
By Medianoki

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(Imperium Saga, Book 3) One year following the start of the war, Edith is faced with a fresh set of challenge... More

Chapter 1: A Promise Broken
Chapter 2: Faceless Enemy
Chapter 3: Blamed
Chapter 4: Devil's Advocate
Chapter 5: With Your Embrace
Chapter 6: Shared Burden
Chapter 7: Mayor
Chapter 8: The Ones We Left Behind
Chapter 9: Family
Chapter 11: Undefinable
Chapter 12: The Risks We Must Take
Chapter 13: Hell Bent
Chapter 14: Passage of Time
Chapter 15: Humanity
Chapter 16: Revolution
Chapter 17: The Mind

Chapter 10: To The Wind

63 5 0
By Medianoki

"Deep breath in... hold... and out..." Peace speaks slowly and quietly, keeping her eyes closed and her back straight.

CLive breathes in deeply and lets it out as she directs, trying to mimic her posture and keep his eyes closed as well, but uncertainty takes over and he peeks out one eye to examine her and question how she makes it look so easy. He sighs. "I don't think this is working," he says.

Peace frowns and opens her eyes to look at him as well. "Come on, you're barely trying. You'll get it."

He slumps forward. "But I don't—"

"Hush! I'm the teacher, here. Do as I say. Back straight and eyes closed. Trust me, once you learn to let go, it gets easier," Peace says and takes a deep breath.

CLive grumbles and does as instructed. He sits up straight again and closes his eyes. Peace smiles and nods. "Good. Now again, deep breath in... hold... out..."

He forces himself to try relaxing and listening to her, but the moment he thinks he starts getting the hang of it, Regan barges through the door to see CLive and Peace sitting cross-legged on the floor of the guest room with a circle of candles burning around them.

Regan tilts his head at the sight. "Are you performing satanic rituals in my house without my permission?" he questions. Peace growls and glares at him.

"No, we're meditating. We're trying, anyway. It doesn't help when everyone keeps interrupting," he states with annoyance.

Regan looks around. "But it's just me. Who else has interrupted?"

CLive sighs. "Liyah was just here less than an hour ago ranting about how Romeow has been stalking her from room to room. No clue what that was about." He shrugs. Regan laughs.

"Oh right! It seems when I based Romeow off of Tyrell, I may have forgotten to remove certain... aspects of his personality. Whoopsie!" He scratches the back of his head.

From the hallway, they hear rapid footsteps followed by shouting. "This motherfucking pumpkin-looking fat fuck of a cat won't leave me the fuck alone!"

Regan simply steps aside and holds the door open as Data sprints through and dives onto the bed.

"Close it! Before he catches up!" she shouts.

He quickly shuts the door and locks it, earning a sigh of relief from Data. "Thank fucking god. Maybe now I can take a goddamn nap without having dead mice dropped all over me! Regan, your cat's fucking broken!" she complains.

Regan scoffs. "He's not broken! He is a beautiful creature of the utmost grace and intelligence! You will do well to show him the respect he deserves!"

"Well, then you can take care of his graceful little 'gifts' he left all over the fucking couch!" Data shouts.

Peace growls and stands up. "Do you mind?! We're in the middle of something!" She glares at the two and clenches her fists.

Data looks at the circle of candles and tilts her head. "In the middle of what? Sacrificing CLive?" she asks and hugs the wooden pole of the bed's canopy.

Peace frowns. "No. We're meditating. According to Thor, CLive's stress has been affecting Edith, so I'm trying to help him relax." She crosses her arms.

Data slumps forward. "Oh," she says simply. CLive frowns at her.

"Hey, don't sound so disappointed," he says.

Regan looks to Peace. "I never realized you were into meditation, Peace! Is there a reason?" he asks. She rolls her eyes.

"Really? I have anger issues, you fucking dingus. I have to try something to prevent myself from murdering people for being annoying. Though right now I'm reconsidering," she spats.

CLive sighs. "Peace, I don't think this is working for me... Maybe we should try something else," he says and breaks his posture again.

"I wonder why it's not working," Peace groans and motions to Regan and Data. CLive leans back against the bedframe and shakes his head in defeat.

"No, it's not that. I mean, yes, the distractions aren't helping, but... this seems to take a lot of concentration which is kind of hard to have when I don't have a mind," he explains and lowers his head, blowing out one of the candles.

Peace sighs and sits down on the foot of the bed above him. "Sorry, CLive... I really thought this would help take your mind off Edith," she says.

He chuckles and shrugs. "I mean, I guess it kind of did. Now all I can think about is Romeow harassing Liyah and giving her dead mice. The thought brings me some kind of joy." He looks up at Data and winks.

She growls. "Okay, fuck-machine. Just for that, I'm gonna leave them in your bed. Happy fucking birthday, asshole." She pats him on the shoulder.

CLive looks down. "Dammit..." He sighs in defeat. Regan chuckles.

"Don't worry, CLive! If you want to avoid Data's torment, you could always stay with me!" He winks.

CLive frowns at him. "Regan, stop hitting on me. I'm taken."

Regan scoffs. "Well fine then, if you'd rather sleep with dead mice than with me, so be it. I'll even help Data put them there," he states.

CLive shrugs, unbothered. "At least dead mice don't whisper love poems in my ear all night." He glares at Regan, who rolls his eyes.

"That was one time!"

Peace holds up her finger. "Wait, shh," she says and listens. CLive nods.

"Exactly, sweet silence," he snides towards Regan. Peace shakes her head.

"No, the door." She points to it. They all stay quiet and hear frantic scratching at the door from the other side and whimpering. Regan opens the door and Data hides at the back of the bed in case Romeow comes in. Instead, Thor rushes in and darts towards CLive, frantically nosing his face and arm and letting out desperate whimpers, glancing back at the door.

"Thor? What's wrong, boy?" CLive asks and gently starts petting the dog's neck to try getting him to calm down a bit.

"It's Master Edith! I think something's wrong!" he barks and sprints to the other side of the room, then rushing back to CLive's side.

CLive instantly tenses up and holds the dog in place, staring at him attentively. "What is it? What happened? Is she okay?" he asks with fear and desperation in his voice.

Peace looks at him and the dog. "What's he saying?" she asks.

CLive holds up a hand and keeps his eyes on Thor. The dog lets out more whimpers. "She's... scared of something, I think. She's in Idyll... and..." He lowers his head as he tries to focus.

"And what?" CLive exclaims and feels the heat rise in his EPC. Thor whines and looks back up at him with fearful eyes.

"I think... it's Unity! One of those strong soldiers you were talking about before! A—"

"...A Cogency Elite?" CLive breathes out, not wanting to believe it. Thor whimpers and meekly paws at CLive's sleeve.

Peace gasps and stands up. "What?!" she shouts.

CLive stands up as well. "Thor, come on, boy. I need you to focus. What is happening?" He tries to remain calm.

Thor's ears fold back flat against his head and he closes his eyes. "I... I don't know! I don't know but I want to know! I want to know if she's okay! I don't want Master Edith to get hurt!" he howls out.

CLive looks to Regan with a stern gaze. Without needing to say anything, Regan nods. "I'm a man of my word. If she's in danger, we're going after her."

Peace glances at Data and thinks. As a thought pops into her head, she looks down and sighs. "Regan. When we got here, you said that the council needs to have confirmation from... from Mayor Wright that the rebels aren't connected to Mortality, right?" she asks and looks at him.

Regan nods again. "Yes, but... we know that... he can't..." He looks down.

Peace takes a deep breath. "What if I were to return to the people and become officially recognized as the mayor of County Mortal? Wouldn't I technically be able to state to the council that the rebels aren't with us? As much as I want to help Edith, the city needs the Humanity Alliance," she says.

Data perks up. "Yeah, that should work! We could go back and have you become the mayor, then come back here and tell the council about Mortality's situation. Babe, you're a fucking genius!" She leans forward and grabs Peace's face, pulling her into a kiss.

Regan stops and thinks. "Yes... yes, that would work! While you two go back to the people, CLive and I can go after Edith!" he exclaims and looks at CLive. "Do you know if she made it to Idyll?" he asks. CLive nods.

"Thor said she did. So, we have a plan, then?" He looks around at everyone.

Peace nods as well. "Data and I return to the citizens of Mortal and explain the situation. I'll officially become the mayor of Mortal and then we'll come back here and tell the council that these rebel SRL are not a part of Mortality. Hopefully, that will push them to bring back the Humanity Alliance and begin sending supplies to the city to start the rebuild."

CLive goes over to Regan's side. "While you're doing that, Regan and I will go to what remains of Idyll and find Edith. With any luck, we'll get there before the Cogency Elite has the chance to... do anything. So, we've gotta hurry," he states.

Data looks to Regan. "One problem. I thought you aren't allowed to leave the city until a decision is made. Don't you need to be there when Peace and I come back to convince the council?" she points out.

Regan grumbles and looks away. "I... you're... you're right, but I can't just... stay here. Not while Edith is potentially in danger... I..."

CLive puts a hand on his shoulder. "You could stay here, just until Peace and Liyah get back. You talk to the council and make a decision, and once that's done, you can come to join Edith and me," he reasons.

"But I... how would I know where to find you if you must leave Idyll?" Regan asks. CLive looks down and tries to think.

Thor barks and sits at their feet. "I could stay with Master Regan until he's done with smart people things here! Then I could lead him to you and Master Edith afterward! I don't want to let you go alone, Master CLive... but I know you'll be okay! You always are!" He licks CLive's hand.

He nods and looks at Regan. "Thor will stay with you. I'll go after Edith on my own, then he can lead you to us once the council decides. You meet up with us while Peace and Liyah head back to Mortal to work on rebuilding with the help of the alliance," he explains.

Regan looks down and nods slightly.

CLive sighs and holds him by his shoulders, getting him to look at his face. "We're not leaving you, Regan. It'll just be a little bit before we'll be back on the road again. We won't be long, I promise." He smiles.

Regan smiles back sadly and nods, pulling CLive into a hug. "Just be sure she's safe, alright?" he says quietly. CLive chuckles and leans back.

"Come on, Regan. You've known me for how long now?" He grins. Regan chuckles as well.

"Long enough that I know you'll both be alright."

CLive nods and looks to everyone, standing in the door. "Peace. My bag." He holds his hand out.

Peace rolls her eyes with a grin and grabs his backpack from beside the bed, tossing it over to him. "Be safe, grandfather clock."

He smiles at her as he pulls it on. "Like father, like daughter." He nods to himself. "I guess I'm off..." He takes a deep breath. "Good luck. And please... be careful." He turns to the door and steps out into the hallway.

"...We can't lose anyone else."


Edith and Cree make their way up the steps towards the gates of Idyll, only to see at the end of the bridge is an entire patrol of Unity soldiers, and standing in front of them all is a woman wearing a similar uniform as Jane Harvey was. Only this one is colored in black and violet instead of yellow. She's standing with her back tall and her head high. Her eyes seem relaxed and focused, a threatening look on its own without needing to show any signs of aggression.

Edith and Cree walk steadily side by side, never taking their eyes off her as they walk towards her down the stone bridge.

"It isn't Jane, at least," Edith says quietly to him. He lets out a low growl.

"I don't know if I'm happy or disappointed about that. Though, maybe it's better this way. I need to set a good example for the rebels," he replies.

Edith nods in response. "We can't solve violence with violence. Even if these people deserve it. Let's just... hear what she has to say. Don't give her reason to say we provoked her."

They stop at the edge of the gates, a few feet away from the patrol and the Cogency Elite. She smiles and politely bows her head to them. "Edith Stewart. Cree Tyrell. I thank you for allowing me an audience with you. I know your opinion of us must be... poor, after Jane Harvey's actions in County Mortal. She acted against her orders and caused more harm than intended. I assure you, you will not have that problem with me," the woman says.

Edith glances at Cree and he slightly nods. She looks back to the woman and keeps her face stern. "And who are you, exactly?"

The woman nods. "My name is Latanya Eaves. As you know, I am a member of the Cogency Elites. I have been sent by Alain to discuss the current situation with you, and hopefully, bring you to understand the importance of your place in the Citadel," she speaks calmly.

Cree crosses his arms. "We have no reason to trust you or your order. Why should we listen after what you people did to Mortal?" He glares at her.

She sighs and nods again. "I understand your anger, Tyrell. I know it does not make up for what you all have gone through, but I hope it brings you some form of comfort to know that Jane was severely punished for her deliberately acting against orders. I assure you, you should have nothing to fear from our order any further."

Edith studies her and finds no signs that she's bullshitting them, but her stone face could just be good at hiding the truth. "And how can we be sure you're telling us the truth?" she asks.

Latanya holds her hands out peacefully. "That is a choice to make for yourself. Would it make you feel more comfortable to speak to me without my guards present? I would prefer to be able to talk to you as civilized people. No need for formalities," she offers.

Cree and Edith glance at each other again and he nods. She looks back to Latanya and nods as well. "Fine. Let's talk," Edith says.

Latanya smiles and turns to her guards, motioning for them to stand down. The patrol nods in unison and retreats to the Unity trucks waiting beside the road.

She looks back to Edith and Cree and nods. "We can talk wherever you wish," she says.

Cree sighs. "Fine. Follow me." He turns towards the bridge and begins walking towards the place he and Edith have been staying.

Latanya follows and Edith follows behind her, keeping a watchful eye to be sure she doesn't try anything when they aren't expecting it. She refuses to let her guard down and knows damn well that Cree does as well.

They sit down at the table Cree has set with four wooden chairs. Edith and Cree sit across from Latanya. Her peaceful expression never falters. "Thank you for your hospitality. I know this must not be easy for you. But please, for the sake of the conversation, ignore the uniform and let us talk as normal people." She smiles.

Edith shakes her head and slightly narrows her eyes. "We've seen what you people can do. We know that you are far from a normal person," she states. Latanya chuckles.

"You mean my abilities. Just because you don't understand them, doesn't mean they are an abnormality. Tell me, Edith, aren't you yourself not a normal person? Aside from Alain, I have seldom had the chance to speak with an SRL. Despite this, I am not afraid of you. In fact, I'm more intrigued than anything," she says.

Cree huffs. "You've never spoken to an SRL other than Alain? They're more than half the population, how's that possible?" he questions.

Latanya sighs. "That is... a story for another time. For now, though, I wish to discuss the reason I'm here if that's alright with you," she says. Edith glares at her.

"Something tells me I already know the reason."

Latanya nods slowly. "Yes, but there is more to it than simply being here to take you to Alain. I hope you will hear me out," she speaks slowly.

Cree crosses his arms and leans back in his chair. "Let's hear it then."

Latanya nods and thinks carefully about what to say next. "Alain has, indeed, sent me to finish Jane's job and deliver you to the Citadel so he can carry out his experiment. However, I understand that you are still grieving over the death of... John Wright. I would like to express my condolences for your loss." She kindly bows her head.

Cree growls. "Bullshit. And... why didn't you call him 'Mayor Wright' like everyone else does?" he asks sharply.

"Because that is simply his title. From just what I have heard, he was undeniably a great mayor and leader to his people, but there was more to him than his political standing. He was a good man who greatly cared for his family and friends. Thus, I feel it more appropriate to address him as those closest to him knew him as. He may have been mayor, but he was John before all else," she explains.

Edith looks down and takes a deep breath. "So... what are you here for?" She glances back up at her.

"I would like to avoid confrontation if at all possible. I do not wish to subdue you and forcefully drag you back to the Citadel. I would rather solve this with more... care," Latanya lowers her voice to herself, "Something that Jane knows nothing about..." she mumbles.

Edith looks at her sideways. "You have a grudge with another Cogency Elite?" she questions.

Latanya sighs. "My... standing with the others in this order is irrelevant. I simply do not agree with some of their methods. Think about it; from the start, the methods that have been used to try bringing you to the Citadel have been mostly acts of violence and force. Over time, this has made you villainize those of County Unity. The less you trust them, the less likely you are to comply," she explains.

Cree rolls his eyes. "So let me guess, you're here to be the 'good cop' to Unity's 'bad cop', huh? Alain finally realizing his methods are flawed?"

"Yes, actually. He cannot feel, only think. Therefore, he has never understood the pain he has caused you all. He does, however, understand physical and mental pain. For this reason, he avoids using these forms of violence whenever possible."

Edith scoffs. "Oh yeah? Then explain the siege." She frowns.

"As I said, Jane acted against orders. She was not supposed to harm anyone other than John Wright. She clearly did not follow this command, harming multiple bystanders. Those being John's own daughter, Peace. Her lover, Liyah Wynter. As well as yourself, Tyrell. Not only that, but she caused direct harm to you, Edith. For all these violations, she was commended."

"But... Alain indeed ordered the death of John Wright. That was the only thing that would buy the trust of President Bates and turn the tides in this war. For someone unable to feel emotions, Alain seems to... regret what he allowed to happen," she says.

Edith shakes her head and sighs. "So... if not to cause trouble, then what are you here for? I'm not going anywhere, and if you're not going to use force then it seems our business is done," she questions and examines her. Latanya nods slowly.

"I was hoping to try... convincing you. My orders were to deliver you to the Citadel by whatever means I felt appropriate. My peaceful methods are not a result of following orders, but rather my own empathy for you and your family, Edith."

Edith looks her over again. She seems sincere, but again, it could all be a convincing act to lower her guard. A Cogency Elite actually having empathy? The fucking world must be ending for something like that to happen, especially after Mortal. She can't trust this woman, and she won't. Too much is at stake to surrender now.

Cree rests his metal arm on the table and leans a bit closer. As if reading her mind, he asks what she's thinking. "What the hell do any of you people from Unity know about 'empathy'?"

"First off, I know plenty about empathy. When I see families torn apart by war, I grieve for them. When I see other sentient beings mistreated, I wish them free. I may be following orders given to me by Alain, but it is my own personal choice to discuss the situation rather than put you through any more trauma. And second, I am not from Unity. I am simply staying there until my mission here is complete," she explains.

"Then where are you from?" Edith asks.

Latanya looks at her. "I'm... afraid that information is classified. But Edith, I need you to understand the position you are in, and why Alain requires your cooperation," she says.

Cree rolls his eyes and looks away.

Edith glares at her. "Then tell me. What 'position' am I in, exactly?" she asks.

"I will put it plainly. If events turn out in the way Alain intends, you will be the one to stop this war and unite the world," she looks to Cree. "Both of you," she states and crosses her hands over the table.

Edith and Cree sit up straighter and glance at each other.

"What?" Cree asks. Latanya nods.

"You heard me. I am not allowed to elaborate any further than that, but I hope you now can see the reason behind Alain's actions."

Edith sighs and shakes her head. "I'm sorry, but I have no reason to believe you. And... this isn't a decision I can make on my own. I don't want to get involved with anything more than stopping this war. I just want to end this all so I can go home," she states. Latanya sighs.

"I understand. However... I am not expected to return empty-handed. I will not force you to leave, but I must stay stationed here until you come to your senses. I apologize for the inconvenience, but remember that I am choosing this option over using force. I will be with my soldiers in my camp, just outside of these ruins." She politely stands up and steps aside, pushing her chair in.

"Now, I must take my leave. Thank you for hearing me out, and I once again apologize for all the suffering you have endured as of late. Should you decide that you wish to aid Alain in his mission to unite the world, you know where to find me. In the meantime, I will be writing up a report on my recent development with my mission. I must inform Alain of my current status." She smiles and kindly bows once again.

Edith nods and Cree stands up as well. "I'll have one of the scouts walk you out," he offers bitterly. Latanya chuckles.

"Thank you, but I know the way," she says and walks to the wooden boards acting as a door.

She throws one last glance back at Edith. "One more thing, before I go," she says. Edith looks back at her.

Latanya sighs, "Alain has become aware of an... irregularity within your system. Something that ties to CL-3584, I believe he mentioned. If left untreated, the consequences may potentially become dire. Keep that in mind, for future reference." She smiles and ducks under the boards, walking off back to her soldiers.

Cree releases a breath and drops his back against the wall. "Well, that was fucking pointless," he grumbles and shakes his head.

Edith looks down. "Yeah..." she says absently.

He studies her and sighs, making his way over and patting her lightly on the back. "You should get some more rest," he suggests. She looks up at him in question

"But I just woke up," she argues.

He snickers. "Yeah. And you've already spilled your heart out to a man who just killed himself, nearly beat up Alexas for wanting to sacrifice CLive while making war plans, and talked to someone in the order that's responsible for what happened in Mortal, and it's not even lunchtime yet. Go get some rest, Edith. I'll take care of shit out here in the meantime. At least she told us about needing to send a message to Alain. I'll send one of our more discreet members to interject the letter before it falls into his hands," he says.

She looks down again and slowly nods, not feeling the energy to protest. "Fine..." she murmurs. Cree grins and rolls his eyes.

He groans overdramatically. "I'll even bring you food if you want," he complains playfully. She chuckles and looks up at him.

"...Even chocolate m—"

"Don't push it, ace. You're lucky I don't starve you with how annoying you are with your recent chocolate milk obsession." He pulls her to her feet.

She giggles. "But ya don't." She winks with a cheeky grin.

He rolls his eyes. "Only because I know that CLive would fucking kill me if he showed up and you were hungry. Don't think it's because I give a damn about you or anything stupid like that..." He crosses his arms and looks away.

Edith playfully boops him on the nose. "Is someone going soft on me...?" she teases. He glares at her.

"Do that again and you'll only have nine fingers left. And no. I'm not. I'm still the same asshole I've always been, and don't you dare forget it," he snaps.

She ruffles his hair and makes it fluff up. "If that makes you sleep better at night, then you believe whatever you want, sweetie."

He glares at her. "If you don't shut the fuck up and go upstairs within the next five seconds, I'm going to throw you over one of the rails and not feel one ounce of sympathy when you have to swim your way out," he deadpans.

Edith giggles and rushes to the stairs. Before going up them, she looks back at him. "I saw the romance novel in your backpack and I'm gonna go read it!" She laughs.

His face goes beet red and he faces her. She squeals in fright and amusement as he dashes her way and she scrambles to run up the stairs before he can catch her.

The war can wait a bit longer.

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