
By Ko-Ko-star

687K 18.1K 4.3K

Alexis was a forgotten run away, escaping a life of abuse. She was homeless, completely alone, and in desper... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69

Part 63

3.5K 124 11
By Ko-Ko-star

Alexis' POV:

I was at the agency, finishing up a photo shoot.  And things had taken a step up for me.  The agency had decided, through a series of board meetings, that they wanted to use me on a cover of a magazine, as well as some inserts.   But part of the deal, was I had to sign a contract and I had to lose 5 pounds and not gain an ounce more.  

And I would be lying if it didn't say it stressed me out.  Because it did.  But I had a long, in-depth conversation with Nichole before finally deciding to take the job.  And she basically reassured me that that's just the way it is.  Take it or leave it.  They weren't going to change or budge on anything.  I had to be willing to do what they wanted.  Or someone else would.  So I finally decided to take the job.  And to just accept it.

But in all honesty, I was exhausted and needed a break.  From everything.  And everyone.  And all I wanted to do was to go home.

But as I was walking down the hall towards Nichole's office, I suddenly saw a familiar face.  The person who had caused all the problems recently between Nikki and me.  And I suddenly dreaded even seeing her.

"Hey you", Cameron said,  smiling at me.  "Long time, no see."

I smiled uncomfortably, not knowing if I even wanted to say hi to her, since it had caused so many problems between me and Nichole.   And I couldn't help but feel that Nichole would be pissed beyond belief it she knew that I was even standing here with her.

"Hey", I said, at a loss of words.

"I haven't seen you around lately", she said, casually.

"I know.  I've been kinda busy."

"Oh yeah?  With what?" she asked, stepping closer to me.

"Well, I got a new job with the agency.  It's a little more intense and a little more involved.  And honestly, a little more stressful."

She furrowed her eyebrows together.  "What is it?"

"They want me to be on a cover of a magazine.  And I had to sign a contact and everything."

She nodded.  "Yeah, I'm not surprised.  That sounds about right.  And all that can definitely be stressful.  But you're gorgeous, so I'm sure you'll do great."

I suddenly felt shy.  Because the fact was she was beautiful.  And her green eyes were to die for.  And it's not that I was attracted to her or anything.  Because I wasn't.  It wasn't like that at all.  I was just saying.  That was all.

"You seem stressed out", she said, reaching her hand out and rubbing my arm.

I gulped.  "Maybe", I said,  not knowing how else to respond.  Because the truth was, I was stressed out.  Beyond belief.

"Hey, you know what?"

"What?" I asked.

"There's a little bar across the street.  You look like you can use a drink."

I looked at her in disbelief.  "But I'm not old enough."

"Neither am I.  But I've already gone in there.  And they don't care.  I never got carded or anything."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes, really.  So come on", she said, persistently.  "You look like you need to relax."

I hesitated, and glanced towards Nichole's office, knowing that she probably wouldn't approve of this.  At all.

"I don't know."

"Why?" she asked.

"I don't know if my fiancé would be ok with this."

"Ok with what?  She was ok with us getting coffee.  What's the difference.  A drink is a drink."

And she had a point.  A drink was a drink.  What difference did it make what it was?  But still I hesitated.

"I don't know.  Maybe I should ask Nichole first.  Just to make sure."

She quickly interrupted.  "Why do have to ask her?  She's probably busy right?"

I thought about for a minute.  And she was probably right.  Nichole was always busy.  She had a very demanding job.  And I knew that right now she was probably busy as hell because she was wrapping up for the day.  And I knew I probably shouldn't be interrupting her for something like this. But still I wasn't sure.

"But I still feel like I should ask her", I said, wanting to make sure that Nichole was ok with it.  Because the last thing I wanted was any more problems.

"Ok; that's fine.  Then ask her", she said, waving her hand towards her office.

So that's exactly what I did.  I walked over to Nichole's office and and opened the door.  But she didn't hear me because she was on the phone.  And I could tell she was busy and I didn't want to interrupt her.  So I closed the door and looked at Cameron.

"I'll just text her.  We won't be gone long."

We walked across the street to the bar and sat down.  

"What are you ladies having  today?", the waitress asked.

"I'll have a red wine", Cameron said.

"I'll just have a water", I responded, not feeling comfortable drinking when I was underage, and especially not without Nichole there.

We were sitting in a booth and she was sitting across from me.  But after we got our drinks, without any warning, she did something unexpected.  She got out of her seat and came over and sat next to me.  And honestly, she was was sitting very close.  Almost too close.

I gulped nervously, and couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.   But she didn't seem to notice.  So it made me think that maybe I was just overreacting and maybe it really wasn't a big deal.  So I quickly forgot about it too.


Nichole's POV:

I looked down at my phone and saw a text from Alexis.  And what I read immediately threw me off.  In fact, I was so shocked, I had to reread it to make sure I was reading it correctly.  "What the fuck?"  I muttered.  "A fucking bar?  With Cameron?  What the?..."

I put my phone down, and took a deep breath and tried to compose myself the best I could, and to act like an adult here.  Maybe I was overreacting.  Maybe it wasn't what it seemed.  But goddamn, I couldn't help it.  And I quickly found myself getting angry.  

I picked up my phone and was just about to text her back, when all of a sudden, there was a knock on my door.  

"Yeah?" I said, not even looking up, because I honestly didn't give a fuck who it was.  My mind was elsewhere.

"Hey perv", I heard a familiar voice say.

I looked up and rolled my eyes.  It was Sydney.  And she was the last person I felt like talking to, especially now.  "What the fuck do you want?" I asked, annoyed.  

"Wow.  Is that how you greet a lady?" she said, sitting down.

"Well, I don't see any ladies in here.  Except for me.  So yeah."

"What's your fucking problem?  What are you so pissy about?"

"Nothing", I said, not wanting to get into it.  "What do you want?" I asked, again, wondering why she was here.

"I just came to drop off some photos from my photo shoot that you did", she said, putting the photos down on my desk.

"Ok thanks."  Then just as I was about to kick her out, it suddenly hit me.  Sydney was friends with most of the models and she always knew all of the workplace gossip.  So it suddenly hit me that she may be able to give me some much needed information.

"So... do you know the new model that just started here?  Cameron?"

"The green eyed girl?   Yeah I know her."

"What do you know about her?" I asked, trying to get information.

"I know she's a whore", she said, causally.

I furrowed my eyebrows together.  "How do you know that?"

She smirked.  "How do you think I know."

I thought about it for minute, then suddenly realized what she was talking about.  "Are you serious?  You and her?"

"Yeah.  To make a long story short, a bunch of us models went out one night to a club.  We were all drinking, and Cameron was basically all over me the whole night.  So we ended up going back to my place.  We fucked all night.  Then I kicked her ass out in the morning."

I looked at her in disbelief.  Because what she was saying was confirming all of my suspicions.  "What happened after that?"

"Nothing.  I haven't talked to her since.  It was just a one night stand.  But I've seen her flirting with a lot of the other models.  She's a complete whore.  At least in my opinion."

I sat there stunned.  I buried my face in my hands, and shook my head.  "Oh my god", I said.  "I knew it.  I fucking knew it.  My intuition was right", I said, still trying to take it all in.

"Yeah.  So what?  What do you care?  Are you trying to get in her pants something?  Because I can definitely tell you she's easy.  So you shouldn't have any problem."

I shot her a look, as I felt completely offended.  "No, I'm not trying to get in her pants!  What the fuck!  I'm engaged!  I have a fiancé, you moron!  Seriously!" I said, completely disgusted, at what she was insinuating.

"Oh yeah, that's right.  I forgot about your skinny-ass girlfriend.  No curves at all.  So gross."

"Shut the fuck up, Sydney!  I told you before not to disrespect her!  You do it again, I'm gonna punch you in the fucking face!"

She laughed.  "God you're so easy.  It's so easy to get you mad.  I love it."

I glared at her.  And she was right.  She always bated me and I always feel for it.  Every single time.  She could definitely get under my skin like nobody else.  But today I wasn't interested in going back and forth throwing insults at each other.  That would be for a different day.  Right now, my mind was elsewhere.

"But seriously, why do you care?  Why are you asking about her?" she asked.

I suddenly began to feel dizzy.  My head began to spin.  My heart began to race and my hands were suddenly sweaty, as anxiety began to overtake me.

"She's been creeping around Alexis.  I think she's trying to get with her. I've been suspecting it for awhile now, and with what you just told me, it's making me think I was right."

Her eyes went wide.  "Dude that's not good.  Not good at all.  This bitch isn't shy about making a move.  Trust me, I know.  She'll steal your bitch in a second."

"She's with her right now.  At the bar across the street", I said, my voice shaking.

"At a bar?  Neither on of them is even old enough to drink."

I shook my head.  I didn't have time for this.  God only knows what was going on across the street.  But there was only one way to find out.

"I gotta go", I said, picking up my keys.


I walked across the street and opened up the door to the bar.  I spotted them right away.  And immediately, my jaw dropped at  what I saw.  Cameron was sitting right next to Alexis.  To the point where it would be impossible for them to be sitting any closer.  But what really got me pissed off was that Cameron was holding Alexis' hand.

And the next thing I knew, I was seeing red.  My blood was boiling.  And head was about to fucking explode.  I didn't waste anymore time.  I walked over to them and they both immediately looked up at me, Cameron looking  guilty as hell, as she immediately let go of Lexi's hand. 

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked Lexi, trying the best I could not to flip the fucking table over.  

"Nothing.  We're just hanging out.  Why don't you sit down and join us", Lexi said, naively.

"I don't think so", I said, now turning my full attention towards Cameron.  "If you could not touch my fiancé, that would be great."

"What are you talking about?" she asked, playing stupid.

I glanced down at her hand.

"Oh... that.  I was just looking at her engagement ring.  She was just showing it to me."

"Yeah well, you can look with your eyes, not your fucking hands",  I said, completely pissed off and no longer feeling under control.  At all.

"Nichole!  You're being so rude.  She didn't do anything", Alexis said.

"No Alexis!" I said, raising my voice at her, something I rarely ever did.  "I've been putting up with this shit and going along with it.  But fuck that!  This fucking shit's about to end.  Today.  I'm fucking done!"

I then turned my attention back to Cameron.  "Stay the hell away from my fiancé!  And If you ever touch her again or even come near her, I'll beat your fucking ass!"

"Oh really?" Cameron said, standing up, ready to confront me.  "Maybe we should take this outside", she said, clearly ready to take me on, and I wasn't about to back down.  At all.

"You wanna go, lets go", I said, done with her shit. 

The three of us walked outside, in an uncomfortable silence.

"Get in the car, Alexis", I said, not wanting her to witness what was about to happen. 

"Nicole stop", she said, with a look of fear in her eyes.

"No Alexis!  I'm done being nice!  This shit is going to end today!  Right here, right now!  Just get in the fucking car!" I yelled.  And even though I felt bad yelling at her, I had no choice.  Because shit was about go down.  And I didn't want her to be any part of it.

She got in the car, and once she was safely inside, I turned my attention back to Cameron.

"Why are you so mad just because she was showing me her ring?", she said trying to play innocent.

"Do you think I'm stupid and that I don't know what you're doing?!"

"I have no idea what you're even talking about."

"Oh I think you do.  You've been creeping on Alexis for weeks.  And I let it go because she kept insisting that it was all completely innocent and that you were just trying to be friends with her."

"I was just trying to be friends with her.  And it's not my fault if your fiancé is into me.  It's obvious that she wants me.  So I was just giving her what she wanted."

"Don't you dare try to turn this on her!  I've seen how you act around her.  You've been creeping on her and you won't keep your goddamn hands to yourself!"

"Yeah?  And what are going to do about it?"

"I'm gonna beat the shit out of you if you ever come anywhere near her again!"

She laughed.  "Please.  What you don't know won't hurt you."

I glared at her.  "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"I think you know", she said, smuggly.

"You fucking slut!" I yelled, getting right in her face.

"Get the fuck out of my face!"

"I'll get out of your face once you fucking understand what's up!  You stupid bitch!"

Just then she shoved me.  And it took me a little bit off guard, because I wasn't really expecting it.  But it immediately took things to a different level and things quickly got of hand.

I pushed her back.  Then she pushed me again.

"Maybe if you were giving Lexi what she needs she wouldn't have to find it from someone else!", she yelled.

"What the fuck does that mean?!"

"You know."

"You fucking bitch!", I yelled, knowing what she was insinuating.

And just when I didn't think I could possibly get any angrier, she said something that made me fucking loose it.

"I bet your girlfriend tastes good", she said, right in my face.

And with that, I was no longer in control.  And I just fucking lost it.  I just simply fucking lost it.

I punched her right in the face.  And the next thing I new, it was a full out brawl, as I felt her fist hit me right in the eye.  And just when I was about it swing back, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I tuned to look.  It was Teagan.  And Kendall.  They had been working at the agency this month.  And they must have heard the commotion.  But at that point, I was so angry that there was no way I was going to stop.

And it became clear that Cameron wasn't going to either.  Because that bitch continued to run her mouth.

"I would fuck her way better then you.  And I'd love to get between her legs.  I'd lick her all night.  And guarantee, she'd forget all about you!"

Red.  That's all I could see.  Pure, fucking red.

I pushed her against the brick wall, slamming her head against it.

"Shut your filthy mouth!  You fucking whore!"

The next thing I knew, she punched me again and I started swinging right back.

"Nikki stop!" Teagan yelled.  But at that point I was so far gone.  I wasn't even thinking clearly.  And the last thing I wanted to was to stop.  So I kept swinging and so did she.

The next thing I knew Teagan and Kendall pulled me off of her, and forced us to separate.  I tried to break out of their hold, because I wasn't done with that bitch.  Not by far.

But to my dismay, they wouldn't let me go.  And I swear, it took both of them to hold me back.

"Let me go!" I yelled, trying to break free, but they wouldn't.

"Nichole stop!" Kendall yelled.  "She's not worth it!"

"Come on bitch!  Let's go!" Cameron yelled, coming at me again, and shoving me.

I tried to break free again, because all I wanted to do was to kill this bitch, but they held onto me tight and forced us to separate.

"Let me go!" I yelled.   But they wouldn't.

Cameron looked at me and smirked.  "Bitch", she said, as she walked away.

"You fucking whore!" I yelled after her.

After a few minutes, she disappeared.  And only then, did they finally let go of me.

"Dude, what the hell?!" Teagan asked, as I sat down on the curb, literally shaking I was so fucking angry. 

"That fucking bitch!  She's been trying to get with my fiancé!" I yelled, still seeing red.

"What the fuck?!", Kendall said, as she and Teagan sat down next to me.

"Yeah. She's been flirting with her.  And putting moves on her.  Fucking whore.  Goddamn slut."

"Wow.  I can see why you're upset.  That's so fucked up.  She knows you guys are engaged, right?" Teagan asked.

"Yeah she knows.  But she's too much of a slut to care.  Whore."

"I need a fucking cigarette", I said, looking around, making sure she wasn't coming back around.

"Me too", Kendall said, reaching into her purse and pulling out a pack of cigarettes.

"So do I", Teagan agreed.  "That shit was fucking crazy."

All three of us lit up.  I took a long hit and let the nicotine rush into my veins.  And I immediately felt a little calmer.  A little.  But not really.

"Dude, you were about to kill that bitch", Kendall said, taking a hit of her cigarette.

I took another hit and blew out the smoke, and flicked the ashes on the ground.  "Trust me.  If you guys hadn't come along, and held me back, I probably would have.  Mother fucking bitch."

"Well, I'm glad we came along when we did,  but that shit was out of control."

"I guess", I said, still wishing I could have gotten a few more swings in.  

Just then I felt my eye start to swell.  I reached up and touched it.  I winced in pain.  It hurt like hell and it was bleeding.

"You're going to have a black eye for sure."

"Yeah", I said, taking another hit of my cigarette, not even caring.  "Hopefully she will too."

"Oh I'm sure she will.  The way you guys were swinging on each other, there's no way she won't."

"I hate that bitch", I said, putting out my cigarette.

"Don't let it get to you.  I don't think she'll be coming around anymore", Kendall said. 

"I'm not so sure about that."

Kendall looked at me confused.  "Why do you say that?"

"Because she's a whore.  And whores never stop whoring around."

"Yeah, good point."

"So what are you going to do?" Teagan asked.

"Nothing for right now.  I'm gonna just wait to see what happens.  But if she comes near Lexi again, I'm gonna go talk to my uncle."

"You're uncle?" Kendall asked.

"Yeah, my uncle Angelo."

"What are you going to do?"

"He's the one that everyone in the family goes to when we need small favors.  I'll talk to him, tell him the situation, and go from there", I said vaguely.  Because mafia business wasn't talked about to outsiders.  What happened stayed within the family.  It was our business and our business alone.  But I knew Angelo would help me because he had helped Alyssa multiple times with some bitches that we're giving her problems.  And what exactly he did, I have no idea because it was never talked about.  But, one thing was for sure, those girls never bothered Alyssa again.  

So yeah, that was my next step if things went any further.  But I would just have to wait and see how things played out.

I hugged Kendal and Teagan goodbye.  And thanked them for helping me.  Because honestly if they hadn't intervened, who knows what would have happened.  But I pushed the thought out of my mind.  Because it was over.  At least for now.

I walked to the car and got in the driver's seat.  And Lexi took one look at me and her face turned to complete horror.

"Oh my goodness, Nichole!"  You're bleeding!  And your face is swelling!"

I looked at myself in the car mirror.  "Holy fuck", I muttered.  I looked completely terrible.  Worse then I expected. And at this point, my eye was almost swollen shut.  

"Babe, I don't think I'm going to be able to drive", I said, stating the obvious, because I could barely even see.

"Yes, of course", Alexis quickly said, as she got out the car, to switch me places.  She now had her driver's license, even though I still did most of the driving.   But she did on occasion, and she had actually become a very good driver.

She drove us home.  And I barely said a word.  Partly because I didn't feel like talking,  but mostly because I was in pain.  Everything hurt.  And all I wanted to do was to go home and get into bed.

She pulled into the driveway and helped me upstairs.  She then helped me take off my clothes and to get into some comfortable pajamas.

I laid down and she sat beside me. 

"What do you need?", she asked, her face full of worry and concern.

"Ice.  I need ice", I muttered.  "And something for pain."

"Ok", she said, quickly jumping up to get me what I had asked for.

A few minutes later she returned with a big bag of ice and some pain medication.  I took the pills and put the bag of ice on my now completely swollen shut eye.  I grimaced in pain.  It hurt so bad that I began to wonder if my fucking face was broken.

"Nichole I feel terrible.  This all my fault."

And actually it kinda was.  But I didn't say that. "It's not your fault.  Don't feel bad.  I'm fine."

"But you don't look fine at all."

"It'll be alright.  Just hopefully nothing's broken", I said, keeping the ice on my eye.

"What the hell happened?", she asked, wanting to know the details.

"Basically she started popping off and running her goddamn trashy mouth.  Things got out of control and basically we both beat the shit out of each other.  Then Teagan and Kendall got involved and broke it up."

"Kendall and Teagan were there?" she asked, surprised.

"Yeah.  They saw us fighting.  And if they hadn't come along, I probably would have killed that bitch."

"Wow.  I don't even know what to say.  I never meant for things to go this far."

"I know."

Then we were silent for a few moments before I finally spoke.  "Alexis, I would normally never tell you what to do or who to be friends with, but no more with her.  You understand? And I mean it."

She nodded.  "I know.  I was wrong.  I should have never been friends with her.  I should have listened to you. You tried to warn me about her.  This is all my fault."

I shook my head.  "It's not your fault.  But I don't want you anywhere near her ever again.  At all.  You're not to talk her anymore or go anywhere near her."

She nodded again.  Because she now understood.  


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