His Secret Mermaid ✓

By atlas-carter

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[COMPLETED] ***READ THE NON-KPOP VERSION OF THIS STORY @atlas_carter*** "H-Hey! Watch it! I don't wan... More

His Secret Mermaid
Chapter 1: Hermit Crab
Chapter 2: Gold Coin
Chapter 3: Late Night At The Beach
Chapter 4: Puffer-Fish
Chapter 5: The Scale
Chapter 6: Hyung, Can You Keep A Secret?
Chapter 7: My Name Is Jungkook
Chapter 8: New Shell
Chapter 9: Exchanging Gifts
Chapter 10: Potato Chips
Chapter 11: Promise Me
Chapter 12: A Story Of The Hyungs
Chapter 13: Night Exploration
Chapter 14: Her Past
Chapter 15: Girlfriend Suspicion
Chapter 16: Live With Jk & Jhope
Chapter 17: Kiss Of Hidden Feelings
Chapter 18: The Sirens' Return
Chapter 19: Moon Pool
Chapter 20: Siren's Seduction
Chapter 21: Oceana
Chapter 22: The Solution
Chapter 23: Secret Of A Mermaid
Chapter 24: Jealousy In Run BTS [P1]
Chapter 25: Underwater Fun In Run BTS [P2]
Chapter 27: Hyung Kissed Y/N [P1]
Chapter 28: Siren Moon Pool [P2]
Chapter 29: Beware The Sirens
Chapter 30: Farewell Sirens
Chapter 31: Hint Of Flirtation
Chapter 32: The Picture
Chapter 33: Striking a Deal
Chapter 34: Dr. Kai [P1]
Chapter 35: Mission Retrieve The Vile [P2]
Chapter 36: Explanations
Chapter 37: A Warning From Dr. Kai
Chapter 38: The Kidnap [P1]
Chapter 39: The Rescue [P2]
Chapter 40: Oceana's Secret
Chapter 41: Sirens In The News
Chapter 42: Sirens' Disappearance
Chapter 43: Who Is Dr Kai?
Chapter 44: Blame
Chapter 45: You Are Being Sued
Chapter 46: A Hint Of Purple
Chapter 47: Mutual Feelings
Chapter 48: Y/N & Oceana Are Coming Back [P1]
Chapter 49: Vengeful Scientist [P2]
Chapter 50: Let Me Save You One Last Time [P3]
End Of Story Author's Note

Chapter 26: She Is Different

415 29 4
By atlas-carter

Jungkook sighed as he brought up his fists close to his face before landing a blow at the punching bag. He threw out punch after punch until he finally was out of breath and stopped. He breathed heavily and stared long and hard at the punching bag. He had been in the gym, doing some boxing for most of the morning to get out his frustration.

Ever since he arrived back at the dorms with the others from the disastrous BTS Run shooting, he had felt so guilty from having let out his anger at Y/N. Even though Y/N had done what she had done, he knew that it wasn't right for him to have yelled at her like that. She knew that what she had done was a mistake and she felt remorse about the outcomes of her decision. She had apologized to him and them as well.

He remembered how after he had yelled at her, he immediately felt guilty. Although her actions were dangerous, she still saved them when they were being swarmed by sharks and she still saved Jimin. He had been so scared and worried for his hyung that he just let it all out on Y/N without even thinking.

He sighed heavily as he sat down on a bench and cracked his knuckles. He wanted to apologize to her for yelling at her, but after his hyungs had told him that when Jimin had asked if they could still see her and she told them that she didn't know, he worried that if he went to go visit her that she wouldn't show up. He let out another sigh, but this time he held his head in his hands, pulling at his hair in frustration.

"Jungkook?" A voice asked from the side. Jungkook glanced up to see Jimin standing there by the door of the gym.

"What is it hyung?" He asked in a slightly annoyed tone. Jimin sighed as he slowly walked towards the younger member and sat down beside him.

"Are you ok?" Jimin asked worriedly as he looked at Jungkook, who looked right back at him.

"Yeah, I'm fine..," Jungkook replied in a tired tone as he looked away, putting his gaze back to the punching bag.

"You don't seem fine," Jimin answered in a matter-of-fact way. He mostly did that to get a smile from the younger member, but that only made the younger member more annoyed.

"I said, I'm fine hyung!" Jungkook snapped in frustration as he stood up and stood in front of the punching bag. Jimin stood up as well and stood beside him. He said nothing as the younger one started punching at the punching bag furiously.

"Listen Jungkook, I know you're mad and upset at Y/N for making those sharks appear to scare us and I'll admit that her doing that was kind of reckless and dangerous, but I do know that she doesn't seem like the type of person to want to hurt people, let alone us," Jimin claimed in a serious tone as he watched Jungkook throw punch after punch. When Jungkook said nothing, he sighed and continued. "I don't believe that what Y/N did, she did because she wanted to hurt us. She did it because we going to discover a place that would put her in danger and that was sacred to her. I think, if we were in her positions, any one of us would have done the same. Then she tried to make up for it by saving us and by saving me. She wouldn't do that if she meant to harm us."

"She still sent sharks at us! And one of them bit your leg and dragged you under! You could have died hyung!" Jungkook pointed out in a loud tone as he threw punch after punch and even added in some kicks. Jimin sighed at that.

"I know, but she saved me. If she meant us harm, she could have just left me to be eaten by the sharks, but she didn't. She saved me and even showed me her true face," Jimin inquired as he placed his hand on the younger one's shoulder. Hearing this bit of information made Jungkook stop punching and kicking and instead turn to look at his hyung in surprise.

"She showed you her true face?" He asked in surprise as his doe-eyes widened. His hyung nodded in response to that. "It was to scare off the sharks right?" His hyung nodded again making him sigh and turn back to look at the punching bag. He didn't punch the punching bag, he only stared at it.

"Come on Jungkook, you're not really still mad at her, are you? I know it was scary for you and the others, but I'm alright. I'm completely healed and I'm very much alive thanks to Y/N," Jimin continued as he walked behind the punching bag and held onto it while looking around it at the younger member. Jungkook said nothing as he stared at the punching bag before starting to throw fast punches at it. "Hey, stop ignoring me Jungkook-ssi." Jungkook continued to ignore his hyung as he rapidly threw punches at the punching bag. "Jungkook~, why are you still mad at Y/N?" Again, no response. "Jk, answer me or I'll tell Jin not to make you any food."

"I can make food by myself," Jungkook finally answered in a cold tone as he threw a kick to the side of the punching bag. It very nearly hit Jimin, but the kick hit right beside him.

"Fine then I'll tickle you," Jimin threatened with a teasing grin. Jungkook sent him a warning glare at that. "Come on Jungkook, talk to me. What's on your mind? Why are you still so mad at Y/N?" Knowing that his hyung wasn't going to stop bothering him until he said something, he finally let it out, but not as calmly as he would have liked.

"Because your life was in danger hyung!" Jungkook yelled, earning an alarm expression from his hyung, "I know she saved your life and she saved us from those sharks, but she was still the one who led the sharks to us! You don't even know how scared all of us were when you got dragged down and away by that shark! We thought for sure that you were gone and I... I didn't want to accept the fact that I may have lost you hyung!" Jimin listened carefully to what the younger one said and sighed before walking towards him and enveloping him in a tight hug. Feeling the warmth and gentleness of his hyung's embrace, he began to sob and he hugged his hyung back. They embraced, neither of them saying a word and just letting the younger one let it all out.

When Jungkook was finally done crying, they pulled away. Jungkook wiped away at his face and sniffled a bit.

"You're right, I didn't know how it felt because I wasn't in your place or the others' places. I'm sorry if I'm only looking at this from my point of view. I can understand now why you're so upset with what happened," Jimin stated with a small smile as he placed both of his hands on the younger member's shoulders.

"It's not just Y/N though that I'm mad at. I was mad at her for what she did, but then I stopped being mad at her after realizing that she had saved us when the sharks were circling us and when she saved you from that shark that had dragged you down," Jungkook said as he sniffled again and wiped at his drippy nose. His hyung nodded in understanding to that. "The truth is, I'm more mad at myself."

"How come?" Jimin asked in confusion and curiosity as he gave the younger one a weird look. Jungkook sighed as he looked at his hyung straight in the eye.

"Because it was truly me who could have prevented all of this from happening. I knew that island was a place that humans weren't supposed to discover. Y/N already risked everything after showing me the island. I should have stopped Taehyung. I should have directed everybody somewhere else. If I had done that then we wouldn't have had to worry so much and you wouldn't have been in so much pain and I wouldn't have yelled at Y/N like that," Jungkook explained curtly as more tears formed in his eyes while he looked down at the ground, "What if we never get to see Y/N now? What if me yelling at her drove her away and now she won't visit us anymore?" Jimin felt heartbroken to see the younger member looking so down in the dumps and tried to think of something to say to cheer him up.

"It's not your fault Jungkook. Things happen. Thankfully, we're all ok after what happened, but don't think that this is your fault because it isn't. Yes, it is a bit Y/N's fault for bringing the sharks, but we have to believe that she did for a good reason," Jimin insisted with a comforting look. Jungkook slowly nodded in understanding to that. "I say we all go down to the beach right now and see Y/N and clear this whole thing up."

"D-Do you think she'll forgive me hyung?" Jungkook asked with an uncertain look as he wiped away the dried tears off of his cheeks.

"I know she'll forgive you and the reason I know this is because she likes you," Jimin commented with a knowing look. Jungkook's ear perked up at this as he looked at his hyung with wide eyes. "You two have feelings for each other, I know you do."

"I... well, I mean, we... kissed, but that doesn't mean...," Jungkook began, but trailed off as he had no argument to back up his protest against what his hyung said. He said nothing else as he looked down at the floor, his ears going red and his face heating up in embarrassment. It was surprising how fast he had gone from being sad to being embarrassed in just a short time.

"Uh huh, whatever you say Jungkook-ssi," Jimin responded with a teasing smile as he ruffled the younger one's hair. Jungkook scowled at that as he pushed his hyung's hand away and sent him a playful glare. Jimin chuckled at that in amusement. "My point being is that, you two obviously like each other. No doubt you two are going to forgive each other and make up and live happily ever after."

"Hyung, stop," Jungkook muttered with a warning look. Jimin only shrugged, a playful smile remaining on his lips. Jungkook stood there staring at his hyung for a bit before sighing. "Ok, let's go." Jimin smiled as he pulled the younger one out of the gym and up to the dorm. When they arrived at the dorm, the others were already there seemingly to have been waiting for them.

"Well, did it work?" Yoongi asked with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Yoongi, if it didn't work then they wouldn't be here right now," Seokjin replied with a knowing look. Yoongi shrugged in response to that.

"What's going on hyungs?" Jungkook asked in confusion at seeing his hyungs by the door.

"We're all ready to go down to the beach with you to see Y/N. We have a day off today, so why not. Besides, we hate seeing two people... oop, sorry, two individuals who are meant for each other continue to be mad at each other," Namjoon stated as he showed a dimpled smile. Jungkook scowled a bit at what Namjoon was insinuating, but decided to let it go. "So, are you ready to go?" Jungkook nodded in response to that. "Good, grab your things and we'll get going." Jungkook nodded as he went to his room to grab his things before joining his hyungs back at the door. Together, they left the dorms and headed down to the beach. They walked down along the beach until they reached the spot as usual.

"Ok bye," a familiar voice said from the other side of the big boulder. The members all glanced at each other before looking around the boulder and to their surprise they found Oceana standing there at the edge of the water.

"Oceana?" Jungkook asked in confusion as he and the others approached her. When she heard her name being called, she looked up and smiled at them.

"Oh hey, you guys just missed Y/N," she answered with a small smile. Their eyes all widened at that before they slumped their shoulders in disappointment. "Hehe, wow, Y/N is a lucky girl to have all seven of you missing her."

"Well, mostly we're here because we needed to talk to her about...," Hoseok started as he glanced at the others awkwardly. Oceana stared at him then at the others before nodding.

"About yesterday?" She asked curiously. The members stared at her in surprise. Considering since she wasn't there to witness what happened, they wondered how she knew that something had happened yesterday. She noticed their surprised expressions and smiled. "Y/N told me about what happened yesterday. I can understand why you would be mad at her. She did after all, put your lives in danger."

"Yeah, but she did it for a reason, we know she did. She isn't the type of person to do harm to others," Seokjin insisted with a knowing look. Oceana nodded in agreement to that.

"You're right. She's not. I assume Jungkook has told you about that island that you found," she began as she pointed to the island known as Siren. The members nodded in response. Jungkook had told them about the island after they had returned to the dorms. "Well, it's a sacred place for sirens. having humans know about it and the moon pool can be a danger for me and Y/N's species. Having cameras go in there would no doubt attract crazy scientists who would want a better look and with that comes obsession. If people found out about sirens, we could all end up in petri dishes or dissected." The members all nodded in understanding to that. They surely didn't want Y/N to end up like that. "Y/N scared you away with the sharks in order to protect the pod. Even though she isn't apart of the pod anymore, she was still willing to protect it, even make you mad at her." She looked directly at Jungkook when she said this.

"So, she knew that I was going to get mad at her?" He asked in a low tone.

"Of course she knew you were going to get mad at her. If she were in your shoes then she would get mad too, but she was willing to risk her friendship with you in order to save the pod and in order to stop from the island being filmed," Oceana continued with a nod of affirmation. Jungkook looked down with a sad look. "Yeah, she's still loyal to the pod despite everything, but she quickly realized her mistake and tried to fix it by scaring off the sharks and saving Jimin."

"Yeah, there isn't even a scar left," Jimin voiced in amazement as he looked down at his leg. Oceana nodded at that.

"She's pretty handy with those healing powers," she mentioned with a smile. It went silent for a moment as they all stood there not knowing what to say next until Oceana finally spoke again. "Listen, I know what Y/N did made you guys worry for Jimin and it made Jimin go through some pretty excruciating pain, but... you should know that Y/N... she's nothing like the siren pod and I, she never has been and she never will be." The members nodded while Jungkook bit his lip as he remembered what he had said to Y/N that made him feel so guilty.

"I shouldn't have said that she was like the sirens," he murmured in solemn tone as he sighed heavily, "I didn't mean it."

"I know and I think she knows too that you didn't mean, but I do know that those words did hurt her a lot," Oceana recalled with a small sigh. Jungkook looked at her with an unsure look and she looked back at him confirming his uncertainty making him sigh again. Oceana stared at him for a moment, thinking deep in thought before letting out a sigh. "I probably shouldn't be telling you this because you should be hearing it from Y/N, but truthfully, if she was given a choice I don't think she would tell, so I will."

"Um, if you know that you shouldn't be telling us this then why are you telling us this?" Yoongi asked with a raised eyebrow and a scowl across his face.

"I'm telling you so that you can truly realize just how much Y/N isn't like me or the sirens," Oceana stated in an irritated tone as she placed her hands on her hips and sent Yoongi an annoyed look. Yoongi clicked his tongue at that, but said nothing more. "Jungkook, I believe she told you what happened last time she got close to a human?"

"Yeah, she told me that she fell in love with a human and he betrayed her and that when the sirens found out, they enchanted him to forget about them and Y/N," Jungkook responded with an unsure look. Oceana let out an amused laugh at that as she nodded. "What's so funny?"

"Let's just say, she told you a revised version of what really happened," she answered with a knowing smile, earning a confused look from Jungkook and his hyungs, "The part where she told you that she fell in love with a human and that he betrayed her was correct. She did fall in love with a human and he did betray her. He brought camera people to take pictures of her so that he could be famous, so she swam away, but he and the camera people followed her to the pod. We sirens are known for our singing, so when they arrived, we enchanted them with our voices and made them drown in the water."

"Even Y/N?" Taehyung asked in slight fear, but his fear went away when Oceana shook her head, "Oh ok, phew because Y/N didn't seem like she would do something like that."

"No, she didn't join in on the singing. She tried to get the sirens to stop and when we got to her human lover, he had already blocked his ears, so that he couldn't be enchanted by our singing," Oceana went on as she took deep breaths and gave them a warning look as if to signify that they should prepare themselves for what she was going to say next. They nodded seeming to understand. "So, we tried to get Y/N to persuade him or to enchant him, but she wouldn't do it. Even though he had betrayed her, she still loved him and wouldn't harm him. In result to that... we made her watch... while the leader of the pod tore his heart from his chest and... ate it..."

"WHAT?!" The members all asked in complete and utter shock as their mouths fell open. Oceana nodded in response to that making them all have looks of disgust and horror on their faces.

"Why would she eat his heart?!" Seokjin asked as a shiver went up his spine at the repulsive thought.

"Eating a male a human heart apparently gives a siren more strength and their abilities can become stronger," Oceana proclaimed with a shrug, "I'm not so sure though since I've never actually eaten a male human heart before. Most of the sirens in the pod haven't. Eating a male human heart isn't the most appetizing entree." The members all groaned in disgust as they made faces to clearly show their digust. "But it happens sometimes when we have a reluctant human male who is unwilling to let himself be enchanted. Still, despite all of that, even after Y/N had been banished from the pod, she still remained by her human lover's side until he died from bleeding out."

"Ugh, you sirens are disgusting monsters," Jimin commented with a frown as he shook his head disapproving.

"Jimin," Namjoon scolded giving Jimin a disapproving look.

"Well, I'm not talking about Y/N. I'm talking about Oceana and the rest of the sirens. Don't you think they're monsters for ripping out Y/N's lover's heart and making her watch? I mean, that's just outright evil," Jimin explained himself as he cast a disgusted look over at Oceana.

"Look, I'm not proud of being involved in that, but it's forbidden to go against the leader," Oceana argued with a sigh.

"Still, that doesn't give you the right to go and kill Y/N's lover. Y/N is free to do what she wants and she is free to live her life the way she wants," Jungkook argued back with an angered expression.

"Yeah, Jungkook and Jimin are right. You sirens took away her lover while she watched and then banished her. Yet, she still was willing to protect you sirens when she scared us with the sharks," Yoongi agreed with a firm nod as he glared at Oceana, "Besides Y/N, you sirens are monsters." The others nodded in agreement making Oceana sigh heavily.

"I know. Honestly, there are a lot of things that I've done in the past that I'm not proud of," she muttered as she looked away towards the open sea. She stared out before letting out a small stifle of a laugh. "You know, if I'm being extremely honest, I'm actually quite envious of Y/N. She is able to feel things, emotions that me and the other sirens can't. Love is one of them. Love is just not a word in our dictionary. We can't feel love, true love really. It's actually kind of sad when you think about it." The members found themselves feeling kind of bad for Oceana, but soon scoffed at that. Only Namjoon didn't and he stared at her with an empathetic look.

"Why can't you feel love?" He asked curiously as he peered into her face. She looked up at him in surprise at his sudden closeness. "What makes Y/N so different from you and the other sirens? She's a siren too, so shouldn't she not be able to feel love and yet she had a human lover in the past and has even fallen for our maknae" Jungkook's ears perked up at this and his cheeks turned a bright pink as he looked down. Oceana stared up at Namjoon with wonder for a brief moment before sighing.

"Y/N, she wasn't always a siren. She was once human," she blurted out as she bit her lip. The members all looked at her baffled making her giggle a bit. "Yeah, it's true. Y/N was once human a long time ago. I think she told you, but sometimes we recruit new sirens and with that, we go through a transformation process."

The members listened carefully and attentively as she explained the whole process of becoming a siren. The process wasn't tricky, but it was unconventional. In order to become a siren, one had to be given the blood of a siren, mainly the blood of the leader of the pod and then is put under the water for an extensive amount of time. During that time, the blood of the siren leader will enter the bloodstream and begin to change the structure of cells. If after the extensive time, the recruited siren is able to breathe underwater and grows a tail then that means that the transformation has been completed. If after the extensive time, the recruited siren isn't able to breathe or grow a tail then the transformation has failed and in result the recruited siren will have drowned throughout the process.

Hearing how the process was from transforming a human into a siren made the members shiver at the thought of the process failing. Though, they were relieved at the fact that Y/N had successfully completed the transformation.

"Wow, that is very unconventional and now I've come to believe that you sirens are not only monsters, but you're also psychotic, murderous monsters," Yoongi commented sarcastically earning nods of agreement from the other members and a glare from Oceana, "But that still doesn't explain why Y/N is so different from you and the others."

"Honestly... when she became a siren, we knew from the start that she was different from us. She... never became the monster that most recruited sirens would become after the transformation," Oceana said with an uncertain shrug before smiling slightly, "Normally, recruited sirens become completely different after the transformation, but Y/N... she remained how she was even as a human. She still stayed her kindhearted self and with that, she's never been able to grow legs on land."

"I can't believe I said that she was more like the sirens than I thought," Jungkook recalled as he looked down feeling ashamed after hearing about Y/N's past and more about her.

"Don't worry, she knows you don't actually feel that way and she forgives you. She's not one to hold a grudge," Oceana reassured Jungkook with a comforting smile, "Probably best that the next time you see her that you don't mention that I told you about what happened to her human lover and whatnot." The members nodded in response to that. "I should go before the sirens wonder where I am, but Jungkook just so you know, even if the love between you and Y/N is genuine and real, you both still wouldn't be able to be together. Simply because she's a siren and you're human." Jungkook stared at her for a moment before sighing a bit.

"I know, but I don't care," he answered with a look of determination written all over his face. Seeing that look of determination made Oceana smile at that as she remembered Y/N responding the same way Jungkook did. Even though she knew that they couldn't truly be together, she still rooted for them and hoped that they would happy. She said goodbye to them before walking along the beach and out of sight. The boys were left staring off at the sea, hoping that they would get to see Y/N again soon and pondering in thought about all this new information that Oceana had told them about Y/N.


Hey everyone!

So, here is a new chapter! Whoop whoop! Another long chapter! I hope you all liked it!

We went into a bit more detail about Y/N and her past. What do you all think of this new information that Oceana has spoken about?

Don't worry, Y/N and Jungkook will be back to talking to each other and kissing and hugging each other in no time, lolz!

Anyways, please vote and comment if you liked this.

Stay tuned for the next chapter hopefully coming out soon! :)

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