(Never) forget you

By animekpop_nerd

687 28 6

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Aesthetic/main cast
20: Him, her, the unforeseen


35 1 0
By animekpop_nerd

The next day was like the calm after the storm.

UA was closed, the teachers probably trying to digest what happened the day before, and decide what to do.

Last night, when you came home, Yui-san barely said anything, which was a surprise. You had expected her to yell at you, tell you that this is what a hero goes through on a daily basis, that if you died, she was to be left alone.

Instead, she only welcomed you home and brought you dinner to your room, while you were putting an ice pack on your stomach.

You were glad she didn't make much conversation. You weren't really in the mood to talk -or do anything really.

You just laid in your bed for what felt like a very long time, staring at the ceiling, thinking about the events that happened that day.

You eventually fell asleep, and, when your alarm clock rang, you were just as tired as the night before.


When Shouto woke up, he was in the worst mood possible.

Endeavour -again- yelled from the other side of the house for him to wake up. Because even though he wasn't going to school today, he just had to be woken up like that.

Shouto didn't have an appetite, nor the strength to sit down at the same table with that old man, so he apologized to Fuyumi and went for a walk to clear his head.

He thought about some things.

About his dream of becoming a hero -the number 1 hero. That was the first thing he was supposed to be concerned about.

The other day, he had just witnessed a villain attack. He fought real villains -and even though they didn't seem that strong, he had managed to handle them.

Last night, his father made him sit through a one-hour lecture about villain attacks. Shouto was trying so hard to just endure it, so he could go to his room and sleep as soon as possible.

Endeavour talked about so many things yet by the time he was in his bed, lights off, complete darkness surrounding him, Shouto had forgotten each word his father had said.

Shouto took a turn to the park he usually came to when he needed to clear his head.

While he was sitting on a bench, looking at the kids, you came to his mind -again.

He couldn't understand why. Yeah, the fact that you treated him like you had just met him a few days ago while he was trying to act indifferent around you was annoying, but it had always been easy for him to not care about others.

Yet with you, each time he saw you, he wanted to ask why you didn't remember him. He wanted to remind you of the times you had spent together all those years ago -maybe that would ring some bells.

But no matter how much he tried, he couldn't bring himself to ask.

That was the most annoying thing.

He just wanted to confirm that you didn't remember, and then focus on his priorities. That way, he could get all other aspects out of his mind, and focus on training.

There was one more thing though.

What if you did remember him? What if you were acting like that because he didn't show signs of knowing you either?

That was possible too, right?

Shouto sighed. He had to get this over with. That way, he would stop thinking about you and making assumptions on his own.

He wasn't interested in getting involved with you anymore anyway -unless you were a possible rival. That's what he liked to think.

So even if you remembered, nothing would change.


"HA?! Why do I have to train with icy hot?!"

"...and with me"

Bakugou scoffed as he crossed his arms and leaned back into his chair.

"Because they can help you improve, and you can help them. Team work is very important." Aizawa said, leaving the classroom as the bell rang, probably to go sleep.

You were back at school, and your teacher had just announced that during the two weeks before the upcoming sports festival, you would all train in groups of three, picked by him.

You were with Bakugou and Todoroki. Understandable, since their quirks were mostly offensive and yours was better for defence.

However, managing a certain spiky haired boom boy would be a little bit difficult.

"Why can't I just train alone?!"

"Because training with me and Todoroki will bring you more benefit" you said as you were leaning on the wall near Minas desk, hearing a slight giggle from her. "Also, I made a group chat, so we can decide where to train later."

Bakugou scoffed again, shoving his hands into his pockets, and heading for the exit of the classroom.

You took that as a yes.

However, as Bakugou opened the door, he was welcomed by a bunch of students standing in front of it.

"Outta my way, extras!"

"Bakugou! It is very inappropriate to call people 'extras'! Apologize immediately!" Iida flickered his hands around, but was ignored as always.

"Hmmm... I came to see what the famous class 1A was like," you turned your head at the familiar voice, only to see Shinsou walking to the front of the crowd, the same bored, tired look on his face. He locked eyes with Bakugou "But you seem arrogant." He then saw you looking at him, and lifted a hand up, slightly waving. "Hey there Y/n"

You waved back. "Yo"

"You know him?" Mina asked.

"Yeah, we went to the same middle school"

"You know, a lot of us have been put in general studies or other courses because we didn't make it in the hero course, and depending on the results at the sports festival, they will consider our transfer" Shinsou continued, now looking through the class. "And it seems they might also transfer people out" he added, noticing some of your classmates throw nervous glances at each other.

No one said anything for a few moments, and only slight murmures were heard from the people outside of your classroom. Shinsou threw a glance at your classmates' concerned faces, before looking at Bakugou again. "I came with a declaration of war"

"HA?!" Bakugou grunted.

"Ya heard me. We'll see at the sports festival who actually deserves to be in class 1A. Until then, see ya" Shinsou turned on his heels and pushed through the crowd, not before waving in your direction once again.

"Move it!"

Mina chuckled at Bakugou's angry expression as he too made his way through the crowd. You then said goodbye to her as you made your way to the desk in front of Todoroki, with the intention of packing your bag and leaving, since school hours had ended.

As you were ready to go, you turned around in your seat. Todoroki was looking in his lap, the usual emotionless expression on his face, only now a little more serious -concentrated on something.

"Hey, I was thinking it would be best to train at Bakugous, is that okay with you?"

At the sound of your voice, he looked up. There were barely any students left other than the two of you.

Shouto frowned a little. You had a neutral, somewhat cheerful face.

But, studying your eyes a little, he could see the slight dark circles forming under them. And the small smile you had on your face, it seemed fake. You had probably been affected by what had happened yesterday.

Today, even though they were probably curious, no one asked you about what had happened at the USJ. Not even Kirishima or Kaminari.

He was curious too.

So curious.

He liked to think that it would've been the same if any other classmate suddenly showed connection with villains. That he would have wondered if they were okay, how they were handling it, what really happened to them in the past.

That was a lie though. It was because it was you, that he was thinking about it so much.

He would never admit it though.

You cocked your head to the side, waiting for his response. Noticing that he was staring, Shouto nodded.

He then looked back up at you.

You had turned back around, and were getting ready to leave.

Now would be a good time to ask if you remembered him, right? That way, he could get this weird weight off his chest and focus on his training.


You looked at him as you were taking your bag and putting it on your shoulder.

"...How's your burn?"

'Damn, Todoroki Shouto, you can't even ask a question.' He mentally face-palmed.

You raised an eyebrow in slight confusion. That was probably the last think you were expecting from him.

You gave him a small smile -a genuine one this time.

"Its starting to heal, I have been putting ice on it every day. Thanks for worrying."

He gave you a nod, and you noticed the side of his lips curving into a barely noticeable smile.

"Well, see you tomorrow then" you added, walking to the classroom door.



It was such a beautiful, sunny day. There were barely any clouds on the sky. The weather was nice -not too hot or too cold.

"Sho-kun, you're here! Let's go play in the sand!" the little girl called for her friend who had just arrived at the playground.

Sweat was dripping on the boy's face and neck; he had run there, to be able to play with his friend a little.

She took his hand and brought him to her favourite area. They played for a while; built a few castles, laughed together.

Well, it was mostly her laughing, with him shyly smiling, happy that she was happy.

It was like they were in their own world. Like the only thing that mattered was each other.

The boy felt safe next to her. He couldn't explain -nor understand- why. He just did. And he wanted to be her friend forever.


The boy and the girl froze and turned their heads in the direction the voice was coming from.

It was his father.

Each time the boy would come and play, in at least fifteen minutes, a big, fiery man would show up, yelling at him to return. The boy would simply get up, apologize to his friend, and go.

The girl never really understood why that happened.

But each time that man appeared, she could see the boys expression change. It went from a little shy and cheerful to anxious, scared. That was why she never asked about it.

She smiled at him, told him she would be waiting for them to play again.

And the next day, or a few days later, the boy would return. And both of them felt such happiness in each other's presence, that nothing else seemed to matter anymore.

But today, the boy had a weird feeling in his stomach. Like something bad was about to happen.

While getting up to return to his father, he prompted the girl to get up as well. Unexpectedly, he gave her a hug, buried his head into her shoulder.

He seemed so desperate, squeezing the girl a little too hard.

But somehow, she understood as well. She hugged him back, while hearing a small sob on the boy's side.


He let go, and the girl slowly caressed his cheek.

"Don't worry, Sho-kun, we will play another day" she said, smiling back.

He could only nod.

"Bye-bye, Y/n"


That was the last time the two saw each other.


You gasped as you forcefully sat up, cold sweat on your forehead. You put a hand on your chest, panting heavily.

A nightmare. Hadn't had that in a long time.

You usually remembered your dreams quite well. However, now you didn't remember one thing.

You reached for your inhaler on your night stand, and after using it and calming down a little, you looked at the time.

It was 8 am. There were two more hours left until you were supposed to meet with Bakugou and Todoroki, but there was no way you would be able to go back to sleep.

You had messaged the two yesterday. After a little quarrel from Bakugous side, and Todoroki reasoning that you couldn't train at his house since there was no space, you all agreed to meet at Bakugous the next day at 10.

Of course, Bakugou had suggested -more like demanded- 7, so you could "train for as much as possible", but there was no way in hell you were waking up at 6.

After brushing your teeth and eating breakfast, you got changed and went on your phone for a while.

At 9:15, you decided to go, since it was better to arrive a little early than too late. You put your headphones in and went out the door.

You arrived in front of Bakugous house at 9:50. Considering it would be impolite towards his parents to arrive 10 minutes earlier than planned, you decided to just wait a little before ringing the doorbell.

After a few minutes, you saw Todoroki arrive.

"Why are you just standing here?"

"Oh, I arrived too early"

He only nodded and walked beside you.

After a few moments of awkward silence, you decided to ring the doorbell.

"Katsuki! Go open the door!" the muffled voice of a woman could be heard, making you realize who had Bakugou taken after.

"HA?! Im warming up! You go!"

"Do I have to repeat myself?!"

You couldn't help but chuckle a little as you heard the familiar grumble of a certain classmate as he opened the door.

"You're late!"

After looking at the time on your phone, you smirked at him "Its exactly 10 am. We're not."

He let out a "tch" sound. "Lets just get to training"

You followed Bakugou to his backyard, Todoroki trailing behind you.

"So, how does this time-stopping thing work anyways?" Bakugou asked after you arrived.

"Let me show you"

You closed your eyes for a moment. When you opened them, time was stopped.

You ran to Bakugou, putting a hand on his shoulder and letting time continue its flow.


You smirked.

"Ya see now? I could've knocked you unconscious before you would've even realized I was near you" you said, taking your hand off his shoulder.

"No way! I would've dodged it!"

"Haha, sure"

The first day went surprisingly well.

First, Todoroki and Bakugou teamed up against you. They attacked you with their quirks while you dodged and even managed to get a few kicks in.

Surprisingly, the burn wasn't that bothersome, so everything went well for about three hours, until you called a time-out and laid on the ground panting.

Bakugou complained a little, before saying that he will train by himself -you knew he was tired too and would secretly rest- while Todoroki sat next to you.

You closed your eyes and sighed.

"You okay?"

The question surprised you so much that you sprung up and looked at him wide-eyed. He was looking in the opposite direction, slightly fidgeting with his fingers.

You couldn't help but smile a little. "Yeah"

You looked at Todoroki for a little longer. While he had seemed a little familiar from the first time you saw him, now, his presence sort of seemed... comforting. You couldn't really put it into words.

Something about him just made you feel... safe.

"OI! Are you gonna go to sleep in my backyard or continue training?!"

You were brought back to your senses by Bakugou's yelling. Getting up, both you and Todoroki went to him and continued fighting.


A/n: I changed the covers of all my stories and made them more aesthetic because it looks cool af and I wanted to have kind of like a theme going on, I hope it looks alright lol

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