Married in Lockdown (COMPLETE...

By chaexjune

80.4K 3.7K 701

A forced marriage to avoid humiliation. A rushed marriage because of a pandemic. A loveless marriage between... More

Author's Note
Author's Note 2
MiL's Finalé


1.3K 68 17
By chaexjune

Park Jimin's POV

I was taking out my cookies from the oven when Chaeyoung came to the kitchen holding a box of pizza. I quickly hid my tray of chocolate cookies under the metal lid on the kitchen island. I did not want her to see the result of my homemade cookies yet.

"Yah, why are you hiding them? They're done, right?", Chaeyoung asked as she put the pizza box beside the lid.

"Yup, but I don't want you to see them yet. It's for later when we play the board game.", I replied with a grin.

Today, my plan was quite simple. I just wanted her to chill and relax with the board games that I bought online. So, I told her earlier in the morning that she did not have to cook or do any chores for the day. I will do everything even though she argued with me about cooking.

When I said that I wanted to try to bake cookies following her recipe, she gave in and let me enjoy my time alone in the kitchen. She was sulking with me but I managed to comfort her to use my black card to buy anything she wants. And guess what she bought using that card...a box of Hawaiian pizza with a Pepsi and some side dishes.

"Hmmm....smells nice. Can't I just take a peek at it?", she asked with a pout as her hand reached the edge of the lid.

"Nuh-uh. Chaeyoung, be patient.", I lifted her hand and put it on the box next to the lid. "We eat the pizza first, okay?", I said as I walked to her side and teased her by trying to carry her up to the living room.

She tends to get nervous with it so she easily listened to me and ran away to the living room by herself. I chuckled while looking at her leaving me behind with the pizza on the kitchen island.


Park Chaeyoung's POV

We already had the third board game after our lunch in the living room. We played scrabble and Go-Stop where I lost to Jimin in both of them. Right now, it is my time to take the win. My forte, chess.

"Hmm...this cookie is tasty.", I blurted out as I took my first bite of the chocolate cookie that Jimin baked a while ago.

"Chae, don't interrupt me thinking..", Jimin replied as he is thinking of his next move while I went to the kitchen to bring some of the cookies here.

We almost forgot about the cookies actually. We were full after eating the pizza. Then, we proceeded to play the games without a pause. Only after the two games were finished, we remembered about the cookies so I brought them here to eat while playing chess.

"I didn't. I just said the cookie is tasty.", I repeated on purpose of interrupting him.

"That's also indirectly complimenting me. I'm the one who baked them.", I chuckled as he sounded proud of himself for successfully baked the cookies using my recipe.

"They're soooo good, Jimin. You should try a bite.", I purposely said as I took another piece of the cookie and bite it with a loud sound of cracking in my mouth.

I smiled as I saw how distracted Jimin's face was as he lifted his black pawn from the chessboard. He seemed helpless, he knew he was going to lose this.

"I'll be honest...I give up.", he spoke to me as he sighed in defeat.

I raised my hands up when he said that and I cheered a loud 'yes' for the win I got.

"This is boring. You tell me how I can make a move when every move I make only bring me to lose? I got to admit, I am not an expert in this game. It's fine. You win, I'm fine with it.", I booed him as he tried to explain for his defeat.

(I just had to put this GIF here. Haha 😬 I miss The Show actually and where is Gone MV??? 😅)

Park Jimin's POV

I smiled when Chaeyoung left to go to the toilet. She looked cute when she is happy. And I felt good that I could make her happy even though that means I had to pretend to be not good at this third game we played.

Honestly saying, I was quite good at chess but I felt the need to make her win. Her long pout when she lost two games earlier made me feel guilty. I knew I just needed to make her win for once so that she would show me her genuine bright smile.

"How did I never realize that beautiful smile before?", the words came out from my mouth made me slapped myself. Am I falling deeper in love with Chaeyoung?


Park Chaeyoung's POV

"Okay, let's play one last game before we go to sleep.", I requested after we had our dinner.

I did not know that I enjoyed this simple indoor activity for the whole day. It was quite fun for me. It made me learn more about Jimin and improve my thinking skills at the same time.

"You got a game in mind?", Jimin asked as he helped me to wipe the dining table clean.

I put up my forefinger and told him, "I have's not really a game. I'm not sure how to say it but I think you'll enjoy it."

I asked him to follow me and we went back to the living room together. I took out two pens from the drawer under the coffee table and a few blank papers. I gave one of the pens and some of the papers to Jimin.

"Let's write random questions on the paper. Then, we fold them and put them on the table. I'll mix our folded papers and then, we'll take turn to answer...truthfully. Am I clear?", I explained the game to him.

He slowly nodded and smiled, "This isn't a game. This is like truth or dare but we don't do the dare here."

I smiled back at him, "Truth or dare is boring for two people only to play. This is better. We could find out the deepest and ridiculous secrets about ourselves."

Jimin agreed to me and he moved a little further so that I cannot see what he will write. We started to write our questions and threw the folded papers on the center of the table. After we were both out of papers, we decided the first person to draw the first question by playing rock paper scissors game.

I put out a paper and Jimin put out a pair of scissors which made me sad for losing. Jimin went on to pick a paper on the table and opened it slowly. He giggled when he saw the question on the paper.

"What is it? My question or your own?", I asked in curiosity.

"It's yours. What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you when you were a kid?", he said it out loud with a little giggle.

"And the answer is...", I replied, wondering what it is that made him giggling at the question.

He put the paper down and cleared his throat, "Your question made me remember this one time my friend put a butterfly in my pants. I was scared of it until I opened my pants in the middle of the playground. Luckily it happened just in few seconds and my mom was quick to pull up my pants back. A few people were there laughing at me, you know..."

Both of us laughed at his story. Moments later, I took my turn to choose a paper and got my own question. I was embarrassed to say it but Jimin already snatched the paper from my hand.

"Who was your first kiss?", he read it.

I put my palm on my face and closed my eyes before Jimin demanded me to answer the question.

"It's you.", I answered in short as I looked down to the floor.

"Who?", he asked again.

I did not dare to look up and remained quiet as he repeated his word.

"I heard it's you can't be..was it at our wedding? That's your first kiss??", I really wanted to run away but my whole body did not move an inch. "Well...that's my first too.", my head moved up and my eyes met his as I stayed silent. "What? You must've wrote this question and hoped I got it, right?", he put the paper down and began picking his second question.

He acted as if nothing just happened so I went along with it. The situation was a bit awkward but we managed to keep playing the Q & A for a few more rounds.

"What is your nickname that I don't know of?", I read the question that I got. "Why would you ask this?", I asked Jimin since the question was written by him.

He shrugged his shoulders and replied, "Maybe I want to call you by your nickname too. That I don't know of. That is if you have one."

I put the paper down and answered him, "Rosie, which came from my English name, Roseanne that my parents gave me. But that nickname is only familiar among my family."

"Rosie?", he asked and I nodded to it. "Wait here. I will come back.", he added before he stood up and left me in confusion.

He went upstairs leaving me alone as I tried to think why he suddenly left. A minute later, he came back with a wooden box in his hand. He sat down next to me and put the box on my lap.

"What's this?", I asked curiously.

"Open it.", he responded.

I repeated his word and touched the top of the box, hesitated to open it. He told me that he wanted to show me something so I have to open the box. I did as told slowly without actually looking what is inside it.

"Look down.", he instructed as I looked at him. "Come on, it's nothing scary, Rosie.", I felt different when he called me by my nickname. "Go on, look.", he said to me so I looked down inside the box.

"Take it out, Rosie.", he added as my eyes went wide realizing the contents of the box.

I closed the box after seeing the handwritten letter with my name on it.

"You keep my letters all these while?", I cannot help but to ask him right away.

"I found you...Rosie.", Jimin said with a big smile on his face.


I hope everyone is doing fine today. Also, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Before I go, keep these in mind 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

Stay safe
Stay home (unless you have to go somewhere and can't avoid it)
Wear face mask
Sanitize when necessary
Take care of yourself

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