Stop Being Human

By Writer_Kaylee

819 78 20

After an unfortunate mix up with a college acceptance package, Reighlynn Fritz is transported to a new world... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 3

34 3 0
By Writer_Kaylee

I pace the room. I've been pacing for over the past ten minutes, actually. Melody left almost twenty minutes before. She explained to me multiple times and made it very clear not to leave this room. I won't, but I can't stop thinking about this whole situation.

I could barely sleep last night. Not only because I couldn't not think about what all is happening but also because of the tail. I had to lie on my side or else I'd feel it pushing against my lower back. Originally I expected to wake up in my apartment, under my soft blankets, but I didn't. Instead, this isn't a dream, this is horribly real. How did I get myself into this predicament, anyway? I mean obviously that box, but how did it end up at my door if humans are strictly not allowed here? Something seems wrong.

I think I am just confused. Everything happened so fast last night and now I can think straight. Yet, it doesn't feel like I am. I don't know why, but being here feels better...

I hear the door start to creak open and I quickly flip around. Thankfully Melody walks in, "Hey." She whispers until the door is shut and locked. "I think we are in the clear. I don't see any of the security nor did I detect any magic signatures." She clasps her hands together, "Which means you can go home."

I run my tongue over the back of my teeth. I'm not sure how she is about to react, but here goes nothing. "What if I stay here?"

Melody freezes in front of the door. She looks at me, puzzled. "What?"

I sigh and sit down for the first time in what seems to be hours. "I don't know... I just keep thinking about it."

Melody takes a seat next to me. "You have a home and people there. Family..." Then she trails off and I fiddle with my fingers. I have nothing to go back to, honestly, and she knows that now. "That's why you don't want to go back, isn't it?" Melody makes the realization.


Melody squeezes her knees tensely. I anxiously wait for her reply. "If I say yes, you're going to have to listen to me. We're going to have some rules."

I jump up, "Really!" My tail knocks down the small lamp on the nightstand.

Melody rolls her eyes. "This is going to be a project. Okay listen to me," Even if she said no I'd still have to listen. I'm just overly excited she said yes. If this doesn't work out, she can just send me back anyway. "Two primary rules. Never take that necklace off!" She points at the crystal necklace. "And two don't act like a human. There are strict laws about humans and I don't want either of us to get in trouble. This is a big risk, do you understand?" I nod furiously.

I get an irritating itch in my ear and touch them awkwardly to try and find the spot. I am not used to the tall ears on my head yet.

"Like that! Stop, you look ridiculous." Melody complains, swatting my hand away.


She waves it off. "Before we start anything. We need to get you a schedule." Melody grabs her purse and tucks her wand in it like she is getting ready to leave again. "Technically, we need to get you enrolled in Willow's Forest College all together. I can't have a random roommate who doesn't actually go to class, right?"

"I guess so."

Melody looks over her shoulder at the door. "Are you coming?" I raise my eyebrows. I didn't expect her to let me come with, let alone out of our room. With nothing to grab, I skip over and follow her out of the room. "Tell me Rei, what classes do you like?"

The hallway is just as nice as I imagined any dorm building to be. Perfectly white walls, windows at each end of them, with a few plants for decoration. A few people have boards on their doors with their names written on them. I hadn't noticed any of this when I first walked through. We were in a rush, after all.

A lady walks by us, heading in the opposite direction. She has a mirror levitating in front of her as she applies an extra layer of lip gloss. I continue to watch her, even when she is way behind us. How is she doing that? It is amazing.

Melody slaps my shoulder, "Would you stop it! You look weird. Answer my question!"

"Sorry..." I rub my shoulder. "Well, I like art, mostly. I used to fashion sketches. Never really a fan of anything else in high school at least."

Melody shrugs, "Understandable. I'm here to get my degree in magics. Once I am out of here, I can open my own fairy shop." Melody talks with confidence. I can tell she has her future planned out. Probably even the perfect idea about the looks of this fairy shop she speaks of. "Well, I will try to get you into some good classes. No guarantees."

We ended up walking down to the lobby of the building. "Just do me one favor. Tell her you need a schedule but keep her distracted." Melody struts to the front desk, her large wings extend out with pride. "Good evening Mrs. Lays!"

"Ah Melody! Lovely to see you! How was your summer?" The lady leans over her counter with a wide smile.

Melody waves her hand. "Like every other summer. Sunny, green and magical but I won't ever complain." Melody is charming, to say the least. It's hard to tell if this is an act or not. "But listen, Mrs. Lays, my friend here needs some help, so I brought her to you. Could you help her, please?" Melody nods her head for me to come join them.

Stay calm. Stay calm. This is nothing.

"Well, of course! What do you need, dear?" Mrs. Lays switches her attention to me. Melody takes this change to step away secretly.

"Well... I uh." I rub my shoulder anxiously, "You see, I don't think I ever received my schedule." I can't help but eyeball behind Mrs. Lays. Melody is quietly making her way to the computer behind her. I am sweating for her. If I don't keep talking, this front desk lady might catch her. "I got everything else. The shirt, the information, the letter but no schedule..."

Behind Mrs. Lays, Melody waves her wand at the computer. It sparks for a moment, then the screen turns a bright white. Melody gives me a thumbs up over her shoulder and starts her plan.

Mrs. Lays rubs her chin. "Hm.. that is odd. They may have forgotten. Can I see your student ID please?"

I check every other pocket first to give Melody more time. It's in my jacket pocket, but I check my pants first. I slowly take the ID card out of my pocket and hand it over. Mrs. Lays pushes her glasses up and reads over the card. "Let me take a look." Just as she begins to turn around, Melody makes one last click and quickly flies from out behind the desk.

She comes back to the front and lands back on the ground. "I got it." She winks. Mrs. Lays begins to type on her computer while occasionally taking a look at my ID. With a few more clicks, the nearby printer came to life.

Mrs. Lays grabs the paper off the printer tray and stretches her arms out to me. Literally. Her arms stretch from her computer in the back, all the way in front of my face. I uncomfortably take my schedule and ID back. I don't know what's worse; her wrinkles stretching or her arms.

Melody places a hand on my shoulder and squeezes. "Thank you, Mrs. Lays!-" She starts to push me away.

"Have a wonderful day, you two!"

Melody continues to push me back until we are out of the lobby and on the staircase. "You cannot react like that! You have to remember everything here is normal to us." Melody keeps her voice low.

I just froze seeing her do that. I can't help it. It is like I got sucked into a movie because back at home this kind of stuff is only ever seen on TV.

Back in the dorm room, Melody and I look over this schedule. "I'm not sure how school works in your world, but here we get scheduled classes and their times. You have five classes. I was able to get you in a creative arts class as well as costume designs."

My heart flutters with excitement. At least I won't have to wait for that Kent State acceptance letter after all. I continue to read down the list. "Wait... gym?"

Gym was my worst nightmare in high school. It's really the one class I almost failed because I skipped all the time. I hated gym with a passion.

"All were-animals are required to take a gym course. If I didn't put you in there, someone would have or it could have raised some suspicion. It'll be fine, I promise. My friend has it the same hour, I'll make sure he looks out for you."

It's nice of her to have put me in the same class as a friend, but it doesn't make me feel any better. I remember running the four miles in high school and puked on the side. I was forced to do it again the next day. I skipped and took the fail instead. No way was I going to puke in front of my classmates for the second day in a row.

Melody points to the word "off" and "break" on my schedule, "So off is a forty-five minute break for everyone. No one has classes during this time. Most students use this time to grab food in our catering area, do homework, etcetera. Teachers use it to prepare classes and lunch as well. Now break just means you specifically get the break. I couldn't find any other classes that weren't full so you basically get an hour and forty-five minute break."

Basically, a study hall without being in a class or having a teacher watching over you. I can catch up on work then. I have a feeling I am going to struggle in some of these random other classes.

"Then you and I will have English Literature, also required for almost everyone." She points to the last class on the list.

"I find it crazy they offer such a variety of classes." Melody mentioned earlier she has to take magic classes. By looking at my schedule and what she is talking about, it seems like they offer literally everything in one school.

Melody shrugs, "Willows Forest College is the only college within a hundred, maybe more mile radius. Here we are in Willows Forest town center but it expands with mini towns within it. Almost all kids come here after high school. They have everything here for that reason. Fairies and witches can take their spell classes and potion classes. Students with specific powers can take classes to master those powers. Everyone is so different here and you have only seen a fraction of it." Melody lays her arm across my shoulder and pulls me into her side. "You sure you are up for this?"

I laugh, "No but I don't think I want to go back to an empty apartment and waitressing job." Melody nods her head slowly, agreeing with me. I wonder if she had seen any awful memories from my job as well?

In a way, I find this place extraordinary. It's any little kid's dream to live in a world full of people with unique powers. To them it is like living with superheroes. I'm drawn to this world and what it has to offer. Even if I shouldn't be.

"Now we just need to prepare you for tomorrow." Melody smiles, standing from her spot on the bed.

I place the schedule aside. "How exactly are we going to do that?"

Melody laughs, "I have no idea..." 

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