Rabbit Heart - Merlin Fanfict...

By AlanaLeFay

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"This is a gift - it comes with a price, Who is the lamb? Who is the knife?" When Morgana departs to recruit... More

Its Just A Day Like Any Other Day
A Beautiful Day for an Accident Lets Say
Revelations in the Light of Day
The Secret Sharer
Daydream in Blue
Oppertunity Knocks
Unexpected Arrival
When things come crashing down
Traitors hide
Turning Tables
Forest Walks
Little Talks
Things you don't want to hear
To See It All
The Raven
A Physician and his Apprentice
The Note
The stranger
Second Chances
Druids Talk
Caught Out
If Walls Could Speak
Spring cleaning
Four Poster Beds
Band of Brothers
Only if for a Night
Morning Glory
Sitting. Waiting. Wishing.
Figure of speech
Into the Darkness
A note from the Author
You're a Hard Soul to Save
Forest Floor
I Thought You Ought to Know
A Dinner Date of Sorts
As one door closes
At The Waters Edge
Eye Witness
Dog Days
The God Complex
Front Line
What The Water Gave Me
Never Let Me Go
Going Under
The Other Side
You've changed
The Deepest Depths
The End


238 7 4
By AlanaLeFay

A while later Elaine resides at the waters edge, perched upon a large boulder that protrudes into the lake. She casts her hand over the water, twisting it slightly - and the water follows. It sloshes from side to side against the bank, then rises up, twisting into a small water spout. It dances on the surface and glints in the afternoon sun. Occasionally she'll skim flat grey pebbles across the mirror like surface. Captivated by the peace it brought her. Tentatively watching how each time the stone touches the surface, ripples would cascade out of it. The turbulence it created, how the water altered its state to compensate for the new found weight - just like how she had to change, how it forced her to change, to be able to carry the new found weight of her destiny.

By the time Morgana arrives, Elaine is laying on the rock, staring up into the sky, shaping the clouds. Morgana waits cautiously in the edge of the forest, before it breaks away to the sandy shore. She didn't expect to see Elaine so relaxed and carefree. Not after the franticness of her message. The sense of urgency that was tied to each word. She didn't look like she was about to help with her war effort - far from it. How did she find time to laze around in the open? Morgana shook her head, trying to rid herself of such idle fancies - only to notice what Elaine was sculpting - Aithusa. Morgana finds herself catching her breath, it takes her by surprise. She hadn't seen the little dragon since the fire, and she feared the worse - but a dragon should be used to fire, so Morgana still clung to an inch of hope. Though it seemed as if Elaine thought differently.

The utter tenderness of the moment caught Morgana off guard and she stumbles forward. Somewhere inside her she wants to reach out, to reassure Elaine that they will find Aithusa, but then the clouds come. Dark clouds, clouds that hold all that is wrong with the world in Morgana's eyes - and Elaine has still wronged her so she holds back, but not soon enough. Her presence is noted.

Elaine looks over slowly, her head falling softly into the rock below. It was the first time the pair had seen each other for a while. Morgana still lingers on the edge of the forest whilst Elaine rolls over to get a better look at her sister. She was still pale, still wearing black - she just wasn't looking as hostile as usual. Morgana squints slightly, somewhat dazzled by the sight of Elaine - or rather the glistening water behind her. Elaine still looked like herself - just dressed in borrowed robes. Robes that suited her title, but only vaguely suited Elaine. Maybe it was because she was so used to seeing her out hunting, mock sword fighting or lounging by the fire. Maybe it was because of the tales she told of her time at the druid camp, the Isle of the blessed and her capture. Maybe it was because Morgana was so blind to the tie they shared.

"You know for a moment sister, I didn't think you were going to show"

Morgana's head snaps away from the water and back to Elaine who is now sitting on the rock, her arms wrapped around her knees. Her cloak falls away from her arms and Morgana catches a glimpse of the leather pouch - something to aid the war effort perhaps? Morgana shrugged off the idea, not willing to get her hopes up. Elaine had spent too much time amongst the peaceful people, the Druids, she didn't know that Pendragon's were only suited to war. If they united they would be unstoppable, but that would never be the case.

"Why am I here?" Morgana asks approaching Elaine.
"Because I wanted to see you-"
"You said you had something I might want?" She quickly interjects looking to the bag. Elaine follows her gaze and picks up the bag.
"Yes I guess I do have something you might want"
Morgana goes to take it but Elaine pulls it out of her reach. Morgana looks down upon Elaine as Elaine looks up to meet her. They seem dangerously close to one another, so close neither of the dare to breathe, wary of what the other might do. Wise enough to know the other could turn volatile at any given moment. Elaine can see herself in the reflection of Morgana's hard emerald eyes. She looks sad, they both do but Morgana can hide it better than Elaine - and Elaine wears her heart on her sleeve. The warmth that radiates off from Morgana and the late summer sun pricks at her eyes. She clenches her jaw to stand her ground. She leaves the pouch on the boulder behind her, whilst slipping off from the rock she pulls Morgana into an embrace. A part of Elaine couldn't help herself - after all the time they had spent together did Morgana not feel the same way? Did she not miss her company?

Elaine slips her arms around Morgana's thin frame with ease, and she closes her eyes tight, waiting for Morgana to do the same. Morgana is slow to join in, distracted by Elaine's rabbit like heart beating so fast the child temples in her grasp. She is nervous, so nervous but she couldn't work out why. Had she lured her into a trap? Morgana begins to pull away, the newfound thought disturbing her. Elaine let's her arm slip around Morgana's waist, her hand brushing the hilt of Morgana's dagger. She grips it and unsheathes it from her belt.

They stand face to face now, Morgana's dagger shining in between them.
"What are you doing?" Morgana asks.
"Giving you what you want" Elaine says defiantly, whilst removing a chalice from the pouch on the rock and wading into the water.

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