the Exchange...

By ridikkuluswriters

679 132 26

Book 1 - ✔ *** A new year at Hogwarts with surprises, Harry and their friends are in year #3 and the school i... More

Authors' Notes
Chapter #1 Welcome to Hogwarts!
Chapter #2 New Friends?
Chapter #3 Reconecting
Chapter #4 M.M
Chapter #5 Secrets
Chapter #6 Page 394
Chapter #7 Control it
Chapter #8 To Tell or not to Tell?
Chapter #9 Those two
Chapter #10 Old Moon Mansion
Chapter #12 Myles's Room
Chapter #13 Safe box
Chapter #14 Something there?
Chapter#15 Winter Ball
Chapter #16 Winter Ball (continued)
Chapter #17 Flowers and Wiggentrees
Chapter #18 Noom Sleym
Chapter #19 Secret Santa
Chapter #20 Chess and fainting
Chapter #21 Marauders Map
Chapter #22 Secret Godfather
Chapter #23 Happiest Memory
Chapter #24 Sirius is in Hogwarts
Chapter #25 Missing Rat
Chapter #26 Fights and Dog bites
Chapter #27 Peter Pettigrew
Chapter #28 The Moon is pretty isn't it?
Chapter #29 We can't be seen
Chapter #30 See you soon

Chapter #11 Ruined Roses

17 4 0
By ridikkuluswriters

"I know I told you that if you wanted to cook something you could, but I didn't know you were going to burn my house down in the process!"

Charlotte's perspective

Audrie and I ran down to the kitchen, where we found Harry and Ron cooking or trying to at least. Audrie was so calm, calm for a person watching as her kitchen is a disaster.

"I know I told you that if you wanted to cook something you could, but I didn't know you were going to burn my house down in the process!"

"What are you trying to cook anyway?"

I ask while putting off the fire, and Harry says

"I don't actually know, we were exploring the house when we found the kitchen, and Ron started cooking something. When smoke came out"

"I just got out of hand a little bit"

Says Ron, with a spoon in his hand

"Well, why don't you two keep exploring while Char and I will make something for dinner"

"Ok, but have you seen Hermione?"

"No, I haven't. Audrie?"

"Me neither, I'm going to go check her room and the library. You two check the garden and Charlotte can start cooking"

"Why me?"

"Because you like cooking..... And you know how"

"Good point, ok. Tell me if you find her!"

Audrie left to the hall, Ron and Harry left through the door that leads to the garden. I wanna see the garden, but I can do that later. Now it's cooking time.

Hermione's perspective

The house is huge! After I unpacked and settled in, I started looking around, walking through the halls to see if I found something. Then I found some wooden doors, that led to a massive library, with rows and rows and rows of books.

I instantly went to see which ones they had. I was there for what felt hours but were minutes.

After checking the library I kept exploring the rest of this mansion. a few rights and lefts, going down the stairs I found a door that led outside.

The garden was beautiful, all the flowers planted in a certain way, it made it look so nice. All the colors, the butterflies, the plants. They were all protected from the cold weather with a charm, so it was sunny and bright.

At the end of the little rock road, there was a shack, it had white wooden walls and a beige wooden roof, big windows, and a few flower pots at the entrance.

Inside, there is a little bookshelf, chairs, a coffee table, a radio, plants, paintings, and a bay window.

"It's so cozy"

I had one of my books in hand and I sat on the bay window to read a little bit, before it's night.

Harry's perspective

The garden it's also pretty big, I'm starting to get worried for Hermione, I know we are just in a house, but a massive one. She can be anywhere, any closet, any room, any hall and we have no idea where any of those things are.

If only the marauders' map could work here, we could find her. Or we could make one, but we don't know that kind of magic to do it.

"Ron, where do you think she is?"

"I honestly don't know, maybe in the library?"

"If she is Audrie will find her, but if this is the since of the garden... What do you think is the size of the library?"

"Bloody hell mate, I can't even imagine"

"This house must have a charm to be this big"

"No doubt"

After walking a little bit Ron stumbled on a rock and fell, in the roses, luckily they didn't have thorns.


"I got you, Ron"

Oh, no

"Ron! The roses!"

"Bloody hell! What do we do?!"

"I don't know Ron! We need to fix this later, let's look for Hermione"

"Ok, but we need to fix this"

"Of course we need to fix it, now come on!"

We walked, then we saw a shack, and Hermione was reading in the window!

"Thank God we found her, I don't know how much more I could walk around this maze Harry"

We entered the shack and Hermione said

"Hello, where have you two been?"

"Where have WE been?!" Where have YOU been?!"


"Well, we have been looking for you, Charlotte is making dinner"

"Oh, how nice. What were you and Ron screaming about?"



"Oh, nothing. Come on"

Audrie's perspective

I looked in Hermione's room, she wasn't there. I'm headed to the library to see if I have any luck there. When I arrived at the doors of the library I remembered how my brother used to stay in here for hours... I hope we find him.

I start looking through the rows but find nothing, so I decided to go up the stairs to see if I find her... Nothing.

"Where are you, Hermione?"

Well, we know she Is in the house, maybe she went out? No, I don't think so. She must be around somewhere. There are a lot of locked rooms, so she's not in them. Maybe she is in the ballroom, I better check.

I ran through the hall to the ballroom, I open the doors and the first thing I see is the polished wooden floor. I knew the cleaning spell worked, but not THAT well. The beautiful chandeliers and the flower pots on the side tables, it's amazing... But Hermione is not here.

I run back down to the kitchen, to see Charlotte finishing dinner.

"It smells nice in here"

"Thank you, did you find Hermione?"

"No, I checked her room, the library, and the ballroom"

"Ballroom? Why the ballroom?"

"I don't know, they are big doors she could easily walkthrough"


"That's not the point, the point is that Hermione is not IN the house, but she could be outside the house"

"Well, Harry and Ron haven't come inside"

"Maybe they found her, maybe she was walking through the garden or in the shack!"

"Maybe, you should go check anyways"


I walk out of the kitchen to the garden and straight to the shack, where I find Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Who is standing by the roses?

"Hermione! Thank Merlin we found you, where were you?"

"I was in the shack"

"Ohh. Umm, why are you standing here?"

"Oh, you know Harry and Ron cannot place a foot somewhere without making a disaster"

"Why? What happened- OH MERLIN! What did you do?"

"While Hermione was in the shack, Ron and I were walking, he stumbled on a rock and fell in the roses"

Said Harry, pointing at the roses and at Ron. They are really ruined.

"Well, we need to fix them, because if Charlotte finds out....."

"What will happen if Charlotte finds out?"

Asked Ron very concerned.

"Well, she will be pretty mad with you two, she loves plants. So I recommend fixing this, NOW!"

"Bloody hell, they're pretty ruined. How do we fix them?"

"You figure it out before she comes"

Hermione and I watched as Ron and Harry tried to fix the ruined roses. They were far from done when we heard.

"Hey guys! Who what's to e-"

Oh no

"What did you do?!"

"Ronald and Harry ruined the roses"

Said Hermione, pointing at the two guys frozen with terrified faces.

"Heyyyy..... Charlotte"

Said Harry and Ron trying to avoid eye contact with Charlotte.

"HOW did they ruined the roses?!"

"Ron fell into the roses, Char is no big deal"

Then I whispered in her ear so they couldn't hear.

"Char breath, you cannot lose it over a nonsense like this one. Ok? Breath"

"Ok, you are right, thanks"

"No problem"


They are dead

"They are GOING to HELP ME fix them"


Harry said confuse, I expect he thought he was going to die too, well right now that a little bit possible if he and Ron piss her off even more.

We started taking the roses out of the grass and dig in a hole to put a new seed when I felt something.

"Guys there's something here, come see"

"A key? Wait the key!"

Charlotte said I was so confused, then she seemed to remember something, and then she said

"Wait you remember when Myles was about to leave the house for Hogwarts the year he got expelled?"


"He hid something right here, it was shiny, do you remember we saw him through the window?"

"Yes, Yes YES! That's it, Char! This is the key to his room!"

"So that's the key we need to start investigating"

Hermione said Ron was coming out of the back door with some chicken and said

"What did I miss?"

"Ron don't you know I made dinner?"

"Oh, yeah. Sorry"

"Ron we found the key to my brother's bedroom!"

"Why couldn't we just Alohomora in? It worked for Hermione in a bunch of situations in first and second year"

Hermione hit Ron in the back of his head.

"Even if we tried, it wouldn't have worked, there are some doors in this mansion that have silver door knobs. Those door knobs have a spell in them, you can't do an Alohomora to get in"

"See Ronald, you can't always get away with stuff using spells!"

Charlotte inpatient to plant said

"Guys if you could just move a little so I could"

"Oh yeah sorry"

Harry just froze looking at Char and I said

"Heyy, Potter!"

"Yeah sorry"

Weird, anyways I said

"I got an idea me Hermione and Ron we'll use the key and you two can keep planting"

Char happy but also guilty said

"Great, but Harry if you want to go you are able to"

"No, I'm fine I'm part of the two people that ruined the roses right?"

"Yeah. Well, thank you"

"So if you two lovebirds finished I would like to start investigating so Mione, Ron let's go"

I said inpatient to start, Mione and Ron followed me since well I knew the path, and also it's a long walk since Myles' room was very very apart from my parents and mine as well.

Myles's room is at the top of the house, like some sort of an attic but it's a room. We get to the door, it's a black door with a silver doorknob.

"Ok, let's do this"

Hermione and Ron nod.

I unlock the door with the silver key, now let's see what's inside.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 23, 2021 - 1723 words - Please tell me I wasn't the only one who thought Ron and Harry were going to die.

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