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By taehkey

209K 14.7K 6.4K

"At the end of the day, just remember who wears number one on their back." *** Baseball is the only thing th... More

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3.2K 254 151
By taehkey

:Chapter Thirty-Six:

The first playoff game came right around, the Panthers lining up at the dugout as they set up.

The bats were along the gate and the helmets were lined up in the dugout. The boys were pulling on their gloves and adjusting their uniforms.

     All besides Jeongguk who just had on his uniform but it wasn't styled correctly. His shirt wasn't tucked and he didn't even have his belt on.

Jeongguk, unfortunately, was still considered injured so there wasn't even hope of him being subbed in. The medical director had advised he take just another week off and if Coach wanted to put him in, he could, but not until next week.

He guessed it was fine. Though he wanted to play, he understood and the risk of getting severely injured was still there. The medical director and his Coach rather not take their chances, he supposed.

"Where's Taehyung?" Jeongguk heard Minji ask someone, making him begin to look around. He too noticed that Kim wasn't anywhere around, he actually didn't remember seeing him at all if he thought about it.

"I think he just had to go to the bathroom, he might still be up in the locker room." Hoseok answered, humming. "Jeongguk, can you go make sure he's okay? We're setting up."

The younger frowned for a moment but nodded. "I guess, ya know, because setting up a few bats takes the whole team. I know you're all so busy."He remarked before he began to walk away to get to the locker rooms, not really bothered that he had to go check.

     Jeongguk pulled the door open to the locker room, looking around to see if he could spot Blondie anywhere but he couldn't. Both bathroom stalls were empty so he obviously wasn't using the bathroom like Hoseok has presumed.

The younger frowned, walking forth. "Cap? You in here?" He wondered, glancing around briefly.

"Unfortunately." Was called back, Jeongguk being surprised he even got an answer. He walked towards the elder's voice, finding the aforementioned sitting down on one of the benches in the locker room. It was vacant, only the elder being in here before Jeongguk came along.

     "What are you doing back here?" Jeongguk asked, crossing his arms loosely over his chest, standing a few feet in front of Taehyung who looked back up at him.

"I'm just nervous." He replied vaguely but it didn't take a genius to figure that much out. "Afraid I'll fuck it up somehow." Taehyung added on, letting out a soft sigh.

"You won't, now come on." The black-haired teen turned away to leave but when he didn't hear movement behind him, he stopped and looked back. "Deaf? Let's go."

"I need a moment alone, I just need to calm down. It feels like my heart is going to race out my chest." Taehyung uttered.

Jeongguk stood there silently, waiting for something or perhaps thinking of a solution. He huffed, rolling his eyes before he moved close and took a seat beside the captain of the baseball team.

The two had remained quiet, awkward some would say, beside one another. That was until Jeongguk found his voice, taking a small breath before opening his mouth.

     "I went and saw Coach a few days ago," Jeongguk started, looking down at his hands. He could feel Taehyung looking at him with confusion.

"So?" The elder cocked a single brow.

"I asked him for my position, to be the pitcher again since I was feeling better now." He continued through the snarky reply Taehyung had to offer. "He told me flat out no." The younger's voice dropped and octave, sounding bored.

The elder didn't speak this time, he just continued to listen.

"I asked him why," Jeongguk said, shaking his head a bit to himself. "He told me no because he thinks you're doing a good job as pitcher, he truly thinks you can win this for us."

Taehyung watched the boy to the left of him, brows slightly pulled together. He was a bit confused on why Jeongguk was opening up about a private conversation he had with their Coach.

"So, you sitting here and being a nervous wreck isn't helping anyone, Kim. I know I said some hateful shit about your pitch but you aren't terrible, really aren't." Jeongguk uttered, pressing his hands on either side of him and pushing up to his feet. "Now, for real, let's get going before they put in some random who doesn't know what to do."

Taehyung watched him for a moment before he stood as well, releasing a breath that was held in for way too long.

"Feel better?" Jeongguk asked, beginning to walk the way he came through in, Taehyung following suit.

"Yeah," The elder muttered. "Thank you for telling me that, it really does help." He added.

"Yeah, just figured you needed to be reassured. I know what it feels like to be nervous. Believe it or not, I'm nervous before every game. I just hide it and . . . You actually help me with your dumbass remarks." The younger told, letting out a soft chuckle.

Taehyung scoffed. "And this whole time I thought I was making your life a living hell. Damn you!"

And they both laughed at that all while finding their way back outside. They made sure their smiling faces and joyous giggles came to a stop the moment they made it out where they could be seen.

"There's our captain! We were looking for you!" Suwun grinned, seeing Jeongguk and Taehyung making their way towards the dugout where the rest of the team was placed.

Taehyung had made sure to keep his distance with following Newbie, thinking it would help the, 'we're not friends' look.

"Yeah, where did you go? Did you have the shits?" Hoseok did a teasing pout frown, unable to help his little snicker.

Jeongguk decided to say something before Taehyung could. "No wonder it smelled like someone's ass exploded."

The team erupted into laughter, Taehyung rolling his eyes.

"You were just smelling your breath, Newbie. Don't play me." Taehyung insulted light heartedly. He then walked past them to grab his own equipment, readying himself.

     "What's going on between you two?" The question was sudden and had Jeongguk turning with a cocked brow towards Hoseok.

"What?" He questioned, a slight frown on his lips.

Hoseok pulled his mitt over his left hand, side-eyeing Jeongguk. "What did you say for Taehyung to come out?"

"Nothing, he was using the bathroom." Jeongguk lied straight through his teeth. He should've known better.

"No he wasn't. He went to the bathroom before I brought him here. I know Taehyung better than anyone does. What did you say?" Hoseok asked again.

Jeongguk wouldn't mind saying why but Taehyung opted they kept things a 'secret'. He was still unsure on why but he didn't question it.

"I just told him to grow up and quit being a little bitch. He needs to stop being a pussy about everything." Jeongguk insulted, shaking his head.

"Fun fact, the vagina is actually quite strong and can even lift weights." Hoseok grinned as Jeongguk sat there with a prominent frown, looking rather disgusted. "I think that's the first time you ever complimented Taehyung! Baby steps!"

"Not really, kind of like a backhanded compliment." Jeongguk said, disgust still plastered as his expression.

The elder then walked away, mostly forgetting about why he stopped to talk to Jeongguk in the first place but he was satisfied with empowering Jeongguk with knowledge.

Jeongguk shook his head to himself, perplexed on why he needed to know how strong a female's genital was.

     Sooner or later, it was time to start the game and see who was going to progress further into the playoffs, eventually to the championship.

Coach had Hoseok and Taehyung greeting the opposite team's captains, the umpire going over a few of the rules before the game.

Jeongguk watched silently from the dugout, his teammates getting real warmed up. They were ready to take their positions on the field or cheer on the starters from the dugout with Jeongguk.

     The whistle went off and the Panthers huddled up, leaving an open spot for both Taehyung and Hoseok who rushed over.

Jeongguk refused to look but when he heard his name, he had no other choice but to spare a glance over.

     "What're you doing, Jeongguk? Get over here!" One of the players said, a wide smile on his face as he did so.

The aforementioned subconsciously smiled before he walked over to meet his team, joining the huddle.

"Panthers on three," called out Taehyung.

"One," they all looked at one another, hearts beating heavy in their chests.

"Two," this was it, the first playoff game to see how far they would progress.

"Three," the team could feel a rush of chills going down their spine at the last count.

"Panthers!" The team threw a single fist in the air as they called out the team name, ready to start the game.

Jeongguk watched the guys run out to their positions, ready to start the game and see who would move forward into the next round of playoffs.

He watched Taehyung walk up to the pitcher's mound, a visible gulp clear from the captain. His nerves were through the roof despite Jeongguk pre-game speech given in the locker room.

A bad pitcher would make or break the game. If you had a pitcher who threw nothing but balls, you were losing. If you had a pitcher who could strike out like no other, you were in the clear for most of it.

Taehyung sometimes happened to dance between the good and bad. He could whip that ball and throw it straight down the middle but other times, he would throw it too inside/outside the pocket.

     "Batter up!" Called one of the umpires, the opposing team sending out there first batter to the plate.

Taehyung watched him closely and slowly filled his lungs with a deep breath, feeling the glove in his left palm. He could feel the stitching and the leather that covered it, feeling the small size of it in his grip.

     The batter stared at Taehyung through his helmet, bat over his shoulder and feet perfectly placed.

The pitcher nodded to himself before he put the ball in his mitt and looked at the batter. His fingers lined up perfectly with the red stitching before he leaned forward, rocked back, and snatched the ball from his glove.

He picked up his right leg before throwing it with full speed.

It was perfectly straight down the middle and lined up around where the batter's chest was, if not a bit lower. It was so pretty and fast at that.

     "Strike!" Yelled out the umpire, following a hand gesture to make sure everyone around saw.

Jeongguk subconsciously smiled to himself, feeling a spur of hope fulfill his chest when he watched Kim make such a nice pitch.

He believed the team actually had a chance of winning their very first playoff game.


The Panthers collectively walked into locker room, all silent. The only noise was the steps of their feet and the ruffles of their clothes with every step they took.

There was really no emotion, just shock that seemed to have had an effect on everyone.

They went to their assigned lockers, setting down their bags and standing there, clearly waiting or something or someone.

     Taehyung walked into the locker room not too far behind with their Coach following him, the Captain confused as to why it was so silent after they had just beat the opposing team.

And not only did they beat them, they demolished them. The final score was fifteen-to-two.

     "Why are you guys staring at me?" Taehyung frowned once the realization kicked in, looking around the locker room. "Is there a bug on me?" He asked while looking down on himself.

"We did it," one of the players said, making Taehyung pick his head up. "We actually beat them with a backup pitcher and first baseman." The said player added on.

Then, as if that were the cue for everyone, they all started clapping and cheering, high-fiving one another with wide grins plastering their faces.

Hoseok walked up and wrapped his arms around Taehyung's lower waist, lifting him up a few inches off the ground. "You did so good! You definitely were working hard on that pitch!" He congratulated in a sense.

The rest of the team agreed with cheers of their captain's name, the smiles never-ending.

Hoseok set his best friend back down, throwing his arm over the boy's shoulder. "I'm sure Jeongguk's empowering words really stuck to you." He poked some fun, a sly smile lingering on his face but Taehyung laughed it off.

"We all did really good out there. I'm proud of the whole team!" Taehyung said, thinking they should credit themselves more.

"Like Taehyung said," Coach spoke out. "But let's not get too cocky. We still have a handful more games to play. The next playoff game is on Wednesday, it's away so get ready, boys." The old man patted Taehyung's shoulder before he left the locker rooms, the team erupting with more cheers and grins.

     No one seemed to have question where Jeongguk was in all of this. He was leaning on a wall outside with Namjoon and Jimin, not really listening to what the two were on about.

Jihyun was also there, sometimes adding her own two sense into their conversation.

Jeongguk took an educated guess that she was waiting for her boyfriend to cheer him on like everyone else was.

Was it annoying? Yes, very much so. Did he think Kim deserved all the praise? No, absolutely not.

But he did have to admit that whatever drug Kim was taking, whatever steroid he tried was working seriously well.

Jeongguk never shied when it came to informing Taehyung of his poor performance but he wasn't going to sit there and lie and say Kim did horrendous.

He just wasn't going to be like the others and kiss his ass about pitching like a pitcher should.

     "Baby!" Jihyun's sudden raise of voice took Jeongguk out of his thoughts and made him glance upward.

The girl was hurriedly walking to her boyfriend with open arms, he greeting her with a smile and wrapping his own arms around her slim body.

Hoseok walked out with Taehyung, finding his way by Jeongguk's, Jimin's, and Namjoon's side. He was sure to say a hi to all of them.

     Taehyung pulled back from the hug and pecked his girlfriend's lips, hands resting loosely on her waist.

"You did so good! I'm so proud of you! You were amazing!" Jihyun told Taehyung eagerly, brushing away the hair that fell in front of his face. "Good job today!"

Jeongguk wasn't sure why he was still standing here but he pushed off the wall he was leaning on, taking in a deep breath.

     "I'll see you guys around," he said and walked past them, saying his goodbye lazily.

"Do you need a ride home?" Asked Hoseok, following him with his eyes.

"Uh," Jeongguk thought for a moment. "Nah, I think I'll just walk home but thanks anyways. Good game today, killed it." He weakly smiled and then continued to walk away, wanting to enjoy the fresh air that brushed past him.

He missed being all sweaty and being praised for playing well, for putting up a hell of a game. He liked the attention that he received for his arm, the praise he took on for how good he was.

Jeongguk just felt robbed of that but at the same time, he understood. He couldn't sit there and act as if it were Kim's fault because he didn't like him. The boy was working and bettering himself, doing all he could to make sure he matched Jeongguk's energy. He wanted that position and he has it now.

Jeongguk supposed be could be happy for the elder.

"Newbie," the nicknamed caught Jeongguk off guard, making him look back over his shoulder. He didn't get that far from the school but it definitely was a jog to get to him.

"Blondie?" The younger cocked a brow, surprised to see it was Taehyung who was running up to him. A turn of events if you asked Jeongguk.

"Uh, um, I just wanted to thank you, I guess, for coming to the game and cheering on the team." Taehyung uttered, stopping in his tracks as did Jeongguk, appearing to be a bit unsure.

"Well, yeah? Why wouldn't I come up and cheer on the team?" Asked the boy with the dark hair, a frown lingering on his thin lips. "You're welcome I guess."

"I mean, I don't know, just cheering us on . . . Sorry I wanted to be grateful." Taehyung shook his head and took a few steps back, Jeongguk even more confused. "Just thanks,"

"I was going to cheer on the team regardless. Just 'cause I'm hurt doesn't mean I can't hype the rest up, right?" Jeongguk asked, not really needing an answer however.

"Yeah, totally." Taehyung said and turned away, walking back up the way he came from. Jeongguk slowly turned back the way he was going, continuing his walk home but now with a bit of utter confusion.

Maybe it was Taehyung's way of trying the 'friendship' ordeal but even so, he was doing a pretty shitty job at it if you asked Jeongguk.

He just made it a point to let it go and acted as if it never occurred. It was secondhand-embarrassment to Jeongguk.


Hey, loves! Sorry for the slow updates and just the poorly written chapters. I promise I'm still trying to give my all and make Jeongguk and Taehyung form a bond! Don't give up!

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