With You [Cannon Kuroo x read...

By Kurooswifie

602K 12.9K 31.5K

You are a manager for the Karasuno the volleyball team, along with Kiyoko. When you met the captain of the N... More

Y/N's Info
How it All Started Pt. 1
How it All Started Pt.2
Apartment Choices
How it All Started Pt. 3
Practice Match Pt.1
Practice Match Pt.2
His Chibi Chan
Yachi's Appearence
The Bus Ride
Training Camp Pt.1
Training Camp Pt.2
Matcha Strawberry Latte
The Simple Date
Truth or Dare
Lev x Yaku
A Kiss from Kuroo
A Chat With Kenma
Barbecues and Sleepovers
The Last Day
Sick Day
Couple Rings
Long Distance Date
Date Pictures
Shrine Visit
The Kuroo House
Aquarium Date
Late Night Talk
The Nekoma Sisters
Nekoma Matches
With You
Extra Chapters or Season two
Season 2 Confirmed
I Think I Like You
Moving In
I Love You (Chibi Chan)
I Love You (Forever and Always)

Dinner With Old Friends

2.5K 66 75
By Kurooswifie

(Warning Manga Spoilers)

*Four Year Time Skip from the last chapter*

"Hey Y/N chan you're here!" Sugawara greeted.

"Hey Y/N chan long time no see," Daichi joked.

Y/N replied approaching her friends, "Hey everyone, and Daichi san we all met up last month."

"That's still considered as long." Tanaka agreed.

"Sit down next to me Y/N chan, we're just waiting for Asahi san now." Kiyoko smiled.

Everyone was waiting at a restaurant to catch up.  This was a normal thing the friends do each month to keep in touch.  They all meet up somewhere in Koriyama since it was in between Tokyo and Miyagi.  Sugawara and Daichi lived in Miyagi still while both Asahi and Y/N lived in Tokyo.  Tanaka and Kiyoko, on the other hand, lived in Koriyama and were normally in charge with the plans and reservations.

Y/N sat down on the chair next to Kiyoko.  On her right was Tanaka, who had his arm draped over the back of her chair, since they were dating.  Sugawara and Daichi sat next to each other, with one seat on Daichi's left reserved for Asahi.

"Hey guys sorry I was late, a cab missed me last minute and I needed to take a bus the rest of the way," Asahi greeted, explaining his arrival last minute.

"That's alright now sit down, sit down," Sugawara encouraged, waving his hand to invite Asahi.

Asahi awkwardly sat down while Tanaka passed out the menu from the end of the table.

"Since this is a barbecue place and we're all adults," Daichi began, "we should eat to our fullest."

Sugawara whispered to Tanaka, "Geez, even he kept his captain like habits throughout all these years."

Daichi ended up glaring at Sugawara right after.  Kiyoko and Y/N were looking at the menu together while Tanaka explained how this place works to Sugawara, because of his early experiences here.  Asahi and Daichi were getting ready to type down the orders just so they don't forget.  Once everyone was done, they got together and wrote down what they wanted for the menu.  Sugawara called the waiter down to take down their orders.

"Hello everyone, what would you guys like today?" the waiter asked, once he came by.

"We would like a number one, five, six, and eight for now." Daichi replied, reading for the list.

"Alright sir, what about the drinks." The waiter asked once again.

Asahi whispered to everyone, "Wait guys we didn't prepare for this part."

"Do you mind if we get some sake, that would be great," Sugawara said.

"No problem sir, your order will be out shortly." The waiter responded before he left.

"You guys can drink right?" Sugawara asked.

A round of mutters claiming yes spread around as Suagwara was proud that he has guess correctly.

A waitress came by to give everyone the drinks before leaving.

Daichi poured the drinks for everyone while Sugawara shuffled the menu back into the end of the table.

"I was wondering, how's Noya san doing in Italy?" Sugawara asked.

"Oh he's doing well, we call every night," Asahi replied.

"How come you guys call so late?" Daichi asked, before handing out the sake cups.

"Noya san told me that he likes to live on the edge, so he wakes up in the middle of the night." Asahi responded.

"That's Noya san for you," Y/N added.

"How are you and Kuroo san Y/N chan?" Kiyoko asked.

"We're doing well, he's actually returning from a business trip tomorrow," Y/N replied, "that's why I requested that we moved the meet up date to today."

"Ah that makes sense," Daichi added.

"Anyways, let's raised our glasses for a good friendship," Sugawara stated as he stood up, "that lasted long of course."

Everyone stood up and their cups met in the middle.

"Cheers," Everyone exclaimed.

The group of friends sat back down to drink the sake.

"So how'd you guys get here?" Tanaka asked.

"I drove Daichi san here," Sugawara said, eyeing Daichi to see his reaction.

"Okay but at least we switched off," Daichi fought back, joking for the most of it.

Sugawara pouted in repsonse, "Pfft yeah right."

"I took a cab here and I'll take a cab back tonight," Y/N answered.

"Well I drove the two of us all the way here," Tanaka flexed.

"But that's not fair, you two live around here," Suagwara joked.

"How about you Asahi san?" Daichi asked.

"I took a couple trains here again, I still can't drive for my life," Asahi said, holding his hands up in defense.

The waiter came back with the food and began to cook the meat for them.

"I'll get started on the first set of meat for you guys," The waiter said.

"Thank you very much," Daichi thanked.

Once the waiter was done, Daichi and Tanaka took over to cooking job.

"Y/N chan, Asahi san, since you two are a bit far from us," Sugawara began, "do you guys have anything to do the next few weeks?"

"Well I still have to run my cafe and Lev san and Yaku san are coming back to Tokyo two weeks later," Y/N responded, "so I'm quite busy at the moment."

"Same with me, I have a couple dresses to finish up on," Asahi added, "it's quite tiring doing this job, what about you guys."

"My sports shop is doing fine since Ryu san is helping with the heavy lifting sometimes," Kiyoko replied.

"I just need to file some reports before I'm on my three day break next week," Daichi replied.

Tanaka added on, "I still have to train people everyday, so nothing has really changed.  What about you Suga san."

"You see... I'm not busy at all," Suagwara said, trying to show off, "I only have papaers to grade and students to teach before I go on my weekend break every week."

"Man if only I taught people too," Tanaka replied.

"But don't you teach people as an athletic trainer?" Y/N asked.

"Wait but there are no entire constant breaks," Tanaka pouted, "it's only when I'm sick or something."

Daichi started, "Hey guys the meat is ready, let's eat now."

Everyone nodded and put their hands together and said "thanks for the food".  The entire time, the friends were catching up and eating.  Sugawara spent most of the time ordering food along with Tanaka to keep everyone full.  Kiyoko and Y/N were catching up and talking about their businesses.  Daichi and Asahi had a talk about their professions and Nishinoya.  The conversations all together consisted of memories and their old team mates, wondering what they were doing now.  The dinner came to an end of course and everyone stopped eating just to spend more quality time.

"I'm stuffed, I'll go take a smoke now," Tanaka said, "Suga san, Daichi san, Asahi san, do you guys wanna come with?"

"Sure," Sugawara said as he stood up from his seat.

"Okay, let's go Asahi san," Daichi said.

"Wait guys I don't smoke," Asahi said.

"Oh come one, just come with." Daichi said, gently pushing Asahi out of his seat.

"I wonder what they're going to talk about," Y/N asked Kiyoko once the rest left.

"They're probably just smoking." Kiyoko replied.

"Anyways, how are you and Tanaka san," Y/N asked.

Once Tanaka, Sugawara, Daichi, and Asahi were outside, Tanaka pulled them to the side of the restaurant.

"Do any of you guys have a cigarette, cause I forgot mine at home." Sugawara said as he pat himself down.

"Yeah I got one," Daichi said, offering Sugawara one.

"Okay guys, so I have something to tell you." Tanaka said.

Everyone turned to face Tanaka, who was holding out a black ring box.  The cigarette, which was in Daichi's mouth, fell out as the three of them stared at Tanaka.

"So guys is it too early or..." Tanaka began.

"Tanaka san, I'm flattered, but you-" Sugawara began.

"No Suga san, this is obviously for Kiyoko san." Daichi stated, giving him a smack in the back of his head.

"Shh guys be quiet, this is supposed to be a surprise," Asahi said, "now let Tanaka san talk."

"Thanks Asahi san, anways," Tanaka cleared his throat, "I know that Kiyoko san has been hinting this for a couple days now and I really want to propose, but I'm scared of doing it for some reason."

"Hey it's okay Tanaka san, if you're worried that she'll say no, which she won't, " Sugawara began, "just remember that she has been hinting this for a while now."

"Tanaka san, I suggest that you propose right here and now once you come in," Daichi suggested, "I'm sure that she'll appreciate and like this a lot."

"Like Daichi san said, Tanaka san you can do this." Asahi added.

"Thanks guys, let's go in so I can finally propose," Tanaka said, pumping his fist.

"Well that was easy," Daichi commented, walking behind Tanaka from a distance.

"It's Tanaka san, what do you expect," Sugawara replied, passing Daichi and Asahi to catch up with Tanaka.

Once they were inside again, everyone sat down in their seats except for Tanaka.  Tanaka inhaled before walking up to Kiyoko.

"Kiyoko san, I need to tell you something," Tanaka stated as he held his hand out.

Kiyoko stood up to grab it and Tanaka led them to the end of the table.  Kiyoko was a bit confused about what was happening until Tanaka knelt down in front of her.

"Kiyoko san, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" Tanaka asked as he opened the ring box in front of her.

Kiyoko teared up as she repeatedly nodded "yes".  Tanaka stood up to put the ring on her left hand.  The couple hugged while everyone in the restaurant was cheering and clapping now for the couple.  Y/N and Asahi gave each other a high five while Daichi and Sugawara were clapping and cheering along.

Once the emotions in the restaurant died down, Tanaka and Kiyoko sat back down.  Kiyoko and Y/N checked out the ring on Kiyoko's finger while everyone else gave Tanaka a pat on the back.

The waiter came by to give them the check, "The owner gave you guys a discount of 50% off since there was a proposal, best wishes for the two of you."

"Thank you so much," Kiyoko replied with a smile.

The waiter quickly bowed down before leaving their table.

"I suggest we split the bill between the four of us since we have a new groom and bride with us." Y/N suggested.

"I agree, it's only fair," Asahi stated as he took the bill, "that should be 4097.70 yen for the four of us."

"Lemme see that, I'm the math teacher here," Sugawara said, as Asahi handed him the bill.

"....actually that's correct, let's pay up everyone." Sugawara continued.

"You got it," Asahi, Daichi, and Y/N agreed.

"Hey guys you don't need to do that, you ate too you know," Tanaka offered.

"Stop worrying Tanaka san, we got it." Y/N said.

"Plus you still need to save up for a wedding." Daichi added.

"Make sure it's a grand one too, so saving up is the best choice." Sugawara commented.

Once the four paid, the group of friends left for the night.  They were all outside hugging each other goodbye.  Everyone waved each other a good bye and headed off in different directions.  Daichi, Sugawara, Kiyoko, and Tanaka headed off to the parking lot while Y/N and Asahi headed in another direction, to a bus stop.

Y/N looked behind her and saw Kuroo checking his watch, in front of his car.

"Hey Asahi san, I think I'll head home with Tetsu san now," Y/N said, as she pointed at her boyfriend, "he's over there waiting."

"Okay, I'll just walk you there just in case." Asahi replied.

"Thanks," Y/N said with a smile.

The pair headed over to Kuroo's car.  Once Kuroo could see them, he waved happily.  Of course the friends waved back.

"Hey Asahi san, long time no see." Kuroo said.

"Same to you as well Kuroo san, I'll just drop Y/N chan off with you and head off." Asahi said.

"Alright thanks for taking care of her." Kuroo said.

Asahi walked away, waving at the couple as they waved back.  Once Asahi turned the corner, Kuroo opened the door for Y/N.

"Nice to see you again Chibi chan," Kuroo said, before planting a kiss on Y/N's head.

They sat in the car as Kuroo started the engine.  Kuroo drove away from the parking lot to the street in a matter of minutes.

"Tetsu san, I thought you weren't arriving until tomorrow." Y/N said.

"Yeah, well I finished my work earlier than normal, so I wanted to pick you up." Kuroo explained, "plus I was nearby, so that was even better."

*Flashback from this morning*

Kuroo's phone rang as he was walking back to his car, where his driver awaited.  He had just finished a presentation and had additional paper work to do.

Kuroo picked up his phone, "Hey Kenma san, what's up?"

"Remember when you asked me what Y/N chan was doing today?" Kenma replied.

"Yeah, is she doing well?  Is she tired or anything?" Kuroo asked.

"No she's doing well, Y/N chan's just visiting her high school friends tonight in Koriyama." Kenma replied.

"Really? Okay."

"You better not-" Kenma began.

Kuroo hung up on him as he entered his car.

"I want you to floor it to Koriyama once we're done with this last job." Kuroo said as he closed his door, "I'll pay for your plane back to Tokyo."

"You got it sir, but did you finish all your jobs like you were supposed to?" Ito asked (he's the driver btw)

"Yeah yeah, I'll finish the paperwork the next week, I got time." Kuroo replied.

*End Flashback*

Y/N asked, "Do you want to switch off driving tonight?  You must be tired after the trip."

"No, I'm perfectly fine," Kuroo answered, as he poked Y/N's cheek, "plus you know me, obviously I have more stamina and energy than you."

"So how'd you know that I was here?" Y/N asked, "if I remembered correctly, I haven't told you yet."

"Kenma san told me, he knows all," Kuroo smiled.

Silence filled the car as Kuroo stopped at the red light.  Kuroo snuck his right hand over to hold Y/N's left hand as she looked out the window.

"Did anything exciting happen today?" Kuroo asked.

"Oh right, Tanaka san proposed to Kiyoko san." Y/N replied with a smile.


"Yeah, I'm glad they're happy.  Kiyoko san actually started crying."

Kuroo sighed as he gently squeezed Y/N's hand, "Don't forget our promise just yet alright."

Kuroo kissed the back of Y/N's hand before driving once again.


This isn't the last chapter by the way.  I wanted to write this to show that you, the reader, hasn't ditched their friends from Miyagi yet.  The next chapter will be the last one from the extra chapters.  I was thinking of retiring earlier this time, but I still want to finish the next chapter.  So no more books or chapters will be coming out.  If you were wondering, the word count is 2512 so not much.  Thank you for your time and happy reading.

- The Author

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