Once Upon A Drunken Mistake

miss_liz201 tarafından

38.5K 1.8K 164

Flora Averwood is not one to believe in love, and it's not because of a broken heart or disfuncional family... Daha Fazla

Once Upon A Drunken Mistake
Meet the Characters
00. Prologue
01. Prince Minus the Charming
02. A Royally Fucked Up Family
03. Lights, Camera, Play the Wedding Bells
04. When the Tabloids Get Involved
05. A Royal Makeover
06. The Rules of Being a Princess
07. Another Drunken Night
08. Villa de Valentino
09. The Duty of a Journalist
10. Telling the Parents
11. Winter Ball
12. The Reality of Being a Royal
13. Christmas Charity
15. Breaking the Walls of the Heart
16. The Florence Feast
17. Target
18. Dante
19. New York, New York
20. Belated Honeymoon
21. The Calm Before the Storm
22. To Save A Life
23. A Sign of New Beginnings
24. The Rise of a New King and Queen
25. To Avenege a Lost Soul
26. The Queen of the People
27. How It All Began
28. Trial of a Queen
29. A Not So Friendly Family Reunion
30. To Mourn
31. Meeting Again
32. The War Is Not Yet Over
33. Baby Shower
34. Not All Fairytales End in Happily Ever After
35. Epilogue
Princess and the Fraud

14. New Year, New Home

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miss_liz201 tarafından

AUTHOR'S NOTE - In celebration that this book has reached 2k and #3 in royalromance, I decided to post this chapter a few days earlier than planned. Thank you so much for all the support my lovelies, it really means a lot. Hope you enjoy!

       The Range Rover came to a slow stop in front of the awaiting private jet. Benjamin was the first to step out and opened the door for Flora and Hayden. He helped the nervous brunette out as they were greeted by the flashing of cameras which illuminated the darkness. Hayden led Flora to the jet stairs where they would answer the press's questions.

       "Are you excited to be heading to Italy?" One of the reporters asked.

Flora tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and nodded. "I am more than thrilled to finally be visiting my husband's homeland and visiting its people." She answered.

       "Are you saddened by the fact that you will not be able to spend New Years Eve in New York?"

       "I will most definitely miss this city, but like I said, I am looking forward to spending this new year in my new home." Flora replied.

       "This next question is out of the topic, but when can we expect the news of an heir?"

       Flora let out a nervous chuckle not knowing how to respond to the question. Hayden laughed the question off and replied, "All at its due time."

       "The princess and prince must get going." Stephanie announced. "Thank you all for your presence tonight, I can answer any other questions or concerns."

       Flora and Hayden waved goodbye at the crowd of reporters before turning on their heel and boarding the private jet. Benjamin, Micaela and Indiana followed after them. Flora welcomed the warmth of the jet with open warms as she took her seat and threw the heating blanket over her cold bare legs.

Hayden took the seat in front of her, resting his chin on his knuckles, he turned to the brunette. "How are you feeling?"

       "Nervous," Flora confessed as she fiddled with the ring Hayden had given her. "Do you think they'll like me?"

"I am quite confident they will." He assured, but Flora's worrisome look did not leave her face. "You have done an outstanding job thus far and in all aspects are the true definition of a princess — a more modern princess — but a princess of the people nonetheless."

       Flora nodded her head trying to assure herself that all would be well, especially if Hayden was convinced she was ready. Hayden sighed and took a hold of Flora's hands.

       "Look what you've done so far, you visited every children at the hospital, making sure they all were happy. You bought food, clothing and toys for orphaned children. The Italian people will love you." Hayden continued, hoping the brunette next to him would gain some confidence in herself.

Flora stared at Hayden, her lips slightly parted not knowing how to react. Especially when her hands were in his touch, she felt a tingly sensation traveling all of her body.

       "Thank you," Flora said as she looked up at Hayden with a grateful smile.

       Flora slipped her hands out of Hayden's as she turned to look out the window. Hayden gave her a small saddened smile, missing the brunette's warm touch. Hayden's diverted his gaze and looked down at the wedding band on his finger, remembering how he would always tell his parents he would never get married, let alone fall in love — but here he was.

The loud yawning of the brunette beside him grabbed Hayden's attention. He turned to his wife and asked, "would you like to go to bed?"

"You have a bed on this plane?" Flora gasped and Hayden grinned at her astonishment as he nodded. He stood up and offered his hand for Flora to take, the two walked in hand toward the back of the plane. Indiana who sat next to Benjamin raised and eyebrow and smirked knowingly.

Hayden slid the white marble door open and motioned Flora to walk in. Flora looked around in awe at the small space and plopped onto the bed.

"It's not much —" Hayden was interrupted by the light snores coming from the brunette. "Good night, princess."

Hayden placed the beige quilt blanket over Flora, making sure she was well-tucked. He moved a few strands of her dark hair out of her face and smiled. Without being able to hold the urge, Hayden leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead, being careful not to wake the brunette up.

       "Whatever are you doing, your highness?" Indiana stood by the door, with arms crossed and a mischievous smirk upon her scarlet lips. Hayden immediately straightened himself and turned to face Indiana.

       "Making sure my wife is breathing properly." Hayden shrugged as he tried to walk out of the room, but Indiana blocked the entrance.

       "You like her, don't you?" Indiana mused in a whisper.

       Hayden avoided Indiana's piercing gaze and shook his head as he said, "of course, not."

        "Well, even though she won't admit..." Indiana turned to look at her sleeping friend. "She likes You as well."

        "Really?" Hayden's eyes lit up with hope causing Indiana to lightly chuckle.

"Flora...let's just say she's been through stuff and for that reason she finds it hard to open up. She hasn't had a boyfriend since Zander and that was nearly eleven years ago." Indiana explained. "All I am saying is to give her time, don't give up on her, I know she'll come around. I can see that you already mean a lot to her, so just be patient and give her time to open up to you."

       "I will," Hayden said with a smile.

       Indiana's gaze turned to Hayden as her friendly smile turned to a deadly one. "But you break her heart and I will kill you," Indiana warned.

       "Understood," Hayden swallowed down his fear as he walked past Indiana, who only smirked triumphantly.

*        *        *

Flora let out a heavy sigh as she stared at her reflection. Her brown locks were tied into a low bun, a white ribbon tied around it. Indiana held out the matching light blue blazer and Flora slid her arms into it, allowing for Indiana to adjust it afterwards.

"You don't think this a little too much?" Flora asked, a nervous pout on her pink lips.

       Indiana looked up at her friend with a frown. "You are a princess Flora, a beautiful princess — so flaunt your damn beauty, okay?" Indiana raised an eyebrow at her friend who nodded. "And do it with confidence."

       Flora nodded once more knowing her friend was right. All along she had been a weak, shy princess and it was time to change that. She was in unknown territory and if the press or the enemies of crown saw just one small weakness they would surely take advantage of it and she could not allow that.

       "Finished!" Indiana sighed as she finished clipping the Royal Lily brooch onto Flora's light blue dress.

A light knock on the marble door announced Hayden's entrance. His eyes swelled with love as he stared at the brunette in all her beauty. He looked her in the eye with a warm smile.

"You look bellissima," Hayden complimented, not being able to divert his eyes from the brunette.

Flora felt her cheeks heat up as she stared down at the floor shyly before gazing back at Hayden. "Thank you," she said.

"Alright lovebirds, your citizens are waiting in you." Indiana announced as she looked down at her watch.

       Hayden offered his arm for Flora and she slid her hand, holding onto him firmly. They walked toward the exit where a crowd of reporters awaited for them. Two lines of royal guards stood on either side of the exit as the crowd cheered and applauded. The cameras turned Flora, zooming in on the new princess. Hayden and Flora formally waved at them with smiles upon their faces. Hayden led the brunette down the jet stairs, smiling and waving as they walked down.

       "Princess Flora, how does it feel to be in Italy?" One of the reporters asked in a shout.

       "I am completely thrilled to be here and excited to meet the people of this beautiful country." Flora replied, earning satisfied smiles from the press.

"Your highnesses, we must get going." Indiana announced noticing that they were a few minutes behind schedule. The royal couple nodded and bud the reporters farewell as they made their way to the waiting black Lincoln Continental 1961, it's royal flags flowing with the wind.

Benjamin, Michaela and Indiana hopped into one of the Range Rovers surrounding the Lincoln car. Hayden interlocked his hand with Flora's leaning into her ear and whispered, "how are you feeling?"

"I'm a bit nervous, but excited." Flora admitted.

"The hard part is done, now all you have to do is smile and wave." He relied, giving her hand a light squeeze for reassurance.

       Flora waved at the people standing near the country roads waving at the princess. All the roads were closed allowing the royal couple to arrive at the city faster and Flora was overwhelmed at the large crowd that awaited them. As they drove down the streets of Rome, the citizens welcomed the couple as they cheered behind the metal barricades. Others poked their heads out the windows, waving flags, throwing rose pedals or confetti at the arriving pair.

       "I told you they would love you." Hayden said as he smiled down at the brunette. Flora stared at all of them in awe, smiling at everyone as she waved.

       Flora felt like this was all a dream, she felt like she was on top of the world. As she admired the crowd, she noticed some of them were waving gifts but the guards held them back.

       "Can we stop for a bit?" Flora asked and Hayden stared at her with knitted eyebrows, but nodded. The driver came to a slow stop as did the cars around it. Flora stepped out of the vehicle and walked over to the lady that had been waving her gift, she now stood arguing with the security guard. "What is going on?"

       The security guard stepped away from the woman and bowed down. "This is for you," the lady said with an excited smile as she handed Flora the knitted blanket.

       "It is lovely," Flora gushed as she held the gift close to her. "Grazie, lo adoro."

       "Picture?" The woman asked as she handed Flora her phone, the security guard was about to push the woman's hand away but Flora stopped him.

       "Of course," Flora took the woman's phone and allowed her to get into the picture before snapping the photo. The woman excitedly hugged Flora and Flora happily hugged her back.

       "You do know, you did not have to do that?" Hayden asked as he approached his wife's side. He snaked his arm around her waste as they walked down the crowd.

       Flora lifted the knitted blanket and said, "and pass out on this beauty, no thank you. Plus I could not allow for that security guard to treat the poor woman like that."

       Hayden stared at Flora — who excitedly hugged the blanket — and smiled in awe at her cuteness. Benjamin and Michaela stepped out of their vehicle and guarded the couple from a safe distance.

       "Principessa Flora!" A mom And her daughter called out and Flora walked over to greet them. She gratefully took the teddy bear and flowers they had for her and talked to them for while before moving to the other onlookers. Hayden smiled at Flora and did the same, greeting as many of their citizens as they could.

* * *

Flora was astonished at the massive three-story building that stood in front of them. Two guards stood at each gate and they let the royal couple inside along with the Range Rover cars behind them. Flora's mouth fell agape at the large fountain with a lion statue.

"Welcome home," Hayden said as he too stared at his childhood home.

"This is where you lived before moving to New York?" Flora asked, still in shock.

        "Yes," Hayden nodded.

       The Lincoln Continental came to a slow stop in front of the large staircase. Antonio opened the door for Hayden and Flora and the pair began their way up the stairs, hand-in-hand.

       "Welcome, your royal highnesses." A tall middle-aged woman greeted as she gave the couple a warm smile.

       "This is Missus Jenner, our housekeeper." Hayden introduced and Flora offered her hand out for Mrs. Jenner to shake, but instead she bowed and pulled Flora into an unexpected hug.

Mrs. Jenner pulled away quickly and said, "I apologize your royal highness, it just I am glad my young master finally found love."

"I did," Hayden agreed as he placed a kiss on Flora's head and brought her closer to him. Flora's cheeks heated up, her heart fluttering at the action but he smile slowly fell as she realized it was just a facade.

       "Flora, my granddaughter!" Guilia walked into the main entrance, a smile upon her face as she greeted Flora with a warm smile. She wore a navy blue dress that didn't go past her ankles and a matching tiara. "We have organized a brunch to celebrate your arrival. Missus Jenner will lead you two to your room and I'll send your lady's maid and Miss Evans shortly."

       "Thank you," Flora replied before Mrs. Jenner led the couple up the stairs and to their assigned chamber.

       She gave the couple a courtesy before closing the double-doors. Flora placed her hand bag on one of the couches as she admired the decor of the room, not realizing that there was only one bed.

       "I could always ask them to prepare a separate chamber for myself." Hayden commented as he noticed the brunette looking around.

       Flora turned to him, realizing what he meant and she shook her head. "It is fine, we would not want to raise any suspicion." She replied.

       "Are you alright with us sharing a bed?" Hayden asked, not wanting to do anything the brunette was uncomfortable with.

Flora shrugged as she grabbed a nearby pillow. "We can always build a barrier between us," she pointed out. "Besides, we have slept in the same bed before."

"Mind you, we did not do much sleeping." Hayden grinned causing Flora's cheeks to turn a bright shade of red as she threw the pillow at her husband — who caught it with ease. "But in all seriousness, if you are not comfortable with this, I can always sleep on one of these couches."

This statement brought a smile onto Flora's lips, happy that Hayden was alright with an alternative option. However, she trusted him and did not mind sleeping in the same bed. "I assure you, it's fine."

       "Very well, I will leave you to get ready. I am sure your lady's maids and Indiana are on their way." Hayden walked over to Flora and tucked a hair behind her ear, placing a kiss on her forehead. "I'll see you downstairs."

       Flora stood frozen in place, surprised by Hayden's actions as the raven-headed boy walked out the door. She could still feel the tingly feeling his kiss left. She smiled as her fingers ran over the spot he had kissed.

       "Flora, are you alright?" Indiana asked as she stepped into her room, two young maids behind her. Finally freeing herself from her trance, Flora turned to her friend and nodded. The two maids behind Indiana gave Flora a formal courtesy. "These are Brianna and Patricia, your lady's maids."

"It is an honor to meet you, your royal highness." The two girls said in sync and Flora returned a warm smile.

"It is lovely to meet you," Flora said.

"They'll assist me in preparing you for the welcoming brunch and I already chose your dress and tiara." Indiana informed. "Mister Jensen — the butler — will be sending your luggage up later today."

"Very well, let us get started ladies." Flora announced as she walked over to beige linen room divider and undressed herself. Indiana handed her the dress and Flora slipped it on, walking back out and allowing Indiana to zip it up.

"I was thinking we leave the makeup you have on and tighten the bun a bit to secure the tiara?" Indiana suggested and Flora nodded. "I'll retouch the blush a bit."

Indiana grabbed the tiara as Patricia tightened Flora's buns and let some strands frame her face. The blonde placed the tiara on Flora's head, securing it with brown bobby-pins. Meanwhile, Brianna was retouching her blush, making her cheeks become a bit more pink.

"Now slide into these bad boys —" Indiana placed a pair of nude pumps in front of Flora, "and finished!"

"Thank you...all three of you." Flora said with a grateful smile and the two lady's maids gave her a courtesy, attempting to keep their excitement hidden. Indiana led Flora out and down a flight of stairs as they reach another part of the Massaro-Medici Estate.

Hayden looked up from his watch as Flora and Indiana reached the garden. He could not hold back his smile as he admired Flora. "You look beautiful, il mio amore."

Flora smiled up at her husband who took her hand and placed a soft kiss on it. The two stepped further into the garden where a feast had been set up in celebration. Everyone clapped and cheered as the pair walked in.

"It is nice to be graced by your presence after such a long time, your royal highness." William said as he walked over to the couple, bowing and giving Flora's hand a formal peck.

Flora stared at the blonde, a mischievous smirk on her lips as she squeezed his hand before he could pull it away and William glanced up at Flora. "Don't think she didn't tell me," Flora whispered.

William straightened himself and cleared his throat. "Of course," was the only thing he could muster up.

His raven-headed friend stifled a laugh, proud of his wife's menacing demeanor. William glared at Hayden and quietly remarked, "shut up."

"I did not say anything," Hayden shrugged innocently, a cheeky smile upon his lips. "Shall we dance, my love?"

It took everything in Flora to stop her heart from fluttering at Hayden's cute nicknames. "Yeah," she replied with a small smile.

Hayden guided his wife onto the dance floor as the two guests invited to perform at the brunch began to play. Hayden wrapped on arm around Flora's waist as he took the other one in his free hand. Flora slid her arm onto Hayden's broad shoulder and the two moved to the music.

"How are you feeling now?" Hayden asked as he stared down at his wife, the two gliding across the room slowly. This time Flora was much more graceful, not having to constantly make sure she would not step on Hayden.

"Much more relaxed," Flora sighed. "I am happy that they like me and the way they welcomed me...they made me feel at home."

"You are home," Hayden whispered and Flora glanced up at him, surprised by his warm words.

Flora bit her lip nervously as she glanced at the floor, before looking back at Hayden. "May I ask you something?"

"Of course," Hayden grinned down at the brunette, curious as to what was on her mind.

"I do not mean this to come out in a rude way," Flora warned before asking, "but you have been so much nicer to me than in the beginning, why?"

Hayden looked away, contemplating on whether he should tell her the truth. But then he remembered Indiana's words, to give her time and let Flora come to him. He was not sure of Flora's feelings yet, or if they were as strong as his and he did not want to scare her away by confessing how he felt. But when he glanced down at Flora's curious blue eyes and her soft pink lips, Hayden let out a sigh. Without thinking, the raven-head lowered his head, claiming Flora's lips into a soft kiss. He felt a sense of wholeness, his heart racing fast as he cupped Flora's face and ran his thumb over her cheek.


"Get away from him!"

A/N: Dun, dun, duuuuuunn! A little cliffhanger because I have not done those in the longest. What do you think will happen next? I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I wanted to make it as vivid as possible, but Flora is finally in Italy and a whole new journey is awaiting her. Let me know your thoughts in the comments and don't forget to vote. Thank you so much for reading my lovelies and I'll see you next Monday with a new chapter! Xoxo 💋💋💋

Song: Cold Water (Piano & Cello Cover) - Brooklyn Duo

v v v Flora's Outfits v v v

v v v Lily Brooch v v v

v v v Massaro-Medici Estate v v v

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