Naruto X Male Reader

By Arcxne_

155K 3.3K 1.5K

It's a fanfic of naruto, not much else to be said. Oh and there won't be any of that gay shit in my fanfic. S... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
If You Want More

Chapter 33

1.6K 54 8
By Arcxne_

(Y/n) POV)

'What the hell am I looking at?' A vine of bones wrapped around Gaara's sand, the bone guy who is apparently someone who showed up after the fact, made a giant spear like thing of bones on his left hand.

Gaara: "Ultimate Defense: Shukaku's Shield!" Bone guy strikes the sand who I'm guessing is Shukaku, he slowly pushes his way through the ultimate defense of Gaara until the bone cracks, then shatters."

Bone Guy: "It's hard."

Gaara: "I gathered minerals with great hardness from the ground, applied pressure with chakra and mixed them into the sand. You... that unusual jutsu... It's the kekkei genkai, right?"

Bone Guy: "The Kaguya Clan... The ability which now only I possess."

Gaara: "The last one of the clan, eh? Then it'll die out here today."

Bone Guy: "Indeed, that might happen. Due to sickness, my body will not last so long... But, the clan will not die out. Besides I'm not alone."

Gaara: "Not alone, you said?"

Bone Guy: "That's right. As an existence shouldering one part of Lord Orochimaru's ambition... I will remain inside Lord Orochimaru's soul for all eternity."

Gaara: "Orochimaru's brainwashing, huh? You're a pitiful guy." Gaara starts to sink the bone guy into his sand, making like a whirlpool of sand. "I'll sink and confine you 200 meters into the ground. By the pressure of the sand stuck to your body, you'll soon be unable to move, not even a finger.

Lee: "You did it! This time for sure you did it."

'Lee's tempting fate.'

Bone Guy: "Dance... Bracken Dance!" Bones begin to pierce up through the sand then towards Lee, until the entire ground was covered in bones. Lee and Gaara were floating on sand while I stood on one of the bones like a tree branch.

Lee: "Thanks for saving me... Being able to do something like this; very impressive."

Gaara: "All I did was ride the sand I'm always controlling. You just have to know how you use it. He was a persistent guy, but this is the end. He won't ever come out again."

Lee: "R-Right."

Gaara: "I can't go on... We're getting off."

'Gaara's out of chakra. This isn't good.'

Bone Guy: "It isn't brainwashing! That person... Lord Orochimaru understands me! What do you guys know?!"

'Move!' Bone guy goes to kill Gaara as I flicker in front of him, I quickly unsheathe my katana and pierce him through the heart. "Rest in peace."

Lee: "(Y/n)!"

"Lee. Why. Are. You. Here." Lee gulps as I glare at him.

Lee: "W-Well... Ummm. Y-You see..." I begin chuckling.

"Don't worry about it."

Gaara: "Those wounds... how are you moving?"

"I don't know myself. What I do know is that I have to find Naruto. Do you know which way he went?" Lee points off in the direction of where Naruto supposedly left in.

Lee: "Naruto ran off that way after Sasuke. Be careful (Y/n), we don't know when your wounds will stop you."

"I'll make it in time. Oh and Gaara, you owe me later." I grin at him before jumping off through the bone trees.

(3rd POV)

Naruto eventually tracked Sasuke down to the Final Valley.

Naruto: "Sasuke!" Sasuke stood on top of Madara's stone statue while Naruto stood on top of Hashirama's stone statue. "Sasuke!" Sasuke begins to walk away. "Are you going to run away from me?!" That causes Sasuke to freeze in place, then slowly turn around, curse mark activated.

Sasuke: "Yo...loser. It's you this time, huh?" Naruto then has a brief flashback of Sakura crying to bring Sasuke back. "I also told this to Sakura, but... Don't mind me anymore." Naruto makes a confused face causing Sasuke to chuckle. "What's with that face?" Cue the flashback of Naruto complaining about being on Sasuke's team, the bell test of Naruto being tied to the poll with Sasuke giving Naruto his food, Sasuke asking Naruto for help, then the two completing the tree climbing exercise, the land of waves with Sasuke's "death." The fight with Gaara after the sand's attack.

Naruto: "Why... Why is it...Sasuke? Why did you become like this?! You!"

Sasuke: "Whatever happens to me, what does that have to do with you? I have my own way. No matter who it is, nobody has the right to tell me what to do. I will tell you the truth. I'm done fooling around with you guys of the Leaf. Go home." Cue the piano... and the flashbacks.

Naruto: "Choji... Neji... Kiba... Shikamaru... Bushy Brow... Everyone risked their lives to come after you, you know!"

Sasuke: "Good job for them." Sasuke goes to walk away only to stop once he sees a shadow closing in.

Naruto: "How do you take your comrades of the Leaf?!" Naruto tackles Sasuke to the ground. He then clenches his fist, punching Sasuke in his face.

Sasuke: "Comrades, you said... Did I become stronger staying with those so-called comrades? I am going to where Orochimaru is."

Naruto: "Orochimaru is the person who killed the Third Hokage and tried to crush Konoha! Do you think he will give you the power freely? He justs wants your body as a vessel! You might not be able to come back. You might get killed. You think I'd easily let you go to such a place?!"

Sasuke: "That doesn't matter to me... If my goal is accomplished, then that's all that matters. If you intend to get in the way... Then it can't be helped..."

Naruto: "You're not gonna be able to! I'll take you back even by force!" Sasuke smirks at that, then begins to chuckle. "Why are you laughing?!"

Sasuke: "You were laughing at that time too. That time you wanted to fight me, right? You were thrilled weren't you?"

(With (Y/n)

(Y/n): 'Where they hell are these idiots?! It shouldn't be this hard to find overly destructive teenagers! That's a little hypocritical to say... Oh well."

(With Naruto)

Naruto: "At first! But, you were different. That was... That was... That was not the kind of fight I wanted. Even now...this is not..."

Sasuke: "I don't care about your circumstances." Sasuke begins to lift Naruto off of him then off the ground with one arm. He then drops Naruto, punching him in the gut hard, sending him flying into the water below. Sasuke chuckles looking at his hand, letting the curse mark recede. "So this is the power that the guy was talking about. Furthermore, the power is growing into my body. If it is like that now... if I release this curse mark... I wonder how much power..." Naruto was sinking down in the water as he remembered his fight on top of the hospital. He resurfaces a moment later, getting his body on top of the water, breathing heavily. 

Naruto: "Wake up already!" He charged Sasuke, going for a punch only for Sasuke to move and land a devastating kick to the face, taking Naruto's pouch as he fell.

Sasuke: "I awakened long ago... From my idiotic self who dreams about a lax peaceful future... hanging out with comrades. That's why I left the village! That's why I sought power! My dream is not in the future. My dream is in the past... That's the only place it exists." Naruto grabs a shuriken and rushes Sasuke, he throws it and Sasuke jumps to dodge, throwing a kunai as he does so. Naruto hides behind a rock and Sasuke throws to kunai, stabbing Naruto, well a shadow clone of Naruto. Sasuke grabs a few shuriken and attaches wire to it, as Naruto jumps out to attack Sasuke, he counters with the wire, sticking Naruto to the rock.

Naruto: "Sasuke... You really are..."

Sasuke: "I told you... I don't need a future with you guys anymore." Sasuke makes a few handseals. He launches the Dragon Flame Jutsu at Naruto just like he did to Orochimaru back in the Forest of Death. The jutsu rams into Naruto, although Naruto bursts through the flames and punches Sasuke directly in the face.

 Naruto: "You punk!" I think Tayuya rubbed off on him. He launches another punch into Sasuke, but they seemed to be doing little to no damage. Naruto's knuckles were bruised after the "beatdown."

Sasuke: "Is that the best you've got? If this is all you've got, I still don't need to use that..."

Naruto: "What?"

Sasuke: "You haven't realized it? I...haven't used my sharingan." 

Naruto: "Don't mock me!" Naruto goes to attack Sasuke again but Sasuke blocks the blow.

Sasuke: "You don't have enough strength or desire... If I kept playing comrade with you guys..." Sasuke throws Naruto away from him. He jumps down the statue, kicking Naruto in the stomach repeatedly. "I wouldn't have...been able to get..." He kicks Naruto into the ground, landing in front of where he impacted. "...this much power!" He throws Naruto's pouch near where the boy was in a small human sized hole. "That's right...I need... Both power...and order to catch up with him." Naruto stands, picking his pouch up in the process. "With this, you've woken up, right? We had a hindrance back at that time... But it won't be like that this time. I'll show you... the true power of sharingan." Sasuke activates his sharingan, staring down Naruto.

Naruto: "Fine... Then I'll go all out too! You take a good look with you sharingan at my Ninja Way! Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Around 10 shadow clones appear as Sasuke smirks before rushing forward.

Sasuke: "You can't beat me by just pointlessly... increasing the number!" And like every other villain Naruto's faced, except Mizuki, his clones get bitched around like normal.

Naruto: "You little-" The last clone was destroyed as Naruto stood before Sasuke. As Naruto raises his hands, Sasuke appears before him and grabs it.

Sasuke: "I can spot the real body in one shot with my sharingan. I deliberately went along with your game... I won't go easy on you now!" Sasuke uppercuts Naruto, then spins and kicks him in the stomach, sending him flying. "Fire Style: FireBall Jutsu!" The flame barrelled towards the back of Madara's statue. Sasuke looked off in the direction of the burning forest. "You're not gonna tell me this is the best you can do, are you? You boast about your Way of Ninja and this is all you've got?" That got Naruto to walk out of the tree line. "Are you still thinking that I'm a member of your comrade game? If that's the case, you're... a hopeless fool!" Sasuke charges Naruto, punching him in the sternum. Naruto flips, landing on the side of a tree, he pushes himself over Sasuke. "Stop wasting time!" Sasuke attacks again, "Give me all you've got, you number one hyperactive, knucklehead ninja!" Sasuke kicks Naruto away from him, then landing a punch that cracks a few ribs. Sasuke lands while Naruto is thrown into the water below... again. A few seconds later, Naruto resurfaces again, standing on top of the water... again...

Naruto: "Don't you consider me... your comrade any longer?! Don't all those things we did together in Team Seven mean anything to you?!"

Sasuke: "No. It wasn't meaningless... To me, you became my... closest friend."

Naruto: "We've become...friends? Then...why?!"

Sasuke: "All the more reason why... All the more reason why... there's meaning in taking you down."

Naruto: "I don't fully understand but... I understood that you want to fight me with your everything! Sasuke!" The two charge each other, meeting halfway down Madara's statue. The two meet in a clash, both catching the others fist.

Sasuke: "I already said this earlier but, in truth, you were waiting for this too, weren't you? Neither Kakashi, (Y/n) nor Sakura are present right now. So there's nobody here to stop us like that time before." Naruto roars at Sasuke who takes a kunai from his pouch. "This time we'll settle this for real! I will take you down!" Sasuke threw the kunai at Naruto who counters with a shuriken. Sasuke then kicks Naruto away from the statue, and continues to jump at him. "Chidori!"

Naruto: "You idiot. Same here! I'm gonna clobber you and take you back home even if I have to drag you! Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Sasuke jumps down, making a giant wave of water. "Rasengan!" The two jutsu collide, making the water around them go wild. The jutsu explode and send both boys flying away, skidding along the water. Both boys sink, with Sasuke coming up first, Naruto coming up soon after. Although Sasuke was breathing heavily, Naruto just floated in the water. Naruto eventually climbs out of the water, after realizing Sasuke is actually trying to kill him. Sasuke let his curse mark spread across his face, that same face holding a smirk.

Sasuke: "Did you know, Naruto... Top-class ninja should be able to read each other's hearts simply by an exchange of fists. Even without saying anything... You're Naive, Naruto. How about it? Were you really able to read inside this heart of mine? 'Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!'" Sasuke dispels the jutsu as Naruto dodges, he speeds forward and slams his foot into Naruto's chin. Sasuke lands behind Naruto who turns, allowing Sasuke to slam his fist into Naruto's gut. He lifts Naruto off the ground, chidori chirping in his left hand. The nine tails cloak begins to cover Naruto as he has an internal monologue with himself. "It's too late now, Naruto!" Sasuke launches the chidori at Naruto, who was still having his internal monologue. It pierced Naruto's chest, but on his right side. "You managed to divert it with your left hand, but it was meaningless. You won't be able to use any hand sign or that jutsu earlier anymore." Sasuke grips Naruto's throat, intending to choke him. Only for Naruto to grab his wrist, cracking coming from it as he pushes him away. Naruto was bent over as red chakra poured out of him. Naruto's injury healed, while Sasuke stared on in shock. Naruto looked up, red eyes glaring into Sasuke's.

Naruto: "Sasuke! I'm not gonna let Orochimaru take you away! I will stop you, even if I have to break every bone in your arms and legs!"

Sasuke: "What the hell are you?!"

Naruto: "Your friend! That's why I'm telling you, I'm not gonna let the likes of Orochimaru get you! I'm telling you that I'll stop you even if it means breaking every bone in your arms and legs!" Naruto punches the air, sending a force of air, launching Sasuke back. Naruto then rushes, landing a MEAN combo to Sasuke that ends with Sasuke getting kicked in the air. As soon as Sasuke recovers, Naruto was above him, who slams his fists into the top of Sasuke's head, forcing him into the water. The force of the blow left a hole in the water that eventually pushed water back up. Sasuke bursted from the water, Naruto immediately speeding in the direction of his friend. Overpowering him with the power of the nine tails. Sasuke blows out a fireball that Naruto disperses with a yell. Naruto slams his feet into Sasuke, forcing him under water again, he then lands a couple blows as he was trying to resurface. As Sasuke does resurface and jumps in the air, Naruto intercepts him by grabbing his ankles and spinning in the air before throwing Sasuke into a wall of rocks. "Come on! Wake up, already! If you don't come to your senses, I'll have to break your bones so that you can't move and I'll take you home that way, Sasuke!" Sasuke opens his eyes slightly.

Sasuke: "Shut up... What the hell do you, who has neither parents nor brothers, think you understand? What makes you think that you, who's been alone from the start, can understand anything about me?! It's because I have these ties that I feel this agony. How could you possibly understand... what it feels like to lose all that!" Sasuke tackles Naruto off the cliff, smoke bombs falling from Naruto's pouch that explode after a moment. They both land on a log, staring at each other.

Naruto: "It's true that I can't understand how it feels to really have parents or brothers... However... When I'm with Iruka-sensei, I imagine... if this is... what it feels like to have a dad. When I'm with you... I wonder... if having a brother feels something like that."

Sasuke: "Why is it, Naruto? Why is it that you go to this extent for me?"

Naruto: "For me it's a tie that I've finally been able to have! That's why I'm gonna stop you." Sasuke reaches into his pocket, pulling out his headband.

Sasuke: "It's too late, Naruto... It's already too late." Sasuke ties his headband around his forehead. "I can't go back anymore." Sasuke cracks his lack into many pieces, then throws one of the chunks into Naruto's log, breaking it as well. A third tomoe forms in Sasuke's sharingan. "Come, Naruto! In that case, I just have to cut that tie."

Naruto: "Cut, huh? Then why wear that headband now?"

Sasuke: "I'll acknowledge you... You're strong. And the reason for that is you're someone who knows the pain of solitude as I do. And that pain makes people stronger. And for that very reason, by cutting that tie, I will be able to obtain even greater strength. I will fight you now on equal terms. However... you won't even be able to inflict a scratch on my forehead. That's something that won't change in the least."

Naruto: "It  seems that whatever I say won't have any effect anymore, huh? Sasuke!"

Sasuke: "I'm done with talking... From here on, it's only fighting. Come!" Naruto barrels toward Sasuke, but this time instead of getting outspeed, Sasuke could now see Naruto's movements. The two were on an even playing field now. The two fought, barely able to get any good blows on one another. Naruto was taking the offensive while Sasuke was taking the defensive. Naruto ran in again, only to be countered and kicked back by Sasuke, who's vision has greatly improved thanks to the evolution of his sharingan. As Naruto and Sasuke rush at each other, Sasuke punches Naruto off the cliff... again, and into the water... again. Sasuke stood on the water with his hands together as five Narutos rushed him, and everytime Sasuke would defeat them, five more would come up from the water, until eventually the assault ceased. Naruto grabbed Sasuke by the ankles and swings around with a clone wip, slamming Sasuke into the side of the cliff. "Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu!" Flames bursted away the smoke and traveled down the clone wip, incinerating the clones. Naruto looked up at Sasuke after getting literally Roasted.

Naruto: "Sa-su-ke."

Sasuke: "It's too late. It's too late now! Naruto!" Sasuke threw Naruto off the cliff, slamming him into the ground head first with a piledriver. Naruto went limp and rolled into the water, floating away from Sasuke who was coughing from the impact before. As Naruto floated in the water, the scenery changed revealing a cage.

Nine-tails: "You're weak, aren't you, kid?" The giant fox chuckled. "You better be grateful to me... and to the Fourth Hokage who contained me within the likes of you!" The scenery returned to the Final Valley, red chakra began to cover Naruto again as Sasuke walked over.

Sasuke: "What's... going on?" Naruto begin to stand, then without warning, immediately slams his fist into Sasuke's face. Naruto roared, a singular tail was protruding from his back, his movements were like a fox. He attacked Sasuke on all fours, launching him back. "Now I understand!" Sasuke jumped across the rocks, launching small fireballs at Naruto who ran across the water before sending the actual jutsu at him. Instead of doing damage, Naruto just stood there. Naruto raised his hand in the air, sending his red chakra speeding after Sasuke in the form of a claw. The attacks continued until Sasuke was slammed into the side of the cliff fro the thrid or fourth time. As the water washed away from Sasuke, a giant claw slammed towards Sasuke who luckily dodged. As Sasuke activates his curse mark, a claw grabs him, pulling him into a punch from Naruto.


(Y/n)/Kakashi: "Please let me make it in time."

(Back to the fight)

Sasuke slowly stood from the hole in the cliffside, chuckling.

Sasuke: "Damn it, gimme a break... If I get tainted by this power... I don't even know what will happen to me in the end... But, it can't be helped, can it, Naruto?" The second stage of Sasuke's curse mark activates. "It is certainly true that you were special... However... I am even more special than you." Sasuke's hair had grown and his skin turned to a darker tone.

Naruto: "By special... By special, you meant that?!" Sasuke only chuckled in response.

Sasuke: "I don't feel like I'm gonna lose." So much for no more talking. Naruto ran forward, dragging his hand through the ground, hitting Sasuke with it , well kind of hitting Sasuke. A giant wing like appendage blocked the attack and threw Naruto away from Sasuke. Naruto watched as another bursted from Sasuke's back.

Naruto: "" Sasuke groaned in pain after activating the second stage for the first time.

Sasuke: "That power you have... seems to involve some risks too, huh? Did you know, That this place is called the Final Valley? I think this is the perfect stage, don't you think...Naruto? Oh yeah... I said there'd be no more talking, didn't I? Well, in that case, how about we bring it to a close? This battle. All our battles up to now!" Cue the flashback of Team Seven's adventures leading up to the point they're in. Chidori!"

Naruto: "Rasengan!" The two sped towards each other.... until....

(Y/n): "Dragon Guard!" Both jutsu were caught in the mouth of dragons attached to the arms of (Y/n). "A brothers quarrel... should never... go this far." (Y/n) Screamed in pain as the dragons held the jutsus back. "Disperse!" (Y/n) Squeezed his hand, causing the dragons to destroy or disperse the jutsus. (Y/n)'s screams filled the valley as his arms were ripped and burned from the power, blood pooled out of his arms as the two boys stood on either side of (Y/n), in shock at what they did. "No... matter... what..." (Y/n) was forced to stop as he coughed up blood. "Naruto... Sasuke... you will... always... be... my..........." He began to fall forward into the water below. "brothers....."

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