Lion king Family

By Steampunk-Bakugou

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A story about the Lion King family. Simba was a former boxing champion also a professional boxer and Nala was... More

Chapter 1. A nice morning
Chapter 2. Kovu's visit
Chapter 3. Apologize
Chapter 4. Highschool
Chapter 6. Sleep together
Chapter 7. Confess feelings
Chapter 8. Grandparents visit
Chapter 9. Meeting the waiter
Chapter 10. The fifth wheel
Chapter 11. Teenage love
Chapter 12. Get caught
Chapter 13. Punished
Chapter 14. Three teen lions
Chapter 15. This game sucks
Chapter 16. Family stuff
Chapter 17. Sleeping with him
Chapter 18. Ideas
Chapter 19. The First Skydive
Chapter 20. Rude
Chapter 21. Baliyo's rage
Chapter 22. Talk about movies
Chapter 23. Unlucky
Chapter 24. Spend time together
Chapter 25. Still lost
Chapter 26. Teaching a lesson
Chapter 27. A promise
Chapter 28. Replay
Chapter 29. Beach time
Chapter 30. Having fun (The end)

Chapter 5. Group of friends

1.5K 16 34
By Steampunk-Bakugou


Since their teacher is unwell, the new teacher came to take care of their class for a while. The new teacher told them to do their own thing and was not allowed to make any loud noise otherwise they will be punished.

Fuli had just finished her homework with the help of Rani. She thanked her.

Fuli: "Thanks for helping me finish my science homework, Rani."

Rani: "You're welcome."

Fuli: "By the way, what is the new teacher's name?"

Rani: "Maybe we should ask him."

Fuli: "You mean, Kion?"

Rani: "Yeah, Kion heard that his name is funny so he laughed. So he must know his name."

Fuli: "Let's ask him."

Rani: "Uhh, Kion?"

Kion: "Yes?"

Rani: "What is the new teacher's name?"

Kion: "You mean the wolf guy that takes care of our class?"

Fuli: "Yeah, he hasn't told us our name yet."

Kion: "Why don't you just ask him?"

Fuli: "I'm too lazy to get up from my chair."

Rani: "Plus, you're already heard his name, right?"

Kion: "It's true because I saw him talking to our sports teacher but maybe I misheard his name."

Rani: "Okay, I hope you're right. What's his name?"

Fuli: "Yeah, what's his name?" She raised her eyebrow.

Kion: "His name is Mr Pedophile." He answered their questions and he started laughing.

Fuli and Rani were very surprised by his answer, they thought that Kion might have misheard his name.

Fuli: "Wait, you're serious!?"

Kion: "Yes, it's true, that was his name but maybe I could have misheard." He started to laugh again.

Rani: "I'm pretty sure it's obvious that Kion might mishear his name."

Fuli: "Yup."

Bunga patted Kion's right shoulder and asked about what he was laughing at.

Bunga: "Hey, Kion, what are you laughing about?"

Kion: "It's just the new teacher's name, Bunga."

Bunga: "Yeah, right, he hasn't told us his name yet."

Beshte: "You're were right, Little B. Maybe we should ask his name."

Kion: "Go and ask."

Bunga: "Uhh... Mr. wolf, sir?" He raised his right arm so the teacher could see him.

Teacher: "Yes, you have questions?" He closed the notebook he was writing.

Bunga: "What's your name?"

Beshte: "Yeah, you haven't told us our name yet?"

Jasiri: "I asked the same question as well."

Teacher: "Oh yeah, I noticed that I forgot to tell my name to you all."

All the students paid attention, and the teacher stood up from his desk and told the students his name.

Teacher: "This is my first day as a teacher at your school, I usually like it at night rather than during the day, because I'm a wolf so that's obvious."

All the students nodded their heads.

Teacher: "So my name is Mister Peterson wolfile or Peter file for short."

The class fell silent upon hearing his name, Bunga raised his hand.

Teacher: "Yes, any questions for me young honey badger?"

Bunga stood up from his desk.

Bunga: "Sooo? Your name is Mr Pedophile?"

Everyone in the class laughed after hearing that.

Teacher: "No, my name is Mr Peter file, not a paedophile."

Janja: "Well, it sounds like a paedophile."

Everyone laughed again when Janja say it.

Teacher: "That's Mr Peter's file to you! Listen, everyone! I'm not a child predator, okay?"

Janja: "Well, you are a wolf."

Bunga: "And wolves are extraordinary predators."

Jasiri: "Plus, wolves are apex predators and they are at the top of the food chain."

Teacher: "I know, I am a wolf but I'm not some kind of vicious child predator, plus for what I raped and killed a child for no particular reason. I love children and I used to play with them when I was a kindergarten teacher."

Bunga: "See, he likes children. So he's a paedophile."

The whole class laughed again.

Janja: "He must pretend to be a kindergarten teacher so he can kill a child."

The teacher is getting furious.

Teacher: "Listen to me, Hyena!" He points his finger to Janja and then he points his other finger to Bunga.

Teacher: "You too, Honey badger!"

Both of his hands are pointing at these two teenage mammals.

Teacher: "You two are most naughty and I don't like naughty students."

Janja: "I'm sorry, sir."

Bunga: "Yeah, it won't happen again. I'll promise."

They both apologized to the teacher.

Teacher: "You're lucky today is my first day here. If not, I might punish you both."

The bell is ringing, it's time for breaks for all of the students in this school.

School hallway

All the students left the class and headed to the school cafeteria.

Kion and his friends were all out of the class, the gang wanted to go to the cafeteria but their teacher wanted to say something to Janja and Bunga.

Teacher: "This is my first day here and I will not punish you first but if you two do it again, I will punish you both to run 10 laps on the school track, understand?"

Both: "Yes, sir."

Teacher: "Now, you can enjoy your break time."

The teacher left the group and headed to the teacher's staff room, after he disappeared from their sight because he headed towards the staffroom, Janja says something.

Janja: "Does anyone realize that he looks like a paedophile that lives in an RV?"

All 7 of them laughed because what Janja said was right.

Bunga: "He does look like a paedophile." Bunga said with a laugh.

After 7 of them stopped laughing, they immediately headed to the school cafeteria.

School cafeteria

Janja: "There's always a lot of mammals here at the school cafeteria."

Kion: "Of course, Janja. This is the high school."

Janja: "I know but what I mean is why don't they just hang out in the school hallway or class after eating in the cafeteria."

Kion: "I don't know, Janja, it's their own will."

Janja: "Right."

5 minutes later

Kion, Bunga, Rani, Fuli and Jasiri were lining up in front of the food stall, and then they sit down and eat their food.

Jasiri: "You two don't want to eat?"

Beshte: "Nah, I'm lazy to eat today."

Janja: "Same here." He also has the same answer.

Fuli saw Janja chewing something.

Fuli: "What are you eating?"

Janja: "Muffin, you want some? I got 2 more." Janja offers his muffin to Fuli.

Fuli: "Nah, I'm just gonna enjoy my spaghetti."

Kion: "Same here."

Bunga: "Me too."

Janja: "How about you Beshte? You want some?" Janja offers 2 more of his muffins to Beshte.

Beshte: "Thanks, Janja." Beshte takes the muffin and eats it."

Janja: "Anytime."

The two of them a fist bump, Rani, Fuli and Jasiri see that Janja has changed a lot. He is no longer the naughty boy 2 years ago.

Jasiri: "You have changed a lot, Janja."

Janja: "It's been 2 years since I changed my attitude, I don't want to be rude to others and don't want to be punished, anymore."

They could all hear his regret in his voice. To lift his spirits, Jasiri kissed his cheek and whispered to him.

Jasiri: "I love you, Janja." She whispers to his ear.

Everyone was surprised by her actions, they didn't expect Jasiri to kiss his cheek just like that, but the most surprised was Janja, he was speechless.

Janja: "I.. I.. Uh... Why... Why do you do that?"

Jasiri: "Well, I kind of like you."

Janja didn't say a word, he feels awkward, and he doesn't know what to say. Jasiri sat in front of Janja, she stood and sat next to him. Janja doesn't know what she was doing. She whispers to his ear.

Jasiri: "I can't wait to sleep with you."

Janja: "Jasiri, you scared me."

Jasiri: "Oh, I'm sorry. It's just that I like you."

Fuli: "Uhh, guys, I don't want to interrupt but can you please do it elsewhere? There are a lot of mammals here. "

Jasiri: "Sorry."

Janja: "We're sorry."

Bunga: "Hey, guys?"

Kion: "Yeah?"

Beshte: "What is it, Little B?"

Rani: "What is it, Bunga?"

All eyes turned to Bunga, and all his friends listened.

Bunga: "A young mosquito returned to its mother. How was your flight dear? Asked mom. The mosquito answered, it was great mom, everyone clapped for me."

Everyone starts to laugh at his joke.

Kion: "Wow, Bunga you're great making jokes." He said with a laugh.

Beshte: "I get it."

Fuli: "I'll understand the joke."

Rani: "Yup, because when there's a mosquito flying around, we're trying to kill it by clapping."

School ends

A few hours later, the school bell rings and it's time to go home. Everyone went home to their separate ways.

Jasiri: "Bye, Fuli."

Fuli: "Bye, Jasiri."

They both hugged and Jasiri went home, Fuli saw her father waiting inside the car.

Fuli: "Bye, everyone."

Kion, Rani, Bunga, Beshte and Janja all say goodbye to her.

She got in her car and went home. Beshte sees his father waiting inside his Ford Ranger Raptor pickup truck.

Bunga: "That was a nice car."

Beshte: "That's a pickup truck, Little B." He corrected Bunga.

Bunga: "I thought it was a car."

Beshte: "Nope, it's a pickup truck."

The two of them a fist bump and Beshte goes home. Janja sees his mother and he said goodbye to his friends.

Janja: "Bye everyone, my mom is already here."

Kion: "Where?"

Bunga: "Isn't that her, waiting inside her grey Toyota C-HR?" He pointed his finger at the car.

Janja: "Yup, that's the one. Bye, everyone." He got in his car and went home.

Rani: "Now, there's only 3 of us."

Kion: "Yeah."

Bunga: "Goodbye, you two. I gotta go home."

Kion: "Are your parents waiting?"

Bunga: "I got my skateboard, I can just skate home."

Rani: "Well, be careful."

Kion: "Yeah, be careful when crossing the roads."

Rani: "Watched out for cars."

Bunga: "I know what I'm doing." He climbed on his Skateboard and slid home.

Rani: "Now it's just the two of us."

Kion: "Yeah, goodbye Rani. I gotta go home."

Rani: "Are your parents waiting?"

Kion: "I can walk home, after all my house is not that far."

Before Kion was about to walk home, Rani called his name.

Rani: "Kion, wait!"

Kion: "Yeah, what is it?"

Rani: "I was wondering if you... Umm?" She did not finish her sentence.

Kion: "Wondering what?"

Rani: "I was wondering if you want to sleep with me tonight?"

Kion: "Sleep with you? Why?"

Rani: "Well, I was lonely at home, sometimes it's scary at midnight. My brother, Baliyo always sleep early. My uncle and aunt sleep early as well and my parents...." She stopped and started crying when she remembered her's parent's death, her tears began to flow out of her eyes.

Kion comforted Rani by hugging her, Rani hugged them back.

Kion: "Your parents died in a car accident, right?"

She nodded her head still hugging him.

Rani: "Yeah, they died in a car accident 3 years ago."

After they hugged, Rani wipe away her tears.

Kion: "Don't worry, tonight at 8 o'clock, I will come to your house and sleep with you, okay? I'll promise."

She calmed down and smiled at him.

Rani: "Thank you, Kion."

Kion: "You're welcome."

Rani: "Well, I gotta go home. My uncle is waiting in the car, my brother is already inside."

Kion: "Okay, goodbye."

Rani: "Kion, before I go. Let me just do this to you."

Kion: "What is it?"

Rani kissed his cheek, Kion just stood there shocked, he was speechless.

Rani: "Bye, Kion." Then she turned and walked to her car, leaving him alone.

Rani: "I can't believe I kissed him, yes, yes, yes!" She said in her mind happily, and a wide smile appeared on her face.

Kion: "Did she just kiss me?" He asked himself.

He saw his father waiting inside the car, he moved towards the car and get inside.

Simba: "Did something interesting happen at school, Kion?"

Kion: "Uhh, no. Nothing interesting happened."

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