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By Omah_005_

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Fierce, rich and bold Ellen Carson after the death of a family member allegedly by the doings of her lover fl... More



42 23 51
By Omah_005_

As Jo said, we couldn't miss it. The building had it spelt outside, in bold letters DUPONT CONSTRUCTIONS, I am surprised I haven't paid attention to it before.

The receptionist was kind enough to show two people who were planning her boss's murder the way to his office.

Before I could barge in, the door flung open as two pissed ladies came out and didn't bother closing the door saving me some trouble.

"Miss Carson, what a pleasant surprise.... who'd think you'll come to my office. You know, we never got to say bye that night, and the girls how are they doing" Jontae spoke as I entered his office.

The nerve this guy has, behaving like he didn't wreak havoc in my career, oh I'll show him. As I took a threatening step forward, Donald took a hint and turned to face me.

"Use your words." He said to me like a child that suddenly forgot how to talk, and stepped aside.

I then took a deep breath and continued forward.

"Mr Dupont, I am not here for pleasantries, I am here to tell you that you drew the battle line when you decided to deceive us and use our pictures to earn extra cash, you are going down and I will make sure it hurts." I threatened.

"Come on, look at the bigger picture here" he stood up and came to my side of the table. "You..me..us..this is good business if we keep on going out and eventually we announce that one of you girls and I are together, in few months we can stage a proposal you know, all that kind of stuff, we will make News headlines for the whole year and next, everybody enjoys a good celebrity love story, it'll make us popular and draw customers in, with all the free advertisement, the market will come to us"

"So, you thought about all this and didn't think it illegal to enter a fake relationship without the other party's consent. And what will you do when 'the market' find out that it's all fake? I don't even know why I am aiding your thoughts. I am not interested and I need you to go and retract every statement and the pictures you put out there, I don't need extra publicity, my business is just fine thank you."

"So you think, let me tell you something, all this independent crap is bullshit, only takes a couple of years then people start asking you personal questions, so in the long run you will always need a man, you will be nothing without a man"

How dare he, where was he when I started, did I need a man? He is asking for it and I'll give it to him. I closed the gap between us and give him a well-deserved slap before someone stopped me.

"Allow me," Donald said and then stepped between us.

I moved to the side to see what is going on and Jontae was shaking and gasping greedily for air while clawing at Donald's hand that was around his neck clogging his air pipes. I'm not surprised Jontae was unable to help himself, Donald was a good two sizes above Jontae, his height and muscles put Jontae's to shame.

"That is not how you speak to a lady, how about you show some respect willingly or I'll teach you." Donald spoke low and threatening.

After some time Donald then let him go. And I stepped in.

"I am going to say this once,  we are not interested in this celebrity scheme of yours, you will stop all News channels from broadcasting those pictures or you will hear from my lawyers, and if you ever again say our names in public or do anything that will say you know us and at the same time put our businesses in jeopardy, the next time we meet you'll be behind bars." I turned to leave but then I can't just let him go, I turned back to him again.

"And one last thing"

When he rose his head to look at me, I rammed my fist into the side of his face as hard as I could, sending him stumbling back.

As I turned to leave, I noticed his split and bloody lip...still got it.

"This isn't over" he yelled at us.

"That was awesome, I didn't expect it" Donald complimented in the elevator, looking at me with surprise and...... admiration?

"Thank you" I replied, as a feeling of pride mixed with satisfaction swept over me.

We met Renee and Jo at the lobby, they had just arrived

"Hey! You guys missed all the fun," I said as we reached

"Girl that is not fair, you should have waited for us, I have a bone to pick with that fool" Renee complained

"What happened," Jo asked

"He had this whole scheme going on in his head, but we had a nice chat and everything is settled"

"And he agreed...that's all?" Renee questioned

"I punched him"

"You punched him!!" Jo repeated

"She punched him, there we go that's what I'm talking about, that's some badass shit right there, a'ight you did good" Renee celebrated.

"I did good" I joined her.

"You did great!" she continued and we started laughing slightly.

As Renee and I were celebrating, Donald coughed behind me. Ah Donald.

"Guys, he helped too" I gestured with my thumb to Donald behind me.

"Oh hi, we haven't officially met, I'm Renee Johnson" Renee introduced herself as he stepped forward and extended his hand for a shake.

"I know who you are, I'm Donald Xavier and it's a pleasure to meet you"

"Thank you, Ellen has said many things about you" Renee added.

"Oh has she now, hope they are good things" he asked.

"Oh you don't wanna know" I chimed in

"Anyways, thanks for your help Donald" Jo spoke up

"You are welcome, but I don't think I was needed, if anything I was in her way" he replied

"Well you stopped her from beating him to a pulp, so thank you," Jo said smiling and shaking her head at me.

"Yes thank you, although I don't mind him being beaten up....thanks" Renee joined her

"Anytime" was his reply.

"Well I would love to stay and have a chat but I have few things I need to handle before showtime, I'll see you guys later," Jo said her goodbye and Renee followed as they came together.

"Since everybody is being nice I should say thank you because well you did help, so here you have it, thank you"

"You are welcome," he said and smiled and I smiled back, and he continued "Well, since thank-yous are flying in the air, I don't mind showing a little appreciation"

"Hold on, I never said anything about appreciation "

"Come on it's just something small, I want to take you somewhere"

"You want to take me somewhere.....right now?"

"Yeah right now, Somewhere you haven't been before and maybe have lunch too"

"Have lunch, I don't think there's any restaurant in this city, I haven't been to"

"Who said anything about a restaurant"

Hey don't forget to vote, comment, share, and follow.
Love you guys and see you next chapter.

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