Oh, Romeo.

By daauroraa

341K 6.2K 2.3K

• WARNING: Contains sex scenes, excessive cursing. Grecia Edmond is 18, and so fed up from her hometown, Dur... More

"Kneel for me, Grecia."
" Do you want to leave?"
"why won't you look at me?"
"make me"
"im baby-sitting you"
"youre soaking wet."
"are you drunk?"
"whatre you doing to me?"
"about last night."
"im coming with you."
"not god, lucifer."
"oh my god, grecia."
"Dont do that."
"all perfect."
"There you go."
"Is it your back?"
"Trying to play dirty I see."
"Couldn't you have done that sooner?"
"Just like that.."
"You motherfucker..."
"I think I love you..."
"Oh, you're killing me."
"Good God, ouch!"
"Oh, Romeo."

"Yee-haw to that"

8.8K 173 25
By daauroraa

It's been two days and before Grecia knows it, it's the weekend again. Romeo has effectively ignored and probably didn't say more than 3 words to her.

She invited her group over to the house after leaving a note to Romeo in which he didn't respond to, but hey, silence is way louder than words.

"Okay! I'm coming wait!" Grecia hurries to the door as her friends blow past her to look at the beautiful apartment.

"wo-ah" Cora explains as she looks out the massive windows, "who knew Mister R was packing more than dick?"

"Grecia does" Flucio says winking at her direction in which she shakes her head.

He did have a point there.

"i'm sorry, but a man that tall is bound to have a huge-" Joe starts but Grecia cuts him off.

"okay there." She grabs his shoulders and leads him into the living room.

They all sit down in a weird silence which they never did. Boe and Maya look at each other and subtly nod to each other and no one saw them. Again, i'm not anyone.

"we slept together." Boe and Maya say breaking the silence.

"what?!" the rest of the friends say in unison. The five start to throw question which is not heart whatsoever by Maya or Boe.

"Guys guys! Shut up." Grecia silenced her friends as she sees the couple overwhelmed, "i think the most important thing is, are you guys like together or is this just a hookup thing?"

Boe looks at Maya as she does the same harboring love, "i'm crazy about her." He says as the group breaks into awe. Maya scoots next to her love and smooch.

"i don't wanna see that." Grecia says in disgust as they all break into laughter.

Soon that evening, they all got ready to go to the bar a little outside of town, all except for Grecia who's still getting ready.

A deep voice behind the group of friends waiting for Grecia as they all jump says, "Howdy." Gesturing as the hats and boots they were all wearing.

"Hey Mister R." Joe says as he dabs his teacher.

"hey students, what are you all up to?"

"We're going to this bar/club thing outside of town." Kelsey says as Grecia heads out of her room and joins them.

"Out of town you say?" Romeo says raising an eyebrow to Grecia.

"it's only like 5 minutes out of town, but yeah i go all the time and dad is fine with it." Grecia says

"You should come sir!" Boe says breaking the silence.

"he should? he should." Grecia hisses as she looks at her friend in a i'm-gonna-throw-you-down-a-rabbit-hole-and-kill-you look, in which he gulps and holds Maya's hand tighter.

"well then, why not? this should be fun. What the dress code?"

"cowboy sir. Show us you really belong in Durkwood." Maya says smiling sweetly.

"yee-haw to that." He says before going into his room.

"i'm gonna kill you." Grecia says as Boe slowly retrieves.


To everyone's surprise but mine, the group and Cole were actually and genuinely having fun. Grecia and her friends taught Romeo how to do the traditional dance and it's safe to say he has swollen feet.

"one coke, handsome." Grecia says as she slums on the bar trying to catch her breath.

She sits there looking at her friends at the sunny-color-lit dance floor, all of them with their boyfriends and girlfriends and she was the only one there alone. Don't get me wrong, Grecia never needed a man, but she longed for the feeling of having someone. She realized that having a fake boyfriend isn't what she should be doing right now.

She sips her cola as a slow song started to play in which all of the others started to dance to, even Romeo found a partner.

"what's on your mind beautiful?" Cole says as he sits next to her breaking her out of her chains of thought.

"Cole, honey, i like you so much. You're really a great guy, and id love it if we stayed friends. But i can't keep doing this charade." Grecia's eyes were watering for whatever reason that was.

"hey hey. Don't cry. I get it love. Of course we're friends. Now if you'll excuse me, since were not fake dating, i'll make out with that babe over there." He says pointing to a stunning-looking girl in the corner who's already eyeing him.

"You go now." She says laughing as he obeys her.

Looking out on her friends that have potentially met the love of their lives, she couldn't help but feel blue. She truly believed that she'd never find anything like that. Little does she know fate had a special gift around the corner.

Grecia sends a message to the group chat that she's leaving, and for Romeo the same message. She steps out and looking over the hill to the beautiful town. All it's light and faint noises of laughter. As she sucks in the last breath, she felt a hand on her. A hand that never failed to send electricity all over her body.

She looked at Romeo and saw it in his eyes. Something is going to change between them very soon. Question being, will it be what she has been dreaming about ever since she met him, or will it be what she was dreading he'd do ever since the first kiss.

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