The Marriage Law

By Tanny_Ariel

19.8K 529 52

Hermione | Remus Wilhelmina | Sirius The war is over, hope for happiness and peace now blooms in every healin... More

Mad Ministry
Letters of Doom
The Partners
Midnight trip
Evil has risen
Words of Seer
Dinner Date
2 weeks for wedding
A Night of Bonding
Dancing With A Boy
The code
The Legend Of Cruthachadh
The enchanted forest
Darkest secrets

New Beginnings

1.8K 42 4
By Tanny_Ariel

The harsh and cold war is over, the good won over the evil. But the victory came with a price, many families were torn apart, many wizards and witches slept never to awake again. Loses were high, but freedom comes with a price. It's been a month since the battle of Hogwarts, people are still mourning over their loses, healing has begun but they have a long way to go.
The golden quad consisting of Harry Potter, Wilhelmina Granger, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger, came to be known as the Heroic Four, the heroes of war. Yet there were quite a lot unsung heroes who laid down their lives to save someone else's.
Luna Lovegood had jumped in front of Fred Weasley, saving his life while reuniting herself with her mother.

Draco Malfoy, known as the evil slytherin by many, had laid down his life that night in the astronomy tower to save Albus Dumbledore. No one knew but he had been dying every day at the hands of his conscience, all the guilt from his childhood and his father's actions had caught up with him. That night in the tower, his mind was finally free from turmoil, he originally planned to kill Dumbledore, but when he looked into the old, wise eyes that seemed to accept their own demise; it was in that moment when he decided that he would not be a doll in the evil arts any more. He would die as a faithful student and never as a servant. He became what he always wished to be ,'A Hero'. It came with a price, but it was a price he had willing paid.

Severus Snape was saved that night, Voldemort who was in a hurry to kill his arch-enemy, did not wait to witness the death, after giving Nagini the order to kill, he left. Narcissa had rushed in before Nagini could do any harm, and had taken the blow on herself, for her it was an escape from her husband's crimes, from her own guilt and a way of reunion with her sweet boy Draco, who had been her sole reason for existence and joy ever since his birth. The golden quad had watched this scene and had helped Severus, who later gave them his most precious memories as a token of appreciation and thanks.

Sirius Black never died, not everyone knows but it was trap created by the order, after he was declared dead, he went into hiding; fishing for information and clues. He became a significant asset and informations conveyed by him helped the order in many ways, it also saved Moody's life.

Remus Lupin lived, saved by non other than Nymphadora Tonks, who was another brave witch that now rests in peace. Remus and Tonks were never romantically involved, there was no Teddy. They had become close friends, her death had saddened him, yet he remained strong, her words really helped him and he was not as insecure about his condition as before.
This war brought everybody closer, they all were now one big family, all the sacrifices proved it. Cause that's what families do, they support, protect, sacrifice and love each other. After the war the order and the army pledged , ad infinitium et ultra. To infinity and beyond.

A month later,

"I will kill you Hermione Granger" screamed an annoyed voice.
"Yeah and to do that you will have to get up, come on everyone is waiting for you at the table for breakfast" huffed Hermione, while poking a mountain of a dozen blankets, piled up on one another.
"Why does it have to be this early in the morning, why not after some hours" grumbled a voice
"Wilhelmina Granger you will wake up right now or I am eating all the donuts". The second these words left her mouth, the blanket mountain exploded, with blankets flying in all directions, a girl ran past Hermione and dashed downstairs.

The Weasleys, Harry, Sirius and Remus stopped chatting when they heard the commotion, everyone had amused smiles plastered on their faces when they saw Wilhelmina running towards them in a state of frenzy, still in her pajamas and her thick and tangled curls flying around. As she reached the dining table, she threw herself on a chair beside Harry. Her breathing was ragged from all the running, she placed her head on the table and after a few deep breaths; she finally looked up. Everybody was now staring at her with raised eyebrows and stifling smiles, they looked ready to comment.
"Not a word guys, not a word" Wilhelmina spoke with a stern expression. Hermione who was now sitting across, shook her head at her twin.

Everybody started helping themselves, Harry turned towards his best friend and gave her a bright smile, "Good Morning Wil" the addressed girl looked at him with a accusative look and mumbled "For the last time Harry, there is nothing good about mornings" she shoved some scrambled eggs in her mouth. Every one giggled at the girl and began eating.

Wilhelmina Granger is quite different from her twin, she likes living in the moment, she is a rule breaker with no filter on mouth and loves pranks, she is also a kind of person with whom you can talk about anything without the fear of judgement. Usually she is always unpredictable but in the morning she is moody and grumpy. She loves reading like her twin and spends quite a lot time doing that, but unlike her twin she wasn't on the top of her class; she would be somewhere in the first 20 students. She also took interest in lot of extra curricular, though no one knows exactly what are they, she doesn't reveal it; only thing they ever got from her on that subject was " Don't fret about it, well not unless you want me to have to hide a body" no body dared to ask after that.

Every one was getting up from the dining table when a tap on the window alerted them, a letter had arrived. Molly went to fetch the letter and after getting some treat from her the owl flew away, everyone gathered around her; curious to know what the letter contains. The letter was addressed to the Granger twins, Wilhelmina opened it and started reading it aloud.

Dear Ms Hermione Granger and Ms Wilhelmina Granger,
You are requested to report in the ministry of magic for a confidential discussion today at 1 in the afternoon, you will be escorted inside once you declare your identity at the entrance.

Yours sincerely,
Kingsley Shacklebolt
Minister of Magic.

"This makes no sense, why would they want us there in such urgency" said Hermione. Ron gave a pat on her shoulder.
"Don't worry Mione, Wil, I am sure it's just something about maybe training or something like that." Ron assured them, everyone seemed to agree as there was nothing to worry about anymore, or so they thought.

Note - so that was the first chapter of my first ever book. I am trying to make it more interesting and unique. I am also making changes in the plot to suit my story. I will try to make it clear, but if there is a confusion let me know. Please if it's not much of a hassle then let me know your thoughts, good and bad. If there are any grammatical errors let me know and I will correct them.

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