Take Me With You (Deadlox/End...

Por Clouds-of-Anime

7.8K 326 289

Everyone's dream is to meet a Youtuber on Minecraft. It was what all my schoolmates talked about. Too bad I d... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
4K VIEWS :0 + Announcement

Chapter 34

169 6 4
Por Clouds-of-Anime

~Ty's POV~

Well, that's Ian, Mitch, Jerome and Seto down already.

The boys were easy to take down, no doubt about that. But its Skybrine against Deadlox, Layla and I.

A gray figure materialized next to Skybrine. Well, okay, WitherMU and Skybrine against the three of us.

I wouldn't call it an even match, and i think they've got the advantage.

WitherMU charged straight at Deadlox, but with Deadlox's new combined power of the Ender dragon, redstone and his own good will he was barely a match for WitherMU.

Layla and I took on Skybrine together. We were doing good, with Layla and i using our telepathy link so whenever i portaled Skybrine she could hit him with some redstone stuff.

It was all over when there was a strangled cry from Deadlox. Layla lost her concentration when she turned around to make sure her new lover was alright. To be honest, i did too and that let Skybrine have the advantage over us.

Turns out it wasn't Deadlox that was hurt but it was WitherMU. So Deadlox is a better PvP-er than WitherMU. (NOT CONFIRMED.) Deadlox was grabbing WitherMU's arms and pulling them back while his foot was on his back, successfully pinning him to the floor.

"Ty!" I heard a yell from behind me. I instantly turned around to find Skybrine holding Layla against the wall by her neck.

"Can't... Breathe..." Layla gasped, and I saw Skybrine tighten his death grip.

"Layla!" Deadlox let go of WitherMU and ran over.

"Not one step closer, Ender," Skybrine breathed. Layla was suffering, she was turning a bit blue. She was struggling too, but her efforts were getting weaker and weaker.

"Its either Layla or Ty, Ender," Skybrine whispered. "And you chose the former. So that means the latter is up for grabs."

"But you were too late!" Deadlox practically yelled. "Mitch won her heart before you."

Skybrine flexed his hand and Layla coughed, a few red spots appearing on Skybrine's sleeve. "Give me Ty and I'll give you Layla."

By now Layla had stopped moving altogether, even though her hands were still weakly clasped onto Skybrine's arms. Deadlox was visibly torn between the two decisions.

"Let go of Layla," I said. Skybrine turned his head to look at me. "You heard me. Let. Go."

Skybrine sneered at me. "And whatcha gonna do? You can't stop me from killing off your little friend here. She just stole your ex. Aren't you a little bit mad at her?"

That reopened old wounds. True i did feel furious that Enderlox had just dumped me for another person, but time passes and heals all sorts of wounds, and now i have found another person to fill my heart.

"LET. GO!" I screamed at Skybrine, and opened up a portal. I had no idea what i was doing, i just let my emotions flow out. All the things ive been hiding behind my bangs, my invisibility, all the things from my past. Everything. Just, everything.

The portal i opened was one to the Nether. A part of me was disappointed that i had only made something so plain, but then someone stepped out of it and i suddenly felt a million times better.

It was Herobrine. Real, live, non-holographic Herobrine.

He looked at me with those pupil-less eyes of his. "Good work, Ty," he praised. Then he turned his head to Skybrine and waved his hand.

Skybrine vanished and reappeared next to him, and Layla fell limply to the ground. Deadlox and i immediately ran over, and WitherMU stayed where he was, a bit intimidated by the prescence of Herobrine, i would assume.

"She won't die," Herobrine informed us. "But she will be in a fragile condition." He lifted his hand in a stop gesture when i was about to thank him. "i think its you i should be thanking, young lady. After all, it was you who freed me from the Nether." he winked at me and waved his hand, and he disappeared along with Skybrine and WitherMU, and Mitch, Jerome, Ian and Seto began to stir.

~Deadlox's POV~

What just happened? I splashed the last of my regeneration potions onto the ground and Layla woke up a bit.

"Is he gone?" she rasped, her throat raw. Bruises were already starting to form but the regeneration potion lasts 6 minutes so she should be alright.

"Ty summoned Herobrine and he helped make them... vanish," i answered Layla. "Don't talk now, you need to rest."

How did you make him appear? I heard Layla ask. I think she was supposed to be speaking to Ty, but then i heard her. Wasn't he, like, confined to the Nether?

"I dunno," Ty shrugged, and i noticed that she wasn't using telepathy, so i looked at her strangely and she smiled and waved back. I'll ask him when i get the chance, she used telepathy again and told Layla. Her head shifted a bit and that was either a nod or just her regen starting to take effect.


~4 months later~ (TEE HEE)

Do you think you'll be making little dragon babies? Ty used telepathy and asked. I almost fell out of my chair. I was working on another project on the computer which had been meant for Skybrine's birthday but then he hadn't appeared since Herobrine took him. So i evovled it into a program which helps players detect ores underground.

Back to the matter at hand. I've been listening to their telepathic conversations ever since Layla almost got choked. They never realized i was noticing, and usually they would be talking about clothes or fashion or Mitch or sometimes when im unlucky their periods, but this was the first time they discussed this.

I was both interested and a bit sick.

Well dragon babies would be cool but i think i'd like it more if they were either fully human or dragon hybrids. Layla replied. Maybe i should interfere. Before things got out of hand.

"Uh guys?" i swallowed hard and turned around in my chair. Layla and Ty were sitting in opposite corners pretending to be doing stuff instead of doing what they were supposed to be doing, which was doing redstone stuff for Layla and practicing portaling for Ty.

"Yeah?" Layla put down the tiny redstone-powered robots on the ground, and they were walking around in circles on the floor. It was kinda hypnotizing. Until Ty snapped her fingers, of course, because they were hella loud.

"Oh right," I shook my wings nervously. "Well you know that day when Skybrine... Disappeared?" They nodded and Layla's hand twitched, making the redstone robots explode.

Uh huh. Better not bring that up again. "Well ever since then ive kinda... Heard... Your... Telepathic conversations..."

Everything happened in a blur. Layla was laughing and i was relieved, but then i found myself standing on the ceiling instead of the floor and because of gravity i fell down but then found myself on the ceiling again. The cycle kept repeating and i heard Layla laughing harder and harder.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" i yelled. Then the cycle became faster and faster until i was sruck on the ceiling. I realized then that Ty was portaling me over and over again. The blood was rushing to my head.

Ty kept me pinned onto the ceiling. "Why didn't you tell us earlier?" she wanted to know. "its been FOUR months! And we discussed womanly things. Things that THE OPPOSITE SEX AREN'T SUPPOSED TO HEAR."

"yeah, yeah im sorry," i barely managed to wheeze out.

"He's having trouble breathing, Ty," Layla laughed more. "All the bloods in his head. And i don't think it matters, personally."

"Of course it doesn't matter to you he's practically your boyfriend!"

"Practically?" I can imagine layla raising her eyebrows. "Just let him down."

"As you wish," Ty was smiling. And then suddenly i was falling, and i was thinking oh shit don't let me break my wing again when i suddenly landed on my chair, on my butt.

"Thanks, Ty," i said, putting my head down on the table. The rapid blood loss in my head was making me light-headed.

"Anytime," Ty laughed. Then the lights inside the cave dimmed a bit. It was evening. "I should probably go back," Ty said. I lifted my head. "I only promised Mitch i'd stay here for the week."

"Bye, Ty," Layla and I said. She waved and teleported away.

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