★ Love & Passion

By MysticaldivineFaiqa

9.9K 1.1K 866

Part of the Happy New Year's series/ Book 3 New Year's eve, a moment of celebration under the fireworks to b... More

.Story Blurp/Cycle 3.
.Part 4.
.Part 5.
.Part 6.
.Part 7.
.Part 8.
.Part 9.
.Part 10.


1.1K 126 132
By MysticaldivineFaiqa

Hey folks, I won't go in the rush with this tale and it is a kinda new thought to bring it on a canvas with colors. So enjoy with me as I am going to have fun with it. It will be longer than three updates.🤗

Don't forget to vote and comment.

🧿Meaning of these two names.🧿

Divit, meaning 'immortal', brings to mind a happy-go-lucky boy, who's always up for a laugh.

Oishi meaning: Divine. spiritual, Rose


In the early morning, the hues of the world bloom anew as if each were a tiny flower reborn. There is always awakening magic in the early hours of the day, a sense of an old earth-spirit rekindled that seeks to knit together all that is good. 

Upon this autumn day, the breeze is a sweet fragranced petal that wraps around her like a shawl and flowing dress. Feeding birds and enjoying their chirps always brought a wave of peace in her like she was taking care of her kids. 

Pouring water to indoor plants her mind was flowing across over the past years. She chuckled softly, having the most beautiful smile ever finding it hard to believe that she'd been married for twenty-five years. More often than not when she was with Arnav she felt like the same girl who had fallen in love with him. Sometimes it was hard to accept that they were both heading up or around fifty and had grown kids of their own.

"You look so lost Khushi. Is everything ok?" Arnav whispered in her ear, wrapping his arms around her waist.

This man and his scent always felt intoxicated and even now after years he knew how to make me fall in love with him every time under his touch. Khushi's looked into his eyes before saying anything and he understood before she even could put it together as always.

"I'm just thinking how quickly time passes," Khushi said leaning into her husband. "It feels  like only yesterday we were getting married."

"I know what you mean, everytime I look at Oishi and Divit I wonder where my children went." Arnav smiled and released a sigh. "They've grown up so fast."

"Khushi nodded cupping his cheek as her eyes landed on Oishi and Divit's photographs on the wall. " This is why I was against sending Oishi to London. We have only two kids. Look at this Mansion, it looks empty especially after Nani's death. Anjali di got married and have her own life. Mamiji moved with Akash and my sister and now it is me and you."

"I didn't mean in that sense Khushi. Kids have their own life ahead to set for their own future. We can't stop them." Turning her around within his arms he tried to ease her. He knew how much she missed Oishi. 

"I know." 

She just whispered looking at Oishi's picture where she started to love having braids every day, eating from her Mam's hands, and telling her Mama every little detail of her life. Now she was at the University of London, finishing her degree in business management. Not only that she was very much capable of managing her own life too. Divit turned eighteen a couple of weeks before and had applied to many colleges and universities already.

"Come on, let's have a breakfast," Arnav said, jolting Khushi from her thoughts.

"This is supposed to be a proud moment, not a time to be maudlin." He added while walking holding her hand.

"You're right," Khushi said as she took hold of Arnav's hand and let him pull her along with him to the dining table. 

"We should be celebrating that I've managed to go twenty-five years without killing this Laad Governor of mine." She added a little more into her statement.

"Don't forget to count the time before we were married Khushi." Seeing her lighter and smiling Arnav teased a bit more.

He leaned towards her and looked into her beautiful eyes, "That's even more impressive."

"So you're admitting, it's impressive I haven't killed you all these years." Khushi laughed freely when Arnav pulled her chair closer to him and wrapped his arm around her waist.

" Are you threatening me or daring me Mrs. Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada?" He added huskily leaning over her face.

Cupping his cheek she smiled and said, "I always did like to prove people wrong you know."

"I know, you can do anything Khushi." rubbing her nose with his he pulled her a little closer.

"That I am aware of, but I also know that our son Divit Singh Raizada will be here any second." 

"Don't care. He is my son and knows his father has only one girl in his life ." Arnav said huskily and leaned down to capture her lips. Locking her in a passionate embrace he made her forget everything instantly. They were both middle-aged, but their love was still as strong as ever.

Hearing footsteps at a distance she knew Divit was climbing downstairs. Pressing her hand on Arnav's shoulder she pushed him a little and gestured with her eyes.

"Good morning Papa ."

"Good morning Divit."

"good morning young lady." Snaking his arms Divit kissed his mother's cheek but got a soft slap on his instead. 

Is it too painful to call me Mama?"

"Mom, you are too cute." Smiling over his mother's cute pouting face Divit sat right next to her.

  "Okay, first of all, I purposely come late to give you both a little time these days. I know Papa is so busy in his upcoming conferences and shows and comes late at night. Second, I receive this much love from Mom. That's not fair. She loves Oushu di more than me."

Arnav smirked a little hearing fake complaints before grabbing his newspaper. "Divit, don't forget to see me outside after breakfast!"

"Ok, Papa!" Divit chuckled seeing his father changing the subject but he was not backing off today but his phone beeped in between.

"It is Oshu di." Telling his mother he picked up the phone. "Hey, di agree with me with one thing before I give this phone to Mom."

"What Divit? Make it quick. I need to tell Mama something."

"Ok, Ok! Chill di. Don't you agree they both look like a couple of teenagers? I mean Mom and Papa."

"Hmm, I think, they are the cutest couple of this entire world." Oishi giggled.

Passing a glare towards Arnav Khushi gave Divit a soft slap one more time and took the phone from him. "Hi Oushu, how are you? Why are you calling at this hour? Are you sick? Is everything alright? It is 3 something there, right?"

"Mama, breathe. Everything is ok. I slept early when I came back from university so woke up early. And what could be better to call you at this time? I have a surprise for you. Guess what?"

 Exhaling a relief Khushi asked, "What angel?"

" I have five days' assignemt. All students are going somewhere for a week program at different locations for this business assignment. I decided to come back to Papa's office as our AR enterprise is a huge name itself. I told Papa already, he made the arrangements."

"Haw! and you are telling me now?" Perfect O-shaped lips with a huge surprised look towards Arnav Khushi pouted again.

"Don't give Papa any look Mama, I asked him not to tell you because I wanted to surprise you. Didn't you like it?" This time Oishi complained pointedly. Arnav and Divit exchanged an amused look over mother-daughter chat.

"I can't wait now Oushu." Khushi held the phone with both hands. Arnav could see a rim of tears but he knew these were tears of joy. She simply couldn't remove tears from her eyes at all no matter what.

"Ok Mama, got a go. I will be there this weekend. Bye." 

Placing her hands on Arnav's arm, Khushi exclaimed with joy. "Thank you." 

"He placed his hand on hers and smiled. He knew Khushi was feeling down after Nani's death. After the death of her father, mother, and Buaji, Nani was her center of love. She was missing them all so much. He had to do something. One of Oishi's professors was his friend and the rest became easy. Khushi got the feeling that he was behind all of this. Words always failed to describe their true feelings at some moments.

"Papa, do you really want to see me outside or you both need some more time alone?" Divit's teasing smile made him earned another slap from his mother.

"Papa, I'm sure. Soon I will be less than the size I am now if I'll be the receiving end of Mom's slaps.

"Let's go!."  Arnav got up placing the cup of tea aside. "Khushi, aren't you coming?"

Khushi nodded and followed Arnav and Divit. It was a bit cold outside due to the rain a day before. Arnav gestured Divit to go ahead while he got halted to fix Khushi's shawl over her shoulders. 

 There was a small gift box at the top of Arnav's SUV." What is it Papa? A surprise for me?"

Divit asked being excited while Khushi shared a smiled with a quizzical look. Divit almost screamed with joy when he found a key inside. 

Arnav gestured him to run outside the door. Arnav followed him by holding Khushi's hand. Royally ignoring her questions he was finally standing outside where Divit was. He was standing beside his new car. Khushi's lips ended up in perfect O shape as always making her irresistible.  

"Thank you, Papa, I love you," Divit said loud enough ignoring his mother's complaints to his father.

 Arnav held Khushi from the side of her shoulder, " We can't stop them from their dreams, but we can celebrate each moment with them Khushi."


🔸Shout out to All the readers.🔸

🕹Question: So Oishi is coming, she will be disclosing her interests in a guy. Will Arnav be able to accept the same that was he telling Khushi?🕹

See you next week!

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