The Hollow: Adam x OC

Von ElAdams2

2.6K 37 6

(I do not own 'The Hollow' or the characters). A story about Adam and the others when they go to high schoo... Mehr

That Time Of The Year
Author Note
Get Ready For Some Loving
Crushes And Old Memories
Together At Last
Horrors In Health Class
Get Ready For A Date
Date Night On A School Night
Time For Our Date
Horror Movies And Cuddles
Author Note
Waking Up With A Cutie At Your Side
Author Note
Kisses In The Bathroom
Hickeys, The Hollow, And Hershey Kisses

Confessions Under The Oak Tree

135 4 3
Von ElAdams2

Adam POV:

"Oh my God!" Mira jumped up and down squealing after I told her that I was going to confess to Olive. I avoided telling her until now so she wouldn't freak out and keep nagging me about it. In retrospection, I probably should have told earlier so I could have made a plan for how I'm going to confess to Olive. Well, too late now. 

I took a deep breath and ran a hand through my hair to try to calm myself down. Everything's going to be fine. I'm just going to confess to the guy I've had a crush on since the seventh grade and hope I don't get rejected. Yep, everything's going to be fine. 

I looked at the time on my phone, to see if it's time for me to go. Olive and I agreed to meet at the drop-off area ten minutes after the bell rang so I would have time to tell everything to Kai and Mira and so he could go talk to one of his teachers. 

2:40. It's time. 

I stuffed my phone back into my pocket and grabbed my binder from the steps. You got this Adam, just have to be brave and not get all awkward. I took another deep breath and tried to get myself ready for this. It didn't work but I can still do this. 

"So, I have to go now. See you two later." I waved to both of them and started jogging over to the drop-off area to meet Olive. This is going to be the best day of my life! If I don't get rejected. 

"Yeah to go to your boyfriend!" Kai exclaimed and then started giggling like a little kid. My face heated up a bit and I flipped him off. That was worse than I thought it would be. Well at least they- "Hey Adam make sure to give him a big kiss!" Mira and Kai yelled together.

My entire face heated up and I stumbled a bit as I continued running, not wanting to let them see how much I'm blushing. I hear them laugh like maniacs and roll my eyes. They're such dorks.

Time-skip (5 minutes):

I turned the corner to the drop-off area where the entrance is and looked around for Olive. There were still a few kids lingering around so I had to look around a bit but after a couple of minutes, I found him sitting on the steps doodling in a sketchbook. 

I ran up to him and took a couple of seconds to catch my breath. "Hey Olive." He looked up from his sketchbook and once he saw me he quickly closed his sketchbook and held it kind of tightly against his chest. Maybe he's nervous about his drawings? The thought was pushed from my head as Olive smiled at me and chirped, "Hey Adam! Want to go to the park?"

I smiled back at him and replied, "Yeah." Olive slid his sketchbook into his backpack and then slid on his backpack and stood up. I waited for him to get his backpack adjusted and then started leading the way to the park.

Out of curiosity I turned to Olive, who's walking on my left, and asked, "What were you drawing in your sketchbook?" We're walking along the sidewalk across from the school and Olive stumbled a bit after I asked that. He started fingering one of his gold earrings and stammered out, "I was j-just drawing some b-bugs I saw."

I blushed a bit when I heard Olive stammer; it seemed pretty cute on him. I was a little curious about why he was stammering though, I've never heard him doing it or anything. I chuckled a bit and said, "Well I bet they're cute." Olive smirked a bit and ran a hand through his hair. I can't believe this guy could be my boyfriend.

Time-skip (10 minutes):

Olive and I finally got to the park and a few people were already there. I looked over to the oak tree to make sure that no one was there, it's the prettiest place in the park and I have my heart set on confessing to Olive there. Luckily no one's there; I led him over there and tried to come up with an idea of how to confess to him. 

My mind drew a complete blank and my best chance would probably be to wing it. This isn't going to go well. 

Both of us were pretty quiet while we walked over and were in our own worlds. Olive was still doodling in his journal but he had that far-off look that he has when he's spacing off. I wonder what he's thinking about. 

I glanced over at Olive, who was wiping his glasses with his sweater, and then down at my hands as I tried to figure out what to say. Most of what I came up with was just me stammering out that I liked him and then running away in embarrassment. Yeah, that wouldn't be very good. I almost had it but Olive beat me to the punch.

"I have a crush on you." Once he said it, I'm pretty sure my whole brain shut down. My whole face heated up and I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest. The only thought going through my mind was just a constant repeating of 'Oh my God he likes me.' I was probably more flustered then when I figured out that I'm gay (which was pretty flustered). 

I opened and closed my mouth a few times as I tried to figure out what to say. I couldn't come up with anything and just turned to Olive. He's nervously twirling his hair and when I turned to him he scooted a bit closer to me and I could hear him start to breath faster. We stared at each other for who knows how long and finally I found my voice and tried to confess. 

"So, uh, I like you too," I managed to get out. Olive's eyes got really wide and I heard his breath hitch; he hesitated for a second then scooted close to me so our shoulders were touching. Neither of us said anything for a couple of minutes and we leaned against each other comfortably. It wasn't what I expected to happen, most of my ideas were more like us confessing with each other and then having a romantic kiss, but this was just as good for me. 

After a couple more minutes Olive sat up a bit and asked, "Can I kiss you?" Still completely flustered from our confessions, I nodded mutely and tried to relax as Olive cupped one of my cheeks and leaned in. Once Olive started leaning in it seemed like time had slowed down; I didn't hear the other kids who were running around and screaming as they played Frisbee or the loud dog that was barking, all I could hear was Olive's breathing. 

Oh my God this is happening! Olive's and mine faces were only a few inches apart and I closed my eyes as I started to lean in too. This was going to be my first kiss, had never kissed anyone before since it always made me so nervous and flustered. Just a little- "Ollie!"

Olive and me both jumped apart as Olive's friend Reese ran up to us. She's Olive BFF and the two have been as close as me and Mira ever since I've known him. In seventh grade I even thought that the two might be dating since they were together almost all the time, even when I hung out with Olive. I turned out to be wrong when she came out as a lesbian in the eighth grade and immediately destroyed any rumor of her and Olive dating at any point in time. 

Olive ran a hand through his hair and said, "Hey Reese." He glanced at me through the corner of his eye but didn't lean back into me, probably trying to play cool. He was really bad at being cool, or really just pretending not to be flustered, and I decided to play along so he wouldn't feel stupid. 

I scooted away a little too and leaned back against the tree, my face still burning and my heart about ready to leap out of my chest. I hoped that Reese wouldn't be able to tell how badly I'm blushing but I kind of doubted it knowing myself. 

Reese glanced between us and I think she put the pieces together because she made an 'oh' face and started looking over at the entrance where some people, maybe her family, were waiting. She fingered one of her bracelets as she thought of something to say. Once she came up with something she quickly said, "Well I just saw you two and wanted to say hi and," she then gestured with her thumb to the park entrance, "I'm going to go now. Bye!"

After she had run away, Olive and I shared a glance with each other. We both had the expression of 'what?' I think Reese ran away because she wanted to give us time alone but she  couldn't have done it in a worse way. I started laughing, partly out of relief that Olive didn't reject me and partly because of Reese being Reese. Olive started laughing too, I don't really know why, but eventually we were both leaning against each other and clutching our stomachs as we laughed. 

This day could not have gone better.


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