The Crusader of Rebirth (JJBA...

By Neko_Rangel28

140K 1.7K 1.7K

"Everywhere we shine death and life burn into something new..." ā€• Aberjhani (Y/N) is a 10 year old kid who ha... More

The "Harem"
Prolouge - (Y/N)'s past
This Is a Rather Bizzare Day
I got a question for you.
I'm Sorry?!
One Door Leads To Another
Target Set! Let's Move, Crusadars!
Tower Of Grey With Some Gray Clouds!
Q&A incoming. ask me questions. (Closed)
The Silver Chariot, and The Burning Magician.
About this story
Memories Resurface as the Waves Hit as Strong
Strength In Trust! Strength In Friendship!
New Charecter
Devilish Imposter! The Courageous Rebel!
Anne Bio
Remember the Queen

Who Will Be Reality's Judge?

10K 150 220
By Neko_Rangel28

We can see a Japanese styled house at the moment. The birds nearby are singing, and the only sounds that are being made are the sounds of nature. Right now, Jotara is about to go to school, and the house we are seeing is the house of the Kuju's. As Jotara gets out of her home, we can hear Holly calling to her daughter.

Holly: "Jotara! Wait!" she calls out as she runs towards Jotara. "You forgot something! Goodness... Here, a goodbye kiss." Then she kisses Jotara.

Jotara: "Tch, whatever..." That was all she said before carefully removing her mother from her. "I can't stay for long or I'll be late. And I'm certain that he is already getting bullied." making Holly a bit sad but still, she understands.

Holly: "Okay! Have a good day!" To that, Jotara hummed in response.

Jotara: "Good grief... "

(Imagine it's Jotara)

*Small timeskip*

We can now see Jotara walking towards her school. All of the boys in the area are happy to see her back. They all gather towards her and look up at her, since she is still taller than most boys. It is safe to say that they all have a thing for her.

RB(Random boy. I won't number them because there are too many. If they are separated then they are different).

RB: "Hey, it's Jojo." He announced.

RB: "What? Jojo?"

RB: "Damn your right! It's Jojo!"

RB's (two different boys [why am i even doing this part DX]): "Jojo!"

All of the boys: "Good morning, Jojo." they say one after the other, all gathered around Jotara.

RB: "Jojo, Why were you absent from school? and what were you doing in those four days?" He asked while putting a hand on her shoulder.

All Jotara did was to look at him with an annoyed look and he blushed.

RB: "Oi!" He screamed, pushing the other guy from Jotara. "Why are you being all friendly with Jojo like that, huh? You are being too chummy! Stay away from her!" All Jotara did was keep on walking.

RB: "What the hell, ugly?"

RB: "Shut it, small dick"

As they then turn away from one another, they keep calling one another 'ugly' or 'small dick'. They then start walking again while still calling those same names to one another. After a small bit they stop and yell those names to each other's face. All that did was annoy Jotara as she stopped walking.

Jotara: "Shut up! You're damn annoying!"

However, all that did was make the boys there beam with pleasure, all thinking she said that to them. After that, Jotara just keeps on walking.

RB: "Jojo, wait a moment!"

RB: "Wait for us!"

RB: "Jojo!"

All of that is being seen by an unknown red haired girl standing next to a drawing she made. Upon closer look, we can see it's a drawing of Jotara herself. As Jotara walks down the stairs, the unknown girl draws a red line on the painting's leg, somehow cutting Jotara's leg as well!

Jotara: "What?!"

And with that, Jotara falls of the stairs, making the boys all scream in terror as Jotara falls down. All but one boy who just got there. Said boy was quiet and had no emotion showing. He was young looking and was Extremely short.

As all of the boys but him screamed her nickname, Jotara looked around and saw the tree branches, an idea popped in her mind.

Jotara: 'The tree branches...' And so, she sent out one of her stand's arms, which caught one of the branches allowing Jotara to fall to the bushes, finally the boys ran towards her after the landing.

RB: "Jojo fell down the stairs!"

RB: "OH, thank god she's moving."

RB: "The tree branches must've broken her fall!"

While all of that was said, blood was coming out of Jotara's leg. The young boy was walking down the stairs unaffected by the whole thing. All Jotara could do was grab onto her leg and think how did that happen.

Jotara: 'Did the tree branches cut my leg? No... It was already cut before I fell!' She thought, then stood up. 'That's why I fell down the stairs. There's no doubt about it. But...' She then looks to the sides looking for something or someone. However, none were seen.

The Boys: "Jojo! Are you alright?"

Meanwhile, at the top of the stairs, the unknown lady is seen looking at the commotion at the bottom of the stairs.

???: "Oh? She's able to summon a pretty strong stand. I see..." She then throws the drawing towards a tree. "No wonder she wants me to get rid of her. And the kid she's looking for is also here I see... But..." She then waves the paintbrush a bit, destroying the drawing. She then throws the paintbrush away. "She is no match for my Stand."

(I love this guy, subscribe to his channel if you want, this ain't sponsored.)

RB: "You really gave me a scare. Are you OK, Jojo?"

RB: "Are you OK, Jojo?"

RB: "You're really lucky. If you were even fifteen centimeters off, you would have hit the flagstone."

RB: "Accidents happen all the time on these steps."

RB: "Starting tomorrow, I'll hold your hand to make sure you're safe on these steps, Jojo."

That made all of the other boys look at him with an angry impresion. While that was happening, Jotara cleaned herself. Then, the boys all see the young kid walking down the stairs, they all know who that kid is since he's always scoring A+ at all of the tests and exams. They all together think that he is the one who did it just because.

RB: "Oi! You! Apologize to Jojo this moment, punk!" He demanded from the young kid, who only looked unamused by that. "Tch, fine! You'll get what you deserve than!"

But before that could continue, they all heard another pair of legs walk down. They belonged to none other than the same red haired person from before. As they hear the red haired girl walk down, Jotara turns around to look at her.

???: "You seem to have cut your left leg." She said in a calm tone. "You should use this handkerchief as an emergency binding." She said as she handed Jotara the handkerchief. "Are you all right?"

Jotara: "Yeah. It's just a scratch." And with that, the red haired girl walks away. "Hold it.''She said, the red haired girl stopped and turned around. "Thanks. I haven't seen you around before. Do you go to our school?"

???: "I'm Noria Kakyoin. I just transferred here yesterday. Nice to meet you." And with that, she walks towards the school once more.

RB: "Huh... She said her name was Kakyoin-kun. She's not bad."

RB: "Really?"

Rb: "I still like Jojo better."

RB: "Me, too."

However, Jotara ignores all of them as she grabs a hold of the base of her neck, exactly where her birthmark is. During the same time, Dia is doing the exact same thing.

Dia: "At the time, I was weakened... Because I was only a head. If I hadn't stolen Jone Joestar's body... If I didn't have her energy. I would have very little. I never could have survived at the bottom of the ocean for a hundred years. But this body itself is like a bond between parent and child, and it seems to connect with her descendants. " She then starts to head up some stairs. " They are aware of my existence. The new power that I acquired by obtaining Jone's body... The Stand!" Then, while Dia walks in a corridor, all of the candles next to her light up on their own. "This Stand also affects the bodies of her descendants." Then all of the candles turn off all at once. "Advantages and disadvantages come hand in hand. That is inevitable. I must eliminate them... So I could have (Y/N)... I must eliminate Jone's family. Only then will I have )Y/N0 for myself, and I'll make sure to treat him right!"

Cutting back to Japan, we once again look at Jotara's home. Inside one of the rooms, Joseph Joestar and Maat Avdol can be seen. Avdol is preparing herself some tea while Joseph is... Being Joseph.

Joseph: "What's the deal with this cramped room? This is why I hate Japan." He then looks towards Avdol. "Avdol, how can you stand this?"

Avdol: "It is quite fascinating..." Avdol says while holding up the object she used to mix the tea. (I don't know the Japanese wording for that, sorry.) "This thing they call 'the tea ceremony.'"

Joseph: "Tea ceremony, nothing. Instant coffee is plenty good!" (I literally am angry at him for that! How dare he compare coffee to tea! Tea is far better!) He said that while opening for himself a can of instant coffee, spilling some into his cup, feeled some water and then mixed it all.

Avdol: "By the way, about Dia..." She said with her eyes closed, causing Joseph to stop mixing his coffee. "Joestar-san, now that we know her existence, wouldn't it be safe to assume that she knows about us, as well?" She then sipped some of her tea.

Joseph: "Indeed. But if we don't know what she's going to do, or even know what her powers are..." He then drank his coffee, only for him to hate the taste. "Ahhhh! Japanese coffee tastes terrible!" Only for him to be silenced.

Avdol: "That's American coffee."

Back with Jotara, she is now at her school , visiting the nurse due to the cut on her leg. Unknown to Jotara, the nurse is the only person (Y/N) ever talked to in a friendly manner and the nurse always treated him with kindness. The nurse also knew of his scars and was saddened to know how he got them,, and always came to her with new injuries.

Nurse: "Jojo, how did you get that cut? You didn't get into another fight, did you?" The nurse knew why Jotara fought most of the time so she was never mad at her. Infact, she was happy to know that at least one student in the school acted with kindness towards the youngest of them. "And could you please take off your hat? It's poor manners!" She said, trying to grab the hat herself, only for Jotara to avoid. "For pity's sake..."

(This time I'll call the boys simply B with a number since there are only two of them.)

B1: "Sensei, has Jojo ever gotten hurt in a fight? There's no way that would happen."

B2: "Yeah"

Nurse: "Well, you've got a point. Then, I'll believe that you just fell, you scatterbrain." She said, picking up a pair of scissors.

Jotara: "Hey, Hold on. What are you trying to do?" She said, stopping the nurse.

Nurse: "I'm cutting your pants."

Jotara: "Like hell you are." She said getting up from the chair she sat on.

Nurse: "Well, I can't treat you through them."

Jotara: "In Front of these two?" She said, pointing to the two boys. "I'll go there and take them of." She said pointing to one of the beds that had a barrier to it. "Cutting them is a waste."

Nurse: "Oh my, you're right! Sorry. But you are surprisingly stingy." She then continued to speak, this time to the two boys. "Now then, while Jojo does that, I'll take your temperatures and prove that you're faking ill."

B1: "We really have colds."

B2: "Yeah, let us go home early." That only made the nurse laugh a bit.

Nurse: "Nope!"

While all of this was happening, our young boy was walking to the nurse after getting a beating from the boys that were with Jotara earlier. Lucky him, the first period was with one of the teachers that didn't hate him so he was allowed to go to the nurse.

Jotara was just about to take her jacket off when a handkerchief fell out of the jacket, the same handkerchief that Kakyoin gave her.

Jotara: "Whoops." She picks the handkerchief up, only to see something is written on it. "What is This?" She said, shocked.

On the handkerchief is written: 'Jotara Kujo, I will kill you today with my stand - Noria Kakyoin'

Jotara: 'K-Kakyoin?' While that happened, Jotara failed to hear the splashing sound behind her, until one of the boys spoke.

B1: "S-Sensei." He said, scared of the nurse. "What are you doing?!"

The reason behind that question was because the nurse was now acting like a madwoman. With a pen in her hand, she swings it around like it's a wand from a magic based book.

Nurse? :"What does it look like? I'm waving around the thermometer to reset it." She said all of that while having a dead expresion on her face, further scaring the two boys.

B1: "Th-Thermometer? Sensei..."

B2: "Sensei, that's a pen!"

Nurse?: "A pen? Did you say a pen?! Does this look like a pen to you?!" She said, foam coming out of her mouth. Jotara just finally saw something coming from the skirt the nurse was wearing that the two boys couldn't seem to see. "How... How stupid can you be? The thermometer actually looks like a pen to you?!" She said moving around as if she was possessed, scaring the two boys even more. "Then have a... better... look!" She said that while stabbing B1 right in his left arm, scaring the other boy and surprising Jotara. All B1 could do was scream in pain while his left eye was impaled by the nurse.

Jotara: "She's..."

All of the noise caused a certain 10 year old to hear that, so he came running while staggering a bit out of pain towards the nurses office, worrying for his only friend aside from his spirit.

(Y/N): 'Please be OK, Ms. I don't want my only human friend to be hurt'

Meanwhile, the injured boy was screaming in pain now while his friend cowarded back.

B1: "My eye! My eye!" To that, the nurse took the pen out of his eye. Thus finally making the two boys run out of there.

Nurse?: "Jojo... You're not going to say that this looks like a pen, are you?!" She then attacked Jotara with the pen, only for Jotara to catch her hand. However... The nurse, with surprising power, kept on pushing the pen into Jotara's cheek.

Jotara: "How is she this strong? This isn't a normal woman's strength." (Because screw sexsism! Females are as powerful as males, if not more!). 'I saw something unknown cracking up from the floor earlier. Was it a Stand?' "Noria Kakyoin... Was she the one who cut my leg on the stairs?"

???: "Precisely." Said an all too familiar voice.

When Jotara looked towards the window she could see Noria Kakyoin sitting there with a smug look on her face.

Jotara: "Y-You're..."

Kakyoin: "Hey. Short time no see." She said casually. "My Stand possesses that nurse and is controlling her." She kept going while showing off a string puppet. "Attacking my Stand will mean hurting that nurse, Jojo."

While all of this was going, they all failed to see a young looking kid hearing everything with his spirit out. He heard how the nurse, his only human friend, was in danger and was mad, still not showing any emotion. He saw the two boys earlier and healed the eye of the first one.

RR: "Boss. These things, they are like me..."

(Y/N): "Really?! Then there are others like us?!" He said with a stoic and monotone expression as usual.

Neither Jotara nor Kakyoing heard the young boy, however, so they kept on going with their battle that had just begun.

Jotara: "You bitch... Just who the hell are you?!"

Kakyoin: "I told you. I'm Noria Kakyoin. The name of my Stand is Hierophant Green. I am human, but my loyalty is to her... Therefore... I shall kill you!" She said while using the puppet to make the nurse mimic the movement.

While that was happening, Jotara could see something from inside the nurse. With all of her power, she was able to get the nurse off of her, only to then grab the head of the nurse and bring her into what seemed to be a kiss, which made the spirit of the young boy cringe a bit thanks to his childish nature. However, the real reasoning behind why Jotara did that is that she wanted to use her own Stand in order to force Kakyoin's out of the nurse's mouth. That action even caught Kakyoin off guard. Then, Jotara's Stand is seen to take Kakyoin's Stand out of the nurse.

Jotara: "I won't hurt her." She said with a smile on her face. "Now that I've dragged it out... I see... It's just a sleazy Stand that can't do anything but possess people." Following that, Jotara's Stand takes the other Stand completely out of the nurse and catches the head of it with a strong grip with only one hand, the other one goes to the throat. "Kakyoin, this is your Stand? All green and striped... It looks like a shiny melon."

Kakyoin: "You're going to regret... Dragging that out of her, Jojo." She said, clearly in pain. Just then, A finger mark is seen on her head.

Jotara: "Don't try to act tough." She lays the nurse back down. "I can see my finger marks on your forehead." She then spits, only to go on. "If I go ahead and crush your Stand's head like a melon, it looks like your head will be crushed, too." Thus, her stand grabs onto HG even harder, causing immense pain to Kakyoin.

What both of them failed to notice was the young kid that was crawling towards the limp body of the nurse.

Jotara: "I'm gonna keep a grip on you for a while. I'll take you to the old man. I'm sure he'd love to meet you... And I'd like to know more about Dia myself."

Suddenly, the window closed, and Jotara could see that some liquid was coming out of HG's hands.

Jotara: "What? Green fluid is coming out of her Stand's hands?"

Kakyoin: "I already told you, Jojo... That you would regret this." She spoke, filled with determination without being scared at all. "Feel the attack of my Stand, Hierophant Green!"

Jotara: "Don't make any weird moves!"

Just then, HG's hands collided and the liquid shot out of them with force. The Stand then spreads her (Yes, the stand is a female) hands to show two streams of the liquid colliding with one another. then, HG made another movement so the direction of the hands would be different, causing green emeralds to shoot out of the stream!

Kakyoin: "Emerald Splash!"

The attack hit Jotara's Stand right on the chest, causing her to get shot all the way to the exit door. and crash into it. As that happened, blood came out of her mouth!

As Kakyoin walked closer to her, she began to speak once again.

Kakyoin: "What do you think? Emerald Splash... What looked like the bodily fluids of my Stand, Hierophant Green, was a vision of destructive energy! It pierced through your Stand's chets. Therefore, your insides have been torn to shreds. And that nurse..." Just then, the nurse's body shot out some of her blood.

Jotara: "W-What?! I was certain I removed the Stand from her..."

Kakyoin: "I already told you... Attacking my Hierophant Green would mean hurting her." She said that. Both Jotara and her failed to notice another person with them in that room, placing his hand on the nurse in worry. "My Stand can reach further than yours, but it doesn't like open spaces. It prefers to hide within something. If you drag it out, it gets angry. That's why, when it came out from her throat, it hurt her." After she said that, (Y/N) got angry, knowing that is the reason behind his only human friend being hurt. "It's your fault, Jojo! This is your responsibility! This is your fault, Jojo! You did this! If you had let me kill you in the first place, and then allowed me to take him to lady Dia, This nurse wouldn't have been hurt."' She finished talking.

While Jotara got up. trying to figure out who Kakyoin meant by 'him', a voice called out from behind Kakyoin, shocking both women as the voice was young.

???: "That's it? what a load of nonsense." The voice called out.

Both Jotara and Kakyoin looked and saw at that direction, none other than (Y/N) himself, and his spirit, no, Stand, healing the nurse somehow! Just then, the nurse woke up.

Nurse: "Wh-What happened? (Y/N)-kun? What are you doing here?"

(Y/N): "You're Ok. That's a relief." He said. "Get out of here, it isn't safe for you. I'll be fine."

The nurse, knowing (Y/N) isn't the one to lie, even more, speak much, did just that. That was the first time Jotara heard him speaking, and Kakyoin was surprised to see him as well.

Jotara: '(Y/N), He also has a Stand?! And why isn't he standing up?' She thought.

Kakyoin: 'So that's the one lady Dia wants... He truly is adorable, yet he has a hurting vibe from him. Poor thing.'

Jotara: 'His voice, that's the first time I've ever heard him. He's hurting from the inside... And he's bleeding, must have been bullied because of what happened this morning. I wasn't there to protect him... Dammit!'

Kakyoin: "(Y/N)... That's your name, right?" However, she received no answer from the young boy. "How did you heal the nurse? Furthermore, since when did you have a Stand? That does not matter I suppose. You should come with me to lady Dia once I've dealt with Jojo over there."

During the time she spoke to (Y/N), Jotara got up.

(Y/N)'s POV:

(Y/N): 'So that is what the spirits are called? Stands? INteresting... and I can see that this "Kakyoin" person attacked Jotara and the nurse.' I thought to myself. 'And Dia...? Who's that? And more importantly, why does she want me? Questions for later. right now the only thing that should matter to me, is to make that woman pay!'

I could see that Jotara was getting up, Kakyoin could also see that Jotara was getting up so she once again spoke to her.

Kakyoin: "You're trying to stand up? But how sad... If I were to compare you to something, it'd be a sandbag in front of a boxer. you stood up only to be hit again."

The look Jotara had after that, it was menacing. In all truth, I gave Kakyoin the same look as Jotara since I could tell she wasn't thinking that a ten years old kid can do much.

(Y/N) & RR: 'Guess we''l have to show her!'

Just then, Jotara spoke.

Jotara: "I, Jotara Kujo, Am labeled a punk. I tend to overdo it with those I fight, So much that some of them need to go to the hospital. There was one idiot teacher who was all talk and looked down on (Y/N), so I taught him a lesson, and he hasn't come back to school. At restaurants that served me lousy food,I leave without paying the bill all the time. Each time I see that someone treats (Y/N) badly, and hurts him, I always fight that person to teach him a lesson he won't forget." She said, I knew she never did anything to me but was she really defending me from the shadows? That I'll have to ask her later. "But... Even I know nauseating evil when I see it. Evil is when you use the weak for your own gain, and crush them under your foot." She spoke once again, with her fist clenched hard. "Even more when it's someone innocent that only did good! That is exactly what you've done!" She said pointing at Kakyoin.

I couldn't agree more, but even she wasn't expecting much from me... This'll be fun.

Jotara: "Your Stand isn't visible to the victim or the law. Therefore... I shall judge you!"

Kakyoin: "Evil? There, you are wrong. Evil refers to the loser. Justice refers to the victor. The last man standing! Or in our case, women. The method doesn't matter!" She said, attacking Jotara with her Stand. By her words alone I could tell she wasn't seeing me as a threat.

Jotara avoided an attack by jumping on the wall and then kicking a bucket towards Kakyoin, who countered by using her Stand to destroy said bucket. Then, her Stand's tendrils came once more towards Jotara, who stood there doing nothing to avoid them. Thus, she was captured.

Kakyoin: "The loser is the evil one. And now the final blow!" She said preparing for another Emerald Splash. I knew this was the perfect moment to strike.

(Y/N): "Reality Rebirth!" I called out my Stand. "Reality Check!" Thus, with a single touch on her Stand's arm, I blocked her Emerald Splash. "You said that the loser is the evil one, right?" I said.

Kakyoin: "Emerald Splash!" But nothing came out. "What?! Why can't I fire my Emerald Splash?!"

RR: "We made an air barrier, so it won't activate!~" he mocked.

(Y/N): 'I'll say that again. You said the evil one is the loser, right?"

Jotara: "Well, in that case..." She said that, then used her Stand to set herself free.

However, my calculation was off and Kakyoin was able to use the Emerald Splash once more, but too late. Jotara's Stand deflected the Emerald Splash!

Kakyoin: "Impossible! She just shrugged off the Emerald Splash! And (Y/N), He completely blocked me from using it for some time!"

Jotara: "...You're the evil one after all!"

(Y/N): "Do it! Jotara!"

Then, Jotara's Stand grabbed Kakyoin's by the neck and shook it, causing Kakyoin to spit out some blood. Then, Jotara's Stand grasped her hand into a fist to launch a barrage of attacks towards Kakyoin's Stand that did heavy damage.

(0:50 - 1:08)

(Y/N): "The only ones who'll be reality's judges..."

Jotara: "Our Stands!" Her Stand then uppercutted Kakyoin's through the roof. The shock from the force of her attack made the whole school shake, I could hear some students screaming. Kakyoin then screamed before exploding into a bloody mess.

Kakyoin: "What a powerful Stand... And (Y/N)'s is no joke as well..." And with that, she was out cold laying on the floor.

Jotara: "You just caught it by surprise and hurt its chest a little. Lucky for me it's not a weak Stand, but I have a feeling it'll become more violent." She then started to walk towards me, So I was on guard. "That was close."

I didn't fully trust her yet, we may have worked together just now, but I can't trust anyone blindly.

Jotara: "Thanks for the help, but how did you heal the nurse?" I didn't answer her, and she wasn't able to push the matter further, since the alarm started.

RT (Random teacher): "What was that? A gas explosion?"

RT: "It came from the nurse's office!"

RT: "None of you leave the classroom!"

Jotara: "I'll leave the rest to them." She then picked up Kakyoin's body. "Guess I'll be ditching school today, you should come with me, (Y/N)." She then saw that I was still on the ground sitting. "Get up, We're moving."

(Y/N): "I-I can't..."

Jotara: "Why?"

(Y/N): "I'll tell you later, not here, just pick me up and I'll explain later." I guess I can trust her a bit more than others.

Jotara: "Tch, fine."

And just like that, we started the way to her home. For me, it was the first time that I'll see the interior of a house after more than a year.

Jotara: 'I've got to have her explain some things about Dia, and I'll need to introduce everyone to (Y/N), Didn't Kakyoin say that Dia was looking to get him? Crap, he isn't safe anymore...'


Back at Jotara's home, Holly is seen to be doing laundry, humming to herself. Just then, she jumps as if something came to her mind. Turning around, she looked at a picture of Jotara. Picking it up, she took the framed picture and said to maily to herself...

Holly: "Jotara's totally thinking about me at school right now! I felt like I had a connection with my daughter just now." She failed to notice Jotara coming behind her, with two unfamiliar faces.

Jotara: "Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm not thinking about you right now." She said, scarring Holly in the process.

Holly: "Jotara! Wh-What about school? And who are they?" She said, referring to (Y/N) and Kakyoin. "They are both covered in blood! D-Don't tell me you did that?"

Jotara: "Don't worry. All I did was defend myself and (Y/N). Speaking of, the young one is him." She said, referring to the young kid now sleeping in Jotara's arm. Holly knew that this was the kid Jotara always protected by the name alone. "I'm looking for gramps. Do you know where I can find him?"

Holly: "I think your grandfather is in the tea room, with Avdol-san." She said, a bit worried for Jotara.

Jotara: "Thanks." And then she walked in the direction given to her.

Holly: 'Oh, Jotara. You won't tell me everything, will you? Even though I... I... Worry so much about you.' She thought to herself. "But I know that you care for (Y/N) and for me."

Jotara: "Hey."

Holly: "Yes?" She was surprised that Jotara suddenly turned to look at her.

Jotara: "You look a little pale this morning. Are you all right?" That made Holly happier.

Holly: "Yay! Fine, thank you!" She said with a cheery voice, doing a 'v' motion with her hand.

Jotara: "If you say so..."

Holly: 'I knew it.'

After a short while, Jotara can be seen holding (Y/N) in her arms, letting him sleep on her. Meanwhile, obth Joseph and Avdol were inspecting Kakyoin's condition.

Joseph: "Well, this is no good. It's too late for her. She's not going to make it. She'll die in the next few days." that caused Jotara to flinch a bit, not wanting to be the reason behind Kakyoin's death. "Jotara, it's not your fault. Look. The reason that this woman swore loyalty to Dia and came to kill you..." He said while moving some of the hair that was on Kakyoin's forehead... Only to show a sight not many would want to see. "...Is right here!"

Jotara: "What the hell is that?! Why is there a spider-like growth on her forehead? Are you saying that this is the reason she swore loyalty to Dia?"

Avdol: "That is a flesh bud, formed from Dia's own cells. It connects with her brain. This tiny little flesh bud was implanted in her brain to influence her mind."

Joseph: "In other words, that flesh bud is a controller that draws forth certain feelings. Charisma! The feeling that makes soldiers want to obey dictators! the feeling that makes true believers follow cult leaders!" He said as he clenched his fist. "This young women admired Dia and swore loyalty to her!" That left Jotara in shock. "Dia is a charismatic figure... Which means that she can sway others with her overwhelming charm. She used that that to order this young woman, Kakyoin, to kill us, and according to you, take this young boy to Dia''

Jotara: "Do an excision to remove it."

Joseph: "The brain is very delicate. If she were to move during the extraction, we could inflict brain damage."

Avdol: "Jojo. What I'm about to tell you happened four months ago. When I was in Cairo, Egypt... I met Dia!"

(From 0:35)

Avdol: "...Otherwise, I would have ended like this young woman... Forced to become one of her followers through a flesh bud."

Joseph: "You would have died a few years later, your brain completely devoured."

Jotara: "Died? Hold on a minute." Only then did Avdol and Joseph realize that Jotara put the young kid down. "Kakyoin here... Isn't dead yet!" And with that, she summoned her stand. "I'll pull it out using my Stand!" She then held onto Kakyoin's face while her Stand reached for the flesh bud.

Joseph: "Wait, Jotara!"

Jotara: "Gramps, don't touch me! I'll pull it out without hurting her brain. My stand moves with such precision that it can grasp even a firing bullet."

Joseph: "Stop! that flesh bud is alive! Don't you realize why part of the flesh bud is outside of her body? That's why not even the best surgeon can extract it!" Just then, the Stand touched the flesh bud, who in return shoved a tendril towards Jotara's arm, penetrating it into her body. "Shit!"

Avdol: "The flesh bud stabbed her with its tentacle! This isn't good! Let go, Jojo!"

Joseph: "It will try to enter the brain of anyone who tries to extract it!" He said while the flesh bud did just that.

Suddenly, Kakyoin awoke from her sleep. looking to her right, she could see Jotara's state.

Kakyoin: "Why... You..." She said weakly.

Jotara: "Don't move, Kakyoin. If I fail, your brain is done for." she then kept on going, even if the flesh bud went dipper in her, she kept on taking it out of Kakyoin.

Avdol: "Let go, Jojo! It's gone up to your face!"

Joseph: "wait, Avdol!" He said, stopping Avdol. "My granddaughter is quite the woman. The flesh bud entered her body and yet she's completely calm. She isn't even trembling. Nor is her Stand! She moves with more precision and strength than I anticipated."

Then, Jotara managed to take the Flesh bud out, just before it was too late for her.

Avdol: "She did it!"

Then, Jotara's Stand took the flesh bud out of Jotara's body and reaped its tentacles off, throwing it to Joseph.

Joseph: "Tch." He then chopped the flesh bud. "Overdrive!" That caused it to turn to ash.

Kakyoin then sat up as everyone else calmed down. None of them realized that a young kid had awoken from his sleep during that all.

Kakyoin: "Wh-" She was about to speak but calmed herself down a bit more. "Why? Why did you risk your life to save me?" Unknown to them, Holly heard that as well.

After a short stare down between Jotara and Kakyoin, the former responded.

Jotara: "Who knows? I'm not really sure myself."

Just then, Joseph realized something.

Joseph: "Wait, Jotara. Who is this young kid you brought here as well?"

Everyone then turned to look at (Y/N), only to see that he's awake.

Jotara: "Right. Gramps, Avdol, This is the boy I said I can't allow myself to harm, (Y/N)."








.In a dark room, we can once again see the shadowy figure of Dia.

Dia: "So, (Y/N) has a Stand of his own... How fascinating." Then she licked her lips in anticipation. "You just keep on getting more valuable to me, (Y/N). Don't worry, once you're with me, you'll be safe from all harm. I, Dia, will make sure of that."

A/N - That is the end of this chapter, and like I promised, our young child did more than the last time. We had 5781 words this time, heavens!

This chapter was the entire fight with Kakyoin and how Jotara saved her from Dia.

The next chapter Will be the one in which (Y/N) will tell his story to everyone, but once he's asked why Dia is after him, he'll give a weird anwer. He'll finally open a bit to others aside from the school's nurse, how will he fill?

See you there.


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